@ -7,50 +7,44 @@
\subroutine{psb\_cdall}{Allocates a communication descriptor}
\syntax{call psb\_cdall}{m, n, parts, icontxt, desc\_a, info}
\syntax*{call psb\_cdall}{m, v, icontxt, desc\_a, info, flag}
\syntax{call psb\_cdall}{icontxt, desc\_a, info,mg=mg,parts=parts}
\syntax{call psb\_cdall}{icontxt, desc\_a, info,vg=vg,flag=flag}
\syntax{call psb\_cdall}{icontxt, desc\_a, info,vl=vl}
This subroutine initializes the communication descriptor associated
with an index space. It takes two forms depending on whether the user
specifies the domain partitioning through a subroutine or through a vector
with an index space. Exactly one of the optional arguments
\verb|parts|, \verb|vg|, \verb|vl| must be specified, thereby choosing
the specific initialization strategy:
\item[\bf First Form: On Entry ]
\item[m] the number of rows of the problem.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer value.
\item[n] the number of columns of the problem.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer value. Currently constrained to be $m=n$.
\item[parts] the subroutine that defines the partitioning scheme.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: a subroutine.
\item[\bf On Entry ]
\item[icontxt] the communication context.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer value.
\item[\bf Second Form: On Entry ]
\item[m] the size of the index space.\\
\item[vg] Data allocation: each index $i\in \{1\dots mg\}$ is allocated
to process $vg(i)$.
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer value $m>0$.
\item[v] Data allocation: each index $i\in \{1\dots m\}$ is allocated
to process $v(i)$.
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer array.
\item[flag] Specifies whether entries in $vg$ are zero- or one-based.
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer array of size $m$.
\item[icontxt] the communication context.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value $0,1$, default $0$.
\item[mg] the (global) number of rows of the problem.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: an integer value.
\item[flag] Specifies whether entries in $v$ are zero- or one-based.
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value. It is required if \verb|parts| is
\item[parts] the subroutine that defines the partitioning scheme.\\
Scope:{\bf global}.\\
Type:{\bf required}.\\
Specified as: a subroutine.
\item[vl] Data allocation: the set of global indices belonging to the
calling process.
Scope:{\bf local}.\\
Type:{\bf optional}.\\
Specified as: an integer value $0,1$, default $0$.
Specified as: an integer array.
@ -67,6 +61,28 @@ Specified as: an integer variable.\\
\item Exactly one of the optional arguments \verb|parts|, \verb|vg|,
\verb|vl| must be specified, thereby choosing the initialization
strategy as follows:
\item[parts] In this case we have a subroutine that takes as input a
index and the total number of indices in the space, and produces in
output a vector containing the set of processes (usually with just
one entry) to which the index should be assigned. If this argument
is specified, then it is mandatory to also specify the argument
\item[vg] In this case the association between an index and a process
is specified via an integer vector; the size of the index space is
equal to the size of \verb|vg|, and each index $i$ is assigned to
the process $vg(i)$. The vector \verb|vg| must be identical on all
calling processes; its entries may have the ranges $(0\dots np-1)$
or $(1\dots np)$ according to the value of \verb|flag|.
\item[vl] In this case we are specifying the list of indices assigned
to the current process; thus, the global problem size $mg$ is given by
the sum of the sizes of the individual vectors \verb|vl| specified
on the calling processes. The subroutine will check that each entry
in the global index space $(1\dots mg)$ is specified exactly once.
\item On exit from this routine the descriptor is in the build state