remove watchdog
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
* @fileOverview todo
import * as React from 'react';
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api.js'
import { LeanClient } from 'lean4web/client/src/editor/leanclient';
export class Connection {
private game: string = undefined // We only keep a connection to a single game at a time
private leanClient: LeanClient = null
getLeanClient(game): LeanClient {
if ( !== game) {
if (this.leanClient) {
this.leanClient.stop() // Stop previous Lean client
|||| = game
// Start a new Lean client for the new `gameId`.
const socketUrl = ((window.location.protocol === "https:") ? "wss://" : "ws://") + + '/websocket/' + game
const uri = monaco.Uri.parse('file:///')
this.leanClient = new LeanClient(socketUrl, undefined, uri, () => {})
return this.leanClient
/** If not already started, starts the Lean client. resolves the returned promise as soon as a
* Lean client is running.
startLeanClient = (game) => {
return new Promise<LeanClient>((resolve) => {
const leanClient = this.getLeanClient(game)
if (leanClient.isRunning()) {
} else {
if (!leanClient.isStarted()) {
leanClient.restarted(() => {
// This keep alive message is not recognized by the server,
// but it makes sure that the websocket connection does not
// time out after 60 seconds.
setInterval(() => {leanClient.sendNotification('$/keepAlive', {}) }, 5000)
export const connection = new Connection()
export const ConnectionContext = React.createContext(null);
export const useLeanClient = (gameId) => {
const leanClient = connection.getLeanClient(gameId)
const [leanClientStarted, setLeanClientStarted] = React.useState(leanClient.isStarted())
React.useEffect(() => {
const t1 = leanClient.restarted(() => { console.log("START"); setLeanClientStarted(true) })
const t2 = leanClient.stopped(() => { console.log("STOP"); setLeanClientStarted(false) })
return () => {t1.dispose(); t2.dispose()}
}, [leanClient, setLeanClientStarted])
return {leanClientStarted, leanClient}
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
/- This file is mostly copied from `Lean/Server/Watchdog.lean`. -/
import Lean.Server.Watchdog
import GameServer.Game
namespace MyServer.Watchdog
open Lean
open Server
open Watchdog
open IO
open Lsp
open JsonRpc
open System.Uri
partial def mainLoop (clientTask : Task ServerEvent) : GameServerM Unit := do
let st ← read
let workers ← st.fileWorkersRef.get
let mut workerTasks := #[]
for (_, fw) in workers do
if let WorkerState.running := fw.state then
workerTasks := workerTasks.push <| (ServerEvent.workerEvent fw)
let ev ← IO.waitAny (clientTask :: workerTasks.toList)
if ← Game.handleServerEvent ev then -- handle Game requests
mainLoop (←runClientTask)
match ev with
| ServerEvent.clientMsg msg =>
match msg with
| Message.request id "shutdown" _ =>
st.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, Json.null⟩
| Message.request id method (some params) =>
handleRequest id method (toJson params)
mainLoop (←runClientTask)
| Message.response .. =>
-- TODO: handle client responses
mainLoop (←runClientTask)
| Message.responseError _ _ e .. =>
throwServerError s!"Unhandled response error: {e}"
| Message.notification method (some params) =>
if method == "textDocument/didOpen" then
-- for lean4game, we need to pass in extra information when a level is opened:
Game.handleDidOpenLevel (← parseParams _ (toJson params))
handleNotification method (toJson params)
mainLoop (←runClientTask)
| _ => throwServerError "Got invalid JSON-RPC message"
| ServerEvent.clientError e => throw e
| ServerEvent.workerEvent fw ev =>
match ev with
| WorkerEvent.ioError e =>
throwServerError s!"IO error while processing events for {fw.doc.uri}: {e}"
| WorkerEvent.crashed _ =>
handleCrash fw.doc.uri #[]
mainLoop clientTask
| WorkerEvent.terminated =>
throwServerError "Internal server error: got termination event for worker that should have been removed"
| .importsChanged =>
startFileWorker fw.doc
mainLoop clientTask
def initAndRunWatchdogAux : GameServerM Unit := do
let st ← read
discard $ st.hIn.readLspNotificationAs "initialized" InitializedParams
let clientTask ← runClientTask
mainLoop clientTask
catch err =>
throw err
/- NOTE(WN): It looks like instead of sending the `exit` notification,
VSCode just closes the stream. In that case, pretend we got an `exit`. -/
let Message.notification "exit" none ←
try st.hIn.readLspMessage
catch _ => pure (Message.notification "exit" none)
| throwServerError "Got `shutdown` request, expected an `exit` notification"
def createEnv (gameDir : String) (module : String) : IO Environment := do
-- Determine search paths of the game project by running `lake env printenv LEAN_PATH`.
let out ← IO.Process.output
{ cwd := gameDir, cmd := "lake", args := #["env","printenv","LEAN_PATH"] }
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throwServerError s!"Error while running Lake: {out.stderr}"
-- Make the paths relative to the current directory
let paths : List System.FilePath := System.SearchPath.parse out.stdout.trim
let currentDir ← IO.currentDir
let paths := fun p => currentDir / (gameDir : System.FilePath) / p
-- Set the search path
Lean.searchPathRef.set paths
let env ← importModules #[{ module := `Init : Import }, { module := module : Import }] {} 0
return env
def initAndRunWatchdog (args : List String) (i o e : FS.Stream) : IO Unit := do
if args.length < 2 then
throwServerError s!"Expected 1-3 command line arguments in addition to `--server`:
game directory, the name of the main module (optional), and the name of the game (optional)."
let gameDir := args[1]!
let module := if args.length < 3 then defaultGameModule else args[2]!
let gameName := if args.length < 4 then defaultGameName else args[3]!
let workerPath := "./gameserver"
-- TODO: Do the following commands slow us down?
let srcSearchPath ← initSrcSearchPath (← getBuildDir)
let references ← IO.mkRef (← loadReferences)
let fileWorkersRef ← IO.mkRef (RBMap.empty : FileWorkerMap)
let i ← maybeTee "wdIn.txt" false i
let o ← maybeTee "wdOut.txt" true o
let e ← maybeTee "wdErr.txt" true e
let state := {
env := ← createEnv gameDir module,
game := gameName,
gameDir := gameDir,
inventory := #[]
difficulty := 0
let initRequest ← i.readLspRequestAs "initialize" InitializeParams
-- We misuse the `rootUri` field to the gameName
let rootUri? := gameName
let initRequest := {initRequest with param := {initRequest.param with rootUri?}}
o.writeLspResponse {
id :=
result := {
capabilities := mkLeanServerCapabilities
serverInfo? := some {
name := "Lean 4 Game Server"
version? := "0.1.1"
: InitializeResult
let context : ServerContext := {
hIn := i
hOut := o
hLog := e
args := args
fileWorkersRef := fileWorkersRef
initParams := initRequest.param
discard $ ( initAndRunWatchdogAux state) context
def watchdogMain (args : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
let i ← IO.getStdin
let o ← IO.getStdout
let e ← IO.getStderr
initAndRunWatchdog args i o e
return 0
catch err =>
e.putStrLn s!"Watchdog error: {err}"
return 1
end MyServer.Watchdog
Reference in New Issue