connect wasm to monaco
@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
/* This file is based on `vscode-lean4/src/leanclient.ts` */
import {
TextDocument, EventEmitter, Diagnostic,
DocumentHighlight, Range, DocumentHighlightKind, workspace,
Disposable, Uri, ConfigurationChangeEvent, OutputChannel, DiagnosticCollection,
WorkspaceFolder, window
} from 'vscode'
import {
MonacoLanguageClient as LanguageClient,
CloseAction, ErrorAction,
} from 'monaco-languageclient'
import { State } from 'vscode-languageclient'
import * as ls from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { toSocket } from 'vscode-ws-jsonrpc'
import {
// toolchainPath, lakePath, addServerEnvPaths, serverArgs, serverLoggingEnabled, serverLoggingPath, shouldAutofocusOutput,
// lakeEnabled
} from 'lean4web/client/src/editor/config'
// import { assert } from './utils/assert'
import { LeanFileProgressParams, LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo } from '@leanprover/infoview-api'
// import { LocalStorageService } from './utils/localStorage'
// import { batchExecute } from './utils/batch'
// import { readLeanVersion } from './utils/projectInfo'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import { URL } from 'url'
import { join } from 'path'
// import { logger } from './utils/logger'
import { SemVer } from 'semver'
// import { fileExists, isFileInFolder } from './utils/fsHelper'
import { c2pConverter, p2cConverter, patchConverters } from 'lean4web/client/src/editor/utils/converters'
import { WasmReader, WasmWriter, WebSocketMessageWriter, WebSocketMessageReader } from './wasm'
const escapeRegExp = (s: string) => s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
export type ServerProgress = Map<Uri, LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo[]>
export function getFullRange (diag: Diagnostic): Range {
return (diag as any)?.fullRange || diag.range
export class LeanClient implements Disposable {
running: boolean = false
private client: LanguageClient | undefined
// private toolchainPath: string
// private readonly outputChannel: OutputChannel
// private readonly storageManager: LocalStorageService
private readonly workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined
private readonly folderUri: Uri
private readonly subscriptions: Disposable[] = []
private noPrompt: boolean = false
private showingRestartMessage: boolean = false
// private readonly elanDefaultToolchain: string
private readonly didChangeEmitter = new EventEmitter<DidChangeTextDocumentParams>()
didChange = this.didChangeEmitter.event
private readonly diagnosticsEmitter = new EventEmitter<PublishDiagnosticsParams>()
diagnostics = this.diagnosticsEmitter.event
private readonly didSetLanguageEmitter = new EventEmitter<string>()
didSetLanguage = this.didSetLanguageEmitter.event
private readonly didCloseEmitter = new EventEmitter<DidCloseTextDocumentParams>()
didClose = this.didCloseEmitter.event
private readonly customNotificationEmitter = new EventEmitter<{ method: string, params: any }>()
/** Fires whenever a custom notification (i.e. one not defined in LSP) is received. */
customNotification = this.customNotificationEmitter.event
/** saved progress info in case infoview is opened, it needs to get all of it. */
progress: ServerProgress = new Map()
private readonly progressChangedEmitter = new EventEmitter<[string, LeanFileProgressProcessingInfo[]]>()
progressChanged = this.progressChangedEmitter.event
private readonly stoppedEmitter = new EventEmitter()
stopped = this.stoppedEmitter.event
private readonly restartedEmitter = new EventEmitter()
restarted = this.restartedEmitter.event
private readonly restartingEmitter = new EventEmitter()
restarting = this.restartingEmitter.event
private readonly restartedWorkerEmitter = new EventEmitter<string>()
restartedWorker = this.restartedWorkerEmitter.event
private readonly serverFailedEmitter = new EventEmitter<string>()
serverFailed = this.serverFailedEmitter.event
/** Files which are open. */
private readonly isOpen: Map<string, TextDocument> = new Map()
constructor (private readonly socketUrl: string, workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder | undefined, folderUri: Uri,
public readonly showRestartMessage: () => void) {
// this.storageManager = storageManager
// this.outputChannel WebSocketMessageWriter= outputChannel
this.workspaceFolder = workspaceFolder // can be null when opening adhoc files.
this.folderUri = folderUri
// this.elanDefaultToolchain = elanDefaultToolchain
// this.subscriptions.push(workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration((e) => this.configChanged(e)))
dispose (): void {
this.subscriptions.forEach((s) => s.dispose())
if (this.isStarted()) void this.stop()
// async showRestartMessage (restartFile: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
// // if (!this.showingRestartMessage) {
// // this.showingRestartMessage = true
// // let restartItem: string
// // let messageTitle: string
// // if (!restartFile) {
// // restartItem = 'Restart Lean Server'
// // messageTitle = 'Lean Server has stopped unexpectedly.'
// // } else {
// // restartItem = 'Restart Lean Server on this file'
// // messageTitle = 'The Lean Server has stopped processing this file.'
// // }
// // const item = await this.showErrorMessage(messageTitle, restartItem)
// // this.showingRestartMessage = false
// // if (item === restartItem) {
// // void this.start()
// // // if (restartFile && (window.activeTextEditor != null)) {
// // // await this.restartFile(window.activeTextEditor.document)
// // // } else {
// // // void this.start()
// // // }
// // }
// // }
// }
async restart (): Promise<void> {
const startTime =
console.log('[LeanClient] Restarting Lean Server')
if (this.isStarted()) {
await this.stop()
// this.toolchainPath = this.storageManager.getLeanPath()
// if (!this.toolchainPath) this.toolchainPath = toolchainPath()
// let version = this.storageManager.getLeanVersion()
// const env = addServerEnvPaths(process.env)
// if (serverLoggingEnabled()) {
// env.LEAN_SERVER_LOG_DIR = serverLoggingPath()
// }
// let executable = lakePath() ||
// (this.toolchainPath ? join(this.toolchainPath, 'bin', 'lake') : 'lake')
// check if the lake process will start (skip it on scheme: 'untitled' files)
// let useLake = lakeEnabled() && this.folderUri && this.folderUri.scheme === 'file'
// if (useLake) {
// let knownDate = false
// const lakefile = Uri.joinPath(this.folderUri, 'lakefile.lean')
// if (!await fileExists(new URL(lakefile.toString()))) {
// useLake = false
// } else {
// // see if we can avoid the more expensive checkLakeVersion call.
// const date = await this.checkToolchainVersion(this.folderUri)
// if (date != null) {
// // Feb 16 2022 is when the 3.1.0.pre was released.
// useLake = date >= new Date(2022, 1, 16)
// knownDate = true
// }
// if (useLake && !knownDate) {
// useLake = await this.checkLakeVersion(executable, version)
// }
// }
// }
// if (!useLake) {
// executable = (this.toolchainPath) ? join(this.toolchainPath, 'bin', 'lean') : 'lean'
// }
// const cwd = this.folderUri?.fsPath
// if (!cwd && !version) {
// // Fixes issue #227, for adhoc files it would pick up the cwd from the open folder
// // which is not what we want. For adhoc files we want the (default) toolchain instead.
// version = this.elanDefaultToolchain
// }
// let options = version ? ['+' + version] : []
// if (useLake) {
// options = options.concat(['serve', '--'])
// } else {
// options = options.concat(['--server'])
// }
// Add folder name to command-line so that it shows up in `ps aux`.
// if (cwd) {
// options.push('' + cwd)
// } else {
// options.push('untitled')
// }
// const serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
// command: executable,
// args: options.concat(serverArgs()),
// options: {
// cwd,
// env
// }
// }
const clientOptions: LanguageClientOptions = {
// use a language id as a document selector
documentSelector: ['lean4'],
initializationOptions: {
editDelay: getElaborationDelay(), hasWidgets: true
connectionOptions: {
maxRestartCount: 0,
cancellationStrategy: undefined as any
// disable the default error handler
errorHandler: {
error: () => ({ action: ErrorAction.Continue }),
closed: () => ({ action: CloseAction.DoNotRestart })
middleware: {
handleDiagnostics: (uri, diagnostics, next) => {
next(uri, diagnostics)
if (this.client == null) return
const uri_ = c2pConverter.asUri(uri)
const diagnostics_ = []
for (const d of diagnostics) {
const d_: ls.Diagnostic = {
|{ uri: uri_, diagnostics: diagnostics_ })
// didOpen: async () => {
// // Note: as per the LSP spec: An open notification must not be sent more than once
// // without a corresponding close notification send before. This means open and close
// // notification must be balanced and the max open count for a particular textDocument
// // is one. So this even does nothing the notification is handled by the
// // openLean4Document method below after the 'lean4' languageId is established and
// // it has weeded out documents opened to invisible editors (like 'git:' schemes and
// // invisible editors created for Ctrl+Hover events. A side effect of unbalanced
// // open/close notification is leaking 'lean --worker' processes.
// // See
// },
didChange: async (data, next) => {
await next(data)
if (!this.running || (this.client == null)) return // there was a problem starting lean server.
const params = c2pConverter.asChangeTextDocumentParams(data)
didClose: async (doc, next) => {
if (!this.isOpen.delete(doc.uri.toString())) {
await next(doc)
if (!this.running || (this.client == null)) return // there was a problem starting lean server.
const params = c2pConverter.asCloseTextDocumentParams(doc)
provideDocumentHighlights: async (doc, pos, ctok, next) => {
const leanHighlights = await next(doc, pos, ctok)
if (leanHighlights?.length) return leanHighlights
// vscode doesn't fall back to textual highlights,
// so we need to do that manually
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 250))
if (ctok.isCancellationRequested) return
const wordRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(pos)
if (wordRange == null) return
const word = doc.getText(wordRange)
const highlights: DocumentHighlight[] = []
const text = doc.getText()
const nonWordPattern = '[`~@$%^&*()-=+\\[{\\]}⟨⟩⦃⦄⟦⟧⟮⟯‹›\\\\|;:\",./\\s]|^|$'
const regexp = new RegExp(`(?<=${nonWordPattern})${escapeRegExp(word)}(?=${nonWordPattern})`, 'g')
for (const match of text.matchAll(regexp)) {
const start = doc.positionAt(match.index ?? 0)
range: new Range(start, start.translate(0, match[0].length)),
kind: DocumentHighlightKind.Text
return highlights
if (!this.client) {
this.client = new LanguageClient({
id: 'lean4',
name: 'Lean 4',
connectionProvider: {
get: async () => {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const worker = new Worker("worker.js")
const reader = new WasmReader(worker)
const writer = new WasmWriter(worker)
} else {
await this.client.start()
// HACK: Prevent monaco from panicking when the Lean server crashes
this.client.handleFailedRequest = (type, token: any, error: any, defaultValue, showNotification?: boolean) => {
return defaultValue
let insideRestart = true
patchConverters(this.client.protocol2CodeConverter, this.client.code2ProtocolConverter)
try {
this.client.onDidChangeState(async (s) => {
// see
if (s.newState === State.Starting) {
console.log('[LeanClient] starting')
} else if (s.newState === State.Running) {
const end =
console.log(`[LeanClient] running, started in ${end - startTime} ms`)
this.running = true // may have been auto restarted after it failed.
if (!insideRestart) {
} else if (s.newState === State.Stopped) {
this.running = false
console.log('[LeanClient] has stopped or it failed to start')
if (!this.noPrompt) {
// only raise this event and show the message if we are not the ones
// who called the stop() method.
|{ message: 'Lean server has stopped.', reason: '' })
await this.showRestartMessage()
await this.client.start()
// tell the new client about the documents that are already open!
// for (const key of this.isOpen.keys()) {
// const doc = this.isOpen.get(key)
// if (doc != null) this.notifyDidOpen(doc)
// }
// if we got this far then the client is happy so we are running!
this.running = true
} catch (error) {
|'' + error)
insideRestart = false
// HACK(WN): Register a default notification handler to fire on custom notifications.
// A mechanism to do this is provided in vscode-jsonrpc. One can register a `StarNotificationHandler`
// here:
// which fires on any LSP notifications not in the standard, for example the `$/lean/..` ones.
// However this mechanism is not exposed in vscode-languageclient, so we hack around its implementation.
const starHandler = (method: string, params_: any) => {
if (method === '$/lean/fileProgress' && (this.client != null)) {
const params = params_ as LeanFileProgressParams
const uri = p2cConverter.asUri(params.textDocument.uri)
|[uri.toString(), params.processing])
// save the latest progress on this Uri in case infoview needs it later.
this.progress.set(uri, params.processing)
|{ method, params: params_ })
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
this.client.onNotification(starHandler as any, () => {})
// Reveal the standard error output channel when the server prints something to stderr.
// The vscode-languageclient library already takes care of writing it to the output channel.
// let stderrMsgBoxVisible = false;
// (this.client)._serverProcess.stderr.on('data', async (chunk: Buffer) => {
// if (shouldAutofocusOutput()) {
// this.client?
// } else if (!stderrMsgBoxVisible) {
// stderrMsgBoxVisible = true
// const outputItem = 'Show stderr output'
// const outPrompt = `Lean server printed an error:\n${chunk.toString()}`
// if (await window.showErrorMessage(outPrompt, outputItem) === outputItem) {
// }
// stderrMsgBoxVisible = false
// }
// })
insideRestart = false
async openLean4Document (doc: TextDocument) {
if (this.isOpen.has(doc.uri.toString())) return
if (!await this.isSameWorkspace(doc.uri)) {
// skip it, this file belongs to a different workspace...
this.isOpen.set(doc.uri.toString(), doc)
if (!this.running) return // there was a problem starting lean server.
// didOpenEditor may have also changed the language, so we fire the
// event here because the InfoView should be wired up to receive it now.
notifyDidOpen (doc: TextDocument) {
// BUG: was `DidOpenTextDocumentNotification.type` instead of the string, but that failed
void this.client?.sendNotification('textDocument/didOpen', {
textDocument: {
uri: doc.uri.toString(),
languageId: doc.languageId,
version: 1,
text: doc.getText()
async isSameWorkspace (uri: Uri): Promise<boolean> {
// if (this.folderUri) {
// if (this.folderUri.scheme !== uri.scheme) return false
// if (this.folderUri.scheme === 'file') {
// const realPath1 = await fs.promises.realpath(this.folderUri.fsPath)
// const realPath2 = await fs.promises.realpath(uri.fsPath)
// return isFileInFolder(realPath2, realPath1)
// } else {
// return uri.toString().startsWith(this.folderUri.toString())
// }
// } else {
// return uri.scheme === 'untitled'
// }
return false
getWorkspaceFolder (): string {
return this.folderUri?.toString()
async start (): Promise<void> {
return await this.restart()
isStarted (): boolean {
return this.client !== undefined
isRunning (): boolean {
if (this.client != null) {
return this.running
return false
async stop (): Promise<void> {
// assert(() => this.isStarted())
if ((this.client != null) && this.running) {
this.noPrompt = true
try {
// some timing conditions can happen while running unit tests that cause
// this to throw an exception which then causes those tests to fail.
await this.client.stop()
} catch (e) {
console.log(`[LeanClient] Error stopping language client: ${e}`)
this.noPrompt = false
this.progress = new Map()
this.client = undefined
this.running = false
configChanged (e: ConfigurationChangeEvent): void {
// let newToolchainPath = this.storageManager.getLeanPath()
// if (!newToolchainPath) newToolchainPath = toolchainPath()
// if (this.toolchainPath !== newToolchainPath) {
// void this.restart()
// }
async restartFile (doc: TextDocument): Promise<void> {
if (!this.running) return // there was a problem starting lean server.
// assert(() => this.isStarted())
if (!await this.isSameWorkspace(doc.uri)) {
// skip it, this file belongs to a different workspace...
const uri = doc.uri.toString()
console.log(`[LeanClient] Restarting File: ${uri}`)
// This causes a text document version number discontinuity. In
// (didChange (oldVersion) => restartFile => didChange (newVersion))
// the client emits newVersion = oldVersion + 1, despite the fact that the
// didOpen packet emitted below initializes the version number to be 1.
// This is not a problem though, since both client and server are fine
// as long as the version numbers are monotonous.
void this.client?.sendNotification('textDocument/didClose', {
textDocument: {
void this.client?.sendNotification('textDocument/didOpen', {
textDocument: {
languageId: 'lean4',
version: 1,
text: doc.getText()
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
async sendRequest (method: string, params: any): Promise<any> {
return this.running && (this.client != null)
? await this.client.sendRequest(method, params)
: await new Promise<any>((_, reject) => { reject('Client is not running') })
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
sendNotification (method: string, params: any): Promise<void> | undefined {
return this.running && (this.client != null) ? this.client.sendNotification(method, params) : undefined
async getDiagnosticParams (uri: Uri, diagnostics: readonly Diagnostic[]): Promise<PublishDiagnosticsParams> {
const params: PublishDiagnosticsParams = {
uri: c2pConverter.asUri(uri),
diagnostics: await c2pConverter.asDiagnostics(diagnostics as Diagnostic[])
return params
getDiagnostics (): DiagnosticCollection | undefined {
return this.running ? this.client?.diagnostics : undefined
get initializeResult (): InitializeResult | undefined {
return this.running ? this.client?.initializeResult : undefined
private async checkToolchainVersion (folderUri: Uri): Promise<Date | undefined> {
// see if we have a well known toolchain label that corresponds
// to a known date like 'leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-02-01'
// const toolchainVersion = await readLeanVersion(folderUri)
// if (toolchainVersion) {
// const match = /^leanprover\/lean4:nightly-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/.exec(toolchainVersion)
// if (match != null) {
// return new Date(parseInt(match[1]), parseInt(match[2]) - 1, parseInt(match[3]))
// }
// if (toolchainVersion === 'leanprover/lean4:stable') {
// return new Date(2022, 2, 1)
// }
// }
return undefined
// async checkLakeVersion (executable: string, version: string): Promise<boolean> {
// // Check that the Lake version is high enough to support "lake serve" option.
// const versionOptions = version ? ['+' + version, '--version'] : ['--version']
// const start =
// const lakeVersion = await batchExecute(executable, versionOptions, this.folderUri?.fsPath, undefined)
// logger.log(`[LeanClient] Ran '${executable} ${versionOptions.join(' ')}' in ${ - start} ms`)
// const actual = this.extractVersion(lakeVersion)
// if ('3.0.0') > 0) {
// return true
// }
// return false
// }
// private extractVersion (v: string | undefined): SemVer {
// if (!v) return new SemVer('0.0.0')
// const prefix = 'Lake version'
// if (v.startsWith(prefix)) v = v.slice(prefix.length).trim()
// const pos = v.indexOf('(')
// if (pos > 0) v = v.slice(0, pos).trim()
// try {
// return new SemVer(v)
// } catch {
// return new SemVer('0.0.0')
// }
// }
@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
import { DataCallback, AbstractMessageReader, MessageReader } from 'vscode-jsonrpc/lib/common/messageReader.js';
import { Message } from 'vscode-jsonrpc/lib/common/messages.js';
import { AbstractMessageWriter, MessageWriter } from 'vscode-jsonrpc/lib/common/messageWriter.js';
import { Emitter } from 'vscode-jsonrpc/lib/common/events.js';
import { Disposable, IWebSocket } from 'vscode-ws-jsonrpc/.';
declare var IO: any;
export class WasmWriter implements MessageWriter {
protected errorCount = 0;
constructor(private worker: Worker) {
this.errorEmitter = new Emitter()
this.closeEmitter = new Emitter()
dispose() {
get onError() {
return this.errorEmitter.event;
fireError(error, message, count) {
|[this.asError(error), message, count]);
get onClose() {
return this.closeEmitter.event;
fireClose() {
asError(error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
return error;
else {
return new Error(`Writer received error. Reason: ${error.message}`);
end(): void {
async write(msg: Message): Promise<void> {
try {
const content = JSON.stringify(msg);
} catch (e) {
this.fireError(e, msg, this.errorCount);
export class WasmReader implements MessageReader {
protected state: 'initial' | 'listening' | 'closed' = 'initial';
protected callback: DataCallback | undefined;
protected readonly events: { message?: any, error?: any }[] = [];
constructor(private worker: Worker) {
this.worker.onmessage = (ev) => {
// this.socket.onMessage(message =>
// this.readMessage(message)
// );
// this.socket.onError(error =>
// this.fireError(error)
// );
// this.socket.onClose((code, reason) => {
// if (code !== 1000) {
// const error: Error = {
// name: '' + code,
// message: `Error during socket reconnect: code = ${code}, reason = ${reason}`
// };
// this.fireError(error);
// }
// this.fireClose();
// });
this.errorEmitter = new Emitter()
this.closeEmitter = new Emitter()
this.partialMessageEmitter = new Emitter()
protected errorCount = 0;
dispose() {
get onError() {
return this.errorEmitter.event;
get onClose() {
return this.closeEmitter.event;
get onPartialMessage() {
return this.partialMessageEmitter.event;
firePartialMessage(info) {
asError(error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
return error;
else {
return new Error(`Reader received error. Reason: ${error.message ? error.message : 'unknown'}`);
listen(callback: DataCallback): Disposable {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
this.state = 'listening';
this.callback = callback;
while ( !== 0) {
const event =!;
if (event.message) {
} else if (event.error) {
} else {
return {
dispose: () => {
if (this.callback === callback) {
this.callback = undefined;
protected readMessage(message: any): void {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
|, 0, { message });
} else if (this.state === 'listening') {
try {
const data = JSON.parse(message);
} catch (err) {
const error: Error = {
name: '' + 400,
message: `Error during message parsing, reason = ${typeof err === 'object' ? (err as any).message : 'unknown'}`
protected fireError(error: any): void {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
|, 0, { error });
} else if (this.state === 'listening') {
protected fireClose(): void {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
|, 0, {});
} else if (this.state === 'listening') {
this.state = 'closed';
export class WebSocketMessageWriter implements MessageWriter {
protected errorCount = 0;
constructor(protected readonly socket: IWebSocket) {
this.errorEmitter = new Emitter();
this.closeEmitter = new Emitter();
dispose() {
get onError() {
return this.errorEmitter.event;
fireError(error, message, count) {
|[this.asError(error), message, count]);
get onClose() {
return this.closeEmitter.event;
fireClose() {
asError(error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
return error;
else {
return new Error(`Writer received error. Reason: ${(error.message) ? error.message : 'unknown'}`);
end(): void {
async write(msg: Message): Promise<void> {
try {
const content = JSON.stringify(msg);
} catch (e) {
this.fireError(e, msg, this.errorCount);
export class WebSocketMessageReader implements MessageReader {
protected state: 'initial' | 'listening' | 'closed' = 'initial';
protected callback: DataCallback | undefined;
protected readonly events: { message?: any, error?: any }[] = [];
constructor(protected readonly socket: IWebSocket) {
this.errorEmitter = new Emitter();
this.closeEmitter = new Emitter();
this.partialMessageEmitter = new Emitter();
this.socket.onMessage(message =>{
console.log("READ", message)
this.socket.onError(error =>
this.socket.onClose((code, reason) => {
if (code !== 1000) {
const error: Error = {
name: '' + code,
message: `Error during socket reconnect: code = ${code}, reason = ${reason}`
dispose() {
get onError() {
return this.errorEmitter.event;
get onClose() {
return this.closeEmitter.event;
get onPartialMessage() {
return this.partialMessageEmitter.event;
firePartialMessage(info) {
asError(error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
return error;
else {
return new Error(`Reader received error. Reason: ${(error.message) ? error.message : 'unknown'}`);
listen(callback: DataCallback): Disposable {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
this.state = 'listening';
this.callback = callback;
while ( !== 0) {
const event =!;
if (event.message) {
} else if (event.error) {
} else {
return {
dispose: () => {
if (this.callback === callback) {
this.callback = undefined;
protected readMessage(message: any): void {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
|, 0, { message });
} else if (this.state === 'listening') {
try {
const data = JSON.parse(message);
} catch (err) {
const error: Error = {
name: '' + 400,
message: `Error during message parsing, reason = ${typeof err === 'object' ? (err as any).message : 'unknown'}`
protected fireError(error: any): void {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
|, 0, { error });
} else if (this.state === 'listening') {
protected fireClose(): void {
if (this.state === 'initial') {
|, 0, {});
} else if (this.state === 'listening') {
this.state = 'closed';
@ -1,8 +1,30 @@
import Lean
import Lean.Server.Watchdog
@[export my_length]
open Lean
def myLength (s : String) : IO Unit := do
open Server
IO.println "hello"
open Watchdog
IO.println Lean.origin
open Lsp
IO.println s
open IO
open JsonRpc
#check JsonRpc.Request
@[export game_send_message]
def sendMessage (s : String) : IO Unit := do
let expectedMethod := "initialize"
let j ← ofExcept (Json.parse s)
let m ← match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok (m : JsonRpc.Message) => pure m
| Except.error inner => throw $ userError s!"JSON '{j.compress}' did not have the format of a JSON-RPC message.\n{inner}"
let initRequest ← match m with
| Message.request id method params? =>
if method = expectedMethod then
let j := toJson params?
match fromJson? j with
| Except.ok v => pure $ id expectedMethod (v : InitializeParams)
| Except.error inner => throw $ userError s!"Unexpected param '{j.compress}' for method '{expectedMethod}'\n{inner}"
throw $ userError s!"Expected method '{expectedMethod}', got method '{method}'"
| _ => throw $ userError s!"Expected JSON-RPC request, got: '{(toJson m).compress}'"
IO.println s!"{initRequest.param.editDelay}"
return ()
return ()
Reference in New Issue