@ -63,6 +63,20 @@ def reprint (stx : Syntax) : Format :=
-- macro mods:declModifiers "lemma" n:declId sig:declSig val:declVal : command => `($mods:declModifiers theorem $n $sig $val)
-- macro mods:declModifiers "lemma" n:declId sig:declSig val:declVal : command => `($mods:declModifiers theorem $n $sig $val)
elab "Hint" msg:interpolatedStr(term) : tactic => do
let goal ← Tactic.getMainGoal
let varsName := `vars
let text ← withLocalDeclD varsName (mkApp (mkConst ``Array [levelZero]) (mkConst ``Expr)) fun vars => do
let mut text ← `(m! $msg)
let goalDecl ← goal.getDecl
let decls := goalDecl.lctx.decls.toArray.filterMap id
for i in [:decls.size] do
text ← `(let $(mkIdent decls[i]!.userName) := $(mkIdent varsName)[$(quote i)]!; $text)
return ← mkLambdaFVars #[vars] $ ← elabTermAndSynthesize text none
let mvar ← mkFreshExprMVar none
guard $ ← isDefEq mvar text
logInfo (.compose (.ofGoal mvar.mvarId!) (.ofGoal goal))
/-- Define the statement of the current level.
/-- Define the statement of the current level.
@ -74,15 +88,40 @@ elab "Statement" statementName:ident ? descr:str sig:declSig val:declVal : comma
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
let defaultDeclName : Name := (← getCurGame).name ++ (← getCurWorld).name ++
let defaultDeclName : Name := (← getCurGame).name ++ (← getCurWorld).name ++
("level" ++ toString lvlIdx : String)
("level" ++ toString lvlIdx : String)
let initMsgs ← modifyGet fun st => (st.messages, { st with messages := {} })
let thmStatement ← `(theorem $(mkIdent defaultDeclName) $sig $val)
let thmStatement ← `(theorem $(mkIdent defaultDeclName) $sig $val)
-- let thmStatement' ← match statementName with
-- let thmStatement' ← match statementName with
-- | none => `(lemma $(mkIdent "XX") $sig $val) -- TODO: Make it into an `example`
-- | none => `(lemma $(mkIdent "XX") $sig $val) -- TODO: Make it into an `example`
-- | some name => `(lemma $name $sig $val)
-- | some name => `(lemma $name $sig $val)
elabCommand thmStatement
let msgs := (← get).messages
let mut hints := #[]
for msg in msgs.msgs do
-- TODO: mark the hints in a unique way to recognize them here
if let (MessageData.withNamingContext nctx (MessageData.withContext ctx
(.compose (.ofGoal text) (.ofGoal goal)))) := msg.data then
let hint ← liftTermElabM $ withMCtx ctx.mctx $ withLCtx ctx.lctx #[] $ withEnv ctx.env do
let goalDecl ← goal.getDecl
let fvars := goalDecl.lctx.decls.toArray.filterMap id |> Array.map (mkFVar ·.fvarId)
let goal ← mkForallFVars fvars goalDecl.type
return {
goal := goal
intros := fvars.size
text := ← instantiateMVars (mkMVar text)
hints := hints.push hint
modify fun st => { st with
messages := initMsgs ++ msgs
let scope ← getScope
let scope ← getScope
let env ← getEnv
let env ← getEnv
elabCommand thmStatement
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with
module := env.header.mainModule
module := env.header.mainModule
goal := sig,
goal := sig,
@ -91,6 +130,7 @@ elab "Statement" statementName:ident ? descr:str sig:declSig val:declVal : comma
descrFormat := match statementName with
descrFormat := match statementName with
| none => "example " ++ (toString <| reprint sig.raw) ++ " := by"
| none => "example " ++ (toString <| reprint sig.raw) ++ " := by"
| some name => (Format.join ["lemma ", reprint name.raw, " ", reprint sig.raw, " := by"]).pretty 10 -- "lemma " ++ (toString <| reprint name.raw) ++ " " ++ (Format.pretty (reprint sig.raw) 40) ++ " := by"
| some name => (Format.join ["lemma ", reprint name.raw, " ", reprint sig.raw, " := by"]).pretty 10 -- "lemma " ++ (toString <| reprint name.raw) ++ " " ++ (Format.pretty (reprint sig.raw) 40) ++ " := by"
hints := hints
} -- Format.pretty <| format thmStatement.raw }
} -- Format.pretty <| format thmStatement.raw }
/-- Define the conclusion of the current game or current level if some
/-- Define the conclusion of the current game or current level if some