# Lean 4 Game
This is the source code for a Lean game platform hosted at [adam.math.hhu.de](https://adam.math.hhu.de).
## Creating a Game
Please follow the tutorial [Creating a Game](doc/create_game.md). In particular, the following steps might be of interest:
* Step 5: [How to Run Games Locally](doc/running_locally.md)
* Step 7: [How to Update an existing Game](doc/update_game.md)
* Step 9: [How to Publishing a Game](doc/publish_game.md)
* [Troubleshooting](doc/troubleshoot.md)
## Documentation
The documentation is very much work in progress but the linked documentation here
should be up-to-date:
### Game creation API
- [Creating a Game](doc/create_game.md): **the main document to consult**.
- [More about Hints](doc/hints.md): describes the `Hint` and `Branch` tactic.
### Frontend API
* [How to Run Games Locally](doc/running_locally.md): play a game on your computer
* [How to Update an existing Game](doc/update_game.md): update to a new lean version
* [How to Publishing a Game](doc/publish_game.md): load your game to adam.math.hhu.de for others to play
### Backend
not fully written yet.
* [Server](doc/DOCUMENTATION.md): describes the server part (i.e. the content of `server/` und `relay/`).
## Contributing
Contributions to `lean4game` are always welcome!
## Security
Providing the use access to a Lean instance running on the server is a severe security risk. That is why we start the Lean server with bubblewrap.
## Credits
The project has pimarily been developed by Alexander Bentkamp and Jon Eugster.
It is based on ideas from the [Lean Game Maker](https://github.com/mpedramfar/Lean-game-maker) and the [Natural Number Game
by Kevin Buzzard and Mohammad Pedramfar, and on Patrick Massot's prototype: [NNG4](https://github.com/PatrickMassot/NNG4).