@ -140,6 +140,9 @@ LemmaDoc Nat.succ_pos as "succ_pos" in "Nat" "says `0 < n.succ`, etc."
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The identifier after `in` is the category to group lemmas by (in the Inventory).
* The identifier after `in` is the category to group lemmas by (in the Inventory).
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
Use `[[mathlib_doc]]` in the string to insert a link to the mathlib doc page. This requries
The lemma/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str : command =>
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str "in" category:str content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
@ -165,6 +168,9 @@ DefinitionDoc Function.Bijective as "Bijective" "defined as `Injective f ∧ Sur
It is preferably the true name of the definition. However, this is not required.
It is preferably the true name of the definition. However, this is not required.
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The string following `as` is the displayed name (in the Inventory).
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
* The description is a string supporting Markdown.
Use `[[mathlib_doc]]` in the string to insert a link to the mathlib doc page. This requries
The lemma/definition to have the same fully qualified name as in mathlib.
elab "DefinitionDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str template:str : command =>
elab "DefinitionDoc" name:ident "as" displayName:str template:str : command =>
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
modifyEnv (inventoryTemplateExt.addEntry · {
@ -487,8 +493,21 @@ elab "Hole" t:tacticSeq : tactic => do
Tactic.evalTactic t
Tactic.evalTactic t
-- TODO: Notes for testing if a declaration has the simp attribute
-- -- Test: From zulip
-- section test
-- open Lean Meta Elab Command Tactic Simp
-- def Lean.Meta.SimpTheorems.hasAttribute (d : SimpTheorems) (decl : Name) :=
-- d.isLemma (.decl decl) || d.isDeclToUnfold decl
-- def isInSimpset (simpAttr decl: Name) : CoreM Bool := do
-- let .some simpDecl ←getSimpExtension? simpAttr | return false
-- return (← simpDecl.getTheorems).hasAttribute decl
-- end test
/-! # Make Game -/
/-! # Make Game -/
@ -503,6 +522,64 @@ def GameLevel.setComputedInventory (level : GameLevel) :
| .Definition, v => {level with definitions := {level.definitions with tiles := v}}
| .Definition, v => {level with definitions := {level.definitions with tiles := v}}
| .Lemma, v => {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with tiles := v}}
| .Lemma, v => {level with lemmas := {level.lemmas with tiles := v}}
/-- Copied from `Mathlib.Tactic.HelpCmd`.
Gets the initial string token in a parser description. For example, for a declaration like
`syntax "bla" "baz" term : tactic`, it returns `some "bla"`. Returns `none` for syntax declarations
that don't start with a string constant. -/
partial def getHeadTk (e : Expr) : Option String :=
match (Expr.withApp e λ e a => (e.constName?.getD Name.anonymous, a)) with
| (``ParserDescr.node, #[_, _, p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.unary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "withPosition")), p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.unary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "atomic")), p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.binary, #[.app _ (.lit (.strVal "andthen")), p, _]) => getHeadTk p
| (``ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk), _]) => some tk
| (``ParserDescr.symbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk)]) => some tk
| (``Parser.withAntiquot, #[_, p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``Parser.leadingNode, #[_, _, p]) => getHeadTk p
| (``HAndThen.hAndThen, #[_, _, _, _, p, _]) => getHeadTk p
| (``Parser.nonReservedSymbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk), _]) => some tk
| (``Parser.symbol, #[.lit (.strVal tk)]) => some tk
| _ => none
/-- Modified from `#help` in `Mathlib.Tactic.HelpCmd` -/
def getTacticDocstring (env : Environment) (name: Name) : CommandElabM (Option String) := do
let name := name.toString (escape := false)
let mut decls : Lean.RBMap String (Array SyntaxNodeKind) compare := {}
let catName : Name := `tactic
let catStx : Ident := mkIdent catName -- TODO
let some cat := (Parser.parserExtension.getState env).categories.find? catName
| throwErrorAt catStx "{catStx} is not a syntax category"
liftTermElabM <| Term.addCategoryInfo catStx catName
for (k, _) in cat.kinds do
let mut used := false
if let some tk := do getHeadTk (← (← env.find? k).value?) then
let tk := tk.trim
if name ≠ tk then -- was `!name.isPrefixOf tk`
used := true
decls := decls.insert tk ((decls.findD tk #[]).push k)
for (_name, ks) in decls do
for k in ks do
if let some doc ← findDocString? env k then
return doc
logWarning <| m!"Could not find a docstring for this tactic, consider adding one " ++
m!"using `TacticDoc {name} \"some doc\"`"
return none
/-- Retrieve the docstring associated to an inventory item. For Tactics, this
is not guaranteed to work. -/
def getDocstring (env : Environment) (name : Name) (type : InventoryType) :
CommandElabM (Option String) :=
match type with
-- for tactics it's a lookup following mathlib's `#help`. not guaranteed to be the correct one.
| .Tactic => getTacticDocstring env name
| .Lemma => findDocString? env name
-- TODO: for definitions not implemented yet, does it work?
| .Definition => findDocString? env name
/-- Build the game. This command will precompute various things about the game, such as which
/-- Build the game. This command will precompute various things about the game, such as which
tactics are available in each level etc. -/
tactics are available in each level etc. -/
elab "MakeGame" : command => do
elab "MakeGame" : command => do
@ -512,19 +589,35 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
if game.worlds.hasLoops then
if game.worlds.hasLoops then
throwError "World graph must not contain loops! Check your `Path` declarations."
throwError "World graph must not contain loops! Check your `Path` declarations."
let env ← getEnv
-- Now create The doc entries from the templates
-- Now create The doc entries from the templates
for item in inventoryTemplateExt.getState (← getEnv) do
for item in inventoryTemplateExt.getState env do
-- TODO: Add information about inventory items
let name := item.name
let name := item.name
let docstring ← getDocstring env name item.type
let content : String := match item.content with
| "" =>
-- If documentation is missing, try using the docstring instead.
match docstring with
| some ds => s!"*(lean docstring)*\\\n{ds}" -- TODO `\n` does not work in markdown
| none => "(missing)"
| template =>
-- TODO: Process content template.
-- TODO: Add information about inventory items
template.replace "[[mathlib_doc]]"
s!"[mathlib doc](https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/find/?pattern={name}#doc)"
match item.type with
match item.type with
| .Lemma =>
| .Lemma =>
modifyEnv (inventoryExt.addEntry · { item with
modifyEnv (inventoryExt.addEntry · { item with
-- Add the lemma statement to the doc.
content := content
-- Add the lemma statement to the doc
statement := (← getStatementString name)
statement := (← getStatementString name)
| _ =>
| _ =>
modifyEnv (inventoryExt.addEntry · {
modifyEnv (inventoryExt.addEntry · { item with
item with
content := content
-- Compute which inventory items are available in which level:
-- Compute which inventory items are available in which level: