new design for welcome page #96
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
import * as React from 'react'
import { GameIdContext } from "../app"
import { InputModeContext, MobileContext, WorldLevelIdContext } from "./infoview/context"
import { GameInfo, useGetGameInfoQuery } from '../state/api'
import { changedOpenedIntro, selectCompleted, selectDifficulty, selectProgress } from '../state/progress'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '../hooks'
import { Button } from './button'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import { faDownload, faUpload, faEraser, faBook, faGlobe, faHome, faArrowRight, faArrowLeft, faXmark, faBars, faCode, faCircleInfo, faTerminal } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import { PrivacyPolicyPopup } from './privacy_policy'
import { WorldSelectionMenu, downloadFile } from './world_tree'
/** navigation to switch between pages on mobile */
function MobileNav({pageNumber, setPageNumber}:
{ pageNumber: number,
setPageNumber: any}) {
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
let prevText = {0 : null, 1: "Intro", 2: null}[pageNumber]
let prevIcon = {0 : null, 1: null, 2: faXmark}[pageNumber]
let prevTitle = {
0: null,
1: "Game Introduction",
2: "World selection"}[pageNumber]
let nextText = {0 : "Start", 1: null, 2: null}[pageNumber]
let nextIcon = {0 : null, 1: faBook, 2: null}[pageNumber]
let nextTitle = {
0: "World selection",
1: "Inventory",
2: null}[pageNumber]
return <>
{(prevText || prevTitle || prevIcon) &&
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" to={pageNumber == 0 ? "/" : ""} inverted="true" title={prevTitle}
onClick={() => {pageNumber == 0 ? null : setPageNumber(pageNumber - 1)}}>
{prevIcon && <FontAwesomeIcon icon={prevIcon} />}
{prevText && `${prevText}`}
{(nextText || nextTitle || nextIcon) &&
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" to="" inverted="true"
title={nextTitle} onClick={() => {
console.log(`page number: ${pageNumber}`)
dispatch(changedOpenedIntro({game: gameId, openedIntro: true}))}}>
{nextText && `${nextText}`}
{nextIcon && <FontAwesomeIcon icon={nextIcon} />}
export function WelcomeAppBar({gameInfo, toggleImpressum, openEraseMenu, openUploadMenu} : {
gameInfo: GameInfo,
toggleImpressum: any,
openEraseMenu: any,
openUploadMenu: any,
}) {
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const {mobile, pageNumber, setPageNumber} = React.useContext(MobileContext)
const [navOpen, setNavOpen] = React.useState(false)
/** Download the current progress (i.e. what's saved in the browser store) */
const gameProgress = useSelector(selectProgress(gameId))
const downloadProgress = (e) => {
data: JSON.stringify(gameProgress, null, 2),
fileName: `lean4game-${gameId}-${new Date().toLocaleDateString()}.json`,
fileType: 'text/json',
return <div className="app-bar" >
<Button inverted="false" title="back to games selection" to="/">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} /> <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faGlobe} />
<span className="app-bar-title">
<span className="app-bar-title">
{mobile ? '' : gameInfo.title}
<div className="nav-btns">
{mobile && <>
{/* BUTTONS for MOBILE */}
<MobileNav pageNumber={pageNumber} setPageNumber={setPageNumber} />
<Button to="" className="btn toggle-width" id="menu-btn" onClick={(ev) => {setNavOpen(!navOpen)}} >
{navOpen ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faXmark} /> : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBars} />}
<div className={'menu dropdown' + (navOpen ? '' : ' hidden')}>
{/* {levelId <[worldId] &&
<Button inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} title="next level"
disabled={difficulty >= 2 && !(completed || levelId == 0)}
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRight} /> {levelId ? "Next" : "Start"}
{levelId > 0 && <>
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId - 1}`}
title="previous level"
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} /> Previous
<Button to={`/${gameId}`} inverted="true" title="back to world selection">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} /> Home
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => { setCommandLineMode(!commandLineMode); setNavOpen(false) }}
title="toggle Editor mode">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCode} /> Toggle Editor
</Button> */}
<Button title="Clear Progress" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {openEraseMenu(); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faEraser} /> Erase
<Button title="Download Progress" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {downloadProgress(ev); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faDownload} /> Download
<Button title="Load Progress from JSON" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {openUploadMenu(); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faUpload} /> Upload
<Button title="Credits" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCircleInfo} /> Info & Credits
<Button title="Impressum, privacy policy" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {toggleImpressum(); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCircleInfo} /> Impressum
// /** The menu that is shown next to the world selection graph */
// function WorldSelectionMenu() {
// const [file, setFile] = React.useState<File>();
// const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
// const store = useStore()
// const difficulty = useSelector(selectDifficulty(gameId))
// /* state variables to toggle the pop-up menus */
// const [eraseMenu, setEraseMenu] = React.useState(false);
// const openEraseMenu = () => setEraseMenu(true);
// const closeEraseMenu = () => setEraseMenu(false);
// const [uploadMenu, setUploadMenu] = React.useState(false);
// const openUploadMenu = () => setUploadMenu(true);
// const closeUploadMenu = () => setUploadMenu(false);
// const gameProgress = useSelector(selectProgress(gameId))
// const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
// /** Download the current progress (i.e. what's saved in the browser store) */
// const downloadProgress = (e) => {
// e.preventDefault()
// downloadFile({
// data: JSON.stringify(gameProgress, null, 2),
// fileName: `lean4game-${gameId}-${new Date().toLocaleDateString()}.json`,
// fileType: 'text/json',
// })
// }
// const handleFileChange = (e) => {
// if ( {
// setFile([0])
// }
// }
// /** Upload progress from a */
// const uploadProgress = (e) => {
// if (!file) {return}
// const fileReader = new FileReader()
// fileReader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8")
// fileReader.onload = (e) => {
// const data = JSON.parse( as GameProgressState
// console.debug("Json Data", data)
// dispatch(loadProgress({game: gameId, data: data}))
// }
// closeUploadMenu()
// }
// const eraseProgress = () => {
// dispatch(deleteProgress({game: gameId}))
// closeEraseMenu()
// }
// const downloadAndErase = (e) => {
// downloadProgress(e)
// eraseProgress()
// }
// function label(x : number) {
// return x == 0 ? 'none' : x == 1 ? 'lax' : 'regular'
// }
// return <nav className="world-selection-menu">
// <Button onClick={downloadProgress} title="Download game progress" to=""><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faDownload} /></Button>
// <Button title="Load game progress from JSON" onClick={openUploadMenu} to=""><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faUpload} /></Button>
// <Button title="Clear game progress" to="" onClick={openEraseMenu}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faEraser} /></Button>
// <div className="slider-wrap">
// <span className="difficulty-label">Game Rules:</span>
// <Slider
// title="Game Rules: - regular: 🔐 levels, 🔐 tactics - lax: 🔓 levels, 🔐 tactics - none: 🔓 levels, 🔓 tactics"
// min={0} max={2}
// aria-label="Game Rules"
// defaultValue={difficulty}
// marks={[
// {value: 0, label: label(0)},
// {value: 1, label: label(1)},
// {value: 2, label: label(2)}
// ]}
// valueLabelFormat={label}
// getAriaValueText={label}
// valueLabelDisplay="auto"
// onChange={(ev, val: number) => {
// dispatch(changedDifficulty({game: gameId, difficulty: val}))
// }}
// ></Slider>
// </div>
// {eraseMenu?
// <div className="modal-wrapper">
// <div className="modal-backdrop" onClick={closeEraseMenu} />
// <div className="modal">
// <div className="codicon codicon-close modal-close" onClick={closeEraseMenu}></div>
// <h2>Delete Progress?</h2>
// <p>Do you want to delete your saved progress irreversibly?</p>
// <p>
// (This deletes your proofs and your collected inventory.
// Saves from other games are not deleted.)
// </p>
// <Button onClick={eraseProgress} to="">Delete</Button>
// <Button onClick={downloadAndErase} to="">Download & Delete</Button>
// <Button onClick={closeEraseMenu} to="">Cancel</Button>
// </div>
// </div> : null}
// {uploadMenu ?
// <div className="modal-wrapper">
// <div className="modal-backdrop" onClick={closeUploadMenu} />
// <div className="modal">
// <div className="codicon codicon-close modal-close" onClick={closeUploadMenu}></div>
// <h2>Upload Saved Progress</h2>
// <p>Select a JSON file with the saved game progress to load your progress.</p>
// <p><b>Warning:</b> This will delete your current game progress!
// Consider <a className="download-link" onClick={downloadProgress} >downloading your current progress</a> first!</p>
// <input type="file" onChange={handleFileChange}/>
// <Button to="" onClick={uploadProgress}>Load selected file</Button>
// </div>
// </div> : null}
// </nav>
// }
/** The top-navigation bar */
export function LevelAppBar({
isLoading, levelTitle, impressum, toggleImpressum,
pageNumber = undefined, setPageNumber = undefined}) {
const gameId = React.useContext(GameIdContext)
const {worldId, levelId} = React.useContext(WorldLevelIdContext)
const gameInfo = useGetGameInfoQuery({game: gameId})
const {mobile} = React.useContext(MobileContext)
const difficulty = useSelector(selectDifficulty(gameId))
const completed = useAppSelector(selectCompleted(gameId, worldId, levelId))
const { commandLineMode, setCommandLineMode } = React.useContext(InputModeContext)
const [navOpen, setNavOpen] = React.useState(false)
return <div className="app-bar" style={isLoading ? {display: "none"} : null} >
{mobile ?
<span className="app-bar-title">
<div className="nav-btns">
{mobile && pageNumber == 0 ?
<Button to="" className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width"
title="show inventory" inverted="true" onClick={() => {setPageNumber(1)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBook}/>
: pageNumber == 1 &&
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" to=""
title="show inventory" inverted="true" onClick={() => {setPageNumber(0)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faXmark}/>
<Button to="" className="btn toggle-width" id="menu-btn" onClick={(ev) => {setNavOpen(!navOpen)}} >
{navOpen ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faXmark} /> : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBars} />}
<div className={'menu dropdown' + (navOpen ? '' : ' hidden')}>
{levelId <[worldId] &&
<Button inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} title="next level"
disabled={difficulty >= 2 && !(completed || levelId == 0)}
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRight} /> {levelId ? "Next" : "Start"}
{levelId > 0 && <>
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId - 1}`}
title="previous level"
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} /> Previous
<Button to={`/${gameId}`} inverted="true" title="back to world selection">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} /> Home
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => { setCommandLineMode(!commandLineMode); setNavOpen(false) }}
title="toggle Editor mode">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCode} /> Toggle Editor
<Button title="information, Impressum, privacy policy" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {toggleImpressum(ev); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCircleInfo} /> Info & Impressum
<Button to={`/${gameId}`} inverted="true" title="back to world selection" id="home-btn">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} />
<span className="app-bar-title">
{[worldId].title && `World: ${[worldId].title}`}
<span className="app-bar-title">
<div className="nav-btns">
{levelId > 0 && <>
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId - 1}`}
title="previous level"
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} /> Previous
{levelId <[worldId] ?
<Button inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} title="next level"
disabled={difficulty >= 2 && !(completed || levelId == 0)}
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRight} /> {levelId ? "Next" : "Start"}
<Button to={`/${gameId}`} inverted="true" title="back to world selection" id="home-btn">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} /> Leave World
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => { setCommandLineMode(!commandLineMode); setNavOpen(false) }}
title="toggle Editor mode">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={commandLineMode ? faCode : faTerminal} />
<Button className="btn btn-inverted toggle-width" title="information, Impressum, privacy policy" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {toggleImpressum(ev); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={impressum ? faXmark : faCircleInfo} />
Reference in New Issue