@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function Welcome() {
if (gameInfo.data?.title) window.document.title = gameInfo.data.title
}, [gameInfo.data?.title])
const padding = 10
const padding = 20
const svgElements = []
@ -48,16 +48,18 @@ function Welcome() {
for (let i in gameInfo.data.worlds.edges) {
const edge = gameInfo.data.worlds.edges[i]
<line key={`pathway${i}`} x1={nodes[edge[0]].x} y1={nodes[edge[0]].y} x2={nodes[edge[1]].x} y2={nodes[edge[1]].y} stroke="#1976d2" strokeWidth="1"/>
<line key={`pathway${i}`} x1={nodes[edge[0]].position.x} y1={nodes[edge[0]].position.y}
x2={nodes[edge[1]].position.x} y2={nodes[edge[1]].position.y} stroke="#1976d2" strokeWidth="1"/>
for (let id in nodes) {
let position: cytoscape.Position = nodes[id]
let position: cytoscape.Position = nodes[id].position
<Link key={`world${id}`} to={`/world/${id}/level/1`}>
<circle fill="#61DAFB" cx={position.x} cy={position.y} r="8" />
<text style={{font: "italic 2px sans-serif", textAnchor: "middle", dominantBaseline: "middle"} as any} x={position.x} y={position.y}>{id}</text>
<text style={{font: "italic 2px sans-serif", textAnchor: "middle", dominantBaseline: "middle"} as any}
x={position.x} y={position.y}>{nodes[id].data.title ? nodes[id].data.title : id}</text>
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ function computeWorldLayout(worlds) {
let elements = []
for (let node of worlds.nodes) {
elements.push({ data: { id: node } })
elements.push({ data: { id: node.name, title: node.title } })
for (let edge of worlds.edges) {
@ -119,7 +121,10 @@ function computeWorldLayout(worlds) {
const layout = cy.layout({name: "klay", klay: {direction: "DOWN"}} as LayoutOptions).run()
let nodes = {}
cy.nodes().forEach((node, id) => {
nodes[node.id()] = node.position()
nodes[node.id()] = {
position: node.position(),
data: node.data()
const bounds = cy.nodes().boundingBox()
return { nodes, bounds }