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2 years ago
import Lean
open Lean Meta
/-! ## Graph -/
variable [inst : BEq α] [inst : Hashable α]
structure Graph (α β : Type) [inst : BEq α] [inst : Hashable α] where
nodes: HashMap α β := {}
edges: Array (α × α) := {}
deriving Inhabited
instance [ToJson β] : ToJson (Graph Name β) := {
toJson := fun graph => Json.mkObj [
("nodes", Json.mkObj ( fun (a,b) => (a.toString, toJson b))),
("edges", toJson graph.edges)
-- Just a dummy implementation for now:
instance : FromJson (Graph Name β) := {
fromJson? := fun _ => .ok {
nodes := {}
edges := {}
2 years ago
instance : EmptyCollection (Graph α β) := ⟨default⟩
def Graph.insertNode (g : Graph α β) (a : α) (b : β) :=
{g with nodes := g.nodes.insert a b}
partial def Graph.predecessors (g : Graph α β) (x : α) (acc : HashSet α := {}) : HashSet α := do
let mut res := acc
let directPredecessors := (g.edges.filter (·.2 == x)).map (·.1)
for y in directPredecessors do
if ¬ res.contains y then
res := res.insert y
res := g.predecessors y res
return res