@ -515,6 +515,9 @@ contains
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(out) :: iam, np
integer(psb_mpik_) :: info
! Cache the values for the most recent CTXT to speed
! up subsequent queries
integer(psb_mpik_), save :: lctxt=-1, lam, lnp
#if defined(SERIAL_MPI)
iam = 0
@ -522,11 +525,19 @@ contains
iam = -1
np = -1
if (ictxt /= mpi_comm_null) then
call mpi_comm_size(ictxt,np,info)
if (info /= mpi_success) np = -1
call mpi_comm_rank(ictxt,iam,info)
if (info /= mpi_success) iam = -1
if (ictxt == lctxt) then
iam = lam
np = lnp
if (ictxt /= mpi_comm_null) then
call mpi_comm_size(ictxt,np,info)
if (info /= mpi_success) np = -1
call mpi_comm_rank(ictxt,iam,info)
if (info /= mpi_success) iam = -1
end if
lctxt = ictxt
lam = iam
lnp = np
end if