@ -293,27 +293,23 @@ program df_sample
end if
end if
!!$ call psb_precdump(prec,info,prefix=trim(mtrx_file)//'_')
!!$ call psb_precdump(prec,info,prefix=trim(mtrx_file)//'_')
call psb_gather(x_col_glob,x_col,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_)
if (ierr /= 0) then
if (info == psb_success_) &
write(psb_err_unit,*) 'allocation error: no data collection'
& call psb_gather(r_col_glob,r_col,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_)
if (iam == psb_root_) then
call psb_gather(x_col_glob,x_col,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_)
write(psb_err_unit,'(" ")')
call psb_gather(r_col_glob,r_col,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_)
write(psb_err_unit,'("Saving x on file")')
if (iam == psb_root_) then
write(20,*) 'matrix: ',mtrx_file
write(psb_err_unit,'(" ")')
write(20,*) 'computed solution on ',np,' processors.'
write(psb_err_unit,'("Saving x on file")')
write(20,*) 'iterations to convergence: ',iter
write(20,*) 'matrix: ',mtrx_file
write(20,*) 'error estimate (infinity norm) on exit:', &
write(20,*) 'computed solution on ',np,' processors.'
& ' ||r||/(||a||||x||+||b||) = ',err
write(20,*) 'iterations to convergence: ',iter
write(20,'("Residual norm 2 : ",es12.5)')resmx
write(20,*) 'error estimate (infinity norm) on exit:', &
write(20,'("Residual norm inf : ",es12.5)')resmxp
& ' ||r||/(||a||||x||+||b||) = ',err
write(20,'(a8,4(2x,a20))') 'I','X(I)','R(I)','B(I)'
write(20,'("Residual norm 2 : ",es12.5)')resmx
do i=1,m_problem
write(20,'("Residual norm inf : ",es12.5)')resmxp
write(20,998) i,x_col_glob(i),r_col_glob(i),b_col_glob(i)
write(20,'(a8,4(2x,a20))') 'I','X(I)','R(I)','B(I)'
do i=1,m_problem
write(20,998) i,x_col_glob(i),r_col_glob(i),b_col_glob(i)
end if
end if
end if
998 format(i8,4(2x,g20.14))
998 format(i8,4(2x,g20.14))
993 format(i6,4(1x,e12.6))
993 format(i6,4(1x,e12.6))