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\section{Error Handling\label{sec:errors}}
\markboth{\textsc{MLD2P4 User's and Reference Guide}}
{\textsc{\ref{sec:errors} Error handling}}
The error handling in MLD2P4 is based on the PSBLAS (version 2) error
handling. Error conditions are signaled via an integer argument
\verb|info|; whenever an error condition is detected, an error trace
stack is built by the library up to the top-level, user-callable
routine. This routine will then decide, according to the user
preferences, whether the error should be handled by terminating the
program or by returning the error condition to the user code, which
will then take action, and whether
an error message should be printed. These options may be set by using
the PSBLAS error handling routines; for further details see the PSBLAS
User's Guide \cite{PSBLASGUIDE}.
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