
 1 General Overview
 2 Code Distribution
 3 Configuring and Building AMG4PSBLAS
  3.1 Prerequisites
  3.2 Optional third party libraries
  3.3 Configuration options
  3.4 Bug reporting
  3.5 Example and test programs
 4 Getting Started
  4.1 Examples
  4.2 GPU example
 5 User Interface
  5.1 Method init
  5.2 Method set
  5.3 Method hierarchy_build
  5.4 Method smoothers_build
  5.5 Method build
  5.6 Method apply
  5.7 Method free
  5.8 Method descr
  5.9 Auxiliary Methods
   5.9.1 Method: dump
   5.9.2 Method: clone
   5.9.3 Method: sizeof
   5.9.4 Method: allocate_wrk
   5.9.5 Method: free_wrk
 6 Adding new smoother and solver objects to AMG4PSBLAS
 7 Error Handling
 A License
 B Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct