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lean4game fork

Questo è un fork di lean4game con supporto per essere self-hostato con Docker.

Deployment con Docker Compose

Dopo aver clonato questa repo, per prima cosa serve creare un token di API per GitHub per permettere a lean4game di importare da solo i vari "game". Possiamo mettere questo token ed il nostro nome utente in un file .env come segue


poi per lanciare tutto con docker compose basta eseguire

$ source .env
$ docker compose up -d

Questo comando lancierà lean4game su http://locahost:8080.

Aggiungere Giochi

Per scaricare nuovi giochi basta fare una chiamata al seguente url

  • https://{host}/import/trigger/{org}/{repo}

Ad esempio per scaricare basta andare all'indirizzo https://{host}/import/trigger/leanprover-community/nng4 per aggiungere Natural Number Game.

Lean 4 Game

This is the source code for a Lean game platform hosted at

Creating a Game

Please follow the tutorial Creating a Game. In particular, the following steps might be of interest:


The documentation is very much work in progress but the linked documentation here should be up-to-date:

Game creation API

Frontend API


not fully written yet.

  • Server: describes the server part (i.e. the content of server/ und relay/).


Contributions to lean4game are always welcome!


The interface can be translated to various languages. For adding a translation, one needs to do the following:

  1. In client/src/config.json, add your new language. The "iso" key is the ISO language code, i.e. it should be accepted by "i18next" and "GNU gettext"; the "flag" key is once accepted by react-country-flag.
  2. Run npm run translate. This should create a new file client/public/locales/{language}/translation.json. (alternatively you can copy-paste client/public/locales/en/translation.json)
  3. Add all translations.
  4. Commit the changes you made to config.json together with the new translation.json.

For translating games, see Translating a game.


Providing the use access to a Lean instance running on the server is a severe security risk. That is why we start the Lean server with bubblewrap.


The project has primarily been developed by Alexander Bentkamp and Jon Eugster.

It is based on ideas from the Lean Game Maker and the Natural Number Game (NNG) by Kevin Buzzard and Mohammad Pedramfar, and on Patrick Massot's prototype: NNG4.