
Alfredo Buttari 19 years ago
parent 3acb2737fa
commit 5dd25f596d

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SECFILE = title.tex intro.tex commrout.tex datastruct.tex psbrout.tex toolsrout.tex\
methods.tex precs.tex
FIGDIR = figures

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\section{Communication routines}
\subroutine{psb\_halo}{Halo Data Communication}
These subroutines restore a consistent status for the halo
elements, and (optionally) scale the result:
\[ x \leftarrow \alpha x \]
\item[$x$] is a global dense submatrix.
$\alpha$, $x$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_halo\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_halo \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_halo \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90halo}}
\syntax{CALL psb\_halo}{x, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{CALL psb\_halo}{x, desc\_a, info, alpha, work}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] global dense matrix $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[alpha] the scalar $\alpha$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional} \\
Default: $alpha = 1 $\\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90halo}.
\item[work] the work array. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: a rank one array of the same type of $x$ with the
POINTER attribute.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] global dense result matrix $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Returned as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_ovrl}{Overlap Update}
These subroutines restore a consistent status for the overlap
\[ x \leftarrow Q x \]
\item[$x$] is the global dense submatrix $x$
\item[$Q$] is the overlap operator; it is the composition of two
operators $ P_a$ and $ P^{T}$.
$x$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_ovrl\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_ovrl \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_ovrl \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90ovrl}}
\syntax{CALL psb\_ovrl}{x, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{CALL psb\_ovrl}{x, desc\_a, info, choice=choice,
update\_type=update\_type, work=work}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] global dense matrix $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
item[choice] specify if exchange overlap elements.
\item[choice = .true.] exchange overlap elements, i.e. apply operator
\item[choice = .false.] don't exchange overlap elements
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional} \\
Default: $choice = .true. $\\
Specified as: a logical variable.
\item[update\_type = 1] normal update $P_a$;
\item[update\_type = 2] square root update $\sqrt{P_a}$;
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Default: $update\_type = .true. $\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a integer variable.
\item[work] the work array. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: a one dimensional array of the same type of $x$.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] global dense result matrix $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\section*{Usage notes}
\item If there is no overlap in the data distribution, no operations
are performed;
\item The operator $P^{T}$ performs the reduction sum of overlap
elements; it is the inverse of a ``stretch'' operator $P$ that
replicates overlap elements, accounting for the physical replication
of data;
\item The operator $P_a$ performs a scaling on the overlap elements by
the amount of replication; thus, when combined with the reduction
operator, it implements the average of replicated elements over all of
their instances.
\item The square root update option makes it possible to applythe
following operator:
\[ x\leftarrow \sqrt{P_a} P^{T} K^{-1} P \sqrt{P_a} x\]
In the case of a symmetric $K$, this preserves simmetry of the overall
preconditioner, which would otherwise be destroyed.
\subroutine{psb\_gather}{Gather Global Dense Matrix}
These subroutines collect the portions of global dense matrix
distributed over all process into one single array stored on one
\[ glob\_x \leftarrow collect(loc\_x_i) \]
\item[$glob\_x$] is the global submatrix $glob\_x_{iy:iy+m-1,jy:jy+n-1}$
\item[$loc\_x_i$] is the local portion of global dense matrix on
process $i$.
\item[$collect$] is the collect function.
$x_i, y$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_gather\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_gather \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_gather \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:gather}}
\syntax{call psb\_gather}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info,
root, iglobx, jglobx, ilocx, jlocx, k}
\syntax{call psb\_gather}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info,
root, iglobx, ilocx}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[loc\_x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$glob\_x$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one or two array containing numbers of the type
indicated in Table~\ref{tab:gather}.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[root] The process that holds the global copy. If $root=-1$ all
the processes will have a copy of the global vector.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable $0\le ix\le np$.
\item[iglobx] Row index to define a submatrix in glob\_x into which
gather the local pieces.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable $1\le ix\le matrix\_data(psb\_m\_)$.
\item[jglobx] Column index to define a submatrix in glob\_x into which
gather the local pieces.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[ilocx] Row index to define a submatrix in loc\_x that has to
be gathered into glob\_x.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[jlocx] Columns index to define a submatrix in loc\_x that has
to be gathered into glob\_x.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[k] The number of columns to gather.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[glob\_x] The array where the local parts must be gathered.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one or two array.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_scatter}{Scatter Global Dense Matrix}
These subroutines scatters the portions of global dense matrix owned
by a process to all the processes in the processes grid.
\[ loc\_x_i \leftarrow scatter(glob\_x_i) \]
\item[$glob\_x$] is the global submatrix $glob\_x_{iy:iy+m-1,jy:jy+n-1}$
\item[$loc\_x_i$] is the local portion of global dense matrix on
process $i$.
\item[$scatter$] is the scatter function.
$x_i, y$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_scatter\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_scatter \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_scatter \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:scatter}}
\syntax{call psb\_scatter}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info,
root, iglobx, jglobx, ilocx, jlocx, k}
\syntax{call psb\_scatter}{glob\_x, loc\_x, desc\_a, info,
root, iglobx, ilocx}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[glob\_x] The array that must be scattered into local pieces.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one or two array.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[root] The process that holds the global copy. If $root=-1$ all
the processes have a copy of the global vector.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable $0\le ix\le np$.
\item[iglobx] Row index to define a submatrix in glob\_x that has to
be scattered into local pieces.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable $1\le ix\le matrix\_data(psb\_m\_)$.
\item[jglobx] Column index to define a submatrix in glob\_x that has to
be scattered into local pieces.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[ilocx] Row index to define a submatrix in loc\_x into which
scatter the local piece of glob\_x.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[jlocx] Columns index to define a submatrix in loc\_x into which
scatter the local piece of glob\_x.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[k] The number of columns to scatter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[loc\_x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$glob\_x$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one or two array containing numbers of the type
indicated in Table~\ref{tab:scatter}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
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\section{Data Structures}
In this chapter are illustrated data structures used for definition of
routines interfaces. This include data structure for sparse matrix,
communication descriptor and preconditioner. These data structures are used for
calling PSBLAS routines in Fortran~90 language and will be used to next
chapters containing these callings. Their definitions are included in
the modules \verb|psb_spmat_type|, \verb|psb_descriptor_type| and \verb|psb_prec_type|.
\subsection{Sparse Matrix data structure}
Contains all information about local portion of the sparse matrix and
its storage mode. Many of this fields are set in fully-transparent
mode by PSBLAS-TOOLS routines when inserting a new sparse matrix, user
must set only fields which describe matrix storage mode (see
\S~\ref{psb_spall}). \\
Fields contained in Sparse matrix structures are:
\item[{\bf aspk}] Contains values of the local distributed sparse
Specified as: a pointer to an array of rank one of type corresponding
to matrix entries type .
\item[{\bf ia1}] Holds integer information on distributed sparse
matrix. Actual information will depend on data format used.\\
Specified as: a pointer to an integer array of rank one.
\item[{\bf ia2}] Holds integer information on distributed sparse
matrix. Actual information will depend on data format used.\\
Specified as: a pointer to an integer array of rank one.
\item[{\bf infoa}] On entry can hold auxiliary information on distributed sparse
matrix. Actual information will depend on data format used.\\
Specified as: integer array of length 10.
\item[{\bf fida}] Defines the format of the distributed sparse matrix.\\
Specified as: a string of length 5
\item[{\bf descra}] Describe the characteristic of the distributed sparse matrix.\\
Specified as: array of character of length 9.
\item[{\bf pl}] Specifies the local row permutation of distributed sparse
matrix. If pl(1) is equal to 0, then there isn't row permutation.\\
Specified as: pointer to integer array of dimension equal to number of local row (matrix\_data[psb\_n\_row\_\hbox{]})
\item[{\bf pr}] Specifies the local column permutation of distributed sparse
matrix. If PR(1) is equal to 0, then there isn't columnm permutation.\\
Specified as: pointer to integer array of dimension equal to number of
local row (matrix\_data[psb\_n\_col\_\hbox{]})
\item[{\bf m}] Number of rows; if row indices are stored explicitly,
as in Coordinate Storage, should be greater than or equal to the
maximum row index actually present in the sparse matrix.
Specified as: integer variable.
\item[{\bf k}] Number of columns; if column indices are stored explicitly,
as in Coordinate Storage or Compressed Sparse Rows, should be greater
than or equal to the maximum column index actually present in the sparse matrix.
Specified as: integer variable.
Values assumed by this fields are compatible with ref. 1 (see \S~\ref{chap:appendix}).\\
FORTRAN95 interface for distributed sparse matrices containing double precision
real entries is defined as follows:
type d_spmat
integer :: m, k
character*5 :: fida
character*1 :: descra(9)
integer :: infoa(10)
real(kind(1.d0)), pointer :: aspk(:)
integer, pointer :: ia1(:), ia2(:)
integer, pointer :: pl(:), pr(:)
end type d_spmat
The following two cases are used in the data insertion routines:
\item[fida=``CSR''] Compressed storage rows. In this case the
following should hold:
\item \verb|ia2(i)| contains the index of the first element of row
\verb|i|; the last element of the sparse matrix is thus stored at
index $ia2(m+1)-1$. It should contain \verb|m+1| entries in
nondecreasing order (strictly increasing, if there are no empty rows).
\item \verb|ia1(j)| contains the column index and \verb|aspk(j)|
contains the corresponding coefficient value, for all $ia2(1) \le j
\le ia2(m+1)-1$.
\item[fida=``COO''] Coordinate storage. In this case the following
should hold:
\item \verb|infoa(1)| contains the number of nonzero elements in the
\item For all $1 \le j \le infoa(1)$, the coefficient, row index and
column index are stored into \verb|apsk(j)|, \verb|ia1(j)| and
\verb|ia2(j)| respectively.
\subsubsection{Sparse Matrix storage formats}
\subsection{Descriptor data structure}
All the general matrix informations and elements to be
exchanged among processes are stored within a data structure of the type $psb_desc_type$.
Every structure of this type is associated to a sparse matrix, it
contains data about general matrix informations and elements to be
exchanged among processes. \\
It is not necessary for the user to
know the internal structure of $psb_desc_type$, it is set in
fully-transparent mode by PSBLAS-TOOLS routines when inserting a new
sparse matrix, however the definition of the descriptor is the
\item[{\bf matrix\_data}] includes general information about matrix and
BLACS grid. More precisely:
\item[matrix\_data[psb\_dec\_type\_\hbox{]}] Identifies the decomposition type
(global); the actual values are internally defined, so they should
never be accessed directly.
\item[matrix\_data[psb\_ctxt\_\hbox{]}] Communication context as returned by the
BLACS (global).
\item[matrix\_data[psb\_m\_\hbox{]}] Total number of equations (global).
\item[matrix\_data[psb\_n\_\hbox{]}] Total number of variables (global).
\item[matrix\_data[psb\_n\_row\_\hbox{]}] Number of grid variables owned by the
current process (local); equivalent to the number of local rows in the
sparse coefficient matrix.
\item[matrix\_data[psb\_n\_col\_\hbox{]}] Total number of grid variables read by the
current process (local); equivalent to the number of local columns in
the sparse coefficient matrix. They include the halo.
Specified as: a pointer to integer array of dimension 10.
\item[{\bf halo\_index}] A list of the halo and boundary elements for
the current process to be exchanged with other processes; for each
processes with which it is necessary to communicate:
\item Process identifier;
\item Number of points to be received;
\item Indices of points to be received;
\item Number of points to be sent;
\item Indices of points to be sent;
The list may contain an arbitrary number of groups; its end is marked
by a -1.\\
Specified as: a pointer to an integer array of rank one.
\item [{\bf ovrlap\_index}] A list of the overlap elements for the
current process, organized in groups like the previous vector:
\item Process identifier;
\item Number of points to be received;
\item Indices of points to be received;
\item Number of points to be sent;
\item Indices of points to be sent;
The list may contain an arbitrary number of groups; its end is marked
by a -1.\\
Specified as: a pointer to an integer array of rank one.
\item [{\bf ovrlap\_index}] For all overlap points belonging to th
ecurrent process:
\item Overlap point index;
\item Number of processes sharing that overlap points;
The list may contain an arbitrary number of groups; its end is marked
by a -1.\\
Specified as: a pointer to an integer array of rank one.
\item[{\bf loc\_to\_glob}] each element $i$ of this array contains
global identifier of the local variable $i$.\\
Specified as: a pointer to an integer array of rank one.
\item[{\bf glob\_to\_loc}] if global variable $i$ is read by current
process then element $i$ contains local index correpondent to global variable $i$;
else element $i$ contains -1 (NULL) value.\\
Specified as: a pointer to an integer array of rank one.
FORTRAN90 interface for $decomp\_data$ structures is therefore defined
as follows:
type decomp_data_type
integer, pointer :: matrix_data(:)
integer, pointer :: halo_index(:)
integer, pointer :: ovrlap_elem(:)
integer, pointer :: ovrlap_index(:)
integer, pointer :: loc_to_glob(:)
integer, pointer :: glob_to_loc (:)
end type decomp_data_type
\subsection{Preconditioner data structure}
\hypertarget{precdata}{ciao finocchio}
\subsection{Building and assembling data structures}
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\section{Iterative Methods}
In this chapter we provide routines for preconditioners and iterative
methods. Their
interfaces are defined in the module \verb|psb_methd_mod|
% CG
\subroutine{psb\_cg \label{cg}}{CG Iterative Method}
This subroutine implements the CG method with restarting. The
stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
\[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
\syntax{call psb\_cgs}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[b] The RHS vector. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[x] The initial guess. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a real number.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
\item[itrace] A tracing parameter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: a real number.
\item[info] An error code.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\subroutine{psb\_cgs \label{cgs}}{CGS Iterative Method}
This subroutine implements the CGS method with restarting. The
stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
\[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
\syntax{call psb\_cgs}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[b] The RHS vector. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[x] The initial guess. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a real number.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
\item[itrace] A tracing parameter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: a real number.
\item[info] An error code.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
% BiCG
\subroutine{psb\_bicg \label{bicg}}{BiCG Iterative Method}
This subroutine implements the BiCG method with restarting. The
stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
\[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
\syntax{call psb\_bicg}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[b] The RHS vector. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[x] The initial guess. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a real number.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
\item[itrace] A tracing parameter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: a real number.
\item[info] An error code.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\subroutine{psb\_bicgstab \label{bicgstab}}{BiCGSTAB Iterative Method}
This subroutine implements the BiCGSTAB method with restarting. The
stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
\[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
\syntax{call psb\_bicgstab}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[b] The RHS vector. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[x] The initial guess. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a real number.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
\item[itrace] A tracing parameter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: a real number.
\item[info] An error code.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\subroutine{psb\_bicgstabl \label{bicgstabl}}{BiCGSTAB-$l$ Iterative Method}
This subroutine implements the BiCGSTAB-$l$ method with restarting. The
stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
\[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
\syntax{call psb\_bicgstab}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,istop}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[b] The RHS vector. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[x] The initial guess. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a real number.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
\item[itrace] A tracing parameter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[irst] An integer specifying the restarting iteration.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: a real number.
\item[info] An error code.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\subroutine{psb\_gmres \label{gmres}}{GMRES Iterative Method}
This subroutine implements the GMRES method with restarting. The
stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
\[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
\syntax{call psb\_gmres}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,istop}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[b] The RHS vector. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[x] The initial guess. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a real number.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
\item[itrace] A tracing parameter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[irst] An integer specifying the restart iteration.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: a real number.
\item[info] An error code.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
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\section{Preconditioner routines}
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\section{Algebraic routines}
\subroutine{psb\_axpby}{General Dense Matrix Sum}
This subroutine is an interface to the computational kernel for
dense matrix sum:
\[ y \leftarrow \alpha\> x+ \beta y \]
\item[$x$] represents the global dense submatrix $x_{:, jx:jx+n-1}$
\item[$y$] represents the global dense submatrix $y_{:, jy:jy+n-1}$
\syntax{call psb\_axpby}{alpha, x, beta, y, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{call psb\_axpby}{alpha, x, beta, y, desc\_a, info, n, jx, jy}
%( calculating y <- alpha*x+beta*y )
$x$, $y$, $\alpha$, $\beta$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_axpby \\
Long Precision Real & psb\_axpby \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_axpby \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90axpby}}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[alpha] the scalar $\alpha$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90axpby}.
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type
specified in Table~\ref{tab:f90axpby}. The rank of $x$ must be the same of $y$.
\item[beta] the scalar $\beta$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90axpby}.
\item[y] the local portion of the global dense matrix
$y$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER
attributecontaining numbers of the type
indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90axpby}. The rank of $y$ must be the same of $x$.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in \S~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[n] number of columns in dense submatrices $x$ and $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ and $y$ are of rank 2.\\
Default: \verb|min(size(x,2),size(y,2))|.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $n\ge 0$.
\item[jx] the column index of the global dense matrix $x$,
identifying the first column of the submatrix $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ and $y$ are of rank 2.\\
Default: $jx = 1$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jx\ge 1$.
\item[jy] the column index of the global dense matrix $y$,
identifying the first column of the submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ and $y$ are of rank 2.\\
Default: $jy = 1$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jy\ge 1$.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[y] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array containing numbers of the type
indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90axpby}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_dot}{Dot Product}
This function computes dot product between two vectors $x$ and
If $x$ and $y$ are double precision real or single precision real vectors
computes dot-product as:
\[dot \leftarrow x^T y\]
Else if $x$ and $y$ are double precision complex vectors then computes dot-product as:
\[dot \leftarrow x^H y\]
\item[$x$] represents the global subvector $x_{:,jx}$
\item[$y$] represents the global subvector $y_{:,jy}$
\syntax{psb\_dot}{x, y, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{psb\_dot}{x, y, desc\_a, info, jx, jy}
$dot$, $x$, $y$ & {\bf Function}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_dot\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_dot \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_dot \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90dot}}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. This function computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jx$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90dot}. The rank of $x$ must be the same of $y$.
\item[y] the local portion of global dense matrix
$y$. This function computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $iy, jy$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90dot}. The rank of $y$ must be the same of $x$.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[jx] the column index of global dense matrix $x$,
identifying the column of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ and $y$ are of rank 2.\\
Default: $jx = 1$.\\
\item[jy] the column index of global dense matrix $y$,
identifying the column of subvector $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ and $y$ are of rank 2.\\
Default: $jy = 1$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jy\ge 1$.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[Function value] is the dot product of subvectors $x$ and $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90dot}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_dot}{Generalized Dot Product}
This subroutine computes a series of dot products among the columns of
two dense matrices $x$ and $y$:
\[ res(i) \leftarrow x(:,i)^T y(:,i)\]
If the matrices are complex, then the
usual convention applies, i.e. the conjugate transpose of $x$ is
used. If $x$ and $y$ are of rank one, then $res$ is a scalar, else it
is a rank one array.
\syntax{psb\_dot}{res, x, y, desc\_a, info}
$res$, $x$, $y$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_dot\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_dot \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_dot \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90mdot}}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90mdot}. The rank of $x$ must be the same of $y$.
\item[y] the local portion of global dense matrix
$y$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90mdot}. The rank of $y$ must be the same of $x$.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in Sec.~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[res] is the dot product of subvectors $x$ and $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a number or a rank-one array of the data type indicated
in Table~\ref{tab:f90dot}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_amax}{Infinity-Norm of Vector}
This function computes
the infinity-norm of a vector $x$.\\
If $x$ is double precision real or single precision real vector
computes infinity norm as:
\[ amax \leftarrow \max_i |x_i|\]
else if $x$ is double precision complex vector then computes infinity-norm as:
\[ amax \leftarrow \max_i {(|re(x_i)| + |im(x_i)|)}\]
\item[$x$] represents the global subvector $x_{:,jx}$
\syntax{psb\_amax}{x, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{psb\_amax}{x, desc\_a, info, jx}
$amax$ & $x$ & {\bf Function}\\
Single Precision Real&Single Precision Real & psb\_amax\\
Long Precision Real&Long Precision Real & psb\_amax \\
Long Precision Real&Long Precision Complex & psb\_zamax \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90amax}}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. This function computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jx$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[jx] the column index of global dense matrix $x$,
identifying the column of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ is of rank 2.\\
Default: $jx = 1$\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jx\ge 1$.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[Function value] is the infinity norm of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90amax}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
% Infinity norm
\subroutine{psb\_amax}{Generalized Infinity Norm}
This subroutine computes a series of infinity norms on the columns of
a dense matrix $x$:
\[ res(i) \leftarrow \max_k |x(k,i)| \]
\syntax{psb\_amax}{res, x, desc\_a, info}
$res$& $x$& {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real &Single Precision Real & psb\_amax\\
Long Precision Real &Long Precision Real & psb\_amax\\
Long Precision Real &Long Precision Complex & psb\_amax\\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90mamax}}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in Sec.~\ref{sec:datastruct}.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[res] is the infinity norm of the columns of $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a number or a rank-one array of the data type indicated
in Table~\ref{tab:f90amax}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_asum}{1-Norm of Vector}
This function computes the 1-norm of a vector $x$.\\
If $x$ is double precision real or single precision real vector
computes 1-norm as:
\[ asum \leftarrow \|x_i\|\]
else if $x$ ic double precision complex vector then computes 1-norm as:
\[ asum \leftarrow \|re(x)\|_1 + \|im(x)\|_1\]
\item[$x$] represents the global subvector $x_{:,jx}$
\syntax{psb\_asum}{x, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{psb\_asum}{x, desc\_a, info, jx}
$dot$, $x$, $y$ & {\bf Function}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_asum\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_asum \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_asum \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90asum}}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. This function computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jx$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[jx] the column index of global dense matrix $x$,
identifying the column of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ is of rank 2.\\
Default: $jx = 1$\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jx\ge 1$.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[Function value] is the 1-norm of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90asum}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine {psb\_nrm2}{2-Norm of Vector}
This function computes the 2-norm of a vector $x$.\\
If $x$ is double precision real or single precision real vector
computes 2-norm as:
\[ nrm2 \leftarrow \sqrt{x^T x}\]
else if $x$ is double precision complex vector then computes 2-norm as:
\[ nrm2 \leftarrow \sqrt{x^H x}\]
\item[$x$] represents the global subvector $x_{:,jx}$
$nrm2$, $x$ & {\bf Function}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_nrm2\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_nrm2 \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_nrm2 \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90nrm2}}
\syntax{psb\_nrm2}{x, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{psb\_nrm2}{x, desc\_a, info, jx}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. This function computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jx$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[jx] the column index of global dense matrix $x$,
identifying the column of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ is of rank 2.\\
Default: $jx = 1$\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jx\ge 1$.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[Function Value] is the 2-norm of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90nrm2}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_nrmi}{Infinity Norm of Sparse Matrix}
This function computes the infinity-norm of a matrix $A$:\\
\[ nrmi \leftarrow \|A\|_\infty \]
\item[$A$] represents the global matrix $A$
$nrmi$, $A$ & {\bf Function}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_nrmi\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_nrmi \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_nrmi \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90nrmi}}
\syntax{psb\_nrmi}{A, desc\_a, info}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the local portion of the global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[Function value] is the infinity-norm of sparse submatrix $A$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90nrmi}.
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_spmm}{Sparse Matrix by Dense Matrix Product}
This subroutine computes the Sparse Matrix by Dense Matrix Product:
y \leftarrow \alpha P_r A P_c x + \beta y
y \leftarrow \alpha P_r A^T P_c x + \beta y
y \leftarrow \alpha P_r A^H P_c x + \beta y
\item[$x$] is the global dense submatrix $x_{:, jx:jx+k-1}$
\item[$y$] is the global dense submatrix $y_{:, jy:jy+k-1}$
\item[$A$] is the global sparse submatrix $A$
\item[$P_r, P_c$] are the permutation matrices.
$A$, $x$, $y$, $\alpha$, $\beta$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_spmm\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_spmm \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_spmm \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90spmm}}
\syntax{CALL psb\_spmm}{alpha, a, x, beta, y, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{CALL psb\_spmm}{alpha, a, x, beta, y,desc\_a, info,
trans, k, jx, jy, work}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[alpha] the scalar $\alpha$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in
\item[a] the local portion of the sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. This subroutine computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jx$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90spmm}. The rank of $x$ must be the same of $y$.
\item[beta] the scalar $\beta$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90spmm}.
\item[y] the local portion of global dense matrix
$y$. This subroutine computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jy$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90spmm}. The rank of $y$ must be the same of $x$.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[trans] indicate what kind of operation to perform.
\item[trans = N] the operation is specified by equation \ref{eq:f90spmm_no_tra}
\item[trans = T] the operation is specified by equation
\item[trans = C] the operation is specified by equation
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $trans = N$\\
Specified as: a character variable.
\item[k] number of columns in dense submatrices $x$ and $y$. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: \verb|min(size(x,2)-jx+1,size(y,2)-jy+1)|\\
Specified as: an integer variable $ k \ge 1$.
\item[jx] the column index of global dense matrix $x$,
identifying the column of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ is of rank 2.\\
Default: $iy = 1$\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jx\ge 1$.
\item[jy] the column index of global dense matrix $y$,
identifying the column of subvector $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $y$ is of rank 2.\\
Default: $jy = 1$\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jy\ge 1$.
\item[work] the work array.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Specified as: a rank one array of the same type of $x$ and $y$ with
the POINTER attribute.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[y] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
\subroutine{psb\_spsm}{Triangular System Solve}
This subroutine computes the Triangular System Solve:
y &\leftarrow& \alpha P_r T^{-1} P_c x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha D P_r T^{-1} P_c x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha P_r T^{-1} P_c D x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha P_r T^{-T} P_c x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha D P_r T^{-T} P_c x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha P_r T^{-T} P_c D x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha P_r T^{-H} P_c x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha D P_r T^{-H} P_c x + \beta y\\
y &\leftarrow& \alpha P_r T^{-H} P_c D x + \beta y\\
\item[$x$] is the global dense submatrix $x_{:, jx:jx+n-1}$
\item[$y$] is the global dense submatrix $y_{:, jy:jy+n-1}$
\item[$T$] is the global sparse block triangular submatrix $T$
\item[$D$] is the scaling diagonal matrix.
\item[$P_r, P_c$] are the permutation matrices.
\syntax{CALL psb\_spsm}{alpha, t, x, beta, y, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{CALL psb\_spsm}{alpha, t, x, beta, y, desc\_a, info,
trans, unit, choice, diag, n, jx, jy, work}
$T$, $x$, $y$, $D$, $\alpha$, $\beta$ & {\bf Subroutine}\\
Single Precision Real & psb\_spsm\\
Long Precision Real & psb\_spsm \\
Long Precision Complex & psb\_spsm \\
\caption{Data types\label{tab:f90spsm}}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[alpha] the scalar $\alpha$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in
\item[t] the global portion of the sparse matrix
$T$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[x] the local portion of global dense matrix
$x$. This subroutine computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jx$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90spsm}. The rank of $x$ must be the same of $y$.
\item[beta] the scalar $\beta$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90spsm}.
\item[y] the local portion of global dense matrix
$y$. This subroutine computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jy$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the POINTER attribute
containing numbers of type specified in
Table~\ref{tab:f90spsm}. The rank of $y$ must be the same of $x$.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Specified as: a structured data type specified in
\item[trans] specify with {\em unitd} the operation to perform.
\item[trans = 'N'] the operation is with no transposed matrix
\item[trans = 'T'] the operation is with transposed matrix.
\item[trans = 'C'] the operation is with conjugate transposed matrix.
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $trans = N$\\
Specified as: a character variable.
\item[unitd] specify with {\em trans} the operation to perform.
\item[unitd = 'U'] the operation is with no scaling
\item[unitd = 'L'] the operation is with left scaling
\item[unitd = 'R'] the operation is with right scaling.
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $unitd = U$\\
Specified as: a character variable.
\item[choice] specify whether a cleanup of the overlapped elements is
required on exit.
\item[choice = .false.] no cleanup on exit
\item[choice = .true.] cleanup on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $choice = .true.$\\
Specified as: a logical variable.
\item[diag] the diagonal scaling matrix.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: $diag(1) = 1 (no scaling)$\\
Specified as: a rank one array containing numbers of the type
indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90spsm}.
\item[n] number of columns in dense submatrices $x$ and $y$. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Default: \verb|min(size(x,2)-jx+1,size(y,2)-jy+1)|\\
Specified as: an integer variable $ n \ge 0$.
\item[jx] the column index of global dense matrix $x$,
identifying the column of subvector $x$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $x$ is of rank 2.\\
Default: $jx = 1 $\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jx\ge 1$.
\item[jy] the column index of global dense matrix $y$,
identifying the column of subvector $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}; can only be present if $y$ is of rank 2.\\
Default: $jy = 1 $\\
Specified as: an integer variable $jy\ge 1$. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Specified as: a number of the data type indicated in Table~\ref{tab:f90spsm}.
\item[work] the work array. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: a rank one array of the same type of $x$ with the
POINTER attribute.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[y] the local portion of global dense matrix
$y$. This subroutine computes the location of the first element of
local subarray used, based on $jy$ and the field $matrix\_data$ of $desc\_a$ . \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Specified as: a pointer to array of rank one or two
containing numbers of type specified in
\item[info] the local portion of result submatrix $y$.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value that contains an error code.
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{\Large PSBLAS V. 2.0}\\
Alfredo Buttari
Salvatore Filippone
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{\Huge\bfseries PSBLAS-2.0 User's guide
\hfill\emph{\Large A reference guide for the Parallel Sparse BLAS library}
by Salvatore Filippone\\[1.5ex]
and Alfredo Buttari\\[3ex]}
``Tor Vergata'' University of Rome.
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\section{Data management and initialization routines}
%% psb_alloc %%
\subroutine{psb\_alloc}{Allocates a dense matrix}
\syntax{call psb\_alloc}{m, n, x, desc\_a, info, js}
\syntax*{call psb\_alloc}{m, n, x, desc\_a, info}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[m] The number of rows of the dense matrix to be allocated.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
\item[n] The number of columns of the dense matrix to be allocated.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
\item[desc\_a] The communication descriptor.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
\item[js] The starting column.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The dense matrix to be allocated.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
\item[info] Error code.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
%% psb_asb %%
\subroutine{psb\_asb}{Assembly a dense matrix}
\syntax{call psb\_asb}{x, desc\_a, info}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[desc\_a] The communication descriptor.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The dense matrix to be assembled.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
\item[info] Error code.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
%% psb_csrp %%
\subroutine{psb\_csrp}{Applies a right permutation to a sparse matrix}
\syntax{call psb\_csrp}{trans, iperm, a, desc\_a, info}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_descprt %%
\subroutine{psb\_descprt}{Prints a descriptor}
\syntax{call psb\_descprt}{iout, desc\_p, glob, short}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_free %%
\subroutine{psb\_free}{Frees a dense matrix}
\syntax{call psb\_free}{x, desc\_a, info}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_gelp %%
\subroutine{psb\_gelp}{Applies a left permutation to a dense matrix}
\syntax{call psb\_gelp}{trans, iperm, x, desc\_a, info}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_ins %%
\subroutine{psb\_ins}{Insert a submatrix into a dense matrix}
\syntax{call psb\_ins}{m, n, x, ix, jx, blck, desc\_a, info, iblck, jblck}
\syntax*{call psb\_ins}{m, x, ix, jx, blck, desc\_a, info, iblck}
\syntax*{call psb\_ins}{m, x, ix, jx, blck, desc\_a, info, iblck, insflag}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_dscall %%
\subroutine{psb\_dscall}{Allocates a communication descriptor}
\syntax{call psb\_dscall}{m, n, parts, icontxt, desc\_a, info, flag}
\syntax*{call psb\_dscall}{m, v, icontxt, desc\_a, info, flag}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_dscasb %%
\subroutine{psb\_dscasb}{Communication descriptor assembly routine}
\syntax{call psb\_dscasb}{desc\_a, info}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_dsccpy %%
\subroutine{psb\_dsccpy}{Copies a communication descriptor}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_dscfree %%
\subroutine{psb\_dscfree}{Frees a communication descriptor}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_dscins %%
\subroutine{psb\_dscins}{Comunnication descriptor insert routine}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_dscren %%
\subroutine{psb\_dscren}{Applies a renumeration to a communication descriptor}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_spalloc %%
\subroutine{psb\_spalloc}{Allocates a sparse matrix}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_spasb %%
\subroutine{psb\_spasb}{Sparse matrix assembly routine}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_spcnv %%
\subroutine{psb\_spcnv}{Converts a sparse matrix storage format}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_spfree %%
\subroutine{psb\_spfree}{Frees a sparse matrix}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_spins %%
\subroutine{psb\_spins}{Sparse matrix insertion routine}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_sprn %%
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_spupdate %%
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_glob_to_loc %%
\subroutine{psb\_glob\_to\_loc}{Global to local indices convertion}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
%% psb_loc_to_glob %%
\subroutine{psb\_loc\_to\_glob}{Local to global indices conversion}
\syntax{call }{}
\syntax*{call }{}
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[\bf On Return]
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%openaction goto page 1 {/Fit}
\title{Parallel Sparse BLAS V. 2.0: user's guide}
Alfredo Buttari\thanks{
%Computer Science Engineering Dept.
Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy},
Salvatore Filippone\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark
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