load number of levels from server

Alexander Bentkamp 2 years ago
parent af2416b97a
commit ad6f907d17

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import './level.css'
import { ConnectionContext } from '../connection';
import Infoview from './Infoview';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useLoadLevelQuery } from '../state/api';
import { useGetGameInfoQuery, useLoadLevelQuery } from '../state/api';
import { codeEdited, selectCode } from '../state/progress';
import { useAppDispatch } from '../hooks';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ function Level() {
const connection = React.useContext(ConnectionContext)
const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery()
const level = useLoadLevelQuery({world: worldId, level: levelId})
const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ function Level() {
<Grid xs={4} className="info-panel">
<Button disabled={levelId <= 1} component={RouterLink} to={`/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId - 1}`} sx={{ ml: 3, mt: 2, mb: 2 }} disableFocusRipple>Previous Level</Button>
<Button disabled={false} component={RouterLink} to={`/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} sx={{ ml: 3, mt: 2, mb: 2 }} disableFocusRipple>Next Level</Button>
<Button disabled={levelId >= gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId]} component={RouterLink} to={`/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} sx={{ ml: 3, mt: 2, mb: 2 }} disableFocusRipple>Next Level</Button>
<div style={{display: expertInfoview ? 'block' : 'none' }} ref={infoviewRef} className="infoview vscode-light"></div>
<div style={{display: expertInfoview ? 'none' : 'block' }}>

@ -30,6 +30,34 @@ function Welcome() {
const padding = 10
const svgElements = []
if (gameInfo.data) {
for (let edge of gameInfo.data.worlds.edges) {
<line x1={nodes[edge[0]].x} y1={nodes[edge[0]].y} x2={nodes[edge[1]].x} y2={nodes[edge[1]].y} stroke="#1976d2" stroke-width="1"/>
for (let id in nodes) {
let position: cytoscape.Position = nodes[id]
<Link to={`/world/${id}/level/1`}>
<circle fill="#61DAFB" cx={position.x} cy={position.y} r="8" />
<text style={{font: "italic 2px sans-serif", "text-anchor": "middle", "dominant-baseline": "middle"} as any} x={position.x} y={position.y}>{id}</text>
for (let i = 1; i <= gameInfo.data.worldSize[id]; i++) {
<Link to={`/world/${id}/level/${i}`}>
<circle fill="#aaa" cx={position.x + Math.sin(i/5) * 9} cy={position.y - Math.cos(i/5) * 9} r="0.8" />
return <div>
{ gameInfo.isLoading?
<Box display="flex" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center" sx={{ height: "calc(100vh - 64px)" }}><CircularProgress /></Box>
@ -43,13 +71,7 @@ function Welcome() {
<Box textAlign='center' sx={{ m: 5 }}>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlnsXlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="30%"
viewBox={bounds ? `${bounds.x1 - padding} ${bounds.y1 - padding} ${bounds.x2 - bounds.x1 + 2 * padding} ${bounds.y2 - bounds.y1 + 2 * padding}` : ''}>
{gameInfo.data ? gameInfo.data.worlds.edges.map((edge) =>
<line x1={nodes[edge[0]].x} y1={nodes[edge[0]].y} x2={nodes[edge[1]].x} y2={nodes[edge[1]].y} stroke="#1976d2" stroke-width="1"/>) : null}
{Object.entries(nodes).map(([id, position]) =>
<Link to={`/world/${id}/level/1`}>
<circle fill="#61DAFB" cx={(position as cytoscape.Position).x} cy={(position as cytoscape.Position).y} r="8" />
<text style={{font: "italic 2px sans-serif", "text-anchor": "middle", "dominant-baseline": "middle"} as any} x={(position as cytoscape.Position).x} y={(position as cytoscape.Position).y}>{id}</text>

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ interface GameInfo {
title: null|string,
introduction: null|string,
worlds: null|{nodes: string[], edges: string[][]},
worldSize: null|{[key: string]: number},
authors: null|string[],
conclusion: null|string,

@ -24,13 +24,16 @@ open Lsp
open JsonRpc
open IO
def getGame (game : Name): GameServerM Game := do
def getGame (game : Name): GameServerM Json := do
let some game ← getGame? game
| throwServerError "Game not found"
return game
let gameJson : Json := toJson game
-- Add world sizes to Json object
let worldSize := game.worlds.nodes.toList.map (fun (n, w) => (n.toString, w.levels.size))
let gameJson := gameJson.mergeObj (Json.mkObj [("worldSize", Json.mkObj worldSize)])
return gameJson
- description: Lemma in mathematical language.
- descriptionGoal: Lemma printed as Lean-Code.

@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ aber eigenständig sein)
### Spieler-Führung
- Keine Möglichkeit zurück zu gehen und nach dem letzten Level kann man trotzdem
\"Next Level\" klicken
- Keine Möglichkeit zurück zu gehen
- Fehlermeldungen sind nicht besonders Benutzerfreundlich: Ganz unverständliche sammeln,
damit wir diese später modifizieren können.
- Kann man Taktiken blockieren?
