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412 lines
13 KiB

program df_bench
use getp
use precd
use psb_base_mod
use psb_util_mod
use mld_prec_mod
use psb_krylov_mod
implicit none
! input parameters
character(len=20) :: cmethd
character(len=80) :: outf1, outf2, outf3
character(len=20), allocatable :: mtrx(:),rhs(:)
type(precdata), allocatable :: precs(:)
! sparse matrices
type(psb_dspmat_type) :: a, aux_a
! preconditioner data
type(mld_dprec_type) :: pre
integer :: igsmth, matop, novr
! dense matrices
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, target :: aux_b(:,:), d(:)
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable , save :: b_col(:), x_col(:), r_col(:), &
& x_col_glob(:), r_col_glob(:)
real(kind(1.d0)), pointer :: b_col_glob(:)
! communications data structure
type(psb_desc_type):: desc_a
! blacs variables
integer :: ictxt, iam, np, root
logical :: amroot, out1, out2
! solver paramters
integer :: iter, itmax, ierr, itrace, ircode, ipart,nlev,&
& methd, istopc, iprec, ml, irnum, irst, ntry, nmat, ilev,ipsize,asize,cdsize
real(kind(1.d0)) :: err, eps
character(len=5) :: afmt
character(len=20) :: name
integer :: iparm(20)
! other variables
integer :: i,info,j,m_problem, nm, nt
integer :: internal, m,ii,nnzero, nprecs, pp
real(kind(1.d0)) :: t1, t2, tprec, r_amax, b_amax,&
&scale,resmx,resmxp, mttot, mtslv, mtprec
integer :: nrhs, nrow, n_row, dim, nv, ne
integer, allocatable :: ipv(:), neigh(:), ivg(:)
call psb_init(ictxt)
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
if (iam < 0) then
! This should not happen, but just in case
call psb_exit(ictxt)
call enablecore()
root = 0
amroot = (iam==root)
if(psb_get_errstatus() /= 0) goto 9999
call psb_set_errverbosity(2)
call psb_set_erraction(psb_act_abort_)
!!$ call psb_cd_set_large_threshold(512)
!!$ call psb_cd_set_large_threshold(2)
!!$ write(0,*) iam,'Main: large threshold ',psb_cd_get_large_threshold()
! get parameters
call get_parms(ictxt,irst,irnum,ntry,nmat,mtrx,rhs,cmethd,nprecs,precs,&
& ipart,afmt,istopc,itmax,itrace,eps,outf1,outf2)
if(amroot) then
if(outf1 /= 'NONE') then
end if
if(outf2 /= 'NONE') then
end if
end if
do nm=1, nmat
if(amroot) write(*,'(25("=")," ",a20," ",25("="))')mtrx(nm)
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
! read the input matrix to be processed and (possibly) the rhs
nrhs = 1
if (amroot) then
call read_mat(mtrx(nm), aux_a, ictxt)
m_problem = aux_a%m
call psb_bcast(ictxt,m_problem,root)
if(rhs(nm) /= 'none') then
! reading an rhs
call read_rhs(rhs(nm),aux_b,ictxt)
end if
if (allocated(aux_b).and.size(aux_b,1)==m_problem) then
! if any rhs were present, broadcast the first one
b_col_glob =>aux_b(:,1)
allocate(aux_b(m_problem,1), stat=ircode)
if (ircode /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(4000,name)
goto 9999
b_col_glob => aux_b(:,1)
do i=1, m_problem
b_col_glob(i) = 1.d0
call psb_bcast(ictxt,b_col_glob(1:m_problem),root)
call psb_bcast(ictxt,m_problem,root)
allocate(aux_b(m_problem,1), stat=ircode)
if (ircode /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(4000,name)
goto 9999
b_col_glob =>aux_b(:,1)
call psb_bcast(ictxt,b_col_glob(1:m_problem),root)
end if
! switch over different partition types
if (ipart == 0) then
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
! if (amroot) write(*,'("Partition type: block")')
if (.true.) then
do i=1,m_problem
call part_block(i,m_problem,np,ipv,nv)
ivg(i) = ipv(1)
call psb_matdist(aux_a, a, ivg, ictxt, &
& desc_a,b_col_glob,b_col,info,fmt=afmt)
call psb_matdist(aux_a, a, part_block, ictxt, &
& desc_a,b_col_glob,b_col,info,fmt=afmt)
end if
else if (ipart == 2) then
if (amroot) then
call build_mtpart(aux_a%m,aux_a%fida,aux_a%ia1,aux_a%ia2,np)
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
call distr_mtpart(0,ictxt)
call getv_mtpart(ivg)
call psb_matdist(aux_a, a, ivg, ictxt, &
& desc_a,b_col_glob,b_col,info,fmt=afmt)
call free_part(info)
call psb_matdist(aux_a, a, part_block, ictxt, &
& desc_a,b_col_glob,b_col,info,fmt=afmt)
end if
!!$ open(20+iam)
!!$ call psb_cdprt(20+iam,desc_a,short=.false.)
!!$ close(20+iam)
!!$ write(0,*) iam,'After CDPRT '
!!$ call flush(0)
!!$ call flush(6)
!!$ call psb_barrier(ictxt)
call psb_geall(x_col,desc_a,info)
x_col(:) =0.0
call psb_geasb(x_col,desc_a,info)
call psb_geall(r_col,desc_a,info)
r_col(:) =0.0
call psb_geasb(r_col,desc_a,info)
t2 = psb_wtime() - t1
!!$ call psb_csprt(10+iam,a,head='% (A)')
call psb_sp_free(aux_a,info)
call psb_amx(ictxt, t2)
!!$ call psb_csprt(20+iam,a,head='% (A)')
! prepare the preconditioning matrix. note the availability
! of optional parameters
do pp=1, nprecs
do nt=1,ntry
if (precs(pp)%lv2(1:2) == 'ml') then
if (precs(pp)%nlev < 2) then
write(0,*) 'Inconsistent number of levels ',precs(pp)%nlev,&
& ' forcing 2'
precs(pp)%nlev = 2
end if
nlev = precs(pp)%nlev
call mld_precinit(pre,precs(pp)%lv2,info,nlev=nlev)
! Defaults are OK for all intermediate levels. Only fix last level.
if (precs(pp)%omega>=0.0) then
call mld_precset(pre,aggr_damp_,precs(pp)%omega,info,ilev=nlev)
end if
call mld_precset(pre,ml_type_, precs(pp)%mltype, info,ilev=nlev)
call mld_precset(pre,aggr_alg_, precs(pp)%aggr, info,ilev=nlev)
call mld_precset(pre,coarse_mat_, precs(pp)%cmat, info,ilev=nlev)
call mld_precset(pre,smooth_pos_, precs(pp)%smthpos, info,ilev=nlev)
call mld_precset(pre,sub_solve_, precs(pp)%ftype2, info,ilev=nlev)
call mld_precset(pre,smooth_sweeps_, precs(pp)%jswp, info,ilev=nlev)
call mld_precset(pre,aggr_kind_, precs(pp)%smthkind,info,ilev=nlev)
call mld_precinit(pre,precs(pp)%lv1,info)
end if
call mld_precset(pre,n_ovr_, precs(pp)%novr,info ,ilev=1)
call mld_precset(pre,sub_restr_, precs(pp)%restr,info ,ilev=1)
call mld_precset(pre,sub_prol_, precs(pp)%prol,info ,ilev=1)
call mld_precset(pre,sub_solve_, precs(pp)%ftype1,info ,ilev=1)
! setting initial guess to zero
call psb_geaxpby(dzero,b_col,dzero,x_col,desc_a,info)
! building the preconditioner
!!$ write(0,*) 'Check in main program on hasv in:',allocated(desc_a%hashv)
!!$ call flush(0)
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
call mld_precbld(a,desc_a,pre,info)
tprec = psb_wtime()-t1
if (info /= 0) then
write(0,*) 'INFO from precbld ',info
call psb_error()
goto 9999
end if
if (psb_get_errstatus() /= 0) then
write(0,*) 'INFO from precbld ',info
call psb_error()
goto 9999
end if
!!$ write(0,*) 'Check in main program on hasv out:',allocated(desc_a%hashv)
!!$ call flush(0)
call psb_amx(ictxt,tprec)
!!$ call psb_csprt(40+iam,a,head='% (A)')
!!$ if (amroot) then
!!$ write(*,'("Matrix : ",a)') mtrx(nm)
!!$ write(*,'("RHS : ",a)') rhs(nm)
!!$ write(*,'("Method : ",a)') cmethd
!!$ write(*,'("Preconditioner : ",a)') precs(pp)%descr
!!$ call mld_prec_descr(6,pre)
!!$ call flush(6)
!!$ end if
iparm = 0
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
call psb_krylov(cmethd,a,pre,b_col,x_col,eps,desc_a,info,&
& itmax=itmax,iter=iter,err=err,itrace=itrace,&
& irst=irst,istop=istopc)
call psb_barrier(ictxt)
t2 = psb_wtime() - t1
call psb_amx(ictxt,t2)
if (info/=0) then
write(0,*) 'INFO from solver ',info
call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='psb_SOLVER')
goto 9999
end if
!!$ write(0,*) iam,'Done Solver'
!!$ call flush(0)
!!$ call flush(6)
!!$ call psb_barrier(ictxt)
if(amroot.and.out2) &
& write(10,'(a20,2(1x,i3),1x,i5,3(1x,g9.4),1x,a8,1x,a)') &
& mtrx(nm),np,precs(pp)%novr,iter,tprec,t2,t2+tprec,&
& trim(cmethd),trim(precs(pp)%descr)
if(amroot) &
& write(0,'(a20,2(1x,i3),1x,i5,3(1x,g9.4),1x,a8,1x,a)') &
& mtrx(nm),np,precs(pp)%novr,iter,tprec,t2,t2+tprec,&
& trim(cmethd),trim(precs(pp)%descr)
call flush(0)
if ( call mld_precfree(pre,info)
if((t2+tprec).lt.mttot) then
end if
end do
!!$ call psb_csprt(50+iam,a,head='% (A)')
!!$ write(0,*) 'Check hashv after precfree:',allocated(desc_a%hashv)
!!$ call flush(0)
call psb_geaxpby(done,b_col,dzero,r_col,desc_a,info)
call psb_spmm(-done,a,x_col,done,r_col,desc_a,info)
call psb_genrm2s(resmx,r_col,desc_a,info)
call psb_geamaxs(resmxp,r_col,desc_a,info)
ipsize = mld_sizeof(pre)
asize = psb_sizeof(a)
cdsize = psb_sizeof(desc_a)
call psb_sum(ictxt,ipsize)
call psb_sum(ictxt,asize)
call psb_sum(ictxt,cdsize)
if (amroot) then
write(*,'("Matrix : ",a)') mtrx(nm)
write(*,'("RHS : ",a)') rhs(nm)
write(*,'("Method : ",a)') cmethd
write(*,'("Preconditioner : ",a)') precs(pp)%descr
call mld_prec_descr(pre)
write(*,'("Computed solution on ",i4," processors")')np
write(*,'(" ")')
write(*,'("Iterations to convergence: ",i6)') iter
write(*,'("Error indicator on exit : ",g9.4)') err
write(*,'("Time to buil prec. : ",es10.4)')mtprec
write(*,'("Time to solve matrix : ",es10.4)')mtslv
write(*,'("Time per iteration : ",es10.4)')mtslv/(iter)
write(*,'("Total time : ",es10.4)')mttot
write(*,'("Residual norm 2 : ",es10.4)')resmx
write(*,'("Residual norm inf : ",es10.4)')resmxp
write(*,'("Total memory occupation for A: ",i10)')asize
write(*,'("Total memory occupation for DESC_A: ",i10)')cdsize
write(*,'("Total memory occupation for PRE: ",i10)')ipsize
write(*,'(" ")')
write(*,'(" ")')
write(*,'(" ")')
if(out1) write(8,'(a20,2(1x,i3),1x,i5,5(1x,g9.4),1x,a8,1x,a)') mtrx(nm),&
& np,precs(pp)%novr,&
& iter,mtprec,mtslv,mttot,resmx,resmxp,&
& trim(cmethd),trim(precs(pp)%descr)
end if
call mld_precfree(pre,info)
if (.false.) then
if ( then
write(0,*) 'allocation error: no data collection'
call psb_gather(x_col_glob,x_col,desc_a,info,root=0)
call psb_gather(r_col_glob,r_col,desc_a,info,root=0)
if (amroot) then
write(0,'(" ")')
write(0,'("Saving x on file")')
& tolower(trim(precs(pp)%descr))
write(20,*) 'matrix: ',mtrx(nm)
write(20,*) 'computed solution on ',np,' processors.'
write(20,*) 'iterations to convergence: ',iter
write(20,*) 'error indicator (infinity norm) on exit:', &
& ' ||r||/(||a||||x||+||b||) = ',err
write(20,*) 'max residual = ',resmx, resmxp
do i=1,m_problem
write(20,998) i,x_col_glob(i),b_col_glob(i)
end if
end if
end if
998 format(i8,4(2x,g20.14))
993 format(i6,4(1x,e12.6))
!!$ if (pp == 1) call psb_csprt(40+iam,a,head='% (A)')
end do
call psb_gefree(b_col, desc_a,info)
call psb_gefree(x_col, desc_a,info)
call psb_spfree(a, desc_a,info)
write(0,*) 'Final cdfree'
call flush(0)
call psb_cdfree(desc_a,info)
if (ipart==0) then
end do
9999 continue
if(info /= 0) then
call psb_error(ictxt)
end if
call psb_exit(ictxt)
end program df_bench