Cuda multivect methods implementation

gabrielequatrana 11 months ago
parent c1e4f9c2b1
commit a624b7098b

@ -1357,17 +1357,18 @@ module psb_d_cuda_multivect_mod
procedure, pass(x) :: get_nrows => d_cuda_multi_get_nrows
procedure, pass(x) :: get_ncols => d_cuda_multi_get_ncols
procedure, nopass :: get_fmt => d_cuda_multi_get_fmt
!!$ procedure, pass(x) :: dot_v => d_cuda_multi_dot_v
!!$ procedure, pass(x) :: dot_a => d_cuda_multi_dot_a
!!$ procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_v => d_cuda_multi_axpby_v
!!$ procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_a => d_cuda_multi_axpby_a
procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_v => d_cuda_multi_axpby_v
procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_a => d_cuda_multi_axpby_a
!!$ procedure, pass(y) :: mlt_v => d_cuda_multi_mlt_v
!!$ procedure, pass(y) :: mlt_a => d_cuda_multi_mlt_a
!!$ procedure, pass(z) :: mlt_a_2 => d_cuda_multi_mlt_a_2
!!$ procedure, pass(z) :: mlt_v_2 => d_cuda_multi_mlt_v_2
!!$ procedure, pass(x) :: scal => d_cuda_multi_scal
!!$ procedure, pass(x) :: nrm2 => d_cuda_multi_nrm2
!!$ procedure, pass(x) :: amax => d_cuda_multi_amax
procedure, pass(x) :: nrm2 => d_cuda_multi_nrm2
procedure, pass(x) :: amax => d_cuda_multi_amax
!!$ procedure, pass(x) :: asum => d_cuda_multi_asum
procedure, pass(x) :: all => d_cuda_multi_all
procedure, pass(x) :: zero => d_cuda_multi_zero
@ -1607,108 +1608,109 @@ contains
res = 'dGPU'
end function d_cuda_multi_get_fmt
!!$ function d_cuda_multi_dot_v(n,x,y) result(res)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
!!$ class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: y
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n
!!$ real(psb_dpk_) :: res
!!$ real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
!!$ res = dzero
!!$ !
!!$ ! Note: this is the gpu implementation.
!!$ ! When we get here, we are sure that X is of
!!$ ! TYPE psb_d_vect
!!$ !
!!$ select type(yy => y)
!!$ type is (psb_d_base_multivect_type)
!!$ if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
!!$ res = ddot(n,x%v,1,yy%v,1)
!!$ type is (psb_d_multivect_cuda)
!!$ if (x%is_host()) call x%sync()
!!$ if (yy%is_host()) call yy%sync()
!!$ info = dotMultiVecDevice(res,n,x%deviceVect,yy%deviceVect)
!!$ if (info /= 0) then
!!$ info = psb_err_internal_error_
!!$ call psb_errpush(info,'d_cuda_multi_dot_v')
!!$ end if
!!$ class default
!!$ ! y%sync is done in dot_a
!!$ call x%sync()
!!$ res = y%dot(n,x%v)
!!$ end select
!!$ end function d_cuda_multi_dot_v
!!$ function d_cuda_multi_dot_a(n,x,y) result(res)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
!!$ real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: y(:)
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n
!!$ real(psb_dpk_) :: res
!!$ real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
!!$ if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
!!$ res = ddot(n,y,1,x%v,1)
!!$ end function d_cuda_multi_dot_a
!!$ subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_v(m,alpha, x, beta, y, info)
!!$ use psi_serial_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: m
!!$ class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
!!$ class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: y
!!$ real(psb_dpk_), intent (in) :: alpha, beta
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nx, ny
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ select type(xx => x)
!!$ type is (psb_d_base_multivect_type)
!!$ if ((beta /= dzero).and.(y%is_dev()))&
!!$ & call y%sync()
!!$ call psb_geaxpby(m,alpha,xx%v,beta,y%v,info)
!!$ call y%set_host()
!!$ type is (psb_d_multivect_cuda)
!!$ ! Do something different here
!!$ if ((beta /= dzero).and.y%is_host())&
!!$ & call y%sync()
!!$ if (xx%is_host()) call xx%sync()
!!$ nx = getMultiVecDeviceSize(xx%deviceVect)
!!$ ny = getMultiVecDeviceSize(y%deviceVect)
!!$ if ((nx<m).or.(ny<m)) then
!!$ info = psb_err_internal_error_
!!$ info = psb_err_internal_error_
!!$ else
!!$ info = axpbyMultiVecDevice(m,alpha,xx%deviceVect,beta,y%deviceVect)
!!$ end if
!!$ call y%set_dev()
!!$ class default
!!$ call x%sync()
!!$ call y%axpby(m,alpha,x%v,beta,info)
!!$ end select
!!$ end subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_v
!!$ subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_a(m,alpha, x, beta, y, info)
!!$ use psi_serial_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: m
!!$ real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: x(:)
!!$ class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: y
!!$ real(psb_dpk_), intent (in) :: alpha, beta
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
!!$ if (y%is_dev()) call y%sync()
!!$ call psb_geaxpby(m,alpha,x,beta,y%v,info)
!!$ call y%set_host()
!!$ end subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_a
function d_cuda_multi_dot_v(n,x,y) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: y
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
res = dzero
! Note: this is the gpu implementation.
! When we get here, we are sure that X is of
! TYPE psb_d_vect
! TODO tra
select type(yy => y)
type is (psb_d_multivect_cuda)
if (x%is_host()) call x%sync()
if (yy%is_host()) call yy%sync()
info = dotMultiVecDevice(res,n,x%deviceVect,yy%deviceVect,x%get_ncols())
if (info /= 0) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_
call psb_errpush(info,'d_cuda_multi_dot_v')
end if
class default
! y%sync is done in dot_a
call x%sync()
res = y%dot(n,x%v)
end select
end function d_cuda_multi_dot_v
function d_cuda_multi_dot_a(n,x,y) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: y(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
res = ddot(n,y,1,x%v,1)
end function d_cuda_multi_dot_a
subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_v(m,alpha, x, beta, y, info, n)
use psi_serial_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: m
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: y
real(psb_dpk_), intent (in) :: alpha, beta
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: n
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nc, nx, ny
info = psb_success_
select type(xx => x)
type is (psb_d_multivect_cuda)
if ((beta /= dzero).and.(y%is_host())) call y%sync()
if (xx%is_host()) call xx%sync()
nx = getMultiVecDeviceSize(xx%deviceVect)
ny = getMultiVecDeviceSize(y%deviceVect)
if ((nx<m).or.(ny<m)) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_
info = axpbyMultiVecDevice(m,alpha,xx%deviceVect,beta,y%deviceVect)
end if
call y%set_dev()
class default
! Do it on the host side
if ((alpha /= dzero).and.(x%is_dev())) call x%sync()
call y%axpby(m,alpha,x%v,beta,info,n=n)
end select
end subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_v
subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_a(m,alpha, x, beta, y, info, n)
use psi_serial_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: m
real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: x(:,:)
class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: y
real(psb_dpk_), intent (in) :: alpha, beta
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: n
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nc
if (present(n)) then
nc = n
nc = min(size(x,2),size(y%v,2))
end if
if ((beta /= dzero).and.(y%is_dev())) call y%sync()
call psb_geaxpby(m,nc,alpha,x,beta,y%v,info)
call y%set_host()
end subroutine d_cuda_multi_axpby_a
!!$ subroutine d_cuda_multi_mlt_v(x, y, info)
!!$ use psi_serial_mod
!!$ implicit none
@ -1860,41 +1862,50 @@ contains
!!$ call x%psb_d_base_multivect_type%scal(alpha)
!!$ call x%set_host()
!!$ end subroutine d_cuda_multi_scal
!!$ function d_cuda_multi_nrm2(n,x) result(res)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n
!!$ real(psb_dpk_) :: res
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
!!$ ! WARNING: this should be changed.
!!$ if (x%is_host()) call x%sync()
!!$ info = nrm2MultiVecDevice(res,n,x%deviceVect)
!!$ end function d_cuda_multi_nrm2
!!$ function d_cuda_multi_amax(n,x) result(res)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n
!!$ real(psb_dpk_) :: res
!!$ if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
!!$ res = maxval(abs(x%v(1:n)))
!!$ end function d_cuda_multi_amax
!!$ function d_cuda_multi_asum(n,x) result(res)
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: n
!!$ real(psb_dpk_) :: res
!!$ if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
!!$ res = sum(abs(x%v(1:n)))
!!$ end function d_cuda_multi_asum
function d_cuda_multi_nrm2(nr,x) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
! WARNING: this should be changed.
if (x%is_host()) call x%sync()
info = nrm2MultiVecDevice(res,nr,x%deviceVect)
end function d_cuda_multi_nrm2
function d_cuda_multi_amax(nr,x) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nc
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
nc = x%get_ncols()
res = 0
do i=1,nr
res = max(res,sum(abs(x%v(i,1:nc))))
end do
end function d_cuda_multi_amax
function d_cuda_multi_asum(nr,x) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_multivect_cuda), intent(inout) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: j
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
res = 0
do j=1,x%get_ncols()
res = max(res,sum(abs(x%v(1:nr,j))))
end do
end function d_cuda_multi_asum
subroutine d_cuda_multi_all(m,n, x, info)
use psi_serial_mod

@ -267,6 +267,15 @@ module psb_d_vectordev_mod
real(c_double) :: res
type(c_ptr), value :: deviceVecA, deviceVecB
end function dotMultiVecDeviceDouble
function dotMultiVecDeviceDoubleR2(res, n,deviceVecA,deviceVecB,ld) &
& result(val) bind(c,name='dotMultiVecDeviceDouble')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int) :: val
integer(c_int), value :: n
real(c_double) :: res(ld,*)
integer(c_int), value :: ld
type(c_ptr), value :: deviceVecA, deviceVecB
end function dotMultiVecDeviceDoubleR2
end interface
interface nrm2MultiVecDevice
@ -278,6 +287,14 @@ module psb_d_vectordev_mod
real(c_double) :: res
type(c_ptr), value :: deviceVecA
end function nrm2MultiVecDeviceDouble
function nrm2MultiVecDeviceDoubleR2(res,n,deviceVecA) &
& result(val) bind(c,name='nrm2MultiVecDeviceDouble')
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int) :: val
integer(c_int), value :: n
real(c_double) :: res(*)
type(c_ptr), value :: deviceVecA
end function nrm2MultiVecDeviceDoubleR2
end interface
interface amaxMultiVecDevice

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
include $(TOPDIR)/
# Libraries used
PSBLAS_LIB= -L$(LIBDIR) -L$(PSBLIBDIR) $(LCUDA) -lpsb_ext -lpsb_util -lpsb_base
all: dir pgen file
pgen: dpdegenmm
dpdegenmm: dir
(if test ! -d $(EXEDIR); then mkdir $(EXEDIR); fi)
dpdegenmm: $(DPMGOBJS)
$(FLINK) $(LOPT) $(DPMGOBJS) -fopenmp -o dpdegenmm $(FINCLUDES) $(PSBLAS_LIB) $(LDLIBS)
/bin/mv dpdegenmm $(EXEDIR)
/bin/rm -f $(DPMGOBJS) $(EXEDIR)/dpdegenmm
(cd ../../; make library)
(cd ../../; make veryclean)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff