@ -454,6 +454,33 @@ contains
end subroutine mld_zkrylov
end subroutine mld_zkrylov
subroutine log_conv(methdname,me,itx,itrace,errnum,errden,eps)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: methdname
integer, intent(in) :: me, itx, itrace
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(in) :: errnum, errden, eps
character(len=*), parameter :: fmt='(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))'
if ((mod(itx,itrace)==0).and.(me == 0)) then
write(*,fmt) methdname//': ',itx,errnum,eps*errden
end subroutine log_conv
subroutine end_log(methdname,me,itx,errnum,errden,eps)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: methdname
integer, intent(in) :: me, itx
real(kind(1.d0)), intent(in) :: errnum, errden, eps
character(len=*), parameter :: fmt='(a,2x,es10.4,1x,a,1x,i4,1x,a)'
character(len=*), parameter :: fmt1='(a,3(2x,es10.4))'
if (me==0) then
write(*,fmt) methdname//' failed to converge to ',eps,&
& ' in ',ITX,' iterations. '
write(*,fmt1) 'Last iteration convergence indicators: ',&
& errnum,eps*errden,errnum/errden
end if
end subroutine end_log
end module mld_krylov_mod
end module mld_krylov_mod