@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import { DeletedChatContext, InputModeContext, MobileContext, MonacoEditorContex
ProofContext, ProofStep, SelectionContext, WorldLevelIdContext } from './infoview/context'
import { DualEditor } from './infoview/main'
import { GameHint } from './infoview/rpc_api'
import { DeletedHints, Hint, Hints } from './hints'
import { DeletedHints, Hint, Hints, filterHints } from './hints'
import { PrivacyPolicyPopup } from './popup/privacy_policy'
import path from 'path';
@ -138,19 +138,24 @@ function ChatPanel({lastLevel}) {
let introText: Array<string> = level?.data?.introduction.split(/\n(\s*\n)+/)
// experimental: Remove all hints that appeared identically in the previous step
// This effectively prevent consequtive hints being shown.
let modifiedHints : GameHint[][] = filterHints(proof)
return <div className="chat-panel">
<div ref={chatRef} className="chat">
{introText?.filter(t => t.trim()).map(((t, i) =>
// Show the level's intro text as hints, too
<Hint key={`intro-p-${i}`}
hint={{text: t, hidden: false}} step={0} selected={selectedStep} toggleSelection={toggleSelection(0)} />
{proof.map((step, i) => {
{modifiedHints.map((step, i) => {
// It the last step has errors, it will have the same hints
// as the second-to-last step. Therefore we should not display them.
if (!(i == proof.length - 1 && withErr)) {
// TODO: Should not use index as key.
return <Hints key={`hints-${i}`}
hints={step.hints} showHidden={showHelp.has(i)} step={i}
hints={step} showHidden={showHelp.has(i)} step={i}
selected={selectedStep} toggleSelection={toggleSelection(i)} lastLevel={i == proof.length - 1}/>