The basic user interface of AMG4PBLAS consists of eight methods. The six methods
, set
, build
, hierarchy_build
, smoothers_build
and apply
encapsulate all the
functionalities for the setup and the application of any multilevel and one-level
preconditioner implemented in the package. The method free
deallocates the
preconditioner data structure, while descr
prints a description of the preconditioner
setup by the user. For backward compatibility, methods are also accessible as
stand-alone subroutines.
For each method, the same user interface is overloaded with respect to the real/complex and single/double precision data; arguments with appropriate data types must be passed to the method, i.e.,
the sparse matrix data structure, containing the matrix to be preconditioned, must be of type psb_xspmat_type with x = s for real single precision, x = d for real double precision, x = c for complex single precision, x = z for complex double precision;
the preconditioner data structure must be of type amg_xprec_type, with x = s, d, c, z, according to the sparse matrix data structure;
the arrays containing the vectors v and w involved in the preconditioner application w = B-1v must be of type psb_xvect_type with x = s, d, c, z, in a manner completely analogous to the sparse matrix type;
real parameters defining the preconditioner must be declared according to the precision of the sparse matrix and preconditioner data structures (see Section 5.2).
A description of each method is given in the remainder of this section.
call p%init(contxt,ptype,info)
This method allocates and initializes the preconditioner p
, according to the
preconditioner type chosen by the user.
| The communication context. |
| The type of preconditioner. Its values are specified in Table 1. |
| Note that strings are case insensitive. |
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
call p%set(what,val,info [,ilev, ilmax, pos, idx])
This method sets the parameters defining the preconditioner p
. More precisely, the
parameter identified by what
is assigned the value contained in val
| The parameter to be set. It can be specified through its name; the string is case-insensitive. See Tables 2-8. |
| The value of the parameter to be set. The list of allowed values and
the corresponding data types is given in Tables 2-8. When the value
is of type |
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
| For the multilevel preconditioner, the level at which the
preconditioner parameter has to be set. The levels are numbered
in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e., level 1 is the
finest level. If |
| For the multilevel preconditioner, when both |
| Whether the other arguments apply only to the pre-smoother
( |
| An auxiliary input argument that can be passed to the underlying objects. |
A variety of preconditioners can be obtained by setting the appropriate preconditioner parameters. These parameters can be logically divided into four groups, i.e., parameters defining
the type of multilevel cycle and how many cycles must be applied;
the coarsening algorithm;
the solver at the coarsest level (for multilevel preconditioners only);
the smoother of the multilevel preconditioners, or the one-level preconditioner.
A list of the parameters that can be set, along with their allowed and default values, is
given in Tables 2-8.
Remark 2. A smoother is usually obtained by combining two objects: a
smoother (’SMOOTHER_TYPE’
) and a local solver (’SUB_SOLVE’
), as specified in
Tables 7-9. For example, the block-Jacobi smoother using ILU(0) on the blocks is
obtained by combining the block-Jacobi smoother object with the ILU(0) solver
object. Similarly, the hybrid Gauss-Seidel smoother (see Note in Table 7) is
obtained by combining the block-Jacobi smoother object with a single sweep of
the Gauss-Seidel solver object, while the point-Jacobi smoother is the result
of combining the block-Jacobi smoother object with a single sweep of the
point-Jacobi solver object. In the same way are obtained the ℓ1-versions of the
smoothers. However, for simplicity, shortcuts are provided to set all versions of
point-Jacobi, hybrid (forward) Gauss-Seidel, and hybrid backward Gauss-Seidel, i.e.,
the previous smoothers can be defined just by setting ’SMOOTHER_TYPE’
certain specific values (see Tables 7), without the need to set ’SUB_SOLVE’
The smoother and solver objects are arranged in a hierarchical manner. When specifying a smoother object, its parameters, including the local solver, are set to their default values, and when a solver object is specified, its defaults are also set, overriding in both cases any previous settings even if explicitly specified. Therefore if the user sets a smoother, and wishes to use a solver different from the default one, the call to set the solver must come after the call to set the smoother.
Similar considerations apply to the point-Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and block-Jacobi
coarsest-level solvers, and shortcuts are available in this case too (see Table 5).
Remark 3. The polynomial-accelerated smoother described in Tables 7 and 9
redefines a sweep or iteration as corresponding to the degree of the polynomial used.
Consequently, the ’SMOOTHER_SWEEPS’
option is overridden by the ’POLY_DEGREE’
option. This smoother is paired with a base smoother object, whose iterations are
accelerated using the specified polynomial smoothing technique. By default, the
ℓ1-Jacobi smoother serves as the base smoother, offering theoretical guarantees on the
resulting convergence factor [15, 27]. Alternative combinations are experimental and
lack established guarantees.
Remark 4. Many of the coarsest-level solvers apply to a specific coarsest-matrix layout; therefore, setting the solver after the layout may change the layout to either distributed or replicated. Similarly, setting the layout after the solver may change the solver.
More precisely, UMFPACK and SuperLU require the coarsest-level matrix to be replicated, while SuperLU_Dist and KRM require it to be distributed. In these cases, setting the coarsest-level solver implies that the layout is redefined according to the solver, ovverriding any previous settings. MUMPS, point-Jacobi, hybrid Gauss-Seidel and block-Jacobi can be applied to replicated and distributed matrices, thus their choice does not modify any previously specified layout. It is worth noting that, when the matrix is replicated, the point-Jacobi, hybrid Gauss-Seidel and block-Jacobi solvers and their ℓ1- versions reduce to the corresponding local solver objects (see Remark 2). For the point-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel solvers, these objects correspond to a single point-Jacobi sweep and a single Gauss-Seidel sweep, respectively, which are very poor solvers.
On the other hand, the distributed layout can be used with any solver but UMFPACK and SuperLU; therefore, if any of these two solvers has already been selected, the coarsest-level solver is changed to block-Jacobi, with the previously chosen solver applied to the local blocks. Likewise, the replicated layout can be used with any solver but SuperLu_Dist and KRM; therefore, if SuperLu_Dist or KRM have been previously set, the coarsest-level solver is changed to the default sequential solver.
In a parallel setting with many cores, we suggest to the users to change the default coarsest solver for using the KRM choice, i.e. a parallel distributed iterative solution of the coarsest system based on Krylov methods.
Remark 4. The argument idx
can be used to allow finer control for those solvers;
for instance, by specifying the keyword ’MUMPS_IPAR_ENTRY’
and an appropriate value
for idx
, it is possible to set any entry in the MUMPS integer control array. See also
Sec. 6.
| data type |
| default | comments |
| Multilevel cycle: V-cycle, W-cycle, K-cycle, and additive composition. |
| | Any integer number ≥ 1 | 1 | Number of multilevel cycles. |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| | Any number > 0 | 200 | Coarse size threshold per process. The aggregation stops if the global number of variables of the computed coarsest matrix is lower than or equal to this threshold multiplied by the number of processes (see Note). |
| | Any number > 0 | -1 | Coarse size threshold. The aggregation
stops if the global number of variables
of the computed coarsest matrix is lower
than or equal
to this threshold (see Note). If negative,
it is ignored in favour of the default for
| | Any number > 1 | 1.5 | Minimum coarsening ratio. The aggregation stops if the ratio between the global matrix dimensions at two consecutive levels is lower than or equal to this threshold (see Note). |
| | Any integer number > 1 | 20 | Maximum number of levels. The aggregation stops if the number of levels reaches this value (see Note). |
| ’DEC’, ’SYMDEC’, ’COUPLED’ | ’DEC’ | Parallel aggregation algorithm. the |
| Type of aggregation algorithm: currently, for the decoupled aggregation we implement two measures of strength of connection, the one by Vaněk, Mandel and Brezina [35], and the one by Gratton et al [24]. The coupled aggregation is based on a parallel version of the half-approximate matching implemented in the MatchBox-P software package [9]. |
| | Any integer power of 2, with aggr_size ≥ 2 | 4 | Maximum size of aggregates when the coupled aggregation based on matching is applied. For aggressive coarsening with size of aggregate larger than 8 we recommend the use of smoothed prolongators. Used only with ’COUPLED’ and ’MATCHBOXP’ |
| Prolongator used by the aggregation algorithm: smoothed or unsmoothed (i.e., tentative prolongator). |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| | ’NATURAL’ ’DEGREE’ | ’NATURAL’ | Initial ordering of indices for the decoupled aggregation algorithm: either natural ordering or sorted by descending degrees of the nodes in the matrix graph. |
| Any real number ∈ [0,1] | 0.01 | The threshold θ in the strength of connection algorithm. See also the note at the bottom of this table. |
| | ’FILTER’ ’NOFILTER’ | ’NOFILTER’ | Matrix used in computing the smoothed prolongator: filtered or unfiltered. |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| |
| Coarsest matrix layout: distributed among the processes or replicated on each of them. |
| |
| See Note. | Solver used at the coarsest level: sequential LU from MUMPS, UMFPACK, or SuperLU (plus triangular solve); distributed LU from MUMPS or SuperLU_Dist (plus triangular solve); point-Jacobi, hybrid Gauss-Seidel or block-Jacobi and related ℓ1-versions; Krylov Method (flexible Conjugate Gradient) coupled with the block-Jacobi preconditioner with ILU(0) on the blocks. Note that UMF and SLU require the coarsest matrix to be replicated, SLUDIST, JACOBI, GS, BJAC and KRM require it to be distributed, MUMPS can be used with either a replicated or a distributed matrix. When any of the previous solvers is specified, the matrix layout is set to a default value which allows the use of the solver (see Remark 4, p. 21). Note also that UMFPACK and SuperLU_Dist are available only in double precision. |
| |
| See Note. | Solver for the diagonal blocks of the coarsest matrix, in case the block Jacobi solver is chosen as coarsest-level solver: ILU(p), ILU(p,t), MILU(p), LU from MUMPS, SuperLU or UMFPACK (plus triangular solve), Approximate Inverses INVK(p,q), INVT(p1,p2,t1,t2) and AINV(t); note that approximate inverses are specifically suited for GPUs since they do not employ triangular system solve kernels, see [3]. Note that UMFPACK and SuperLU_Dist are available only in double precision. |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| | Any integer number > 0 | 10 | Number of sweeps when |
| | Any integer number ≥ 0 | 0 | Fill-in level p of the ILU factorizations and first fill-in for the approximate inverses. |
| Any real number ≥ 0 | 0 | Drop tolerance t in the ILU(p,t) factorization and first drop-tolerance for the approximate inverses. |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| |
| Select whether to use a stopping criterion for the Block-Jacobi method used as a coarse solver. |
| |
| Select whether to print a trace for the calculated residual for the Block-Jacobi method used as a coarse solver. |
| | Any integer > 0 | -1 | Number of iterations after which a trace is to be printed. |
| | Any integer > 0 | -1 | Number of iterations after which a residual is to be calculated. |
| Any real < 1 | 0 | Tolerance for the stopping criterion on the residual. |
| |
| A string that defines the iterative method to
be used when employing a Krylov method
| | Table 1 |
| The one-level preconditioners from the Table 1 can be used for the coarse Krylov solver. |
| | Table 5 |
| Solver for the diagonal blocks of the coarsest
matrix preconditioner, in case the block Jacobi
solver is chosen
as |
| |
| Choose between a global Krylov solver, all unknowns on a single node, or a distributed one. The default choice is the distributed solver. |
| Real < 1 | 10-6 | The stopping tolerance. |
| | Integer ≥ 1 | 30 | An integer specifying the restart parameter. This is employed for the BiCGSTABL or RGMRES methods, otherwise it is ignored. |
| | Integers 1,2,3 | 2 | If 1 then the method uses the normwise backward error in the infinity norm; if 2, the it uses the relative residual in the 2-norm; if 3 the relative residual reduction in the 2-norm is used instead; refer to the PSBLAS [21] guide for the details. |
| | Integer ≥ 1 | 40 | The maximum number of iterations to perform. |
| | Integer ≥ 0 | -1 | If > 0 print out
an informational message about convergence
every |
| | Integer ≥ 0 | 0 | Fill-in level p of the ILU factorizations and first fill-in for the approximate inverses. |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| Type of smoother used in the multilevel preconditioner: point-Jacobi, hybrid (forward) Gauss-Seidel, hybrid backward Gauss-Seidel, block-Jacobi, ℓ1-Jacobi, ℓ1–hybrid (forward) Gauss-Seidel, ℓ1-point-Jacobi and Additive Schwarz, polynomial accelerators; see [15] and Remark 3 (p. 21). It is ignored by one-level preconditioners. |
| GS and BGS for pre- and post-smoothers of multilevel preconditioners, respectively ILU for block-Jacobi and Additive Schwarz one-level preconditioners | The local solver to be used with the smoother or one-level preconditioner (see Remark 2, page 24): point-Jacobi, hybrid (forward) Gauss-Seidel, hybrid backward Gauss-Seidel, ILU(p), ILU(p,t), MILU(p), LU from MUMPS, SuperLU or UMFPACK (plus triangular solve), Approximate Inverses INVK(p,q), INVT(p1,p2,t1,t2) and AINV(t); note that approximate inverses are specifically suited for GPUs since they do not employ triangular system solve kernels, see [3]. See Note for details on hybrid Gauss-Seidel. |
| | Any integer number ≥ 0 | 1 | Number of sweeps of the smoother or
one-level preconditioner. In the multilevel
case, no pre-smother or post-smoother
is used if this parameter is set to 0
together with |
| | Any integer number ≥ 1 and ≤ 30 | 1 | Degree of the polynomial accelerator, is
equal to the number of matrix-vector
products performed by the smoother. Is
ignored if the smoother is not |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| | Any integer number ≥ 0 | 1 | Number of overlap layers, for Additive Schwarz only. |
| |
| Type of restriction operator, for Additive
Schwarz only: HALO for taking into account
the overlap, Note that HALO must be chosen for the classical Addditive Schwarz smoother and its RAS variant. |
| |
| Type of prolongation operator, for Additive
Schwarz only: Note that |
| | Any integer number ≥ 0 | 0 | Fill-in level p of the incomplete LU factorizations. |
| Any real number ≥ 0 | 0 | Drop tolerance t in the ILU(p,t) factorization. |
| |
| Whether MUMPS should be used as a distributed solver, or as a serial solver acting only on the part of the matrix local to each process. |
| | Any integer number | 0 | Set an entry in the MUMPS integer control
array, as chosen via the |
| | Any real number | 0 | Set an entry in the MUMPS real control
array, as chosen via the |
| data type |
| default | comments |
| |
| Select the type of
polynomial accelerator.
The |
| |
| Algorithm for estimating the spectral radius of the smoother to which the polynomial acceleration is applied. The only implemented algorithm is the power method; see also the two following options. |
| | Any integer number ≥ 1 | 20 | Number of iterations for the spectral radius estimate. |
| Any real number ∈ (0,1] | 1 | Sets an estimate of the spectral radius of the base smoother to which the polynomial accelerator is applied. |
call p%hierarchy_build(a,desc_a,info)
This method builds the hierarchy of matrices and restriction/prolongation operators for
the multilevel preconditioner p
, according to the requirements made by the user
through the methods init
and set
| The sparse matrix structure containing the local part of the matrix
to be preconditioned. Note that x must be chosen according to the
| The communication descriptor of |
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
call p%smoothers_build(a,desc_a,p,info[,amold,vmold,imold])
This method builds the smoothers and the coarsest-level solvers for the multilevel
preconditioner p
, according to the requirements made by the user through the methods
and set
, and based on the aggregation hierarchy produced by a previous call to
(see Section 5.3).
| The sparse matrix structure containing the local part of the matrix
to be preconditioned. Note that x must be chosen according to the
| The communication descriptor of |
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal matrix components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs; it needs not be the same on all processes. See the PSBLAS User’s Guide for details [21]. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal vector components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal integer vector components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs. |
call p%build(a,desc_a,info[,amold,vmold,imold])
This method builds the preconditioner p
according to the requirements made by the
user through the methods init
and set
(see Sections 5.3 and 5.4 for multilevel
preconditioners). It is mostly provided for backward compatibility; indeed, it is
internally implemented by invoking the two previous methods hierarchy_build
, whose nomenclature would however be somewhat unnatural when
dealing with simple one-level preconditioners.
| The sparse matrix structure containing the local part of the matrix
to be preconditioned. Note that x must be chosen according to the
| The communication descriptor of |
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal matrix components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs; it needs not be the same on all processes. See the PSBLAS User’s Guide for details [21]. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal vector components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal integer vector components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs. |
The method can be used to build multilevel preconditioners too.
call p%apply(x,y,desc_a,info [,trans,work])
This method computes y = op(B-1) x, where B is a previously built preconditioner,
stored into p
, and op denotes the preconditioner itself or its transpose, according to the
value of trans
. Note that, when AMG4PSBLAS is used with a Krylov solver from
PSBLAS, p%apply
is called within the PSBLAS method psb_krylov
and hence it is
completely transparent to the user.
| type |
| The local part of the vector x. Note that type and kind_parameter
must be chosen according to the |
| type |
| The local part of the vector y. Note that type and kind_parameter
must be chosen according to the |
| The communication descriptor associated to the matrix to be preconditioned. |
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
| If |
| type |
| Workspace. Its size should be at least |
call p%free(p,info)
This method deallocates the preconditioner data structure p
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
call p%descr(info, [iout, root, verbosity])
This method prints a description of the preconditioner p
to the standard output or to a
file. It must be called after hierachy_build
and smoothers_build
, or build
, have
been called.
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
| The id of the file where the preconditioner description will be printed; the default is the standard output. |
| The id of the process where the preconditioner description
will be printed; the default is |
| The verbosity level of the description. Default value is 0. For values higher than 0, it prints out further information, e.g., for a distributed multilevel preconditioner the size of the coarse matrices on every process. |
Various functionalities are implemented as additional methods of the preconditioner object.
call p%dump(info[,istart,iend,prefix,head,ac,rp,smoother,solver,global_num])
Dump on file.
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal matrix components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs; it needs not be the same on all processes. See the PSBLAS User’s Guide for details [21]. |
call p%clone(pout,info)
Create a (deep) copy of the preconditioner object.
| The copy of the preconditioner data structure. Note that x must
be chosen according to the |
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
sz = p%sizeof([global])
| Whether the global or local preconditioner memory occupation is
desired. Default: |
call p%allocate_wrk(info[, vmold])
Allocate internal work vectors. Each application of the preconditioner uses a number of
work vectors which are allocated internally as necessary; therefore allocation and
deallocation of memory occurs multiple times during the execution of a Krylov method.
In most cases this strategy is perfectly acceptable, but on some platforms, most
notably GPUs, memory allocation is a slow operation, and the default behaviour would
lead to a slowdown. This method allows to trade space for time by preallocating
the internal workspace outside of the invocation of a Krylov method. When
using GPUs or other specialized devices, the vmold
argument is also necessary
to ensure the internal work vectors are of the appropriate dynamic type to
exploit the accelerator hardware; when allocation occurs internally this is
taken care of based on the dynamic type of the x
argument to the apply
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |
| The desired dynamic type for internal vector components; this allows e.g. running on GPUs. |
call p%deallocate_wrk(info)
Deallocate internal work vectors.
| Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 7 for details. |