You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
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import Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal
import Lean.Widget.InteractiveDiagnostic
import Lean.Data.Lsp.Diagnostics
This file contains the custom data structures use by the server.
Some of them overwrite built-in structures from Lean.
In particular, the structures from `Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal` are duplicated with
the following extension:
* `isAssumption?` in `InteractiveHypothesisBundle`: stores if a hypothesis is of type `Prop`.
NOTE: Changes here need to be reflected in the corresponding `interface` in `rcp_api.ts`
on the client-side.
open Lean Server Widget
namespace GameServer
/-- Extend the interactive hypothesis bundle with an option to distinguish
"assumptions" from "objects". "Assumptions" are hypotheses of type `Prop`. -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveHypothesisBundle]
structure InteractiveHypothesisBundle extends Lean.Widget.InteractiveHypothesisBundle where
/-- The hypothesis's type is of type `Prop` -/
isAssumption? : Option Bool := none
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated but with custom `InteractiveHypothesisBundle`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoalCore]
structure InteractiveGoalCore where
hyps : Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle
type : CodeWithInfos
ctx : WithRpcRef Elab.ContextInfo
-- duplicated but with custom `InteractiveGoalCore`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal]
structure InteractiveGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore where
userName? : Option String
goalPrefix : String
mvarId : MVarId
isInserted? : Option Bool := none
isRemoved? : Option Bool := none
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoalCore`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveTermGoal]
structure InteractiveTermGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore where
range : Lsp.Range
term : WithRpcRef Elab.TermInfo
deriving RpcEncodable
/-- A hint in the game at the corresponding goal. -/
structure GameHint where
/-- The text with the variable names already inserted.
Note: This is in theory superfluous and will be completely replaced by `rawText`. We just left
it in for debugging for now. -/
text : String
/-- Flag whether the hint should be hidden initially. -/
hidden : Bool
/-- The text with the variables not inserted yet. -/
rawText : String
/-- The assignment of variable names in the `rawText` to the ones the player used. -/
varNames : Array <| Name × Name
deriving FromJson, ToJson
/-- Bundled `InteractiveGoal` together with an array of hints that apply at this stage. -/
structure InteractiveGoalWithHints where
goal : InteractiveGoal
/-- Extended the `InteractiveGoal` by an array of hints at that goal. -/
hints : Array GameHint
deriving RpcEncodable
structure InteractiveGoalsWithHints where
goals : Array InteractiveGoalWithHints
/-- The content of the line evaluated. -/
command : String
diags : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := default
line : Option Nat -- only for debugging
column : Option Nat -- only for debugging
deriving RpcEncodable
instance : Inhabited InteractiveGoalsWithHints := ⟨default, default, default, none, none⟩
/-- Collected goals throughout the proof. Used for communication with the game client. -/
structure ProofState where
/-- goals after each line. includes the hints. -/
steps : Array <| InteractiveGoalsWithHints
/-- diagnostics contains all errors and warnings.
TODO: I think they contain information about which line they belong to. Verify this.
diagnostics : Array InteractiveDiagnostic := default
/-- Whether the level is considered solved. -/
completed : Bool
completedWithWarnings : Bool
lastPos : Nat -- only for debugging
deriving RpcEncodable