@ -1627,6 +1627,7 @@ function psb_c_base_maxval(a) result(res)
end function psb_c_base_maxval
end function psb_c_base_maxval
function psb_c_base_csnmi ( a ) result ( res )
function psb_c_base_csnmi ( a ) result ( res )
use psb_error_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_const_mod
use psb_const_mod
@ -1638,21 +1639,34 @@ function psb_c_base_csnmi(a) result(res)
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: err_act , info
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: err_act , info
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: ierr ( 5 )
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: ierr ( 5 )
character ( len = 20 ) :: name = 'csnmi'
character ( len = 20 ) :: name = 'csnm1'
real ( psb_spk_ ) , allocatable :: vt ( : )
logical , parameter :: debug = . false .
logical , parameter :: debug = . false .
call psb_get_erraction ( err_act )
! This is the base version . If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete ,
! so we throw an error .
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
call psb_errpush ( info , name , a_err = a % get_fmt ( ) )
if ( err_act / = psb_act_ret_ ) then
call psb_erractionsave ( err_act )
call psb_error ( )
end if
res = szero
res = szero
call psb_realloc ( a % get_nrows ( ) , vt , info )
if ( info / = 0 ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
call psb_errpush ( info , name )
go to 9999
end if
call a % arwsum ( vt )
res = maxval ( vt )
call psb_erractionrestore ( err_act )
9999 continue
call psb_erractionrestore ( err_act )
if ( err_act == psb_act_abort_ ) then
call psb_error ( )
end if
end function psb_c_base_csnmi
end function psb_c_base_csnmi
@ -1669,20 +1683,33 @@ function psb_c_base_csnm1(a) result(res)
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: err_act , info
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: err_act , info
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: ierr ( 5 )
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: ierr ( 5 )
character ( len = 20 ) :: name = 'csnm1'
character ( len = 20 ) :: name = 'csnm1'
real ( psb_spk_ ) , allocatable :: vt ( : )
logical , parameter :: debug = . false .
logical , parameter :: debug = . false .
call psb_get_erraction ( err_act )
! This is the base version . If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete ,
! so we throw an error .
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
call psb_errpush ( info , name , a_err = a % get_fmt ( ) )
if ( err_act / = psb_act_ret_ ) then
call psb_erractionsave ( err_act )
call psb_error ( )
end if
res = szero
res = szero
call psb_realloc ( a % get_ncols ( ) , vt , info )
if ( info / = 0 ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
call psb_errpush ( info , name )
go to 9999
end if
call a % aclsum ( vt )
res = maxval ( vt )
call psb_erractionrestore ( err_act )
9999 continue
call psb_erractionrestore ( err_act )
if ( err_act == psb_act_abort_ ) then
call psb_error ( )
end if
end function psb_c_base_csnm1
end function psb_c_base_csnm1