@ -464,65 +464,103 @@ function LevelAppBar({isLoading, levelId, worldId, levelTitle, toggleImpressum,
const [navOpen, setNavOpen] = React.useState(false)
return <div className="app-bar" style={isLoading ? {display: "none"} : null} >
{!mobile &&
<span className="app-bar-title">
{gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].title && `World: ${gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].title}`}
<span className="app-bar-title">
<div className="nav-btns">
{pageNumber == 0 ?
<Button to=""
title="show inventory" inverted="true" onClick={() => {setPageNumber(1)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBook}/>
: pageNumber == 1 &&
<Button to=""
title="show inventory" inverted="true" onClick={() => {setPageNumber(0)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft}/>
<Button to="" id="menu-btn" onClick={(ev) => {setNavOpen(!navOpen)}} >
{navOpen ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faXmark} /> : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBars} />}
<div className={'menu dropdown' + (navOpen ? '' : ' hidden')}>
{levelId < gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId] &&
<Button inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} title="next level"
disabled={difficulty >= 2 && !(completed || levelId == 0)}
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRight} /> {levelId ? "Next" : "Start"}
{levelId > 0 && <>
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId - 1}`}
title="previous level"
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} /> Previous
{mobile ?
<span className="app-bar-title">
<div className="nav-btns">
{mobile && pageNumber == 0 ?
<Button to=""
title="show inventory" inverted="true" onClick={() => {setPageNumber(1)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBook}/>
: pageNumber == 1 &&
<Button to=""
title="show inventory" inverted="true" onClick={() => {setPageNumber(0)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft}/>
<Button to="" id="menu-btn" onClick={(ev) => {setNavOpen(!navOpen)}} >
{navOpen ? <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faXmark} /> : <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faBars} />}
<Button to={`/${gameId}`} inverted="true" title="back to world selection">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} /> Home
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => { setCommandLineMode(!commandLineMode); setNavOpen(false) }}
title="toggle Editor mode">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCode} /> Toggle Editor
<Button title="information, Impressum, privacy policy" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {toggleImpressum(ev); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCircleInfo} /> Info & Impressum
<div className={'menu dropdown' + (navOpen ? '' : ' hidden')}>
{levelId < gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId] &&
<Button inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} title="next level"
disabled={difficulty >= 2 && !(completed || levelId == 0)}
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRight} /> {levelId ? "Next" : "Start"}
{levelId > 0 && <>
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId - 1}`}
title="previous level"
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} /> Previous
<Button to={`/${gameId}`} inverted="true" title="back to world selection">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} /> Home
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => { setCommandLineMode(!commandLineMode); setNavOpen(false) }}
title="toggle Editor mode">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCode} /> Toggle Editor
<Button title="information, Impressum, privacy policy" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {toggleImpressum(ev); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCircleInfo} /> Info & Impressum
<Button to={`/${gameId}`} inverted="true" title="back to world selection" id="home-btn">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faHome} />
<span className="app-bar-title">
{gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].title && `World: ${gameInfo.data?.worlds.nodes[worldId].title}`}
<span className="app-bar-title">
<div className="nav-btns">
{levelId > 0 && <>
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId - 1}`}
title="previous level"
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowLeft} /> Previous
{levelId < gameInfo.data?.worldSize[worldId] &&
<Button inverted="true"
to={`/${gameId}/world/${worldId}/level/${levelId + 1}`} title="next level"
disabled={difficulty >= 2 && !(completed || levelId == 0)}
onClick={() => setNavOpen(false)}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRight} /> {levelId ? "Next" : "Start"}
<Button disabled={levelId <= 0} inverted="true" to=""
onClick={(ev) => { setCommandLineMode(!commandLineMode); setNavOpen(false) }}
title="toggle Editor mode">
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCode} />
<Button title="information, Impressum, privacy policy" inverted="true" to="" onClick={(ev) => {toggleImpressum(ev); setNavOpen(false)}}>
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCircleInfo} />
function useLevelEditor(worldId: string, levelId: number, codeviewRef, initialCode, initialSelections, onDidChangeContent, onDidChangeSelection) {