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1 year ago
program psb_dbf_sample
use psb_base_mod
use psb_prec_mod
use psb_krylov_mod
use psb_util_mod
use getp
implicit none
! input parameters
character(len=40) :: kmethd, ptype, mtrx_file, rhs_file
! sparse matrices
type(psb_dspmat_type) :: a
type(psb_ldspmat_type) :: aux_a
! preconditioner data
type(psb_dprec_type) :: prec
! dense matrices
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable, target :: aux_b(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable, save :: x_mv_glob(:,:), r_mv_glob(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), pointer :: b_mv_glob(:,:)
type(psb_d_multivect_type) :: b_mv, x_mv, r_mv
integer(psb_ipk_) :: m, nrhs
real(psb_dpk_) :: random_value
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: test(:)
1 year ago
! communications data structure
type(psb_desc_type) :: desc_a
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: iam, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: lnp
! solver paramters
integer(psb_ipk_) :: iter, itmax, ierr, itrace, ircode, methd, istopc, itrs
integer(psb_epk_) :: amatsize, precsize, descsize
real(psb_dpk_) :: err, eps
! input parameters
character(len=5) :: afmt
character(len=20) :: name, part
character(len=2) :: filefmt
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: iunit=12
! other variables
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, info
real(psb_dpk_) :: t1, t2, tprec
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: resmx(:)
real(psb_dpk_) :: resmxp
1 year ago
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ivg(:)
logical :: print_matrix = .true.
1 year ago
call psb_init(ctxt)
call psb_info(ctxt,iam,np)
if (iam < 0) then
! This should not happen, but just in case
call psb_exit(ctxt)
if(psb_errstatus_fatal()) goto 9999
call psb_set_errverbosity(itwo)
! Hello world
if (iam == psb_root_) then
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
write(psb_out_unit,'("Welcome to PSBLAS version: ",a)') psb_version_string_
write(psb_out_unit,'("This is the ",a," sample program")') trim(name)
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
end if
! get parameters
call get_parms(ctxt,mtrx_file,rhs_file,filefmt,kmethd,ptype,&
& part,afmt,nrhs,istopc,itmax,itrace,itrs,eps)
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
if (iam == psb_root_) then
select case(psb_toupper(filefmt))
! For Matrix Market we have an input file for the matrix
! and an (optional) second file for the RHS.
call mm_mat_read(aux_a,info,iunit=iunit,filename=mtrx_file)
if (info == psb_success_) then
if (rhs_file /= 'NONE') then
call mm_array_read(aux_b,info,iunit=iunit,filename=rhs_file)
end if
end if
case ('HB')
! For Harwell-Boeing we have a single file which may or may not
! contain an RHS.
call hb_read(aux_a,info,iunit=iunit,b=aux_b,filename=mtrx_file)
case default
info = -1
write(psb_err_unit,*) 'Wrong choice for fileformat ', filefmt
end select
if (info /= psb_success_) then
write(psb_err_unit,*) 'Error while reading input matrix '
call psb_abort(ctxt)
end if
m = aux_a%get_nrows()
call psb_bcast(ctxt,m)
! At this point aux_b may still be unallocated
if (size(aux_b) == m*nrhs) then
! if any rhs were present, broadcast the first one
write(psb_err_unit,'("Ok, got an rhs ")')
b_mv_glob =>aux_b(:,:)
write(psb_out_unit,'("Generating an rhs...")')
write(psb_out_unit,'("Number of RHS: ",i3)') nrhs
1 year ago
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
call psb_realloc(m,nrhs,aux_b,ircode)
if (ircode /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,name)
goto 9999
b_mv_glob => aux_b(:,:)
do i=1, m
do j=1, nrhs
b_mv_glob(i,j) = done
!call random_number(random_value)
!b_mv_glob(i,j) = random_value
1 year ago
call psb_bcast(ctxt,m)
end if
! switch over different partition types
select case(psb_toupper(part))
if (iam == psb_root_) write(psb_out_unit,'("Partition type: block")')
call psb_matdist(aux_a,a,ctxt,desc_a,info,fmt=afmt,parts=part_block)
if (iam == psb_root_) then
write(psb_out_unit,'("Partition type: graph vector")')
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
call aux_a%cscnv(info,type='csr')
lnp = np
call build_mtpart(aux_a,lnp)
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
call distr_mtpart(psb_root_,ctxt)
call getv_mtpart(ivg)
call psb_matdist(aux_a,a,ctxt,desc_a,info,fmt=afmt,vg=ivg)
case default
if (iam == psb_root_) write(psb_out_unit,'("Partition type: block")')
call psb_matdist(aux_a,a,ctxt,desc_a,info,fmt=afmt,parts=part_block)
end select
call psb_scatter(b_mv_glob,b_mv,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_)
call psb_geall(x_mv,desc_a,info,nrhs)
call x_mv%zero()
call psb_geasb(x_mv,desc_a,info)
call psb_geall(r_mv,desc_a,info,nrhs)
call r_mv%zero()
call psb_geasb(r_mv,desc_a,info)
t2 = psb_wtime() - t1
call psb_amx(ctxt, t2)
if (iam == psb_root_) then
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
write(psb_out_unit,'("Time to read and partition matrix : ",es12.5)')t2
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
end if
! building the preconditioner
call prec%init(ctxt,ptype,info)
t1 = psb_wtime()
call prec%build(a,desc_a,info)
tprec = psb_wtime()-t1
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_,name,a_err='psb_precbld')
goto 9999
end if
call psb_amx(ctxt,tprec)
if(iam == psb_root_) then
write(psb_out_unit,'("Preconditioner time: ",es12.5)')tprec
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
write(psb_out_unit,'("Starting algorithm")')
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
1 year ago
end if
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
1 year ago
call psb_krylov(kmethd,a,prec,b_mv,x_mv,eps,desc_a,info,&
& itmax=itmax,iter=iter,err=err,itrace=itrace,&
& itrs=itrs,istop=istopc)
1 year ago
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t2 = psb_wtime() - t1
call psb_amx(ctxt,t2)
if(iam == psb_root_) then
write(psb_out_unit,'("Finished algorithm")')
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
end if
1 year ago
call psb_geaxpby(done,b_mv,dzero,r_mv,desc_a,info)
call psb_spmm(-done,a,x_mv,done,r_mv,desc_a,info)
resmx = psb_genrm2(r_mv,desc_a,info)
1 year ago
resmxp = psb_geamax(r_mv,desc_a,info)
amatsize = a%sizeof()
descsize = desc_a%sizeof()
precsize = prec%sizeof()
call psb_sum(ctxt,amatsize)
call psb_sum(ctxt,descsize)
call psb_sum(ctxt,precsize)
call psb_gather(x_mv_glob,x_mv,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_gather(r_mv_glob,r_mv,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_)
if (info /= psb_success_) goto 9999
1 year ago
if (iam == psb_root_) then
call prec%descr(info)
write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")')
write(psb_out_unit,'("Computed solution on: ",i8," processors")')np
write(psb_out_unit,'("Matrix: ",a)')mtrx_file
write(psb_out_unit,'("Storage format for A: ",a)')a%get_fmt()
write(psb_out_unit,'("Storage format for DESC_A: ",a)')desc_a%get_fmt()
write(psb_out_unit,'("Total memory occupation for A: ",i12)')amatsize
write(psb_out_unit,'("Total memory occupation for PREC: ",i12)')precsize
write(psb_out_unit,'("Total memory occupation for DESC_A: ",i12)')descsize
write(psb_out_unit,'("Iterations to convergence: ",i12)')iter
write(psb_out_unit,'("Error estimate on exit: ",es12.5)')err
write(psb_out_unit,'("Time to buil prec.: ",es12.5)')tprec
write(psb_out_unit,'("Time to solve system: ",es12.5)')t2
write(psb_out_unit,'("Time per iteration: ",es12.5)')t2/(iter)
write(psb_out_unit,'("Total time: ",es12.5)')t2+tprec
write(psb_out_unit,'("Residual norm 2: ",es12.5)')maxval(resmx)
1 year ago
write(psb_out_unit,'("Residual norm inf: ",es12.5)')resmxp
write(psb_out_unit,'(a8,4(2x,a20))') 'I','X(I)','R(I)','B(I)'
if (print_matrix) then
do i=1,m
write(psb_out_unit,993) i, x_mv_glob(i,:), r_mv_glob(i,:), b_mv_glob(i,:)
end do
end if
1 year ago
end if
998 format(i8,4(2x,g20.14))
993 format(i6,4(1x,e12.6))
call psb_gefree(b_mv, desc_a,info)
call psb_gefree(x_mv, desc_a,info)
call psb_spfree(a, desc_a,info)
call prec%free(info)
call psb_cdfree(desc_a,info)
call psb_exit(ctxt)
9999 call psb_error(ctxt)
end program psb_dbf_sample