6.14 psb_geasb — Assembly a dense matrix
call psb_geasb(x, desc_a, info, mold)
- Synchronous.
On Entry
- The communication descriptor.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: in.
Specified as: a variable of type psb_desc_type.
- The desired dynamic type for the internal vector storage.
Scope: local.
Type: optional.
Intent: in.
Specified as: an object of a class derived from psb_T_base_vect_type;
this is only allowed when x is of type psb_T_vect_type.
On Return
- The dense matrix to be assembled.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: inout.
Specified as: a rank one or two array with the ALLOCATABLE or an
object of type psb_T_vect_type, of type real, complex or integer.
- Error code.
Scope: local
Type: required
Intent: out.
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
- On entry to this routine the descriptor must be in the assembled state,
i.e. psb_cdasb must already have been called.
- If the buildmode=psb_matbld_remote_ value was specified at allocation
time, contributions defined on the current process but belonging to a
remote process will be handled accordingly. This is most likely to occur in
finite element applications, with dupl=psb_dupl_add_.