@ -82,31 +82,16 @@ module psb_gen_block_map_mod
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: reinit => block_reinit
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: reinit => block_reinit
procedure, nopass :: get_fmt => block_get_fmt
procedure, nopass :: get_fmt => block_get_fmt
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: l2gs1 => block_l2gs1
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: l2gs2 => block_l2gs2
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: l2gv1 => block_l2gv1
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: l2gv2 => block_l2gv2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gs1 => block_ll2gs1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gs1 => block_ll2gs1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gs2 => block_ll2gs2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gs2 => block_ll2gs2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gv1 => block_ll2gv1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gv1 => block_ll2gv1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gv2 => block_ll2gv2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: ll2gv2 => block_ll2gv2
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2ls1 => block_g2ls1
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2ls2 => block_g2ls2
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2lv1 => block_g2lv1
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2lv2 => block_g2lv2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls1 => block_lg2ls1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls1 => block_lg2ls1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls2 => block_lg2ls2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls2 => block_lg2ls2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv1 => block_lg2lv1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv1 => block_lg2lv1
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv2 => block_lg2lv2
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv2 => block_lg2lv2
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2ls1_ins => block_g2ls1_ins
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2ls2_ins => block_g2ls2_ins
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2lv1_ins => block_g2lv1_ins
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: g2lv2_ins => block_g2lv2_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls1_ins => block_lg2ls1_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls1_ins => block_lg2ls1_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls2_ins => block_lg2ls2_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2ls2_ins => block_lg2ls2_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv1_ins => block_lg2lv1_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv1_ins => block_lg2lv1_ins
@ -173,165 +158,6 @@ contains
end subroutine block_free
end subroutine block_free
!!$ subroutine block_l2gs1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: idx
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: idxv(1)
!!$ info = 0
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (.not.mask) return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxv(1) = idx
!!$ call idxmap%l2gip(idxv,info,owned=owned)
!!$ idx = idxv(1)
!!$ end subroutine block_l2gs1
!!$ subroutine block_l2gs2(idxin,idxout,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idxin
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: idxout
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ idxout = idxin
!!$ call idxmap%l2gip(idxout,info,mask,owned)
!!$ end subroutine block_l2gs2
!!$ subroutine block_l2gv1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: idx(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(:)
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i
!!$ logical :: owned_
!!$ info = 0
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (size(mask) < size(idx)) then
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(owned)) then
!!$ owned_ = owned
!!$ else
!!$ owned_ = .false.
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, size(idx)
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((1<=idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%local_rows)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idxmap%min_glob_row + idx(i) - 1
!!$ else if ((idxmap%local_rows < idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%local_cols)&
!!$ & .and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idxmap%loc_to_glob(idx(i)-idxmap%local_rows)
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, size(idx)
!!$ if ((1<=idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%local_rows)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idxmap%min_glob_row + idx(i) - 1
!!$ else if ((idxmap%local_rows < idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%local_cols)&
!!$ & .and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idxmap%loc_to_glob(idx(i)-idxmap%local_rows)
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ end if
!!$ end subroutine block_l2gv1
!!$ subroutine block_l2gv2(idxin,idxout,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idxin(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: idxout(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(:)
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: is, im, i
!!$ logical :: owned_
!!$ info = 0
!!$ is = size(idxin)
!!$ im = min(is,size(idxout))
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (size(mask) < im) then
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(owned)) then
!!$ owned_ = owned
!!$ else
!!$ owned_ = .false.
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((1<=idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%local_rows)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxmap%min_glob_row + idxin(i) - 1
!!$ else if ((idxmap%local_rows < idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%local_cols)&
!!$ & .and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxmap%loc_to_glob(idxin(i)-idxmap%local_rows)
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if ((1<=idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%local_rows)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxmap%min_glob_row + idxin(i) - 1
!!$ else if ((idxmap%local_rows < idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%local_cols)&
!!$ & .and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxmap%loc_to_glob(idxin(i)-idxmap%local_rows)
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ end if
!!$ if (is > im) then
!!$ info = -3
!!$ end if
!!$ end subroutine block_l2gv2
subroutine block_ll2gs1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
subroutine block_ll2gs1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
implicit none
implicit none
class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
@ -365,7 +191,6 @@ contains
end subroutine block_ll2gs2
end subroutine block_ll2gs2
subroutine block_ll2gv1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
subroutine block_ll2gv1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
implicit none
implicit none
class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
@ -489,269 +314,6 @@ contains
end subroutine block_ll2gv2
end subroutine block_ll2gv2
!!$ subroutine block_g2ls1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: idx
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: idxv(1)
!!$ info = 0
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (.not.mask) return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxv(1) = idx
!!$ call idxmap%g2lip(idxv,info,owned=owned)
!!$ idx = idxv(1)
!!$ end subroutine block_g2ls1
!!$ subroutine block_g2ls2(idxin,idxout,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idxin
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: idxout
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ idxout = idxin
!!$ call idxmap%g2lip(idxout,info,mask,owned)
!!$ end subroutine block_g2ls2
!!$ subroutine block_g2lv1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ use psb_penv_mod
!!$ use psb_sort_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: idx(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(:)
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nv, is, ip, lip
!!$ integer(psb_lpk_) :: tidx
!!$ integer(psb_mpk_) :: ctxt, iam, np
!!$ logical :: owned_
!!$ info = 0
!!$ ctxt = idxmap%get_ctxt()
!!$ call psb_info(ctxt,iam,np)
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (size(mask) < size(idx)) then
!!$! !$ write(0,*) 'Block g2l: size of mask', size(mask),size(idx)
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(owned)) then
!!$ owned_ = owned
!!$ else
!!$ owned_ = .false.
!!$ end if
!!$ is = size(idx)
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (idxmap%is_asb()) then
!!$ do i=1, is
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ nv = size(idxmap%srt_g2l,1)
!!$ tidx = idx(i)
!!$ idx(i) = psb_bsrch(tidx,nv,idxmap%srt_g2l(:,1))
!!$ if (idx(i) > 0) idx(i) = idxmap%srt_g2l(idx(i),2)+idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (idxmap%is_valid()) then
!!$ do i=1,is
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ ip = idx(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchkey(ip,lip,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (lip > 0) idx(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else
!!$! !$ write(0,*) 'Block status: invalid ',idxmap%get_state()
!!$ idx(1:is) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ if (idxmap%is_asb()) then
!!$ do i=1, is
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ nv = size(idxmap%srt_g2l,1)
!!$ tidx = idx(i)
!!$ idx(i) = psb_bsrch(tidx,nv,idxmap%srt_g2l(:,1))
!!$ if (idx(i) > 0) idx(i) = idxmap%srt_g2l(idx(i),2)+idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (idxmap%is_valid()) then
!!$ do i=1,is
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ ip = idx(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchkey(ip,lip,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (lip > 0) idx(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else
!!$! !$ write(0,*) 'Block status: invalid ',idxmap%get_state()
!!$ idx(1:is) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end subroutine block_g2lv1
!!$ subroutine block_g2lv2(idxin,idxout,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
!!$ use psb_penv_mod
!!$ use psb_sort_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idxin(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: idxout(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(:)
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: owned
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nv, is, ip, lip, im
!!$ integer(psb_lpk_) :: tidx
!!$ integer(psb_mpk_) :: ctxt, iam, np
!!$ logical :: owned_
!!$ info = 0
!!$ ctxt = idxmap%get_ctxt()
!!$ call psb_info(ctxt,iam,np)
!!$ is = size(idxin)
!!$ im = min(is,size(idxout))
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (size(mask) < im) then
!!$! !$ write(0,*) 'Block g2l: size of mask', size(mask),size(idx)
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(owned)) then
!!$ owned_ = owned
!!$ else
!!$ owned_ = .false.
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (idxmap%is_asb()) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ nv = size(idxmap%srt_g2l,1)
!!$ tidx = idxin(i)
!!$ idxout(i) = psb_bsrch(tidx,nv,idxmap%srt_g2l(:,1))
!!$ if (idxout(i) > 0) idxout(i) = idxmap%srt_g2l(idxout(i),2)+idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (idxmap%is_valid()) then
!!$ do i=1,im
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ ip = idxin(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchkey(ip,lip,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (lip > 0) idxout(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else
!!$! !$ write(0,*) 'Block status: invalid ',idxmap%get_state()
!!$ idxout(1:im) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ if (idxmap%is_asb()) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ nv = size(idxmap%srt_g2l,1)
!!$ tidx = idxin(i)
!!$ idxout(i) = psb_bsrch(tidx,nv,idxmap%srt_g2l(:,1))
!!$ if (idxout(i) > 0) idxout(i) = idxmap%srt_g2l(idxout(i),2)+idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (idxmap%is_valid()) then
!!$ do i=1,im
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)&
!!$ &.and.(.not.owned_)) then
!!$ ip = idxin(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchkey(ip,lip,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (lip > 0) idxout(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else
!!$! !$ write(0,*) 'Block status: invalid ',idxmap%get_state()
!!$ idxout(1:im) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (is > im) info = -3
!!$ end subroutine block_g2lv2
subroutine block_lg2ls1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
subroutine block_lg2ls1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
implicit none
implicit none
class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
@ -794,7 +356,6 @@ contains
end subroutine block_lg2ls2
end subroutine block_lg2ls2
subroutine block_lg2lv1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
subroutine block_lg2lv1(idx,idxmap,info,mask,owned)
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_sort_mod
use psb_sort_mod
@ -1033,449 +594,6 @@ contains
end subroutine block_lg2lv2
end subroutine block_lg2lv2
!!$ subroutine block_g2ls1_ins(idx,idxmap,info,mask, lidx)
!!$ use psb_realloc_mod
!!$ use psb_sort_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: idx
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: lidx
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: idxv(1), lidxv(1)
!!$ info = 0
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (.not.mask) return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxv(1) = idx
!!$ if (present(lidx)) then
!!$ lidxv(1) = lidx
!!$ call idxmap%g2lip_ins(idxv,info,lidx=lidxv)
!!$ else
!!$ call idxmap%g2lip_ins(idxv,info)
!!$ end if
!!$ idx = idxv(1)
!!$ end subroutine block_g2ls1_ins
!!$ subroutine block_g2ls2_ins(idxin,idxout,idxmap,info,mask,lidx)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idxin
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: idxout
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: lidx
!!$ idxout = idxin
!!$ call idxmap%g2lip_ins(idxout,info,mask=mask,lidx=lidx)
!!$ end subroutine block_g2ls2_ins
!!$ subroutine block_g2lv1_ins(idx,idxmap,info,mask,lidx)
!!$ use psb_realloc_mod
!!$ use psb_sort_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: idx(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: lidx(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nv, is, ix
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: ip, lip, nxt
!!$ info = 0
!!$ is = size(idx)
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (size(mask) < size(idx)) then
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(lidx)) then
!!$ if (size(lidx) < size(idx)) then
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (idxmap%is_asb()) then
!!$ ! State is wrong for this one !
!!$ idx = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ else if (idxmap%is_valid()) then
!!$ if (present(lidx)) then
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, is
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ if (lidx(i) <= idxmap%local_rows) then
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ nxt = lidx(i)-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ ip = idx(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = max(lidx(i),idxmap%local_cols)
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idx(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idx(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, is
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ if (lidx(i) <= idxmap%local_rows) then
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ nxt = lidx(i)-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ ip = idx(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = max(lidx(i),idxmap%local_cols)
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idx(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idx(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ end if
!!$ else if (.not.present(lidx)) then
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, is
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ nv = idxmap%local_cols-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ nxt = nv + 1
!!$ ip = idx(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = nxt + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idx(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idx(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, is
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idx(i) = idx(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idx(i)).and.(idx(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ nv = idxmap%local_cols-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ nxt = nv + 1
!!$ ip = idx(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = nxt + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idx(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idx(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idx(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ else
!!$ idx = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end subroutine block_g2lv1_ins
!!$ subroutine block_g2lv2_ins(idxin,idxout,idxmap,info,mask,lidx)
!!$ use psb_realloc_mod
!!$ use psb_sort_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_gen_block_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idxin(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: idxout(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: lidx(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nv, is, ix, im
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: ip, lip, nxt
!!$ info = 0
!!$ is = size(idxin)
!!$ im = min(is,size(idxout))
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ if (size(mask) < im) then
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(lidx)) then
!!$ if (size(lidx) < im) then
!!$ info = -1
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ if (idxmap%is_asb()) then
!!$ ! State is wrong for this one !
!!$ idxout = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ else if (idxmap%is_valid()) then
!!$ if (present(lidx)) then
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ if (lidx(i) <= idxmap%local_rows) then
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ nxt = lidx(i)-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ ip = idxin(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = max(lidx(i),idxmap%local_cols)
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idxin(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxout(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ if (lidx(i) <= idxmap%local_rows) then
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ nxt = lidx(i)-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ ip = idxin(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = max(lidx(i),idxmap%local_cols)
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idxin(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxout(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ end if
!!$ else if (.not.present(lidx)) then
!!$ if (present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if (mask(i)) then
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ nv = idxmap%local_cols-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ nxt = nv + 1
!!$ ip = idxin(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = nxt + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idxin(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxout(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ else if (.not.present(mask)) then
!!$ do i=1, im
!!$ if ((idxmap%min_glob_row <= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%max_glob_row)) then
!!$ idxout(i) = idxin(i) - idxmap%min_glob_row + 1
!!$ else if ((1<= idxin(i)).and.(idxin(i) <= idxmap%global_rows)) then
!!$ nv = idxmap%local_cols-idxmap%local_rows
!!$ nxt = nv + 1
!!$ ip = idxin(i)
!!$ call psb_hash_searchinskey(ip,lip,nxt,idxmap%hash,info)
!!$ if (info >= 0) then
!!$ if (lip == nxt) then
!!$ ! We have added one item
!!$ call psb_ensure_size(nxt,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,addsz=laddsz)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = -4
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxmap%local_cols = nxt + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ idxmap%loc_to_glob(nxt) = idxin(i)
!!$ end if
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ else
!!$ info = -5
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ idxout(i) = lip + idxmap%local_rows
!!$ else
!!$ idxout(i) = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ end do
!!$ end if
!!$ end if
!!$ else
!!$ idxout = -1
!!$ info = -1
!!$ end if
!!$ if (is > im) then
!!$! !$ write(0,*) 'g2lv2_ins err -3'
!!$ info = -3
!!$ end if
!!$ end subroutine block_g2lv2_ins
subroutine block_lg2ls1_ins(idx,idxmap,info,mask, lidx)
subroutine block_lg2ls1_ins(idx,idxmap,info,mask, lidx)
use psb_realloc_mod
use psb_realloc_mod
use psb_sort_mod
use psb_sort_mod
@ -1518,7 +636,6 @@ contains
idxout = tidx
idxout = tidx
end subroutine block_lg2ls2_ins
end subroutine block_lg2ls2_ins
subroutine block_lg2lv1_ins(idx,idxmap,info,mask,lidx)
subroutine block_lg2lv1_ins(idx,idxmap,info,mask,lidx)
use psb_realloc_mod
use psb_realloc_mod
use psb_sort_mod
use psb_sort_mod