Merge branch 'unify_aggr_bld' into development

Salvatore Filippone 5 years ago
commit c9cfb1bb06

@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ libd:
(if test ! -d include ; then mkdir include; fi; $(INSTALL_DATA) include/
(if test ! -d modules ; then mkdir modules; fi;)
cd base && $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C base lib
cd prec && $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C prec lib
cd krylov && $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C krylov lib
cd util&& $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C util lib
cd cbind&& $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C cbind lib
install: all
mkdir -p $(INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR) &&\
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ install: all
/bin/cp -fr test/pargen test/fileread test/kernel $(INSTALL_SAMPLESDIR) && \
mkdir -p $(INSTALL_SAMPLESDIR)/cbind && /bin/cp -fr cbind/test/pargen/* $(INSTALL_SAMPLESDIR)/cbind
cd base && $(MAKE) clean
cd prec && $(MAKE) clean
cd krylov && $(MAKE) clean
cd util && $(MAKE) clean
cd cbind && $(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) -C base clean
$(MAKE) -C prec clean
$(MAKE) -C krylov clean
$(MAKE) -C util clean
$(MAKE) -C cbind clean
check: all
make check -C test/serial

@ -13,25 +13,25 @@ lib: mods sr cm in pb tl
sr cm in pb tl: mods
cd modules && $(MAKE) lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME) F90="$(MPF90)" F90COPT="$(F90COPT) $(MPI_OPT)"
$(MAKE) -C modules lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME) F90="$(MPF90)" F90COPT="$(F90COPT) $(MPI_OPT)"
cd serial && $(MAKE) lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME)
cd comm && $(MAKE) lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME)
cd internals && $(MAKE) lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME)
$(MAKE) -C internals lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME)
cd psblas && $(MAKE) lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME)
cd tools && $(MAKE) lib LIBNAME=$(BASELIBNAME)
(cd modules; $(MAKE) clean)
(cd comm; $(MAKE) clean)
(cd internals; $(MAKE) clean)
(cd tools; $(MAKE) clean)
(cd serial; $(MAKE) clean)
(cd psblas; $(MAKE) clean)
($(MAKE) -C modules clean)
($(MAKE) -C comm clean)
($(MAKE) -C internals clean)
($(MAKE) -C tools clean)
($(MAKE) -C serial clean)
($(MAKE) -C psblas clean)
veryclean: clean
/bin/rm -f $(HERE)/$(LIBNAME) $(LIBMOD) *$(.mod)

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ lib: interns mpfobjs $(OBJS)
cd internals && $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C internals lib

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%p_adjcncy,ladj,info)
nadj = psb_size(ladj)
! This makes ladj allocated with size 0 just in case
! This makes ladj allocated with size 0 if needed, as opposed to unallocated
call psb_realloc(nadj,ladj,info)
! Throughout the subroutine, nreqst is the number of local inquiries

@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ subroutine psi_indx_map_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: hhidx(:)
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo, iictxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, err_act, hsize, nv
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, err_act, hsize
integer(psb_lpk_) :: nv
integer(psb_lpk_) :: mglob
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt,np,me, nresp
logical, parameter :: gettime=.false.
@ -140,7 +141,66 @@ subroutine psi_indx_map_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
call psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
if (allocated(idxmap%halo_owner)) then
! Maybe we are coming here after a REINIT event.
! In this case, reuse the existing information as much as possible.
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: tprc(:), lidx(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: tidx(:)
integer(psb_lpk_) :: k1, k2, nh
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! Get local answers, if any
call idxmap%g2l(idx,lidx,info,owned=.false.)
call idxmap%qry_halo_owner(lidx,iprc,info)
nh = count(iprc<0)
!write(0,*) me,'Going through new impl from ',nv,' to ',nh
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! Prepare remote queries
k2 = 0
do k1 = 1, nv
if (iprc(k1) < 0) then
k2 = k2 + 1
if (k2 > nh) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='Wrong auxiliary count')
goto 9999
end if
tidx(k2) = idx(k1)
end if
end do
call psi_graph_fnd_owner(tidx,tprc,idxmap,info)
k2 = 0
do k1 = 1, nv
if (iprc(k1) < 0) then
k2 = k2 + 1
if (k2 > nh) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='Wrong auxiliary count')
goto 9999
end if
iprc(k1) = tprc(k2)
end if
end do
end block
call psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
end if
end if

@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ module psb_hash_map_mod
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv1_ins => hash_g2lv1_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: lg2lv2_ins => hash_g2lv2_ins
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: hash_cpy
generic, public :: assignment(=) => hash_cpy
!!$ procedure, pass(idxmap) :: hash_cpy
!!$ generic, public :: assignment(=) => hash_cpy
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: bld_g2l_map => hash_bld_g2l_map
end type psb_hash_map
@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@ contains
& call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%glb_lc,outmap%glb_lc,info)
if (info == psb_success_)&
& call psb_hash_copy(idxmap%hash,outmap%hash,info)
!!$ outmap = idxmap
class default
! This should be impossible
info = -1
@ -1499,28 +1499,30 @@ contains
end subroutine hash_clone
subroutine hash_cpy(outmap,idxmap)
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_realloc_mod
implicit none
class(psb_hash_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
type(psb_hash_map), intent(out) :: outmap
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
outmap%psb_indx_map = idxmap%psb_indx_map
outmap%hashvsize = idxmap%hashvsize
outmap%hashvmask = idxmap%hashvmask
if (info == psb_success_)&
& call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%loc_to_glob,outmap%loc_to_glob,info)
if (info == psb_success_)&
& call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%hashv,outmap%hashv,info)
if (info == psb_success_)&
& call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%glb_lc,outmap%glb_lc,info)
if (info == psb_success_)&
& call psb_hash_copy(idxmap%hash,outmap%hash,info)
end subroutine hash_cpy
!!$ subroutine hash_cpy(outmap,idxmap)
!!$ use psb_penv_mod
!!$ use psb_error_mod
!!$ use psb_realloc_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_hash_map), intent(in) :: idxmap
!!$ type(psb_hash_map), intent(out) :: outmap
!!$ integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
!!$ info = psb_success_
!!$ call idxmap%psb_indx_map%cpy(outmap%psb_indx_map,info)
!!$ if (info == psb_success_) then
!!$ outmap%hashvsize = idxmap%hashvsize
!!$ outmap%hashvmask = idxmap%hashvmask
!!$ end if
!!$ if (info == psb_success_)&
!!$ & call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%loc_to_glob,outmap%loc_to_glob,info)
!!$ if (info == psb_success_)&
!!$ & call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%hashv,outmap%hashv,info)
!!$ if (info == psb_success_)&
!!$ & call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%glb_lc,outmap%glb_lc,info)
!!$ if (info == psb_success_)&
!!$ & call psb_hash_copy(idxmap%hash,outmap%hash,info)
!!$ end subroutine hash_cpy
subroutine hash_reinit(idxmap,info)
use psb_penv_mod
@ -1533,7 +1535,7 @@ contains
integer(psb_lpk_) :: lk
integer(psb_lpk_) :: ntot
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: lidx(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: lidx(:), tadj(:), th_own(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: gidx(:)
character(len=20) :: name='hash_reinit'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
@ -1549,13 +1551,16 @@ contains
lidx = (/(k,k=1,nc)/)
gidx = (/(lk,lk=1,nc)/)
call idxmap%l2gip(gidx,info)
tadj = idxmap%get_p_adjcncy()
call idxmap%get_halo_owner(th_own,info)
call idxmap%free()
call hash_init_vlu(idxmap,ictxt,ntot,nr,gidx(1:nr),info)
if (nc>nr) then
call idxmap%g2lip_ins(gidx(nr+1:nc),info,lidx=lidx(nr+1:nc))
end if
call idxmap%set_p_adjcncy(tadj)
call idxmap%set_halo_owner(th_own,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
info = psb_err_from_subroutine_

@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ module psb_indx_map_mod
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: set_halo_owner => base_set_halo_owner
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: get_halo_owner => base_get_halo_owner
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: fnd_halo_owner_s => base_fnd_halo_owner_s
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: fnd_halo_owner_v => base_fnd_halo_owner_v
generic, public :: fnd_halo_owner => fnd_halo_owner_s, fnd_halo_owner_v
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: qry_halo_owner_s => base_qry_halo_owner_s
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: qry_halo_owner_v => base_qry_halo_owner_v
generic, public :: qry_halo_owner => qry_halo_owner_s, qry_halo_owner_v
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: fnd_owner => psi_indx_map_fnd_owner
procedure, pass(idxmap) :: init_vl => base_init_vl
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ module psb_indx_map_mod
& base_lg2lv2_ins, base_init_vl, base_is_null,&
& base_row_extendable, base_clone, base_cpy, base_reinit, &
& base_set_halo_owner, base_get_halo_owner, &
& base_fnd_halo_owner_s, base_fnd_halo_owner_v,&
& base_qry_halo_owner_s, base_qry_halo_owner_v,&
& base_get_p_adjcncy, base_set_p_adjcncy, base_xtnd_p_adjcncy
!> Function: psi_indx_map_fnd_owner
@ -1486,6 +1486,7 @@ contains
end subroutine base_set_halo_owner
subroutine base_get_halo_owner(idxmap,v,info)
use psb_realloc_mod
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
@ -1494,13 +1495,15 @@ contains
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nh
nh = min(size(v),size(idxmap%halo_owner))
v(1:nh) = idxmap%halo_owner(1:nh)
nh = size(idxmap%halo_owner)
!v = idxmap%halo_owner(1:nh)
call psb_safe_ab_cpy(idxmap%halo_owner,v,info)
end subroutine base_get_halo_owner
subroutine base_fnd_halo_owner_s(idxmap,xin,xout,info)
subroutine base_qry_halo_owner_s(idxmap,xin,xout,info)
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_realloc_mod
implicit none
class(psb_indx_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: xin
@ -1510,24 +1513,26 @@ contains
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, nr, nc, nh
nr = idxmap%local_rows
nc = idxmap%local_cols
nc = min(idxmap%local_cols, (nr+psb_size(idxmap%halo_owner)))
xout = -1
if (.not.allocated(idxmap%halo_owner)) then
!write(0,*) 'Halo_owner not allocated!', nr, nc, xin
end if
if ((nr<xin).and.(xin <= nc)) then
if (size(idxmap%halo_owner)<(xin-nr)) then
!write(0,*) 'Halo_owner bad size',xin,nr,xin-nr,size(idxmap%halo_owner)
end if
!!$ if (size(idxmap%halo_owner)<(xin-nr)) then
!!$ !write(0,*) 'Halo_owner bad size',xin,nr,xin-nr,size(idxmap%halo_owner)
!!$ return
!!$ end if
xout = idxmap%halo_owner(xin-nr)
end if
end subroutine base_fnd_halo_owner_s
end subroutine base_qry_halo_owner_s
subroutine base_fnd_halo_owner_v(idxmap,xin,xout,info)
subroutine base_qry_halo_owner_v(idxmap,xin,xout,info)
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_realloc_mod
implicit none
class(psb_indx_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: xin(:)
@ -1536,13 +1541,15 @@ contains
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, nr, nc, nh, sz
nr = idxmap%local_rows
nc = idxmap%local_cols
nc = min(idxmap%local_cols, (nr+psb_size(idxmap%halo_owner)))
sz = min(size(xin),size(xout))
xout = -1
do i = 1, sz
if ((nr<xin(i)).and.(xin(i) <= nc)) xout = idxmap%halo_owner(xin(i)-nr)
xout(i) = -1
if ((nr<xin(i)).and.(xin(i) <= nc)) xout(i) = idxmap%halo_owner(xin(i)-nr)
end do
end subroutine base_fnd_halo_owner_v
do i=sz+1,size(xout)
xout(i) = -1
end do
end subroutine base_qry_halo_owner_v
end module psb_indx_map_mod

@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ lib: impld sortd lib1 $(FOBJS)
lib1: $(FOBJS)
cd impl && $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C impl lib
cd sort && $(MAKE) lib
$(MAKE) -C sort lib
/bin/rm -f $(FOBJS) *$(.mod)
(cd impl; $(MAKE) clean)
(cd sort; $(MAKE) clean)
($(MAKE) -C impl clean)
($(MAKE) -C sort clean)
veryclean: clean

@ -2508,6 +2508,8 @@ subroutine psb_c_mv_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_cspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_lc_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_c_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2524,6 +2526,7 @@ subroutine psb_c_cp_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_lc_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_c_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2574,6 +2577,7 @@ subroutine psb_c_mv_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_lcspmat_type), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_c_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -2595,6 +2599,7 @@ subroutine psb_c_cp_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_lcspmat_type), intent(in) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_c_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -4913,6 +4918,8 @@ subroutine psb_lc_mv_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_lcspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_lc_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_ifmt(b,info)
@ -4928,6 +4935,7 @@ subroutine psb_lc_cp_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_lc_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_ifmt(b,info)

@ -2508,6 +2508,8 @@ subroutine psb_d_mv_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_dspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_ld_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_d_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2524,6 +2526,7 @@ subroutine psb_d_cp_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_ld_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_d_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2574,6 +2577,7 @@ subroutine psb_d_mv_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_d_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -2595,6 +2599,7 @@ subroutine psb_d_cp_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(in) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_d_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -4913,6 +4918,8 @@ subroutine psb_ld_mv_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_ldspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_d_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_ld_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_ifmt(b,info)
@ -4928,6 +4935,7 @@ subroutine psb_ld_cp_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_d_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_ld_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_ifmt(b,info)

@ -2508,6 +2508,8 @@ subroutine psb_s_mv_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_sspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_ls_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_s_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2524,6 +2526,7 @@ subroutine psb_s_cp_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_ls_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_s_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2574,6 +2577,7 @@ subroutine psb_s_mv_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_lsspmat_type), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_s_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -2595,6 +2599,7 @@ subroutine psb_s_cp_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_lsspmat_type), intent(in) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_s_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -4913,6 +4918,8 @@ subroutine psb_ls_mv_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_lsspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_ls_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_ifmt(b,info)
@ -4928,6 +4935,7 @@ subroutine psb_ls_cp_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_ls_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_ifmt(b,info)

@ -2508,6 +2508,8 @@ subroutine psb_z_mv_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_zspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_lz_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_z_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2524,6 +2526,7 @@ subroutine psb_z_cp_from_lb(a,b)
class(psb_lz_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_z_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b,info)
@ -2574,6 +2577,7 @@ subroutine psb_z_mv_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_lzspmat_type), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_z_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%mv_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -2595,6 +2599,7 @@ subroutine psb_z_cp_from_l(a,b)
class(psb_lzspmat_type), intent(in) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (allocated(b%a)) then
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_z_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
call a%a%cp_from_lfmt(b%a,info)
@ -4913,6 +4918,8 @@ subroutine psb_lz_mv_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_lzspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_lz_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%mv_from_ifmt(b,info)
@ -4928,6 +4935,7 @@ subroutine psb_lz_cp_from_ib(a,b)
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: b
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
info = psb_success_
if (.not.allocated(a%a)) allocate(psb_lz_csr_sparse_mat :: a%a, stat=info)
if (info == psb_success_) call a%a%cp_from_ifmt(b,info)

@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ subroutine psb_cbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -137,16 +138,12 @@ subroutine psb_cbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_c_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ subroutine psb_cbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_c_coo_sparse_mat)
@ -326,8 +323,9 @@ subroutine psb_lcbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -342,16 +340,12 @@ subroutine psb_lcbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_lc_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -380,7 +374,7 @@ subroutine psb_lcbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat)

@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ subroutine psb_dbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -137,16 +138,12 @@ subroutine psb_dbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_d_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ subroutine psb_dbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_d_coo_sparse_mat)
@ -326,8 +323,9 @@ subroutine psb_ldbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -342,16 +340,12 @@ subroutine psb_ldbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_ld_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -380,7 +374,7 @@ subroutine psb_ldbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat)

@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ subroutine psb_sbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -137,16 +138,12 @@ subroutine psb_sbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_s_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ subroutine psb_sbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_s_coo_sparse_mat)
@ -326,8 +323,9 @@ subroutine psb_lsbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -342,16 +340,12 @@ subroutine psb_lsbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_ls_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -380,7 +374,7 @@ subroutine psb_lsbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat)

@ -121,8 +121,9 @@ subroutine psb_zbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -137,16 +138,12 @@ subroutine psb_zbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_z_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ subroutine psb_zbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_z_coo_sparse_mat)
@ -326,8 +323,9 @@ subroutine psb_lzbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
rowscale_ = .true.
end if
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
ma = a%get_nrows()
na = a%get_ncols()
nza = a%get_nzeros()
select type(a)
@ -342,16 +340,12 @@ subroutine psb_lzbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
select type (b)
type is (psb_lz_csr_sparse_mat)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%ja)+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(size(a%val)+nzb,a%val,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%ja,info)
call psb_ensure_size(nza+nzb,a%val,info)
a%ja(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%ja(1:nzb)
a%val(nza+1:nza+nzb) = b%val(1:nzb)
do i=1, min(nr-ma,mb)
a%irp(ma+i+1) = a%irp(ma+i) + b%irp(i+1) - b%irp(i)
ja = a%irp(ma+i)
do jb = b%irp(i), b%irp(i+1)-1
a%val(ja) = b%val(jb)
a%ja(ja) = b%ja(jb)
ja = ja + 1
end do
end do
do j=i,nr-ma
a%irp(ma+j+1) = a%irp(ma+j)
@ -380,7 +374,7 @@ subroutine psb_lzbase_rwextd(nr,a,info,b,rowscale)
mb = b%get_nrows()
nb = b%get_ncols()
nzb = b%get_nzeros()
call a%reallocate(nza+nzb)
call a%ensure_size(nza+nzb)
select type(b)
type is (psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat)

@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ subroutine psb_lc_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& irmin,icmin,irmax,icmax,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzt, nzd
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ subroutine psb_lc_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
@ -264,19 +263,19 @@ subroutine psb_lc_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
@ -407,19 +406,293 @@ subroutine psb_c_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(out), optional :: desc_rx
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat) :: atcoo
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzd
integer(psb_lpk_) :: nzt, lszr
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
& rvsz(:), bsdindx(:), sdsz(:), tsdx(:), trvx(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: halo_owner(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:),iarcv(:),jarcv(:)
complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_,outcol_glob_
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: p_desc_c
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
if(psb_get_errstatus() /= 0) return
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
end if
debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
ictxt = desc_r%get_context()
icomm = desc_r%get_mpic()
Call psb_info(ictxt, me, np)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
if (present(desc_c)) then
p_desc_c => desc_c
p_desc_c => desc_r
end if
& rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
end if
l1 = 0
brvindx(1) = 0
bsdindx(1) = 0
idx = 0
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
if (present(atrans)) then
call ain%cp_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%cp_to_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_to_coo(acoo,info)
end if
! Compute number of entries in the
! halo part, sorted by destination process
nr = desc_r%get_local_rows()
nc = p_desc_c%get_local_cols()
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
! Exchange sizes, so as to know sends/receives.
! This is different from the halo exchange because the
! number of entries was not precomputed in the descriptor,
! which was vector-oriented and not matrix-entry-oriented
call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
& rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
goto 9999
end if
nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done initial alltoall',nsnds,nrcvs
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
counter = 1
Do proc = 0, np-1
bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
tsdx = bsdindx
trvx = brvindx
iszr = sum(rvsz)
iszs = sum(sdsz)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),iarcv,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),jarcv,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
! Now, transpose the matrix, then split between itself
! and the send buffers
call acoo%transp()
if (acoo%get_nzeros()/= nzl) then
write(0,*) me,'Something strange upon transpose: ',nzl,acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
nzd = 0
do k = 1, nzl
j = acoo%ia(k)
if (j<=hlstart) then
nzd = nzd + 1
acoo%ia(nzd) = acoo%ia(k)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
! efficient. Using ACOO for the receive buffers.
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%ensure_size(nzl+iszr)
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),iarcv(1:iszr),&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_c_spk_,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_c_spk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
case default
info = psb_err_internal_error_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
goto 9999
end select
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done alltoallv'
if (present(desc_rx)) then
! Extend the appropriate descriptor; started as R but on
! transpose it now describes C
call desc_r%clone(desc_rx,info)
call psb_cd_reinit(desc_rx,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
call desc_rx%g2lip_ins(jarcv(1:nzt),info)
call psb_cdasb(desc_rx,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
! Insert to extend descriptor
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_rx%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans RX ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
call ain%mv_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
call psb_glob_to_loc(jarcv(1:iszr),desc_r,info,iact='I')
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_r%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans R- ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
if (info == 0) call psb_glob_transpose(atcoo,desc_r,info,desc_c=desc_c,desc_rx=desc_rx)
!!$ write(0,*) me,' Sanity check after rx%g2l :',count(acoo%ja(1:nzl)<0)
call acoo%fix(info)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
if (present(atrans)) then
call atrans%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call atrans%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
end if
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,&
& iarcv,jarcv,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 call psb_error_handler(ictxt,err_act)
end subroutine psb_c_coo_glob_transpose
subroutine psb_c_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
@ -434,7 +707,7 @@ subroutine psb_c_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz
@ -485,7 +758,7 @@ subroutine psb_c_simple_glob_transpose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz

@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ Subroutine psb_cd_reinit(desc,info)
call psb_move_alloc(tmp_halo,desc%halo_index,info)
call psb_move_alloc(tmp_ext,desc%ext_index,info)
call desc%indxmap%reinit(info)
!!$ if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'On cdreinit status :',&
!!$ & allocated(desc%indxmap%p_adjcncy),allocated(desc%indxmap%halo_owner), &
!!$ & desc%get_fmt()
! call psb_cd_set_bld(desc,info)
end if

@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end if
IF (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
write(debug_unit, *) me,' ',trim(name),': From SPCNV',&
& info,' ',ch_err
end IF
end if
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then

@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ subroutine psb_ld_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& irmin,icmin,irmax,icmax,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzt, nzd
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ subroutine psb_ld_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
@ -264,19 +263,19 @@ subroutine psb_ld_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
@ -407,19 +406,293 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(out), optional :: desc_rx
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: atcoo
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzd
integer(psb_lpk_) :: nzt, lszr
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
& rvsz(:), bsdindx(:), sdsz(:), tsdx(:), trvx(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: halo_owner(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:),iarcv(:),jarcv(:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_,outcol_glob_
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: p_desc_c
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
if(psb_get_errstatus() /= 0) return
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
end if
debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
ictxt = desc_r%get_context()
icomm = desc_r%get_mpic()
Call psb_info(ictxt, me, np)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
if (present(desc_c)) then
p_desc_c => desc_c
p_desc_c => desc_r
end if
& rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
end if
l1 = 0
brvindx(1) = 0
bsdindx(1) = 0
idx = 0
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
if (present(atrans)) then
call ain%cp_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%cp_to_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_to_coo(acoo,info)
end if
! Compute number of entries in the
! halo part, sorted by destination process
nr = desc_r%get_local_rows()
nc = p_desc_c%get_local_cols()
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
! Exchange sizes, so as to know sends/receives.
! This is different from the halo exchange because the
! number of entries was not precomputed in the descriptor,
! which was vector-oriented and not matrix-entry-oriented
call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
& rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
goto 9999
end if
nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done initial alltoall',nsnds,nrcvs
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
counter = 1
Do proc = 0, np-1
bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
tsdx = bsdindx
trvx = brvindx
iszr = sum(rvsz)
iszs = sum(sdsz)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),iarcv,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),jarcv,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
! Now, transpose the matrix, then split between itself
! and the send buffers
call acoo%transp()
if (acoo%get_nzeros()/= nzl) then
write(0,*) me,'Something strange upon transpose: ',nzl,acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
nzd = 0
do k = 1, nzl
j = acoo%ia(k)
if (j<=hlstart) then
nzd = nzd + 1
acoo%ia(nzd) = acoo%ia(k)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
! efficient. Using ACOO for the receive buffers.
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%ensure_size(nzl+iszr)
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),iarcv(1:iszr),&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_r_dpk_,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_r_dpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
case default
info = psb_err_internal_error_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
goto 9999
end select
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done alltoallv'
if (present(desc_rx)) then
! Extend the appropriate descriptor; started as R but on
! transpose it now describes C
call desc_r%clone(desc_rx,info)
call psb_cd_reinit(desc_rx,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
call desc_rx%g2lip_ins(jarcv(1:nzt),info)
call psb_cdasb(desc_rx,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
! Insert to extend descriptor
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_rx%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans RX ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
call ain%mv_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
call psb_glob_to_loc(jarcv(1:iszr),desc_r,info,iact='I')
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_r%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans R- ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
if (info == 0) call psb_glob_transpose(atcoo,desc_r,info,desc_c=desc_c,desc_rx=desc_rx)
!!$ write(0,*) me,' Sanity check after rx%g2l :',count(acoo%ja(1:nzl)<0)
call acoo%fix(info)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
if (present(atrans)) then
call atrans%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call atrans%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
end if
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,&
& iarcv,jarcv,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 call psb_error_handler(ictxt,err_act)
end subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose
subroutine psb_d_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
@ -434,7 +707,7 @@ subroutine psb_d_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz
@ -485,7 +758,7 @@ subroutine psb_d_simple_glob_transpose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz

@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end if
IF (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
write(debug_unit, *) me,' ',trim(name),': From SPCNV',&
& info,' ',ch_err
end IF
end if
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then

@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ subroutine psb_ls_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& irmin,icmin,irmax,icmax,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzt, nzd
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ subroutine psb_ls_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
@ -264,19 +263,19 @@ subroutine psb_ls_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
@ -407,19 +406,293 @@ subroutine psb_s_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(out), optional :: desc_rx
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat) :: atcoo
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzd
integer(psb_lpk_) :: nzt, lszr
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
& rvsz(:), bsdindx(:), sdsz(:), tsdx(:), trvx(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: halo_owner(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:),iarcv(:),jarcv(:)
real(psb_spk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_,outcol_glob_
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: p_desc_c
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
if(psb_get_errstatus() /= 0) return
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
end if
debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
ictxt = desc_r%get_context()
icomm = desc_r%get_mpic()
Call psb_info(ictxt, me, np)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
if (present(desc_c)) then
p_desc_c => desc_c
p_desc_c => desc_r
end if
& rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
end if
l1 = 0
brvindx(1) = 0
bsdindx(1) = 0
idx = 0
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
if (present(atrans)) then
call ain%cp_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%cp_to_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_to_coo(acoo,info)
end if
! Compute number of entries in the
! halo part, sorted by destination process
nr = desc_r%get_local_rows()
nc = p_desc_c%get_local_cols()
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
! Exchange sizes, so as to know sends/receives.
! This is different from the halo exchange because the
! number of entries was not precomputed in the descriptor,
! which was vector-oriented and not matrix-entry-oriented
call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
& rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
goto 9999
end if
nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done initial alltoall',nsnds,nrcvs
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
counter = 1
Do proc = 0, np-1
bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
tsdx = bsdindx
trvx = brvindx
iszr = sum(rvsz)
iszs = sum(sdsz)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),iarcv,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),jarcv,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
! Now, transpose the matrix, then split between itself
! and the send buffers
call acoo%transp()
if (acoo%get_nzeros()/= nzl) then
write(0,*) me,'Something strange upon transpose: ',nzl,acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
nzd = 0
do k = 1, nzl
j = acoo%ia(k)
if (j<=hlstart) then
nzd = nzd + 1
acoo%ia(nzd) = acoo%ia(k)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
! efficient. Using ACOO for the receive buffers.
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%ensure_size(nzl+iszr)
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),iarcv(1:iszr),&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_r_spk_,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_r_spk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
case default
info = psb_err_internal_error_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
goto 9999
end select
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done alltoallv'
if (present(desc_rx)) then
! Extend the appropriate descriptor; started as R but on
! transpose it now describes C
call desc_r%clone(desc_rx,info)
call psb_cd_reinit(desc_rx,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
call desc_rx%g2lip_ins(jarcv(1:nzt),info)
call psb_cdasb(desc_rx,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
! Insert to extend descriptor
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_rx%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans RX ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
call ain%mv_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
call psb_glob_to_loc(jarcv(1:iszr),desc_r,info,iact='I')
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_r%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans R- ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
if (info == 0) call psb_glob_transpose(atcoo,desc_r,info,desc_c=desc_c,desc_rx=desc_rx)
!!$ write(0,*) me,' Sanity check after rx%g2l :',count(acoo%ja(1:nzl)<0)
call acoo%fix(info)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
if (present(atrans)) then
call atrans%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call atrans%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
end if
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,&
& iarcv,jarcv,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 call psb_error_handler(ictxt,err_act)
end subroutine psb_s_coo_glob_transpose
subroutine psb_s_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
@ -434,7 +707,7 @@ subroutine psb_s_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz
@ -485,7 +758,7 @@ subroutine psb_s_simple_glob_transpose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz

@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end if
IF (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
write(debug_unit, *) me,' ',trim(name),': From SPCNV',&
& info,' ',ch_err
end IF
end if
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then

@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ subroutine psb_lz_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& irmin,icmin,irmax,icmax,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzt, nzd
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ subroutine psb_lz_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
@ -264,19 +263,19 @@ subroutine psb_lz_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
@ -407,19 +406,293 @@ subroutine psb_z_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(out), optional :: desc_rx
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat) :: atcoo
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, np,me
integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter,proc, err_act, j
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, k, idx, r, ipx,mat_recv, iszs, iszr,idxs,idxr,nz,&
& l1, nsnds, nrcvs, nr,nc,nzl, hlstart, nzd
integer(psb_lpk_) :: nzt, lszr
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
& rvsz(:), bsdindx(:), sdsz(:), tsdx(:), trvx(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: halo_owner(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:),iarcv(:),jarcv(:)
complex(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_,outcol_glob_
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: p_desc_c
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
if(psb_get_errstatus() /= 0) return
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
end if
debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
ictxt = desc_r%get_context()
icomm = desc_r%get_mpic()
Call psb_info(ictxt, me, np)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
if (present(desc_c)) then
p_desc_c => desc_c
p_desc_c => desc_r
end if
& rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
goto 9999
end if
l1 = 0
brvindx(1) = 0
bsdindx(1) = 0
idx = 0
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
if (present(atrans)) then
call ain%cp_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%cp_to_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_to_coo(acoo,info)
end if
! Compute number of entries in the
! halo part, sorted by destination process
nr = desc_r%get_local_rows()
nc = p_desc_c%get_local_cols()
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
! Exchange sizes, so as to know sends/receives.
! This is different from the halo exchange because the
! number of entries was not precomputed in the descriptor,
! which was vector-oriented and not matrix-entry-oriented
call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
& rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
goto 9999
end if
nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done initial alltoall',nsnds,nrcvs
idxs = 0
idxr = 0
counter = 1
Do proc = 0, np-1
bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
tsdx = bsdindx
trvx = brvindx
iszr = sum(rvsz)
iszs = sum(sdsz)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),iarcv,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszr,1),jarcv,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
! Now, transpose the matrix, then split between itself
! and the send buffers
call acoo%transp()
if (acoo%get_nzeros()/= nzl) then
write(0,*) me,'Something strange upon transpose: ',nzl,acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
hlstart = p_desc_c%get_local_rows()
nzd = 0
do k = 1, nzl
j = acoo%ia(k)
if (j<=hlstart) then
nzd = nzd + 1
acoo%ia(nzd) = acoo%ia(k)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
valsnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%val(k)
end if
end do
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzd)
! Put halo entries in global numbering
call desc_r%indxmap%l2gip(jasnd(1:iszs),info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%l2gip(iasnd(1:iszs),info)
! And exchange data.
! Normally we'll use our SIMPLE A2AV and not MPI, because
! the communication pattern is sparse, so ours is more
! efficient. Using ACOO for the receive buffers.
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%ensure_size(nzl+iszr)
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),iarcv(1:iszr),&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,ictxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_c_dpk_,&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_c_dpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& iarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
& call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
& jarcv(1:iszr),rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
case default
info = psb_err_internal_error_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
goto 9999
end select
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done alltoallv'
if (present(desc_rx)) then
! Extend the appropriate descriptor; started as R but on
! transpose it now describes C
call desc_r%clone(desc_rx,info)
call psb_cd_reinit(desc_rx,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
call desc_rx%g2lip_ins(jarcv(1:nzt),info)
call psb_cdasb(desc_rx,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
! Insert to extend descriptor
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_rx%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans RX ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
call ain%mv_to_lcoo(atcoo,info)
! Take out non-local rows
call psb_glob_to_loc(iarcv(1:iszr),p_desc_c,info,iact='I',owned=.true.)
call psb_glob_to_loc(jarcv(1:iszr),desc_r,info,iact='I')
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
call acoo%set_nzeros(nzl)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%set_sorted(.false.)
call acoo%set_nrows(p_desc_c%get_local_rows())
call acoo%set_ncols(desc_r%get_local_cols())
!write(0,*) me,' Trans R- ',acoo%get_nrows(),acoo%get_ncols(),acoo%get_nzeros()
end if
if (info == 0) call psb_glob_transpose(atcoo,desc_r,info,desc_c=desc_c,desc_rx=desc_rx)
!!$ write(0,*) me,' Sanity check after rx%g2l :',count(acoo%ja(1:nzl)<0)
call acoo%fix(info)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
if (present(atrans)) then
call atrans%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call atrans%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_lcoo(atcoo,info)
call ain%mv_from_coo(acoo,info)
end if
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,&
& iarcv,jarcv,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 call psb_error_handler(ictxt,err_act)
end subroutine psb_z_coo_glob_transpose
subroutine psb_z_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
@ -434,7 +707,7 @@ subroutine psb_z_simple_glob_transpose_ip(ain,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz
@ -485,7 +758,7 @@ subroutine psb_z_simple_glob_transpose(ain,aout,desc_a,info)
! that the same DESC_A works for both A and A^T, which
! essentially means that A has a symmetric pattern.
type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
type(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmpc1, tmpc2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz1, nz2, nzh, nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np
integer(psb_lpk_) :: i, j, k, nrow, ncol, nlz

@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end if
IF (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) then
write(debug_unit, *) me,' ',trim(name),': From SPCNV',&
& info,' ',ch_err
end IF
end if
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class="description">Each process has its own value(s) independently.</dd></dl>
src="userhtml0x.png" alt="psb_version_string_
" class="math-display" ></center>
<!--l. 295--><p class="nopar" > whose current value is <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span

@ -128,11 +128,13 @@ href="userhtml10.html#fn3x0"><sup class="textsuperscript">3</sup></a></span><a
id="x9-6019f3"></a> .
class="enumerate" id="x9-6021x7">Call the iterative method of choice, e.g. <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
<!--l. 365--><p class="noindent" >This is the structure of the sample programs in the directory <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
class="enumerate" id="x9-6021x7">Call the iterative driver <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
class="cmtt-10">psb_krylov</span></span></span> with the method of choice, e.g.
<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
<!--l. 366--><p class="noindent" >This is the structure of the sample programs in the directory <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
<!--l. 368--><p class="indent" > For a simulation in which the same discretization mesh is used over multiple time
<!--l. 369--><p class="indent" > For a simulation in which the same discretization mesh is used over multiple time
steps, the following structure may be more appropriate:
<ol class="enumerate1" >
@ -189,16 +191,16 @@ class="cmtt-10">prec%build</span></span></span>
class="enumerate" id="x9-6043x5">Call the iterative method of choice, e.g. <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
<!--l. 391--><p class="noindent" >The insertion routines will be called as many times as needed; they only need to be
<!--l. 392--><p class="noindent" >The insertion routines will be called as many times as needed; they only need to be
called on the data that is actually allocated to the current process, i.e. each process
generates its own data.
<!--l. 396--><p class="indent" > In principle there is no specific order in the calls to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
<!--l. 397--><p class="indent" > In principle there is no specific order in the calls to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
class="cmtt-10">psb_spins</span></span></span>, nor is there a
requirement to build a matrix row in its entirety before calling the routine; this
allows the application programmer to walk through the discretization mesh element
by element, generating the main part of a given matrix row but also contributions to
the rows corresponding to neighbouring elements.
<!--l. 403--><p class="indent" > From a functional point of view it is even possible to execute one call for each
<!--l. 404--><p class="indent" > From a functional point of view it is even possible to execute one call for each
nonzero coefficient; however this would have a substantial computational
overhead. It is therefore advisable to pack a certain amount of data into each
call to the insertion routine, say touching on a few tens of rows; the best
@ -209,10 +211,10 @@ process and pass it in a single call to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="v
class="cmtt-10">psb_spins</span></span></span>; this, however, would entail a
doubling of memory occupation, and thus would be almost always far from
<!--l. 416--><p class="noindent" >
<!--l. 417--><p class="noindent" >
<h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3.1 </span> <a
id="x9-70002.3.1"></a>User-defined index mappings</h5>
<!--l. 418--><p class="noindent" >PSBLAS supports user-defined global to local index mappings, subject to the
<!--l. 419--><p class="noindent" >PSBLAS supports user-defined global to local index mappings, subject to the
constraints outlined in sec.&#x00A0;<a
href="#x9-60002.3">2.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:appstruct --></a>:
<ol class="enumerate1" >
@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ class="cmmi-10">&#x2026;</span><span
<!--l. 426--><p class="noindent" >but otherwise the mapping is arbitrary. The user application is responsible to ensure
<!--l. 427--><p class="noindent" >but otherwise the mapping is arbitrary. The user application is responsible to ensure
consistency of this mapping; some errors may be caught by the library, but
this is not guaranteed. The application structure to support this usage is as
@ -271,12 +273,12 @@ class="cmtt-10">irw</span></span></span>, respectively, are already local indice
<!--l. 448--><div class="crosslinks"><p class="noindent">[<a
<!--l. 449--><div class="crosslinks"><p class="noindent">[<a
href="userhtmlsu6.html" >next</a>] [<a
href="userhtmlsu2.html" >prev</a>] [<a
href="userhtmlsu2.html#tailuserhtmlsu2.html" >prev-tail</a>] [<a
href="userhtmlsu3.html" >front</a>] [<a
href="userhtmlse2.html#userhtmlse3.html" >up</a>] </p></div>
<!--l. 448--><p class="indent" > <a
<!--l. 449--><p class="indent" > <a

@ -10,23 +10,23 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="userhtml.css">
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href="userhtmlsu2.html#tailuserhtmlsu4.html">tail</a>] [<a
href="userhtmlse2.html#userhtmlsu6.html" >up</a>] </p></div>
<h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.4 </span> <a
id="x11-80002.4"></a>Programming model</h4>
<!--l. 450--><p class="noindent" >The PSBLAS librarary is based on the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD)
<!--l. 451--><p class="noindent" >The PSBLAS librarary is based on the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD)
programming model: each process participating in the computation performs the
same actions on a chunk of data. Parallelism is thus data-driven.
<!--l. 455--><p class="indent" > Because of this structure, many subroutines coordinate their action across the
<!--l. 456--><p class="indent" > Because of this structure, many subroutines coordinate their action across the
various processes, thus providing an implicit synchronization point, and therefore
class="cmti-10">must </span>be called simultaneously by all processes participating in the computation. This
is certainly true for the data allocation and assembly routines, for all the
computational routines and for some of the tools routines.
<!--l. 463--><p class="indent" > However there are many cases where no synchronization, and indeed no
<!--l. 464--><p class="indent" > However there are many cases where no synchronization, and indeed no
communication among processes, is implied; for instance, all the routines in sec.&#x00A0;<a
href="userhtmlse3.html#x12-90003">3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:datastruct --></a>
are only acting on the local data structures, and thus may be called independently.
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The most important case is that of the coefficient insertion routines: since the
number of coefficients in the sparse and dense matrices varies among the processors,
and since the user is free to choose an arbitrary order in builiding the matrix entries,
these routines cannot imply a synchronization.
<!--l. 473--><p class="indent" > Throughout this user&#8217;s guide each subroutine will be clearly indicated
<!--l. 474--><p class="indent" > Throughout this user&#8217;s guide each subroutine will be clearly indicated
<dl class="description"><dt class="description">

@ -4726,7 +4726,7 @@ BT
0 g 0 G
/F27 9.9626 Tf -24.907 -24.208 Td [(lo)-32(cal)]TJ
0 g 0 G
/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.055 0 Td [(Eac)28(h)-334(p)1(ro)-28(cess)-334(has)-333(its)-333(o)27(wn)-333(v)56(alue\050s\051)-334(indep)-27(enden)27(tly)84(.)]TJ -28.055 -23.137 Td [(T)83(o)-333(\014nish)-333(our)-334(general)-333(description,)-333(w)28(e)-334(de\014ne)-333(a)-333(v)27(ersion)-333(string)-333(with)-334(th)1(e)-334(constan)28(t)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 122.168 -24.059 Td [(psb_version_string_)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -122.168 -24.059 Td [(whose)-333(curren)27(t)-333(v)56(alue)-334(is)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 99.793 0 Td [(3.4.0)]TJ
/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.055 0 Td [(Eac)28(h)-334(p)1(ro)-28(cess)-334(has)-333(its)-333(o)27(wn)-333(v)56(alue\050s\051)-334(indep)-27(enden)27(tly)84(.)]TJ -28.055 -23.137 Td [(T)83(o)-333(\014nish)-333(our)-334(general)-333(description,)-333(w)28(e)-334(de\014ne)-333(a)-333(v)27(ersion)-333(string)-333(with)-334(th)1(e)-334(constan)28(t)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 122.168 -24.059 Td [(psb_version_string_)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -122.168 -24.059 Td [(whose)-333(curren)27(t)-333(v)56(alue)-334(is)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 99.793 0 Td [(3.7.0)]TJ
0 g 0 G
/F8 9.9626 Tf 69.572 -29.888 Td [(5)]TJ
0 g 0 G
@ -4784,7 +4784,7 @@ endstream
857 0 obj
/Length 7719
/Length 7840
0 g 0 G
@ -4801,7 +4801,7 @@ BT
0 g 0 G
-69.503 -22.397 Td [(7.)]TJ
0 g 0 G
[-500(Call)-333(the)-334(iterativ)28(e)-333(metho)-28(d)-333(of)-334(c)28(hoice,)-333(e.g.)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 189.595 0 Td [(psb_bicgstab)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -201.772 -21.778 Td [(This)-333(is)-334(the)-333(structure)-333(of)-334(the)-333(sample)-333(programs)-334(in)-333(the)-333(directory)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 269.435 0 Td [(test/pargen/)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 62.764 0 Td [(.)]TJ -317.255 -12.573 Td [(F)83(or)-291(a)-292(sim)28(ulation)-292(in)-291(whic)27(h)-291(the)-292(same)-292(discretization)-291(mes)-1(h)-291(is)-292(used)-291(o)27(v)28(er)-292(m)28(ultiple)]TJ -14.944 -11.955 Td [(time)-333(ste)-1(p)1(s)-1(,)-333(the)-333(follo)28(wing)-334(structure)-333(ma)28(y)-333(b)-28(e)-334(more)-333(appropriate:)]TJ
[-500(Call)-222(the)-222(iterativ)27(e)-222(driv)28(er)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 114.654 0 Td [(psb_krylov)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 54.517 0 Td [(with)-222(the)-222(metho)-28(d)-222(of)-223(c)28(hoice,)-244(e.g.)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 133.518 0 Td [(bicgstab)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.843 0 Td [(.)]TJ -356.709 -21.778 Td [(This)-333(is)-334(the)-333(structure)-333(of)-334(the)-333(sample)-333(programs)-334(in)-333(the)-333(directory)]TJ/F30 9.9626 Tf 269.435 0 Td [(test/pargen/)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 62.764 0 Td [(.)]TJ -317.255 -12.573 Td [(F)83(or)-291(a)-292(sim)28(ulation)-292(in)-291(whic)27(h)-291(the)-292(same)-292(discretization)-291(mes)-1(h)-291(is)-292(used)-291(o)27(v)28(er)-292(m)28(ultiple)]TJ -14.944 -11.955 Td [(time)-333(ste)-1(p)1(s)-1(,)-333(the)-333(follo)28(wing)-334(structure)-333(ma)28(y)-333(b)-28(e)-334(more)-333(appropriate:)]TJ
0 g 0 G
12.177 -21.779 Td [(1.)]TJ
0 g 0 G
@ -27548,10 +27548,10 @@ endstream
1997 0 obj
/Length1 2460
/Length2 17290
/Length1 2478
/Length2 17406
/Length3 0
/Length 19750
/Length 19884
%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: CMTT10 003.002
@ -27571,7 +27571,7 @@ FontDirectory/CMTT10 known{/CMTT10 findfont dup/UniqueID known{dup
11 dict begin
/FontType 1 def
/FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 ]readonly def
/FontName /TJSMYH+CMTT10 def
/FontName /LTGWDM+CMTT10 def
/FontBBox {-4 -233 537 696 }readonly def
/PaintType 0 def
/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin
@ -27642,6 +27642,7 @@ dup 43 /plus put
dup 113 /q put
dup 114 /r put
dup 115 /s put
dup 55 /seven put
dup 54 /six put
dup 47 /slash put
dup 116 /t put
@ -27692,46 +27693,39 @@ KV
"hó·åï—/KU%ÅK<C385>ü­ˆ~0[°ø— P`CU¤/×ËÝãݘê²M3ʽïæ„Ëu²ÅíÇ‚&gk7XìñžpËïMÇŸîî²<>A<EFBFBD>ÇÆ{C%u‡–·‹Ñ%ÖÛ©|ÌV#GÀLߊb{%O¡Y3]øZa_W!¯l?÷víyf£*8ê*ã¯l4]­ù“¡e> zfÖ(½ìãY¡æ€`Û˜šóõ8?ÖH©PÙ‰J¸'.§dÚ°£Ñ?¨X¼¶¬ð¤„³û·ß*y!Õv4ý†8ÌIv 1²Lnÿá€<C3A1>÷<EFBFBD>?hF,CO
Ã2fn_Z™É,HcO†ëƒ¹ÚnÒ§cHÓ;›«¯ýô¥ n7ZB™žM]Þ%<25>“Ç6v &ó<¹ËºÇ†x}-`<60>{yq.*Za<5A>}ðôŒBub}Ú§a­ÆÆ“š<E2809C>ÎNh¹ Î\ÈëWKÅñè#”a<HÝÛþIæЯ<C390>ÁQ‰~Ù’œÝK9D¦µ"o»¤‹ˆ
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Šyóæo,F'=ýžèCn‰¤ÄÜxl<78>;`%mªwoðh`oƒ(Aê\•=Ð#ûTЇÊZÞ°×T6™ÔžÍPäH vçÉMcäãwVE<56>S"}<7D>”û£G“$6D¸£>£?¯…ªÃÖgx6O÷+ñ=|«Ídñæ2ËŸ·ò„;•l<18>˜¦„½ªõ <0B> <04>Æ«<C386>“9Î…éÏÊ¥1”v§`ýÏTÛb˜]úŠ^Þ¬šjÏ-ýYOCº=镹j¸I÷‰Onu&œ$iV¨Js·Ð¹^8½„á!?
6.Ĉ>øL¹Sh¡ $À;äÉóã‡ËázQ¾Žþú¤´
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þ>DTîá2¦*˜KJõºwúnlR8všAZo`DLoô²k©}•äÉfÑ.w®¬iÒ а+üh†âùüß‚ÎÆI)uÑxs<78>Ù¦@w•&¨Íø¥†Ú¿žØ¦Ð¶IÜ­}h
A®k(ˆœC1<BúOž$×Ý¿Œ‚°À8 Ü9_LZX¿zÄ.Fì<46> ~!TMz·™d¾ -Æ»†¢™x§¬^ºwÏäžÜüSzw†A<>Æ)¾K9`QüƒŽ°^4›í¿[,.ø#MÊ&,¦ÈÇÁå3"_îšý;-SHHp¼FàÄ4ákÛCwTJZ×&Ê~<7E>þ>ï©nŠu
i1$mHL˜ó&X6|ü—ÜårH Ú:·Cå°ð.O®þ”€±5Êê6 œ‡"ஸû“¹Ryu(iàÇnê;÷¬27¹¯<C2B9>K€Q(€9‰Z«H¾ ˜½ÿÙÎÊkUi
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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ DATE = $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)
## Programs
LATEX = latex
LTX2HTML = latex2html -local_icons
#LTX2HTML = latex2html -local_icons
LTX2HTML = htlatex
PDFLATEX = pdflatex
ACRO = evince

@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ are classified as:
To finish our general description, we define a version string with the
\[ \verb|psb_version_string_|\]
whose current value is \verb|3.4.0|
whose current value is \verb|3.7.0|
\subsection{Application structure}
@ -360,7 +360,8 @@ follows:
build it with \verb|prec%build|\footnote{The subroutine style {\tt
psb\_precinit} and {\tt psb\_precbl} are still supported for
backward compatibility}.
\item Call the iterative method of choice, e.g. \verb|psb_bicgstab|
\item Call the iterative driver \verb|psb_krylov| with the method of
choice, e.g. \verb|bicgstab|.
This is the structure of the sample programs in the directory

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ lib: $(OBJS) impld
/bin/cp -p $(CPUPDFLAG) *$(.mod) $(MODDIR)
impld: $(OBJS)
cd impl && $(MAKE)
$(MAKE) -C impl
