First attempt at running CSGA. To be debugged.
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#include "stdio.h"
#include "cudalang.h"
#include "cudadebug.h"
extern "C"
#include "core.h"
#include "csga.h"
#include "debug.h"
//#define MAX_NNZ_PER_WG 6144
#define MAX_NNZ_PER_WG 4096
#define THREAD_BLOCK 1024
#define MAX_GRID_SIZE 65536
#define WARP_SIZE 32
__device__ double warp_reduce(double val){
for(int offset=warpSize/2; offset>0; offset/=2){
val += __shfl_down_sync(0xffffffff,val, offset);
return val;
__global__ void dCSGAmvINNER(double* as, int* ja, int* irp, double* multivector,
int m, int n, int col_multivector,
int* rowBlocks, double* resultData, int baseIndex){
__shared__ double vals[MAX_NNZ_PER_WG];
__shared__ int cols[MAX_NNZ_PER_WG];
int startRow = rowBlocks[blockIdx.x];
int stopRow = rowBlocks[blockIdx.x+1];
long int numRows = stopRow - startRow;
int nnz = irp[stopRow]-irp[startRow];
int tid = threadIdx.x; // indice del thread nel blocco
if (numRows > 1){
//printf("csr stream\n");
int localCol;
for (int i = tid; i < nnz; i+= blockDim.x){
localCol = irp[startRow]+i;
vals[i] = as[localCol];
//vals[i] *= multivector[ja[localCol]*col_multivector+j];
cols[i] = ja[localCol];
int firstCol = irp[startRow];
for (int t = tid; t < numRows*col_multivector; t += blockDim.x){
int localRow = startRow + t/col_multivector;
int j = t%col_multivector;
double temp = 0;
for (int i = irp[localRow]-firstCol; i < irp[localRow+1]-firstCol; i++){
temp += vals[i]*multivector[cols[i]*col_multivector + j];
resultData[localRow*col_multivector +j] = temp;
} else {
//printf("csr vector\n");
int warpId = tid / 32; // Global warp index
int lane = tid &(32-1); // thread index within the warp
//one warp per row
double val;
int col;
double sum[64] = {0};
if (nnz < 4096){
int localCol;
for (int i = tid; i < nnz; i+= blockDim.x){
localCol = irp[startRow]+i;
vals[i] = as[localCol];
cols[i] = ja[localCol];
if (warpId < col_multivector){
for (int col_m = warpId; col_m < col_multivector; col_m +=32){
for (int i = irp[startRow] + lane; i < irp[startRow+1]; i +=32){
if (nnz < 4096){
val = vals[i-irp[startRow]];
col = cols[i-irp[startRow]];
} else {
val = as[i];
col = ja[i];
sum[col_m] += val*multivector[col*col_multivector + col_m];
sum[col_m] = warp_reduce(sum[col_m]);
if (lane == 0){
resultData[startRow*col_multivector + col_m] = sum[col_m];
__host__ int dCSGAMV(spgpuHandle_t handle,
double beta,
double* y,
double alpha,
const double* as,
const int* ja,
const int* irp,
int m,
int n,
int numBlocks,
const int* rowBlocks,
const double *x,
int baseIndex)
int maxBForACall = max(handle->maxGridSizeX, numBlocks);
int blockX = THREAD_BLOCK;
int gridX = maxBForACall;
int rp,rows, blcks, bp, numb;
dim3 blockSize(blockX);
dim3 gridSize(gridX);
fprintf(stderr," dcsgamv %d %d \n",numBlocks,rowBlocks[0],rowBlocks[1]);
bp = 0;
rp = 0;
numb = numBlocks;
while (numb > maxBForACall) {//managing large vectors
blcks = maxBForACall;
rp = rowBlocks[bp];
rows = rowBlocks[bp+blcks]-rp;
fprintf(stderr," rp %d rows %d bp %d \n",rp,rows,bp);
bp += blcks;
numb -= blcks;
blcks = numb;
rp = rowBlocks[bp];
rows = rowBlocks[bp+blcks]-rp;
fprintf(stderr," rp %d rows %d bp %d \n",rp,rows,bp);
rp += rows;
fprintf(stderr," Final rows %d \n",rows);
Reference in New Issue