@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import Lean.Server.FileWorker
import GameServer.Game
import GameServer.Game
import GameServer.ImportModules
import GameServer.ImportModules
import GameServer.SaveData
import GameServer.SaveData
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
namespace MyModule
namespace MyModule
@ -60,8 +61,8 @@ open Snapshots
open JsonRpc
open JsonRpc
Game-specific state to be packed on top of the `Lean.Server.FileWorker.WorkerState`
Game-specific state to be packed on top of the `Server.FileWorker.WorkerState`
used by the lean server.
used by the Lean server.
structure WorkerState :=
structure WorkerState :=
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ structure WorkerState :=
deriving ToJson, FromJson
deriving ToJson, FromJson
Pack the `GameServer.FileWorker.WorkerState` on top of the normal worker monad
Pack the our custom `WorkerState` on top of the normal worker monad
abbrev WorkerM := StateT WorkerState Server.FileWorker.WorkerM
abbrev WorkerM := StateT WorkerState Server.FileWorker.WorkerM
@ -102,16 +103,6 @@ def addMessage (info : SourceInfo) (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext)
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
data := s }}
data := s }}
/-- Deprecated! -/
def addErrorMessage (info : SourceInfo) (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (s : MessageData) :
Elab.Command.CommandElabM Unit := do
modify fun st => { st with
messages := st.messages.add {
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
severity := MessageSeverity.error
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
data := s }}
-- TODO: use HashSet for allowed tactics?
-- TODO: use HashSet for allowed tactics?
Find all tactics in syntax object that are forbidden according to a
Find all tactics in syntax object that are forbidden according to a
@ -178,15 +169,20 @@ partial def findForbiddenTactics (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (workerState :
match theoremsAndDefs.find? (·.name == n) with
match theoremsAndDefs.find? (·.name == n) with
| none =>
| none =>
-- Theorem will never be introduced in this game
-- Theorem will never be introduced in this game
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"You have not unlocked the theorem/definition '{n}' yet!"
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"The theorem/definition '{n}' is not available in this game!"
| some thm =>
| some thm =>
-- Theorem is introduced at some point in the game.
-- Theorem is introduced at some point in the game.
if thm.disabled then
if thm.disabled then
-- Theorem is disabled in this level.
-- Theorem is disabled in this level.
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"The theorem/definition '{n}' is disabled in this level!"
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"The theorem/definition '{n}' is disabled in this level!"
else if thm.locked then
else if thm.locked then
-- Theorem is still locked.
match workerState.inventory.find? (· == n.toString) with
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"You have not unlocked the theorem/definition '{n}' yet!"
| none =>
-- Theorem is still locked.
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"You have not unlocked the theorem/definition '{n}' yet!"
| some _ =>
-- Theorem is in the inventory, allow it.
pure ()
where addMessageByDifficulty (info : SourceInfo) (s : MessageData) :=
where addMessageByDifficulty (info : SourceInfo) (s : MessageData) :=
-- See `GameServer.FileWorker.WorkerState.difficulty`. Send nothing/warnings/errors
-- See `GameServer.FileWorker.WorkerState.difficulty`. Send nothing/warnings/errors
@ -308,7 +304,7 @@ where
private def publishIleanInfo (method : String) (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream)
private def publishIleanInfo (method : String) (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream)
(snaps : Array Snapshot) : IO Unit := do
(snaps : Array Snapshot) : IO Unit := do
let trees := snaps.map fun snap => snap.infoTree
let trees := snaps.map fun snap => snap.infoTree
let references := findModuleRefs m.text trees (localVars := true)
let references ← findModuleRefs m.text trees (localVars := true) |>.toLspModuleRefs
let param := { version := m.version, references : LeanIleanInfoParams }
let param := { version := m.version, references : LeanIleanInfoParams }
hOut.writeLspNotification { method, param }
hOut.writeLspNotification { method, param }
@ -322,74 +318,133 @@ where
uri : String
uri : String
deriving ToJson, FromJson
deriving ToJson, FromJson
/-- Checks whether game level has been completed and sends a notification to the client -/
structure GameDiagnostics where
def publishGameCompleted (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (snaps : Array Snapshot) : IO Unit := do
diagnostics : List Diagnostic
-- check if there is any error or warning
deriving ToJson, FromJson
for snap in snaps do
if snap.diagnostics.any fun d => d.severity? == some .error ∨ d.severity? == some .warning
structure GameParams where
then return
uri : String
let param := { uri := m.uri : GameCompletedParams}
diagnostics : GameDiagnostics
hOut.writeLspNotification { method := "$/game/completed", param }
deriving ToJson, FromJson
/-- Elaborates the next command after `parentSnap` and emits diagnostics into `hOut`. -/
/-- WIP: publish diagnostics, all intermediate goals and if the game is completed. -/
private def nextSnap (ctx : WorkerContext) (m : DocumentMeta) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
def publishProofState (m : DocumentMeta) (snap : Snapshot) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) (hOut : FS.Stream) :
(gameWorkerState : WorkerState) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams)
IO Unit := do
: AsyncElabM (Option Snapshot) := do
-- let text := m.text
let s ← get
-- -- `snap` is the one snapshot containing the entire proof.
let .some lastSnap := s.snaps.back? | panic! "empty snapshots"
-- let mut goals : Array <| InteractiveGoalsWithHints := #[]
if lastSnap.isAtEnd then
-- for pos in text.positions do
publishGameCompleted m ctx.hOut s.snaps
-- let source := text.getLineBefore pos
publishDiagnostics m lastSnap.diagnostics.toArray ctx.hOut
-- -- iterate over all newlines in the proof and get the goals and hints at each position
publishProgressDone m ctx.hOut
-- if let goalsAtResult@(_ :: _) := snap.infoTree.goalsAt? text pos then
-- This will overwrite existing ilean info for the file, in case something
-- pure ()
-- went wrong during the incremental updates.
-- let goalAtPos : List <| List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← goalsAtResult.mapM
publishIleanInfoFinal m ctx.hOut s.snaps
-- fun { ctxInfo := ci, tacticInfo := tacticInfo, useAfter := useAfter, .. } => do
return none
-- -- TODO: What does this function body do?
publishProgressAtPos m lastSnap.endPos ctx.hOut
-- -- let ciAfter := { ci with mctx := ti.mctxAfter }
-- Make sure that there is at least one snap after the head snap, so that
-- let ci := if useAfter then
-- we can see the current goal even on an empty document
-- { ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxAfter }
let couldBeEndSnap := s.snaps.size > 1
-- else
let snap ← compileProof m.mkInputContext lastSnap ctx.clientHasWidgets couldBeEndSnap
-- { ci with mctx := tacticInfo.mctxBefore }
gameWorkerState initParams
-- -- compute the interactive goals
set { s with snaps := s.snaps.push snap }
-- let goalMvars : List MVarId ← ci.runMetaM {} do
-- TODO(MH): check for interrupt with increased precision
-- return if useAfter then tacticInfo.goalsAfter else tacticInfo.goalsBefore
/- NOTE(MH): This relies on the client discarding old diagnostics upon receiving new ones
-- let interactiveGoals : List InteractiveGoalWithHints ← ci.runMetaM {} do
while preferring newer versions over old ones. The former is necessary because we do
-- goalMvars.mapM fun goal => do
not explicitly clear older diagnostics, while the latter is necessary because we do
-- let hints ← findHints goal m initParams
not guarantee that diagnostics are emitted in order. Specifically, it may happen that
-- let interactiveGoal ← goalToInteractive goal
we interrupted this elaboration task right at this point and a newer elaboration task
-- return ⟨interactiveGoal, hints⟩
emits diagnostics, after which we emit old diagnostics because we did not yet detect
-- -- TODO: This code is way old, can it be deleted?
the interrupt. Explicitly clearing diagnostics is difficult for a similar reason,
-- -- compute the goal diff
because we cannot guarantee that no further diagnostics are emitted after clearing
-- -- let goals ← ciAfter.runMetaM {} (do
them. -/
-- -- try
-- NOTE(WN): this is *not* redundant even if there are no new diagnostics in this snapshot
-- -- Widget.diffInteractiveGoals useAfter ti goals
-- because empty diagnostics clear existing error/information squiggles. Therefore we always
-- -- catch _ =>
-- want to publish in case there was previously a message at this position.
-- -- -- fail silently, since this is just a bonus feature
publishDiagnostics m snap.diagnostics.toArray ctx.hOut
-- -- return goals
publishIleanInfoUpdate m ctx.hOut #[snap]
-- -- )
return some snap
-- return interactiveGoals
-- let goalAtPos : Array InteractiveGoalWithHints := ⟨goalAtPos.foldl (· ++ ·) []⟩
/-- Elaborates all commands after the last snap (at least the header snap is assumed to exist), emitting the diagnostics into `hOut`. -/
-- goals := goals.push ⟨goalAtPos, source⟩
def unfoldSnaps (m : DocumentMeta) (snaps : Array Snapshot) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
-- else
(startAfterMs : UInt32) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState)
-- -- No goals present
: ReaderT WorkerContext IO (AsyncList ElabTaskError Snapshot) := do
-- goals := goals.push default
let ctx ← read
let some headerSnap := snaps[0]? | panic! "empty snapshots"
-- -- Question: Is there a difference between the diags of this snap and the last snap?
if headerSnap.msgLog.hasErrors then
-- -- Should we get the diags from there?
-- Treat header processing errors as fatal so users aren't swamped with
-- let diag : Array Widget.InteractiveDiagnostic := snap.interactiveDiags.toArray
-- followup errors
publishProgressAtPos m headerSnap.beginPos ctx.hOut (kind := LeanFileProgressKind.fatalError)
-- -- Level is completed if there are no errrors or warnings
publishIleanInfoFinal m ctx.hOut #[headerSnap]
-- let completed : Bool := ¬ diag.any (fun d =>
return AsyncList.ofList [headerSnap]
-- d.severity? == some .error ∨ d.severity? == some .warning)
-- This will overwrite existing ilean info for the file since this has a
-- let param : ProofState := {
-- higher version number.
-- steps := goals,
publishIleanInfoUpdate m ctx.hOut snaps
-- diagnostics := diag,
return AsyncList.ofList snaps.toList ++ AsyncList.delayed (← EIO.asTask (ε := ElabTaskError) (prio := .dedicated) do
-- completed := completed }
IO.sleep startAfterMs
AsyncList.unfoldAsync (nextSnap ctx m cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx.initParams) { snaps })
let param := { uri := m.uri : GameCompletedParams}
hOut.writeLspNotification { method := "$/game/publishProofState", param }
/-- Checks whether game level has been completed and sends a notification to the client -/
def publishGameCompleted (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (snaps : Array Snapshot) : IO Unit := do
-- check if there is any error or warning
for snap in snaps do
if snap.diagnostics.any fun d => d.severity? == some .error ∨ d.severity? == some .warning
then return
let param := { uri := m.uri : GameCompletedParams}
hOut.writeLspNotification { method := "$/game/completed", param }
/-- copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.nextCmdSnap`. -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.nextCmdSnap] -- cannot inherit from private
private def nextCmdSnap (ctx : WorkerContext) (m : DocumentMeta) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
(gameWorkerState : WorkerState) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) :
AsyncElabM (Option Snapshot) := do
let s ← get
let .some lastSnap := s.snaps.back? | panic! "empty snapshots"
if lastSnap.isAtEnd then
publishDiagnostics m lastSnap.diagnostics.toArray ctx.hOut
publishProgressDone m ctx.hOut
publishIleanInfoFinal m ctx.hOut s.snaps
return none
publishProgressAtPos m lastSnap.endPos ctx.hOut
-- (modified part)
-- Make sure that there is at least one snap after the head snap, so that
-- we can see the current goal even on an empty document
let couldBeEndSnap := s.snaps.size > 1
let snap ← compileProof m.mkInputContext lastSnap ctx.clientHasWidgets couldBeEndSnap
gameWorkerState initParams
set { s with snaps := s.snaps.push snap }
publishProofState m snap initParams ctx.hOut
publishDiagnostics m snap.diagnostics.toArray ctx.hOut
publishIleanInfoUpdate m ctx.hOut #[snap]
return some snap
-- Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.unfoldCmdSnaps` using our own `nextCmdSnap`.
@[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.unfoldCmdSnaps]
def unfoldCmdSnaps (m : DocumentMeta) (snaps : Array Snapshot) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
(startAfterMs : UInt32) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState)
: ReaderT WorkerContext IO (AsyncList ElabTaskError Snapshot) := do
let ctx ← read
let some headerSnap := snaps[0]? | panic! "empty snapshots"
if headerSnap.msgLog.hasErrors then
publishProgressAtPos m headerSnap.beginPos ctx.hOut (kind := LeanFileProgressKind.fatalError)
publishIleanInfoFinal m ctx.hOut #[headerSnap]
return AsyncList.ofList [headerSnap]
publishIleanInfoUpdate m ctx.hOut snaps
return AsyncList.ofList snaps.toList ++ AsyncList.delayed (← EIO.asTask (ε := ElabTaskError) (prio := .dedicated) do
IO.sleep startAfterMs
AsyncList.unfoldAsync (nextCmdSnap ctx m cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx.initParams) { snaps })
end Elab
end Elab
@ -439,7 +494,7 @@ def updateDocument (newMeta : DocumentMeta) : WorkerM Unit := do
validSnaps := validSnaps.dropLast
validSnaps := validSnaps.dropLast
-- wait for a bit, giving the initial `cancelTk.check` in `nextCmdSnap` time to trigger
-- wait for a bit, giving the initial `cancelTk.check` in `nextCmdSnap` time to trigger
-- before kicking off any expensive elaboration (TODO: make expensive elaboration cancelable)
-- before kicking off any expensive elaboration (TODO: make expensive elaboration cancelable)
unfoldSnaps newMeta validSnaps.toArray cancelTk s ctx
unfoldCmdSnaps newMeta validSnaps.toArray cancelTk s ctx
(startAfterMs := ctx.initParams.editDelay.toUInt32)
(startAfterMs := ctx.initParams.editDelay.toUInt32)
StateT.lift <| modify fun st => { st with
StateT.lift <| modify fun st => { st with
doc := { meta := newMeta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed newSnaps, cancelTk }}
doc := { meta := newMeta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed newSnaps, cancelTk }}
@ -453,6 +508,12 @@ def DocumentMeta.mkInputContext (doc : DocumentMeta) : Parser.InputContext where
fileName := (System.Uri.fileUriToPath? doc.uri).getD doc.uri |>.toString
fileName := (System.Uri.fileUriToPath? doc.uri).getD doc.uri |>.toString
fileMap := default
fileMap := default
/-- `gameDir` and `module` were added.
TODO: In general this resembles little similarity with the
original code, and I don't know why...
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.compileHeader]
def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWidgets : Bool)
def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWidgets : Bool)
(gameDir : String) (module : Name):
(gameDir : String) (module : Name):
IO (Syntax × Task (Except Error (Snapshot × SearchPath))) := do
IO (Syntax × Task (Except Error (Snapshot × SearchPath))) := do
@ -488,7 +549,7 @@ def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWid
let cmdState := Elab.Command.mkState headerEnv {} opts
let cmdState := Elab.Command.mkState headerEnv {} opts
let cmdState := { cmdState with infoState := {
let cmdState := { cmdState with infoState := {
enabled := true
enabled := true
trees := #[Elab.InfoTree.context ({
trees := #[Elab.InfoTree.context (.commandCtx {
env := headerEnv
env := headerEnv
fileMap := m.text
fileMap := m.text
ngen := { namePrefix := `_worker }
ngen := { namePrefix := `_worker }
@ -505,7 +566,7 @@ def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWid
let headerSnap := {
let headerSnap := {
beginPos := 0
beginPos := 0
stx := headerStx
stx := headerStx
mpState := {}
mpState := {} -- was `headerParserState`
cmdState := cmdState
cmdState := cmdState
interactiveDiags := ← cmdState.messages.msgs.mapM (Widget.msgToInteractiveDiagnostic m.text · hasWidgets)
interactiveDiags := ← cmdState.messages.msgs.mapM (Widget.msgToInteractiveDiagnostic m.text · hasWidgets)
tacticCache := (← IO.mkRef {})
tacticCache := (← IO.mkRef {})
@ -513,49 +574,52 @@ def compileHeader (m : DocumentMeta) (hOut : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (hasWid
publishDiagnostics m headerSnap.diagnostics.toArray hOut
publishDiagnostics m headerSnap.diagnostics.toArray hOut
return (headerSnap, srcSearchPath)
return (headerSnap, srcSearchPath)
/-- Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.initializeWorker`. Added `gameDir` and
`gameWorkerState` arguments and use custom `unfoldCmdSnaps`. -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.initializeWorker]
def initializeWorker (meta : DocumentMeta) (i o e : FS.Stream) (initParams : InitializeParams) (opts : Options)
def initializeWorker (meta : DocumentMeta) (i o e : FS.Stream) (initParams : InitializeParams) (opts : Options)
(gameDir : String) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState) : IO (WorkerContext × Server.FileWorker.WorkerState) := do
(gameDir : String) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState) : IO (WorkerContext × Server.FileWorker.WorkerState) := do
let clientHasWidgets := initParams.initializationOptions?.bind (·.hasWidgets?) |>.getD false
let clientHasWidgets := initParams.initializationOptions?.bind (·.hasWidgets?) |>.getD false
let (headerStx, headerTask) ← compileHeader meta o opts (hasWidgets := clientHasWidgets)
let (headerStx, headerTask) ← compileHeader meta o opts (hasWidgets := clientHasWidgets)
gameDir gameWorkerState.levelInfo.module
(gameDir := gameDir) (module := gameWorkerState.levelInfo.module)
let cancelTk ← CancelToken.new
let cancelTk ← CancelToken.new
let ctx :=
let ctx := {
{ hIn := i
hIn := i
hOut := o
hOut := o
hLog := e
hLog := e
let cmdSnaps ← EIO.mapTask (t := headerTask) (match · with
let cmdSnaps ← EIO.mapTask (t := headerTask) (match · with
| Except.ok (s, _) => unfoldSnaps meta #[s] cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx (startAfterMs := 0)
| Except.ok (s, _) => unfoldCmdSnaps meta #[s] cancelTk gameWorkerState ctx (startAfterMs := 0)
| Except.error e => throw (e : ElabTaskError))
| Except.error e => throw (e : ElabTaskError))
let doc : EditableDocument := { meta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed cmdSnaps, cancelTk }
let doc : EditableDocument := { meta, cmdSnaps := AsyncList.delayed cmdSnaps, cancelTk }
return (ctx,
return (ctx, {
{ doc := doc
doc := doc
initHeaderStx := headerStx
initHeaderStx := headerStx
currHeaderStx := headerStx
currHeaderStx := headerStx
importCachingTask? := none
importCachingTask? := none
pendingRequests := RBMap.empty
pendingRequests := RBMap.empty
rpcSessions := RBMap.empty
rpcSessions := RBMap.empty
end Initialization
end Initialization
section NotificationHandling
section NotificationHandling
/-- Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.handleDidChange` but with our custom `WorkerM` and
`updateDocument` -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.handleDidChange]
def handleDidChange (p : DidChangeTextDocumentParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
def handleDidChange (p : DidChangeTextDocumentParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
let docId := p.textDocument
let docId := p.textDocument
let changes := p.contentChanges
let changes := p.contentChanges
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc -- needed a lift to our custom `WorkerM`
let some newVersion ← pure docId.version?
let newVersion := docId.version?.getD 0
| throwServerError "Expected version number"
if ¬ changes.isEmpty then
if newVersion ≤ oldDoc.meta.version then
-- TODO(WN): This happens on restart sometimes.
IO.eprintln s!"Got outdated version number: {newVersion} ≤ {oldDoc.meta.version}"
else if ¬ changes.isEmpty then
let newDocText := foldDocumentChanges changes oldDoc.meta.text
let newDocText := foldDocumentChanges changes oldDoc.meta.text
-- modification: set the `DependencyBuildMode` from
-- `oldDoc.meta.dependencyBuildMode` to `.always`
updateDocument ⟨docId.uri, newVersion, newDocText, .always⟩
updateDocument ⟨docId.uri, newVersion, newDocText, .always⟩
end NotificationHandling
end NotificationHandling
@ -591,39 +655,34 @@ end MessageHandling
section MainLoop
section MainLoop
Erase finished tasks if there are no errors.
The main-loop. Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.mainLoop`. Use custom `WorkerM` as well
as custom `handleNotification`.
private def filterFinishedTasks (acc : PendingRequestMap) (id : RequestID)
(task : Task (Except IO.Error Unit)) : IO PendingRequestMap := do
if (← hasFinished task) then
/- Handler tasks are constructed so that the only possible errors here
are failures of writing a response into the stream. -/
if let Except.error e := task.get then
throwServerError s!"Failed responding to request {id}: {e}"
pure <| acc.erase id
else pure acc
The main-loop.
--@[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.mainLoop]
partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
let ctx ← read
let ctx ← read
let mut st ← StateT.lift get
let mut st ← StateT.lift get
let msg ← ctx.hIn.readLspMessage
let msg ← ctx.hIn.readLspMessage
let pendingRequests ← st.pendingRequests.foldM (fun acc id task =>
-- Erase finished tasks if there are no errors.
filterFinishedTasks acc id task) st.pendingRequests
let filterFinishedTasks (acc : PendingRequestMap) (id : RequestID) (task : Task (Except IO.Error Unit))
: IO PendingRequestMap := do
if (← hasFinished task) then
if let Except.error e := task.get then
throwServerError s!"Failed responding to request {id}: {e}"
pure <| acc.erase id
else pure acc
let pendingRequests ← st.pendingRequests.foldM (fun acc id task => filterFinishedTasks acc id task) st.pendingRequests
st := { st with pendingRequests }
st := { st with pendingRequests }
-- Opportunistically (i.e. when we wake up on messages) check if any RPC session has expired.
for (id, seshRef) in st.rpcSessions do
for (id, seshRef) in st.rpcSessions do
let sesh ← seshRef.get
let sesh ← seshRef.get
if (← sesh.hasExpired) then
if (← sesh.hasExpired) then
st := { st with rpcSessions := st.rpcSessions.erase id }
st := { st with rpcSessions := st.rpcSessions.erase id }
set st
set st
-- Process the RPC-message and restart main-loop.
-- Process the RPC-message and restart main-loop.
match msg with
match msg with
| Message.request id "shutdown" none =>
| Message.request id "shutdown" none =>
--added. TODO: why do we need that? Or has it just removed in Lean since when we started?
ctx.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, Json.null⟩
ctx.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, Json.null⟩
| Message.request id method (some params) =>
| Message.request id method (some params) =>
@ -633,6 +692,7 @@ partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
| Message.notification "exit" none =>
| Message.notification "exit" none =>
let doc := st.doc
let doc := st.doc
return ()
return ()
| Message.notification method (some params) =>
| Message.notification method (some params) =>
-- Custom notification handler
-- Custom notification handler
@ -643,10 +703,15 @@ partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
end MainLoop
end MainLoop
/-- Modified from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.initAndRunWorker`.
Added `gameDir` argument, -/
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.initAndRunWorker]
def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : IO UInt32 := do
def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : IO UInt32 := do
let i ← maybeTee "fwIn.txt" false i
let i ← maybeTee "fwIn.txt" false i
let o ← maybeTee "fwOut.txt" true o
let o ← maybeTee "fwOut.txt" true o
let initRequest ← i.readLspRequestAs "initialize" Game.InitializeParams
let initRequest ← i.readLspRequestAs "initialize" Game.InitializeParams
o.writeLspResponse {
o.writeLspResponse {
id := initRequest.id
id := initRequest.id
@ -662,16 +727,16 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
discard $ i.readLspNotificationAs "initialized" InitializedParams
discard $ i.readLspNotificationAs "initialized" InitializedParams
let ⟨_, param⟩ ← i.readLspNotificationAs "textDocument/didOpen" DidOpenTextDocumentParams
let ⟨_, param⟩ ← i.readLspNotificationAs "textDocument/didOpen" DidOpenTextDocumentParams
let doc := param.textDocument
let doc := param.textDocument
/- NOTE(WN): `toFileMap` marks line beginnings as immediately following
-- modification: using `.always`
"\n", which should be enough to handle both LF and CRLF correctly.
This is because LSP always refers to characters by (line, column),
so if we get the line number correct it shouldn't matter that there
is a CR there. -/
let meta : DocumentMeta := ⟨doc.uri, doc.version, doc.text.toFileMap, .always⟩
let meta : DocumentMeta := ⟨doc.uri, doc.version, doc.text.toFileMap, .always⟩
let e := e.withPrefix s!"[{param.textDocument.uri}] "
let e := e.withPrefix s!"[{param.textDocument.uri}] "
let _ ← IO.setStderr e
let _ ← IO.setStderr e
let game ← loadGameData gameDir
let game ← loadGameData gameDir
-- TODO: We misuse the `rootUri` field to the gameName
-- TODO: We misuse the `rootUri` field to the gameName
let rootUri? : Option String := some (toString game.name)
let rootUri? : Option String := some (toString game.name)
@ -691,6 +756,8 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
-- Run the main loop
-- Run the main loop
let _ ← StateRefT'.run (s := st) <| ReaderT.run (r := ctx) <|
let _ ← StateRefT'.run (s := st) <| ReaderT.run (r := ctx) <|
StateT.run (s := gameWorkerState) <| (mainLoop)
StateT.run (s := gameWorkerState) <| (mainLoop)
return (0 : UInt32)
return (0 : UInt32)
catch e =>
catch e =>
IO.eprintln e
IO.eprintln e
@ -703,8 +770,12 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
The main function. Simply wrapping `initAndRunWorker`.
The main function. Simply wrapping `initAndRunWorker`.
Copied from `Lean.Server.FileWorker.workerMain`. We add `args` as an argument to pass on
the `gameDir`.
TODO: The first arg `args[0]` is always expected to be `--server`. We could drop this completely.
TODO: The first arg `args[0]` is always expected to be `--server`. We could drop this completely.
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Server.FileWorker.workerMain]
def workerMain (opts : Options) (args : List String): IO UInt32 := do
def workerMain (opts : Options) (args : List String): IO UInt32 := do
let i ← IO.getStdin
let i ← IO.getStdin
let o ← IO.getStdout
let o ← IO.getStdout
@ -712,9 +783,6 @@ def workerMain (opts : Options) (args : List String): IO UInt32 := do
let some gameDir := args[1]? | throwServerError "Expected second argument: gameDir"
let some gameDir := args[1]? | throwServerError "Expected second argument: gameDir"
let exitCode ← initAndRunWorker i o e opts gameDir
let exitCode ← initAndRunWorker i o e opts gameDir
-- HACK: all `Task`s are currently "foreground", i.e. we join on them on main thread exit,
-- but we definitely don't want to do that in the case of the worker processes,
-- which can produce non-terminating tasks evaluating user code.
IO.Process.exit exitCode.toUInt8
IO.Process.exit exitCode.toUInt8