@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ elab "Statement" statementName:ident ? descr:str ? sig:declSig val:declVal : com
-- Check that the statement name is a lemma in the doc
match statementName with
| some name => checkInventoryDoc .Lemma name.getId
| none => pure Unit.unit
| none => pure ()
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
let defaultDeclName : Name := (← getCurGame).name ++ (← getCurWorld).name ++
@ -283,6 +283,9 @@ elab "Statement" statementName:ident ? descr:str ? sig:declSig val:declVal : com
descrText := match descr with
| none => ""
| some s => s.getString
statementName := match statementName with
| none => default
| some name => name.getId
descrFormat := match statementName with
| none => "example " ++ (toString <| reprint sig.raw) ++ " := by"
| some name => (Format.join ["lemma ", reprint name.raw, " ", reprint sig.raw, " := by"]).pretty 10 -- "lemma " ++ (toString <| reprint name.raw) ++ " " ++ (Format.pretty (reprint sig.raw) 40) ++ " := by"
@ -404,14 +407,42 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
throwError "World graph must not contain loops! Check your `Path` declarations."
-- Compute which inventory items are available in which level:
for inventoryType in open InventoryType in #[Tactic, Definition, Lemma] do
for inventoryType in #[.Tactic, .Definition, .Lemma] do
let mut newItemsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {}
let mut lemmaStatements : HashMap (Name × Nat) Name := {}
let mut allItems : HashSet Name := {}
for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut newItems : HashSet Name := {}
for (_, level) in world.levels.toArray do
newItems := newItems.insertMany (level.getInventory inventoryType).new
allItems := allItems.insertMany (level.getInventory inventoryType).new
for (levelId, level) in world.levels.toArray do
let newLemmas := (level.getInventory inventoryType).new
newItems := newItems.insertMany newLemmas
allItems := allItems.insertMany newLemmas
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
-- For levels `2, 3, …` we check if the previous level was named
-- in which case we add it as available lemma.
match levelId with
| 0 => pure ()
| 1 => pure () -- level ids start with 1, so we need to skip 1, too.
| i₀ + 1 =>
-- add named statement from previous level to the available lemmas.
match (world.levels.find! (i₀)).statementName with
| .anonymous => pure ()
| .num _ _ => panic "Did not expect to get a numerical statement name!"
| .str pre s =>
let name := Name.str pre s
newItems := newItems.insert name
allItems := allItems.insert name
lemmaStatements := lemmaStatements.insert (worldId, levelId) name
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
-- if named, add the lemma from the last level of the world to the inventory
let i₀ := world.levels.size
match (world.levels.find! (i₀)).statementName with
| .anonymous => pure ()
| .num _ _ => panic "Did not expect to get a numerical statement name!"
| .str pre s =>
let name := Name.str pre s
newItems := newItems.insert name
allItems := allItems.insert name
newItemsInWorld := newItemsInWorld.insert worldId newItems
-- Basic inventory item availability: all locked.
@ -457,6 +488,18 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
category := data.category
locked := false }
-- add the statement from the previous level permanently as unlocked
if inventoryType == .Lemma then
match lemmaStatements.find? (worldId, levelId) with
| none => pure ()
| some name =>
let data := (← getInventoryDoc? name inventoryType).get!
items := items.insert name {
name := name
displayName := data.displayName
category := data.category
locked := false }
let itemsArray := items.toArray
|>.insertionSort (fun a b => a.1.toString < b.1.toString)
|>.map (·.2)