@ -28,6 +28,61 @@
! File: psi_Xswaptran.F90
! Subroutine: psi_Xswaptranm
! Does the data exchange among processes. This is similar to Xswapdata, but
! the list is read "in reverse", i.e. indices that are normally SENT are used
! for the RECEIVE part and vice-versa. This is the basic data exchange operation
! for doing the product of a sparse matrix by a vector.
! Essentially this is doing a variable all-to-all data exchange
! (ALLTOALLV in MPI parlance), but
! it is capable of pruning empty exchanges, which are very likely in out
! application environment. All the variants have the same structure
! In all these subroutines X may be: I Integer
! D real(kind(1.d0))
! Z complex(kind(1.d0))
! Basically the operation is as follows: on each process, we identify
! sections SND(Y) and RCV(Y); then we do a SEND(PACK(SND(Y)));
! then we receive, and we do an update with Y = UNPACK(RCV(Y)) + BETA * Y
! but only on the elements involved in the UNPACK operation.
! Thus: for halo data exchange, the receive section is confined in the
! halo indices, and BETA=0, whereas for overlap exchange the receive section
! is scattered in the owned indices, and BETA=1.
! Arguments:
! flag - integer Choose the algorithm for data exchange:
! this is chosen through bit fields.
! swap_mpi = iand(flag,psb_swap_mpi_) /= 0
! swap_sync = iand(flag,psb_swap_sync_) /= 0
! swap_send = iand(flag,psb_swap_send_) /= 0
! swap_recv = iand(flag,psb_swap_recv_) /= 0
! if (swap_mpi): use underlying MPI_ALLTOALLV.
! if (swap_sync): use PSB_SND and PSB_RCV in
! synchronized pairs
! if (swap_send .and. swap_recv): use mpi_irecv
! and mpi_send
! if (swap_send): use psb_snd (but need another
! call with swap_recv to complete)
! if (swap_recv): use psb_rcv (completing a
! previous call with swap_send)
! n - integer Number of columns in Y
! beta - X Choose overwrite or sum.
! y(:,:) - X The data area
! desc_a - type(<psb_desc_type>). The communication descriptor.
! work(:) - X Buffer space. If not sufficient, will do
! our own internal allocation.
! info - integer. return code.
! data - integer which list is to be used to exchange data
! default psb_comm_halo_
! psb_comm_halo_ use halo_index
! psb_comm_ext_ use ext_index
! psb_comm_ovrl_ use ovrl_index
subroutine psi_dswaptranm(flag,n,beta,y,desc_a,work,info,data)
subroutine psi_dswaptranm(flag,n,beta,y,desc_a,work,info,data)
use psi_mod, psb_protect_name => psi_dswaptranm
use psi_mod, psb_protect_name => psi_dswaptranm
@ -442,6 +497,61 @@ end subroutine psi_dswaptranm
! File: psi_Xswaptran.F90
! Subroutine: psi_Xswaptranv
! Does the data exchange among processes. This is similar to Xswapdata, but
! the list is read "in reverse", i.e. indices that are normally SENT are used
! for the RECEIVE part and vice-versa. This is the basic data exchange operation
! for doing the product of a sparse matrix by a vector.
! Essentially this is doing a variable all-to-all data exchange
! (ALLTOALLV in MPI parlance), but
! it is capable of pruning empty exchanges, which are very likely in out
! application environment. All the variants have the same structure
! In all these subroutines X may be: I Integer
! D real(kind(1.d0))
! Z complex(kind(1.d0))
! Basically the operation is as follows: on each process, we identify
! sections SND(Y) and RCV(Y); then we do a SEND(PACK(SND(Y)));
! then we receive, and we do an update with Y = UNPACK(RCV(Y)) + BETA * Y
! but only on the elements involved in the UNPACK operation.
! Thus: for halo data exchange, the receive section is confined in the
! halo indices, and BETA=0, whereas for overlap exchange the receive section
! is scattered in the owned indices, and BETA=1.
! Arguments:
! flag - integer Choose the algorithm for data exchange:
! this is chosen through bit fields.
! swap_mpi = iand(flag,psb_swap_mpi_) /= 0
! swap_sync = iand(flag,psb_swap_sync_) /= 0
! swap_send = iand(flag,psb_swap_send_) /= 0
! swap_recv = iand(flag,psb_swap_recv_) /= 0
! if (swap_mpi): use underlying MPI_ALLTOALLV.
! if (swap_sync): use PSB_SND and PSB_RCV in
! synchronized pairs
! if (swap_send .and. swap_recv): use mpi_irecv
! and mpi_send
! if (swap_send): use psb_snd (but need another
! call with swap_recv to complete)
! if (swap_recv): use psb_rcv (completing a
! previous call with swap_send)
! n - integer Number of columns in Y
! beta - X Choose overwrite or sum.
! y(:) - X The data area
! desc_a - type(<psb_desc_type>). The communication descriptor.
! work(:) - X Buffer space. If not sufficient, will do
! our own internal allocation.
! info - integer. return code.
! data - integer which list is to be used to exchange data
! default psb_comm_halo_
! psb_comm_halo_ use halo_index
! psb_comm_ext_ use ext_index
! psb_comm_ovrl_ use ovrl_index
subroutine psi_dswaptranv(flag,beta,y,desc_a,work,info,data)
subroutine psi_dswaptranv(flag,beta,y,desc_a,work,info,data)
use psi_mod, psb_protect_name => psi_dswaptranv
use psi_mod, psb_protect_name => psi_dswaptranv