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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00060000000000000000"></A><A NAME="sec:background"></A>
Multigrid Background
</H1><FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1">
<FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1">Multigrid preconditioners, coupled with Krylov iterative
solvers, are widely used in the parallel solution of large and sparse linear systems,
because of their optimality in the solution of linear systems arising from the
discretization of scalar elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) on regular grids.
Optimality, also known as algorithmic scalability, is the property
of having a computational cost per iteration that depends linearly on
the problem size, and a convergence rate that is independent of the problem size.
<FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1">Multigrid preconditioners are based on a recursive application of a two-grid process
consisting of smoother iterations and a coarse-space (or coarse-level) correction.
The smoothers may be either basic iterative methods, such as the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel ones,
or more complex subspace-correction methods, such as the Schwarz ones.
The coarse-space correction consists of solving, in an appropriately chosen
coarse space, the residual equation associated with the approximate solution computed
by the smoother, and of using the solution of this equation to correct the
previous approximation. The transfer of information between the original
(fine) space and the coarse one is performed by using suitable restriction and
prolongation operators. The construction of the coarse space and the corresponding
transfer operators is carried out by applying a so-called coarsening algorithm to the system
matrix. Two main approaches can be used to perform coarsening: the geometric approach,
which exploits the knowledge of some physical grid associated with the matrix
and requires the user to define transfer operators from the fine
to the coarse level and vice versa, and the algebraic approach, which builds
the coarse-space correction and the associate transfer operators using only matrix
information. The first approach may be difficult when the system comes from
discretizations on complex geometries;
furthermore, ad hoc one-level smoothers may be required to get an efficient
interplay between fine and coarse levels, e.g., when matrices with highly varying coefficients
are considered. The second approach performs a fully automatic coarsening and enforces the
interplay between fine and coarse level by suitably choosing the coarse space and
the coarse-to-fine interpolation (see, e.g., [<A
HREF="node30.html#dd2_96">21</A>] for details.)
<FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1">MLD2P4 uses a pure algebraic approach, based on the smoothed
aggregation algorithm [<A
for building the sequence of coarse matrices and transfer operators,
starting from the original one.
A decoupled version of this algorithm is implemented, where the smoothed
aggregation is applied locally to each submatrix [<A
A brief description of the AMG preconditioners implemented in MLD2P4 is given in
Sections&nbsp;<A HREF="node13.html#sec:multilevel">4.1</A>-<A HREF="node15.html#sec:smoothers">4.3</A>. For further details the reader
is referred to [<A
<FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1"><FONT SIZE="+1">We note that optimal multigrid preconditioners do not necessarily correspond
to minimum execution times in a parallel setting. Indeed, to obtain effective parallel
multigrid preconditioners, a tradeoff between the optimality and the cost of building and
applying the smoothers and the coarse-space corrections must be achieved. Effective
parallel preconditioners require algorithmic scalability to be coupled with implementation
scalability, i.e., a computational cost per iteration which remains (almost) constant as
the number of parallel processors increases.
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<LI><A NAME="tex2html228"
HREF="node13.html">AMG preconditioners</A>
<LI><A NAME="tex2html229"
HREF="node14.html">Smoothed Aggregation</A>
<LI><A NAME="tex2html230"
HREF="node15.html">Smoothers and coarsest-level solvers</A>
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