@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import GameServer.ImportModules
import GameServer.SaveData
namespace MyModule
open Lean
open Elab
open Parser
@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ partial def parseTactic (inputCtx : InputContext) (pmctx : ParserModuleContext)
end MyModule
namespace MyServer.FileWorker
namespace GameServer.FileWorker
open Lean
open Lean.Server
open Lean.Server.FileWorker
@ -57,22 +59,50 @@ open IO
open Snapshots
open JsonRpc
structure GameWorkerState :=
Game-specific state to be packed on top of the `Lean.Server.FileWorker.WorkerState`
used by the lean server.
structure WorkerState :=
Collection of items which are considered unlocked.
Tactics and theorems are mixed together.
inventory : Array String
Check for tactics/theorems that are not unlocked.
0: no check
1: give warnings
2: give errors
Difficulty determines whether tactics/theorems can be locked.
* 0: do not check
* 1: give warnings when locked items are used
* 2: give errors when locked items are used
difficulty : Nat
`levelInfo` contains all the (static) information about the level which is not influenced
by the user's progress.
levelInfo : LevelInfo
deriving ToJson, FromJson
abbrev GameWorkerM := StateT GameWorkerState Server.FileWorker.WorkerM
Pack the `GameServer.FileWorker.WorkerState` on top of the normal worker monad
abbrev WorkerM := StateT WorkerState Server.FileWorker.WorkerM
section Elab
/-- Add a message. use `(severity := .warning)` to specify the severity-/
def addMessage (info : SourceInfo) (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext)
(severity := MessageSeverity.warning) (s : MessageData) :
Elab.Command.CommandElabM Unit := do
modify fun st => { st with
messages := st.messages.add {
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
severity := severity
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
data := s }}
/-- Deprecated! -/
def addErrorMessage (info : SourceInfo) (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (s : MessageData) :
Elab.Command.CommandElabM Unit := do
modify fun st => { st with
@ -80,81 +110,95 @@ def addErrorMessage (info : SourceInfo) (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (s : Me
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
severity := MessageSeverity.error
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
data := s
data := s }}
-- TODO: use HashSet for allowed tactics?
/-- Find all tactics in syntax object that are forbidden according to a
set `allowed` of allowed tactics. -/
partial def findForbiddenTactics (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext)
(gameWorkerState : GameWorkerState) (stx : Syntax) :
Elab.Command.CommandElabM Unit := do
let levelInfo := gameWorkerState.levelInfo
Find all tactics in syntax object that are forbidden according to a
set `allowed` of allowed tactics.
partial def findForbiddenTactics (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (workerState : WorkerState)
(stx : Syntax) : Elab.Command.CommandElabM Unit := do
let levelInfo := workerState.levelInfo
-- Parse the syntax object and look for tactics and declarations.
match stx with
| .missing => return ()
| .node _info _kind args =>
-- Go inside a node.
for arg in args do
findForbiddenTactics inputCtx gameWorkerState arg
findForbiddenTactics inputCtx workerState arg
| .atom info val =>
-- Whitelisted keywords.
-- Note: We need a whitelist because we cannot really distinguish keywords from tactics.
-- Atoms might be tactic names or other keywords.
-- Note: We whitelisted known keywords because we cannot
-- distinguish keywords from tactic names.
let allowed := ["with", "fun", "at", "only", "by", "to", "generalizing", "says"]
-- ignore syntax elements that do not start with a letter or are allowed
-- Ignore syntax elements that do not start with a letter or are listed above.
if 0 < val.length ∧ val.data[0]!.isAlpha ∧ not (allowed.contains val) then
let val := val.dropRightWhile (fun c => c == '!' || c == '?') -- treat `simp?` and `simp!` like `simp`
-- Treat `simp?` and `simp!` like `simp`
let val := val.dropRightWhile (fun c => c == '!' || c == '?')
match levelInfo.tactics.find? (·.name.toString == val) with
| none =>
-- Note: This case means that the tactic will never be introduced in the game.
match gameWorkerState.inventory.find? (· == val) with
-- Tactic will never be introduced in the game.
match workerState.inventory.find? (· == val) with
| some _ =>
-- Tactic is in the inventory, allow it.
-- Note: This case shouldn't be possible...
pure ()
| none =>
addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the tactic '{val}' yet!"
| some _ => pure () -- tactic is in the inventory, allow it.
-- Tactic is not in the inventory.
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"The tactic '{val}' is not available in this game!"
| some tac =>
-- Tactic is introduced at some point in the game.
if tac.locked then
match gameWorkerState.inventory.find? (· == val) with
match workerState.inventory.find? (· == val) with
| none =>
addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the tactic '{val}' yet!"
| some _ => pure () -- tactic is in the inventory, allow it.
-- Tactic is marked as locked and not in the inventory.
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"You have not unlocked the tactic '{val}' yet!"
| some _ =>
-- Tactic is in the inventory, allow it.
pure ()
else if tac.disabled then
addWarningMessage info s!"The tactic '{val}' is disabled in this level!"
-- Tactic is disabled in this level.
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"The tactic '{val}' is disabled in this level!"
| .ident info _rawVal val _preresolved =>
-- Try to resolve the name
let ns ←
try resolveGlobalConst (mkIdent val)
catch | _ => pure [] -- catch "unknown constant" error
-- Catch "unknown constant" error
catch | _ => pure []
for n in ns do
let some (.thmInfo ..) := (← getEnv).find? n
| return () -- not a theorem -> ignore
-- Forbid the theorem we are proving currently
-- Not a theorem, no checks needed.
| return ()
if some n = levelInfo.statementName then
addErrorMessage info inputCtx s!"Structural recursion: you can't use '{n}' to proof itself!"
let lemmasAndDefs := levelInfo.lemmas ++ levelInfo.definitions
match lemmasAndDefs.find? (fun l => l.name == n) with
| none => addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the lemma/definition '{n}' yet!"
| some lem =>
if lem.locked then
addWarningMessage info s!"You have not unlocked the lemma/definition '{n}' yet!"
else if lem.disabled then
addWarningMessage info s!"The lemma/definition '{n}' is disabled in this level!"
where addWarningMessage (info : SourceInfo) (s : MessageData) :=
let difficulty := gameWorkerState.difficulty
-- Forbid the theorem we are proving currently
addMessage info inputCtx (severity := .error)
s!"Structural recursion: you can't use '{n}' to proof itself!"
let theoremsAndDefs := levelInfo.lemmas ++ levelInfo.definitions
match theoremsAndDefs.find? (·.name == n) with
| none =>
-- Theorem will never be introduced in this game
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"You have not unlocked the theorem/definition '{n}' yet!"
| some thm =>
-- Theorem is introduced at some point in the game.
if thm.locked then
-- Theorem is still locked.
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"You have not unlocked the theorem/definition '{n}' yet!"
else if thm.disabled then
-- Theorem is disabled in this level.
addMessageByDifficulty info s!"The theorem/definition '{n}' is disabled in this level!"
where addMessageByDifficulty (info : SourceInfo) (s : MessageData) :=
-- See `GameServer.FileWorker.WorkerState.difficulty`. Send nothing/warnings/errors
-- deppending on difficulty.
let difficulty := workerState.difficulty
if difficulty > 0 then
modify fun st => { st with
messages := st.messages.add {
fileName := inputCtx.fileName
severity := if difficulty > 1 then MessageSeverity.error else MessageSeverity.warning
pos := inputCtx.fileMap.toPosition (info.getPos?.getD 0)
data := s
addMessage info inputCtx (if difficulty > 1 then .error else .warning) s
else pure ()
-- where addErrorMessage (info : SourceInfo) (s : MessageData) :=
-- pure ()
open Elab Meta Expr in
def compileProof (inputCtx : Parser.InputContext) (snap : Snapshot) (hasWidgets : Bool)
(couldBeEndSnap : Bool) (gameWorkerState : GameWorkerState)
(couldBeEndSnap : Bool) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState)
(initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams) : IO Snapshot := do
-- Recognize end snap
if inputCtx.input.atEnd snap.mpState.pos ∧ couldBeEndSnap then
@ -288,7 +332,7 @@ where
/-- Elaborates the next command after `parentSnap` and emits diagnostics into `hOut`. -/
private def nextSnap (ctx : WorkerContext) (m : DocumentMeta) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
(gameWorkerState : GameWorkerState) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams)
(gameWorkerState : WorkerState) (initParams : Lsp.InitializeParams)
: AsyncElabM (Option Snapshot) := do
let s ← get
@ -328,7 +372,7 @@ where
/-- Elaborates all commands after the last snap (at least the header snap is assumed to exist), emitting the diagnostics into `hOut`. -/
def unfoldSnaps (m : DocumentMeta) (snaps : Array Snapshot) (cancelTk : CancelToken)
(startAfterMs : UInt32) (gameWorkerState : GameWorkerState)
(startAfterMs : UInt32) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState)
: ReaderT WorkerContext IO (AsyncList ElabTaskError Snapshot) := do
let ctx ← read
let some headerSnap := snaps[0]? | panic! "empty snapshots"
@ -351,7 +395,7 @@ end Elab
section Updates
/-- Given the new document, updates editable doc state. -/
def updateDocument (newMeta : DocumentMeta) : GameWorkerM Unit := do
def updateDocument (newMeta : DocumentMeta) : WorkerM Unit := do
let s ← get
let ctx ← read
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc
@ -469,7 +513,7 @@ section Initialization
return (headerSnap, srcSearchPath)
def initializeWorker (meta : DocumentMeta) (i o e : FS.Stream) (initParams : InitializeParams) (opts : Options)
(gameDir : String) (gameWorkerState : GameWorkerState) : IO (WorkerContext × WorkerState) := do
(gameDir : String) (gameWorkerState : WorkerState) : IO (WorkerContext × Server.FileWorker.WorkerState) := do
let clientHasWidgets := initParams.initializationOptions?.bind (·.hasWidgets?) |>.getD false
let (headerStx, headerTask) ← compileHeader meta o opts (hasWidgets := clientHasWidgets)
@ -500,7 +544,7 @@ end Initialization
section NotificationHandling
def handleDidChange (p : DidChangeTextDocumentParams) : GameWorkerM Unit := do
def handleDidChange (p : DidChangeTextDocumentParams) : WorkerM Unit := do
let docId := p.textDocument
let changes := p.contentChanges
let oldDoc := (← StateT.lift get).doc
@ -517,26 +561,39 @@ end NotificationHandling
section MessageHandling
def handleNotification (method : String) (params : Json) : GameWorkerM Unit := do
let handle := fun paramType [FromJson paramType] (handler : paramType → GameWorkerM Unit) =>
Modified notification handler.
Compare to `Lean.Server.FileWorker.handleNotification`.
We use the modified `WorkerM` and use our custom `handleDidChange`.
def handleNotification (method : String) (params : Json) : WorkerM Unit := do
let handle := fun paramType [FromJson paramType] (handler : paramType → WorkerM Unit) =>
(StateT.lift <| parseParams paramType params) >>= handler
match method with
-- Modified `textDocument/didChange`, using a custom `handleDidChange`
| "textDocument/didChange" => handle DidChangeTextDocumentParams (handleDidChange)
-- unmodified
| "$/cancelRequest" => handle CancelParams (handleCancelRequest ·)
| "$/setTrace" => pure ()
-- unmodified
| "$/lean/rpc/release" => handle RpcReleaseParams (handleRpcRelease ·)
-- unmodified
| "$/lean/rpc/keepAlive" => handle RpcKeepAliveParams (handleRpcKeepAlive ·)
-- New. TODO: What is this for?
| "$/setTrace" => pure ()
| _ => throwServerError s!"Got unsupported notification method: {method}"
end MessageHandling
section MainLoop
partial def mainLoop : GameWorkerM Unit := do
let ctx ← read
let mut st ← StateT.lift get
let msg ← ctx.hIn.readLspMessage
let filterFinishedTasks (acc : PendingRequestMap) (id : RequestID) (task : Task (Except IO.Error Unit))
: IO PendingRequestMap := do
Erase finished tasks if there are no errors.
private def filterFinishedTasks (acc : PendingRequestMap) (id : RequestID)
(task : Task (Except IO.Error Unit)) : IO PendingRequestMap := do
if (← hasFinished task) then
/- Handler tasks are constructed so that the only possible errors here
are failures of writing a response into the stream. -/
@ -544,9 +601,17 @@ section MainLoop
throwServerError s!"Failed responding to request {id}: {e}"
pure <| acc.erase id
else pure acc
let pendingRequests ← st.pendingRequests.foldM (fun acc id task => filterFinishedTasks acc id task) st.pendingRequests
st := { st with pendingRequests }
The main-loop.
partial def mainLoop : WorkerM Unit := do
let ctx ← read
let mut st ← StateT.lift get
let msg ← ctx.hIn.readLspMessage
let pendingRequests ← st.pendingRequests.foldM (fun acc id task =>
filterFinishedTasks acc id task) st.pendingRequests
st := { st with pendingRequests }
-- Opportunistically (i.e. when we wake up on messages) check if any RPC session has expired.
for (id, seshRef) in st.rpcSessions do
let sesh ← seshRef.get
@ -554,23 +619,30 @@ section MainLoop
st := { st with rpcSessions := st.rpcSessions.erase id }
set st
-- Process the RPC-message and restart main-loop.
match msg with
| Message.request id "shutdown" none =>
ctx.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, Json.null⟩
| Message.request id method (some params) =>
-- Requests are handled by the unmodified lean server.
handleRequest id method (toJson params)
| Message.notification "exit" none =>
let doc := st.doc
return ()
| Message.request id "shutdown" none =>
ctx.hOut.writeLspResponse ⟨id, Json.null⟩
| Message.notification method (some params) =>
-- Custom notification handler
handleNotification method (toJson params)
| _ => throwServerError s!"Got invalid JSON-RPC message: {toJson msg}"
| _ =>
throwServerError s!"Got invalid JSON-RPC message: {toJson msg}"
end MainLoop
def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : IO UInt32 := do
let i ← maybeTee "fwIn.txt" false i
let o ← maybeTee "fwOut.txt" true o
@ -609,12 +681,13 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
let levelInfo ← loadLevelData gameDir levelId.world levelId.level
let some initializationOptions := initRequest.param.initializationOptions?
| throwServerError "no initialization options found"
let gameWorkerState : GameWorkerState:= {
let gameWorkerState : WorkerState := {
inventory := initializationOptions.inventory
difficulty := initializationOptions.difficulty
let (ctx, st) ← initializeWorker meta i o e initParams opts gameDir gameWorkerState
-- Run the main loop
let _ ← StateRefT'.run (s := st) <| ReaderT.run (r := ctx) <|
StateT.run (s := gameWorkerState) <| (mainLoop)
return (0 : UInt32)
@ -626,6 +699,11 @@ def initAndRunWorker (i o e : FS.Stream) (opts : Options) (gameDir : String) : I
message := e.toString }] o
return (1 : UInt32)
The main function. Simply wrapping `initAndRunWorker`.
TODO: The first arg `args[0]` is always expected to be `--server`. We could drop this completely.
def workerMain (opts : Options) (args : List String): IO UInt32 := do
let i ← IO.getStdin
let o ← IO.getStdout
@ -643,4 +721,4 @@ def workerMain (opts : Options) (args : List String): IO UInt32 := do
e.putStrLn s!"worker initialization error: {err}"
return (1 : UInt32)
end MyServer.FileWorker
end GameServer.FileWorker