@ -264,32 +264,50 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
if game.worlds.hasLoops then
throwError "World graph has loops!"
-- Compute which tactics are available in which level:
-- Compute which tactics/lemmas are available in which level:
let mut newTacticsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {}
let mut allTactics : HashSet Name := {}
let mut newLemmasInWorld : HashMap Name (HashSet Name) := {}
let mut allLemmas : HashSet Name := {}
for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut newTactics : HashSet Name:= {}
let mut newLemmas : HashSet Name:= {}
for (_, level) in world.levels.toArray do
newTactics := newTactics.insertMany level.newTactics
allTactics := allTactics.insertMany level.newTactics
newLemmas := newLemmas.insertMany level.newLemmas
allLemmas := allLemmas.insertMany level.newLemmas
newTacticsInWorld := newTacticsInWorld.insert worldId newTactics
newLemmasInWorld := newLemmasInWorld.insert worldId newLemmas
let tacticAvailability₀ : HashMap Name TacticAvailability :=
-- Basic tactic/lemma availability: all locked, none disabled.
let Availability₀ : HashMap Name Availability :=
HashMap.ofList $
allTactics.toList.map fun name =>
(name, {name, locked := true, disabled := false})
let lemmaAvailability₀ : HashMap Name Availability :=
HashMap.ofList $
allLemmas.toList.map fun name =>
(name, {name, locked := true, disabled := false})
let mut tacticsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashMap Name TacticAvailability) := {}
-- Availability after a given world
let mut tacticsInWorld : HashMap Name (HashMap Name Availability) := {}
let mut lemmasInWorld : HashMap Name (HashMap Name Availability) := {}
for (worldId, _) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut tactics : HashMap Name TacticAvailability := tacticAvailability₀
let mut tactics := Availability₀
let mut lemmas := lemmaAvailability₀
let predecessors := game.worlds.predecessors worldId
for predWorldId in predecessors do
for tac in newTacticsInWorld.find! predWorldId do
tactics := tactics.insert tac {name := tac, locked := false, disabled := false}
for lem in newLemmasInWorld.find! predWorldId do
lemmas := lemmas.insert lem {name := lem, locked := false, disabled := false}
tacticsInWorld := tacticsInWorld.insert worldId tactics
lemmasInWorld := lemmasInWorld.insert worldId lemmas
for (worldId, world) in game.worlds.nodes.toArray do
let mut tactics := tacticsInWorld.find! worldId
let mut lemmas := lemmasInWorld.find! worldId
let levels := world.levels.toArray.insertionSort fun a b => a.1 < b.1
@ -298,9 +316,20 @@ elab "MakeGame" : command => do
tactics := tactics.insert tac {name := tac, locked := false, disabled := false}
for tac in level.disabledTactics do
tactics := tactics.insert tac {name := tac, locked := false, disabled := true}
for lem in level.newLemmas do
lemmas := lemmas.insert lem {name := lem, locked := false, disabled := false}
for lem in level.disabledLemmas do
lemmas := lemmas.insert lem {name := lem, locked := false, disabled := true}
let tacticArray := tactics.toArray
|>.insertionSort (fun a b => a.1.toString < b.1.toString)
|>.map (·.2)
let lemmaArray := lemmas.toArray
|>.insertionSort (fun a b => a.1.toString < b.1.toString)
|>.map (·.2)
modifyLevel ⟨← getCurGameId, worldId, levelId⟩ fun level => do
return {level with tactics := tacticArray}
return {level with
tactics := tacticArray
lemmas := lemmaArray}