Updated PENV with min/max.

Updated docs on utilities.
Salvatore Filippone 18 years ago
parent 60bc82efc1
commit 8bc00d4083

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ INCDIRS = -I .
psb_realloc_mod.o : psb_error_mod.o
psb_spmat_type.o : psb_realloc_mod.o psb_error_mod.o psb_const_mod.o psb_string_mod.o
psb_error_mod.o: psb_const_mod.o
psb_penv_mod.o: psb_const_mod.o psb_error_mod.o
psb_penv_mod.o: psb_const_mod.o psb_error_mod.o psb_realloc_mod.o
psi_mod.o: psb_penv_mod.o psb_error_mod.o psb_desc_type.o
psb_desc_type.o: psb_const_mod.o psb_error_mod.o psb_penv_mod.o
psb_check_mod.o: psb_desc_type.o

@ -77,6 +77,17 @@ module psb_penv_mod
& psb_hrcvs, psb_lrcvs
end interface
interface psb_max
module procedure psb_imaxs, psb_imaxv, psb_imaxm,&
& psb_dmaxs, psb_dmaxv, psb_dmaxm
end interface
interface psb_min
module procedure psb_imins, psb_iminv, psb_iminm,&
& psb_dmins, psb_dminv, psb_dminm
end interface
interface psb_amx
module procedure psb_iamxs, psb_iamxv, psb_iamxm,&
@ -97,7 +108,6 @@ module psb_penv_mod
end interface
interface gebs2d
module procedure igebs2ds, igebs2dv, igebs2dm,&
& dgebs2ds, dgebs2dv, dgebs2dm,&
@ -482,6 +492,371 @@ contains
end subroutine psb_lbcasts
subroutine psb_imaxs(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
integer, intent(inout) :: dat
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_, dat_
integer :: iam, np, icomm
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call mpi_allreduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_integer,mpi_max,icomm)
dat = dat_
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_integer,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
dat = dat_
end subroutine psb_imaxs
subroutine psb_imaxv(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
integer, intent(inout) :: dat(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
integer, allocatable :: dat_(:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_max,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_imaxv
subroutine psb_imaxm(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
integer, intent(inout) :: dat(:,:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
integer, allocatable :: dat_(:,:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_max,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_imaxm
subroutine psb_dmaxs(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(inout) :: dat
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
real(kind(1.d0)) :: dat_
integer :: iam, np, icomm
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call mpi_allreduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,icomm)
dat = dat_
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
dat = dat_
end subroutine psb_dmaxs
subroutine psb_dmaxv(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(inout) :: dat(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable :: dat_(:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_dmaxv
subroutine psb_dmaxm(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(inout) :: dat(:,:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable :: dat_(:,:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_max,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_dmaxm
subroutine psb_imins(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
integer, intent(inout) :: dat
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_, dat_
integer :: iam, np, icomm
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call mpi_allreduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_integer,mpi_min,icomm)
dat = dat_
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_integer,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
dat = dat_
end subroutine psb_imins
subroutine psb_iminv(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
integer, intent(inout) :: dat(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
integer, allocatable :: dat_(:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_min,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_iminv
subroutine psb_iminm(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
integer, intent(inout) :: dat(:,:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
integer, allocatable :: dat_(:,:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_min,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_integer,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_iminm
subroutine psb_dmins(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(inout) :: dat
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
real(kind(1.d0)) :: dat_
integer :: iam, np, icomm
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call mpi_allreduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,icomm)
dat = dat_
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,1,mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
dat = dat_
end subroutine psb_dmins
subroutine psb_dminv(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(inout) :: dat(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable :: dat_(:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_dminv
subroutine psb_dminm(ictxt,dat,root)
use mpi
use psb_realloc_mod
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(inout) :: dat(:,:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: root
integer :: root_
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable :: dat_(:,:)
integer :: iam, np, icomm, info
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
call psb_get_mpicomm(ictxt,icomm)
if (present(root)) then
root_ = root
root_ = -1
if (root_ == -1) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
if (info ==0) call mpi_allreduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,icomm)
if (iam==root_) then
call psb_realloc(size(dat,1),size(dat,2),dat_,info)
dat_ = dat
call mpi_reduce(dat_,dat,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
call mpi_reduce(dat,dat_,size(dat),mpi_double_precision,mpi_min,root_,icomm)
end if
end subroutine psb_dminm
subroutine psb_iamxs(ictxt,dat,root,ia)
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt
integer, intent(inout) :: dat

@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ Contains
use psb_error_mod
! ...Subroutine Arguments
Integer,allocatable,intent(in) :: vin(:)
Integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: vout(:)
Integer,allocatable, intent(in) :: vin(:)
Integer,allocatable, intent(out) :: vout(:)
integer :: info
! ...Local Variables
@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ Contains
use psb_error_mod
! ...Subroutine Arguments
Integer,allocatable :: vin(:,:),vout(:,:)
Integer, allocatable, intent(in) :: vin(:,:)
Integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: vout(:,:)
integer :: info
! ...Local Variables
@ -170,7 +171,8 @@ Contains
use psb_error_mod
! ...Subroutine Arguments
real(kind(1.d0)),allocatable :: vin(:),vout(:)
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(in) :: vin(:)
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(out) :: vout(:)
integer :: info
! ...Local Variables
@ -216,7 +218,8 @@ Contains
use psb_error_mod
! ...Subroutine Arguments
real(kind(1.d0)),allocatable :: vin(:,:),vout(:,:)
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(in) :: vin(:,:)
real(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(out) :: vout(:,:)
integer :: info
! ...Local Variables
@ -264,7 +267,8 @@ Contains
use psb_error_mod
! ...Subroutine Arguments
complex(kind(1.d0)),allocatable :: vin(:),vout(:)
complex(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(in) :: vin(:)
complex(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(out) :: vout(:)
integer :: info
! ...Local Variables
@ -310,7 +314,8 @@ Contains
use psb_error_mod
! ...Subroutine Arguments
complex(kind(1.d0)),allocatable :: vin(:,:),vout(:,:)
complex(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(in) :: vin(:,:)
complex(kind(1.d0)), allocatable, intent(out) :: vout(:,:)
integer :: info
! ...Local Variables

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
module psb_string_mod
public tolower, toupper, touppers
interface tolower
module procedure tolowerc
end interface
@ -42,13 +43,15 @@ module psb_string_mod
module procedure sub_toupperc
end interface
character(len=*), parameter :: lcase='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
character(len=*), parameter :: ucase='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
function tolowerc(string)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character(len=len(string)) :: tolowerc
character(len=*), parameter :: lcase='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
character(len=*), parameter :: ucase='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
integer :: i,k
do i=1,len(string)
@ -64,8 +67,6 @@ contains
function toupperc(string)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character(len=len(string)) :: toupperc
character(len=*), parameter :: lcase='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
character(len=*), parameter :: ucase='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
integer :: i,k
do i=1,len(string)
@ -81,8 +82,6 @@ contains
subroutine sub_toupperc(string,strout)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character(len=*), intent(out) :: strout
character(len=*), parameter :: lcase='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
character(len=*), parameter :: ucase='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
integer :: i,k
do i=1,len(string)

@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ the Krylov-Subspace family methods implemented in PSBLAS-2.0.
The stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
\[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
\[ err = \frac{\|r_i\|}{(\|A\|\|x_i\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
or the 2-norm residual reduction
\[ err = \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see
later). In the above formulae, $x_i$ is the tentative solution and
$r_i=b-Ax_i$ the corresponding residual at the $i$-th iteration.
\syntax{call psb\_krylov}{method,a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
@ -74,8 +76,9 @@ Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Type: {\bf optional}.\\
Values: 1: use the normwise backward error, 2: use the scaled 2-norm
of the residual. Default: 1.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\

@ -292,6 +292,96 @@ Type, rank and size must agree on all processes.
\subroutine{psb\_max}{Global maximum}
\syntax{call psb\_max}{icontxt, dat, root}
This subroutine implements a maximum valuereduction
operation based on the underlying communication library.
\item[\bf On Entry ]
\item[icontxt] the communication context identifying the virtual
parallel machine.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[dat] The local contribution to the global maximum.\\
Scope:{\bf local}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer or real variable, which may be a
scalar, or a rank 1 or 2 array. \
Type, rank and size must agree on all processes.
\item[root] Process to hold the final maximum, or $-1$ to make it available
on all processes.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value $-1<= root <= np-1$, default -1. \\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[dat] On destination process(es), the result of the maximum operation.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer or real variable, which may be a
scalar, or a rank 1 or 2 array. \
Type, rank and size must agree on all processes.
\item The \verb|dat| argument is both input and output, and its
value may be changed even on processes different from the final
result destination.
\subroutine{psb\_min}{Global minimum}
\syntax{call psb\_min}{icontxt, dat, root}
This subroutine implements a minimum value reduction
operation based on the underlying communication library.
\item[\bf On Entry ]
\item[icontxt] the communication context identifying the virtual
parallel machine.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer variable.
\item[dat] The local contribution to the global minimum.\\
Scope:{\bf local}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer or real variable, which may be a
scalar, or a rank 1 or 2 array. \
Type, rank and size must agree on all processes.
\item[root] Process to hold the final value, or $-1$ to make it available
on all processes.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value $-1<= root <= np-1$, default -1. \\
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[dat] On destination process(es), the result of the minimum operation.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer or real variable, which may be a
scalar, or a rank 1 or 2 array. \\
Type, rank and size must agree on all processes.
\item The \verb|dat| argument is both input and output, and its
value may be changed even on processes different from the final
result destination.
\subroutine{psb\_amx}{Global maximum absolute value}
\syntax{call psb\_amx}{icontxt, dat, root}
@ -311,7 +401,7 @@ Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer, real or complex variable, which may be a
scalar, or a rank 1 or 2 array. \
Type, rank and size must agree on all processes.
\item[root] Process to hold the final sum, or $-1$ to make it available
\item[root] Process to hold the final value, or $-1$ to make it available
on all processes.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
@ -356,7 +446,7 @@ Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer, real or complex variable, which may be a
scalar, or a rank 1 or 2 array. \
Type, rank and size must agree on all processes.
\item[root] Process to hold the final sum, or $-1$ to make it available
\item[root] Process to hold the final value, or $-1$ to make it available
on all processes.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\

@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
\section*{\flushleft #1---#2 \endflushleft}%
@ -47,7 +49,6 @@

@ -2,6 +2,148 @@
\subroutine{PSB\_HBIO\_MOD}{Input/Output in Harwell-Boeing format}
\subroutine*{hb\_read}{Read a sparse matrix from a file}
\syntax{call hb\_read}{a, iret, iunit, filename, b, mtitle}
\item[\bf On Entry ]
\item[filename] The name of the file to be read.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or
\verb|-|, in which case the default input unit 5 (i.e. standard input
in Unix jargon) is used. Default: \verb|-|.
\item[iunit] The Fortran file unit number.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not \verb|-|.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[a] the sparse matrix read from file.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
\item[b] Rigth hand side.\\
Type: {\bf Optional} \\
An array of type real or complex, rank 1 and having the ALLOCATABLE
attribute; will be allocated and filled in if the input file contains
a right hand side.
\item[mtitle] Matrix title.\\
Type: {\bf Optional} \\
A charachter variable of length 72 holding a copy of the
matrix title as specified by the Harwell-Boeing format and contained
in the input file.
\item[iret] Error code.\\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
\subroutine*{hb\_write}{Write a sparse matrix to a file}
\syntax{call hb\_write}{a, iret, iunit, filename, key, rhs, mtitle}
\item[\bf On Entry ]
\item[a] the sparse matrix to be written.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
\item[b] Rigth hand side.\\
Type: {\bf Optional} \\
An array of type real or complex, rank 1 and having the ALLOCATABLE
attribute; will be allocated and filled in if the input file contains
a right hand side.
\item[filename] The name of the file to be written to.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or
\verb|-|, in which case the default output unit 6 (i.e. standard output
in Unix jargon) is used. Default: \verb|-|.
\item[iunit] The Fortran file unit number.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not \verb|-|.
\item[key] Matrix key.\\
Type: {\bf Optional} \\
A charachter variable of length 8 holding the
matrix key as specified by the Harwell-Boeing format and to be
written to file.
\item[mtitle] Matrix title.\\
Type: {\bf Optional} \\
A charachter variable of length 72 holding the
matrix title as specified by the Harwell-Boeing format and to be
written to file.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[iret] Error code.\\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
\subroutine{PSB\_MMIO\_MOD}{Input/Output in MatrixMarket format}
\subroutine*{mm\_mat\_read}{Read a sparse matrix from a file}
\syntax{call mm\_mat\_read}{a, iret, iunit, filename}
\item[\bf On Entry ]
\item[filename] The name of the file to be read.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or
\verb|-|, in which case the default input unit 5 (i.e. standard input
in Unix jargon) is used. Default: \verb|-|.
\item[iunit] The Fortran file unit number.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not \verb|-|.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[a] the sparse matrix read from file.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
\item[iret] Error code.\\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
\subroutine*{mm\_mat\_write}{Write a sparse matrix to a file}
\syntax{call mm\_mat\_write}{a, mtitle, iret, iunit, filename}
\item[\bf On Entry ]
\item[a] the sparse matrix to be written.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
\item[mtitle] Matrix title.\\
Type: {\bf required} \\
A charachter variable holding a descriptive title for the matrix to be
written to file.
\item[filename] The name of the file to be written to.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or
\verb|-|, in which case the default output unit 6 (i.e. standard output
in Unix jargon) is used. Default: \verb|-|.
\item[iunit] The Fortran file unit number.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not \verb|-|.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[iret] Error code.\\
Type: {\bf required} \\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ contains
subroutine dhb_write(a,iret,eiout,filename,key,rhs,mtitle)
subroutine dhb_write(a,iret,iunit,filename,key,rhs,mtitle)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(out) :: iret
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: mtitle
integer, optional, intent(in) :: eiout
integer, optional, intent(in) :: iunit
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: filename
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: key
real(kind(1.d0)), optional :: rhs(:)
@ -213,16 +213,16 @@ contains
if (filename=='-') then
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit
open(iout,file=filename, err=901, action='WRITE')
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit
@ -520,13 +520,13 @@ contains
subroutine zhb_write(a,iret,eiout,filename,key,rhs,mtitle)
subroutine zhb_write(a,iret,iunit,filename,key,rhs,mtitle)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_zspmat_type), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(out) :: iret
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: mtitle
integer, optional, intent(in) :: eiout
integer, optional, intent(in) :: iunit
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: filename
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: key
complex(kind(1.d0)), optional :: rhs(:)
@ -554,16 +554,16 @@ contains
if (filename=='-') then
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit
open(iout,file=filename, err=901, action='WRITE')
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit

@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ contains
subroutine dmm_mat_write(a,mtitle,iret,eiout,filename)
subroutine dmm_mat_write(a,mtitle,iret,iunit,filename)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(out) :: iret
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mtitle
integer, optional, intent(in) :: eiout
integer, optional, intent(in) :: iunit
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: filename
integer :: iout
@ -165,16 +165,16 @@ contains
if (filename=='-') then
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit
open(iout,file=filename, err=901, action='WRITE')
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit
@ -330,13 +330,13 @@ contains
subroutine zmm_mat_write(a,mtitle,iret,eiout,filename)
subroutine zmm_mat_write(a,mtitle,iret,iunit,filename)
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_zspmat_type), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(out) :: iret
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mtitle
integer, optional, intent(in) :: eiout
integer, optional, intent(in) :: iunit
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: filename
integer :: iout
@ -347,16 +347,16 @@ contains
if (filename=='-') then
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit
open(iout,file=filename, err=901, action='WRITE')
if (present(eiout)) then
iout = eiout
if (present(iunit)) then
iout = iunit
