
First template for documentation.
Salvatore Filippone 17 years ago
parent 5b915df153
commit 18252cf6f6

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
## $Id: Makefile 1524 2007-01-17 17:06:06Z sfilippo $
## LaTeX Makefile
## Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Michael Forman Michael.Forman@Colorado.EDU
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
## of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
## This copyright applies to this Makefile, and all perl scripts.
## The GPL does NOT apply to the actual content of the paper or thesis.
## 01.Dec,1996 forman Initial Makefile
## 01.Jun,1997 forman Added support for print, preview, and bibtex
## 01.Jan,1998 stones tmp and lib directories to reduce clutter
## 05.Feb,1998 forman Added the following functions:
## .PHONY to prevent errors
## generic TEXFILE definition with following patsubst's
## vpath definitions
## gzip, gunzip, tar, ci
## search for \bibliography in tex file
## conditional ifeq omits bibtex if unnecessary
## documentation added
## 30.Nov,1998 forman Added TOPFILE and SECFILE definitions to support
## texfiles with "input" commands.
## 23.Dec,1998 marshats Added RCSFILES and ci/co capabilites for multiple files
## Now only runs makeindex if $(IDX) file exists.
## 15.Mar,1999 forman Added 'make wc' for papers with word quotas.
## 24.Aug,1999 forman Converted Makefile to use pdftex as the primary
## complier. Now generates true pdf and ps files.
## 09.Feb,2000 forman Simplified the documentation. Removed direct
## compilation of tex into DVI and PS. Conversion
## is done with PDF2PS now.
## 08.Aug,2000 forman Added define for figures directories.
## 18.Aug,2000 forman Removed the redundant code in the $(pdflatex) and
## $(pdflatex-bibtex) definitions by splitting them up
## into several smaller definitions which are called
## from a single set of "if-then" statements.
## 18.Aug,2000 forman Added support for glosstex and makeindex.
## 19.Aug,2000 forman To save space, all files in tmp are now links.
## 19.Aug,2000 forman Removed all postscript commands in favor of pdf.
## This Makefile expects the following directory structure:
## Makefile This file
## *.tex Put latex files in root directory.
## RCS/ Create an RCS directory for "ci" and "co".
## doc/ Document directory. Includes gpl.txt.
## lib/ Put all cls, sty, idx, gdf, and bib files in lib.
## figures/ Put all figures in the figures directory.
## tmp/ Never put anything in tmp -- it gets cleaned out.
## Normal Usage:
## make Run pdflatex
## make clean Remove all files in tmp and the pdf link in root.
## make preview Preview the compiled file
## make ci Check in the RCSFILES
## make co Check out the RCSFILES
## Advanced Usage:
## make gzip Recursively gzip all the files in the root directory
## make gunzip Reverse the above process
## make tar Tar and gzip the working directory
## make wc Count the number of words in your report
## If "make ci" fails, "make co" will nuke your files!
## Don't put anything in tmp, "make clean" will delete everything!
TOPFILE = userguide.tex
SECFILE = title.tex intro.tex methods.tex precs.tex
FIGDIR = figures
ACROFLAGS = #-- macos
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 1234x1168+0+0 #-- new-sydney-wide
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 1000x1000+0+0 #-- sydney-wide
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 750x1000+0+0 #-- sydney
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 1200x1200+0+0 #-- home-wide
#ACROFLAGS = -geometry 900x1200+0+0 #-- home
## Change nothing below here (unless you're really really good).
## Accounting
START = $(shell date)
WDIR = $(notdir $(shell pwd))
DATE = $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d)
## Programs
PDFLATEX = pdflatex
ACRO = evince
XPDF = xpdf
WC = wc
PDF2PS = pdf2ps
PDF2TEXT = pdftotext
MAKEIDX = makeindex
GLOSSTEX = glosstex
BIBTEX = bibtex
FILTER = ../bin/texfilter
FILTER = cat
CLEANIDX = ../bin/cleanidx
## Files
BASEFILE = $(patsubst %.tex,%,$(TOPFILE))
IDX = $(join $(BASEFILE),.idx)
PDF = $(join $(BASEFILE),.pdf)
PS = $(join $(BASEFILE),.ps)
GXS = $(join $(BASEFILE),.gxs)
GLX = $(join $(BASEFILE),.glx)
FIGURES = $(sort $(wildcard $(FIGDIR)/*))
GLOFILES:= $(sort $(wildcard lib/*.gdf))
GLOFILES:= $(patsubst lib/%,%,$(GLOFILES))
BIBFILES:= $(shell grep ^.bibliography{ $(TOPFILE)|sed "s/,/ /g"|sed "s/%.*//g")
BIBFILES:= $(patsubst \bibliography{%,%,$(BIBFILES))
BIBFILES:= $(patsubst %},%,$(BIBFILES))
BIBFILES:= $(sort $(addsuffix .bib,$(BIBFILES)))
LIBFILES = $(sort $(wildcard lib/*))
TEXLNFIL = $(addprefix $(PWD)/,$(TEXFILES))
all: $(PDF)
@echo $(PDF)
ifneq ($(BIBFILES),)
ifneq ($(GLOFILES),)
# $(makeindex)
$(PS): $(PDF)
$(PDF2PS) $< $(PS)
ps: $(PS)
.PHONY: clean clean-tmp preview print gzip gunzip tar ci
rm -f $(PDF) $(PS)
cd tmp ; rm -f *
cd tmp ; rm -f *
preview: $(PDF)
xpreview: $(PDF)
wc: $(PDF)
$(PDF2TEXT) $< | $(WC)
$(shell for i in $(RCSFILES) ; do ci -u $$i ; done)
$(shell for i in $(RCSFILES) ; do co -l $$i ; done)
gzip: clean-tmp
gzip -r ./
gunzip Makefile.gz
gunzip -r ./
tar: clean-tmp
cd .. ; \
tar cvf $(WDIR)-$(DATE).tar $(WDIR) ; \
gzip $(WDIR)-$(DATE).tar
define header
@echo "#---------------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "MAKEFILE = LaTeX PDF Makefile"
@echo "AUTHOR = Alfredo Buttari"
@echo 'ID = $$Id: Makefile 1524 2007-01-17 17:06:06Z sfilippo $ '
@echo "#---------------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "ACRO = $(ACRO) $(ACROFLAGS) $(PDF)"
@echo "XPDF = $(XPDF) $(XPDFFLAGS) $(PDF)"
@echo "GV = $(GV) $(GVFLAGS) $(PS)"
@echo "LPR = $(LPR) $(LPRFLAGS) $(PS)"
@echo "WDIR = $(WDIR)"
@echo "DATE = $(DATE)"
@echo "TOPFILE = $(TOPFILE)"
@echo "SECFILE = $(SECFILE)"
@echo "PDF = $(PDF)"
@echo "PS = $(PS)"
# @echo "FIGURES = $(FIGURES)"
define initialize
@if test ! -d tmp; then mkdir tmp; fi
@ln -sf $(TEXLNFIL) tmp
@ln -sf $(PWD)/lib/* tmp
@ln -sf $(PWD)/$(FIGDIR) tmp
define pdflatex
@echo "----- pdflatex -------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; $(PDFLATEX) $(TOPFILE)
define pdflatex-filter
@echo "----- pdflatex -------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; ($(PDFLATEX) $(TOPFILE) 2>&1) | $(FILTER)
define bibtex
@echo "----- bibtex ---------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; $(BIBTEX) $(BASEFILE)
define glosstex
@echo "----- glosstex -------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; $(MAKEIDX) $(GXS) -o $(GLX) -s
define makeindex
@echo "----- makeindex ------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Starting: "; date
cd tmp; mv $(IDX) $(IDX)-; $(CLEANIDX) < $(IDX)- > $(IDX)
cd tmp; $(MAKEIDX) $(IDX)
define finish
@ln -sf tmp/$@ .
@echo "----- finish ---------------------------------------------------------"
@echo -n "Start: "$(START); echo
@echo -n "Finish: "; date
@echo -n "Output: "; ls -l -o tmp/$@
@echo -n "Target: "

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
The MLD2P4 library provides ....
\subsection{Programming model}
The MLD2P4 librarary is based on the Single Program Multiple Data
(SPMD) programming model: each process participating in the
computation performs the same actions on a chunk of data. Parallelism
is thus data-driven.
Because of this structure, many subroutines coordinate their action
across the various processes, thus providing an implicit
synchronization point, and therefore \emph{must} be
called simultaneously by all processes participating in the
However there are many cases where no synchronization, and indeed no
communication among processes, is implied.
Throughout this user's guide each subroutine will be clearly indicated
\item[Synchronous:] must be called simultaneously by all the
processes in the relevant communication context;
\item[Asynchronous:] may be called in a totally independent manner.
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "userguide"
%%% End:

@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
\section{Iterative Methods}
In this chapter we provide routines for preconditioners and iterative
methods. The interfaces for Krylov subspace methods are available in
the module \verb|mld_krylov_mod|. The installation process of MLD2P4
ensures that these may be used as a drop-in replacement for the PSBLAS
methods; they are accessible under the PSBLAS names (see the PSBLAS
% Krylov Methods driver routine
\subroutine{mld\_krylov \label{krylov}}{Krylov Methods Driver Routine}
This subroutine is a driver that provides a general interface for all
the Krylov-Subspace family methods.
The stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
\[ err = \frac{\|r_i\|}{(\|A\|\|x_i\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
or the 2-norm residual reduction
\[ err = \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
according to the value passed through the istop argument (see
later). In the above formulae, $x_i$ is the tentative solution and
$r_i=b-Ax_i$ the corresponding residual at the $i$-th iteration.
\syntax{call psb\_krylov}{method,a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,istop}
\item[Type:] Synchronous.
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[method] a string that defines the iterative method to be
used. Supported values are:
\item[CG]: the Conjugate Gradient method;
\item[CGS]:the Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method;
\item[BICG]: the Bi-Conjugate Gradient method;
\item[BICGSTAB]: the Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method;
\item[BICGSTABL]: the Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method with restarting;
\item[RGMRES]: the Generalized Minimal Residual method with restarting.
\item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
$A$. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
\item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a structured data of type \precdata.
\item[b] The RHS vector. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[x] The initial guess. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a real number.
\item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata.
\item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
\item[itrace] If $>0$ print out an informational message about
convergence every $itrace$ iterations.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
\item[irst] An integer specifying the restart parameter.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}.\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Values: $irst>0$. This is employed for the BiCGSTABL or RGMRES
methods, otherwise it is ignored.
\item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}.\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Values: 1: use the normwise backward error, 2: use the scaled 2-norm
of the residual. Default: 1.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[x] The computed solution. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a rank one array.
\item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Intent: {\bf out}.\\
Returned as: an integer variable.
\item[err] The convergence estimate on exit.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Intent: {\bf out}.\\
Returned as: a real number.
\item[info] Error code.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Intent: {\bf out}.\\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %
%% % CG
%% %
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% \subroutine{psb\_cg \label{cg}}{CG Iterative Method}
%% This subroutine implements the CG method with restarting. The
%% stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
%% norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
%% \[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
%% or
%% \[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
%% according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
%% \syntax{call psb\_cg}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[\bf On Entry]
%% \item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
%% $A$. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
%% \item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \precdata.
%% \item[b] The RHS vector. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[x] The initial guess. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a real number.
%% \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata.
%% \item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
%% Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
%% \item[itrace] If $>0$ print out an informational message about
%% convergence every $itrace$ iterations.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[\bf On Return]
%% \item[x] The computed solution. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: an integer variable.
%% \item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: a real number.
%% \item[info] Error code.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required} \\
%% An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%% \end{description}
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %
%% % CGS
%% %
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% \subroutine{psb\_cgs \label{cgs}}{CGS Iterative Method}
%% This subroutine implements the CGS method with restarting. The
%% stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
%% norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
%% \[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
%% or
%% \[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
%% according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
%% \syntax{call psb\_cgs}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[\bf On Entry]
%% \item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
%% $A$. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
%% \item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \precdata.
%% \item[b] The RHS vector. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[x] The initial guess. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a real number.
%% \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata.
%% \item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
%% Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
%% \item[itrace] If $>0$ print out an informational message about
%% convergence every $itrace$ iterations.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[\bf On Return]
%% \item[x] The computed solution. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: an integer variable.
%% \item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: a real number.
%% \item[info] Error code.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required} \\
%% An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%% \end{description}
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %
%% % BiCG
%% %
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% \subroutine{psb\_bicg \label{bicg}}{BiCG Iterative Method}
%% This subroutine implements the BiCG method with restarting. The
%% stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
%% norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
%% \[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
%% or
%% \[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
%% according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
%% \syntax{call psb\_bicg}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[\bf On Entry]
%% \item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
%% $A$. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
%% \item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \precdata.
%% \item[b] The RHS vector. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[x] The initial guess. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a real number.
%% \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata.
%% \item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
%% Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
%% \item[itrace] If $>0$ print out an informational message about
%% convergence every $itrace$ iterations.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[\bf On Return]
%% \item[x] The computed solution. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: an integer variable.
%% \item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: a real number.
%% \item[info] Error code.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required} \\
%% An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%% \end{description}
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %
%% %
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% \subroutine{psb\_bicgstab \label{bicgstab}}{BiCGSTAB Iterative Method}
%% This subroutine implements the BiCGSTAB method with restarting. The
%% stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
%% norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
%% \[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
%% or
%% \[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
%% according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
%% \syntax{call psb\_bicgstab}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,istop}
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[\bf On Entry]
%% \item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
%% $A$. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
%% \item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \precdata.
%% \item[b] The RHS vector. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[x] The initial guess. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a real number.
%% \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata.
%% \item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
%% Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
%% \item[itrace] If $>0$ print out an informational message about
%% convergence every $itrace$ iterations.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[\bf On Return]
%% \item[x] The computed solution. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: an integer variable.
%% \item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: a real number.
%% \item[info] Error code.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required} \\
%% An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%% \end{description}
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %
%% % BiCGSTAB(L)
%% %
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% \subroutine{psb\_bicgstabl \label{bicgstabl}}{BiCGSTAB-$l$ Iterative Method}
%% This subroutine implements the BiCGSTAB-$l$ method with restarting. The
%% stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
%% norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
%% \[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
%% or
%% \[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
%% according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
%% \syntax{call psb\_bicgstab}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,istop}
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[\bf On Entry]
%% \item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
%% $A$. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
%% \item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \precdata.
%% \item[b] The RHS vector. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[x] The initial guess. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a real number.
%% \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata.
%% \item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
%% Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
%% \item[itrace] If $>0$ print out an informational message about
%% convergence every $itrace$ iterations.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[irst] An integer specifying the restarting iteration.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[\bf On Return]
%% \item[x] The computed solution. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: an integer variable.
%% \item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: a real number.
%% \item[info] Error code.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required} \\
%% An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%% \end{description}
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %
%% % GMRES
%% %
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% \subroutine{psb\_gmres \label{gmres}}{GMRES Iterative Method}
%% This subroutine implements the GMRES method with restarting. The
%% stopping criterion is the normwise backward error, in the infinity
%% norm, i.e. the iteration is stopped when
%% \[ \frac{\|r\|}{(\|A\|\|x\|+\|b\|)} < eps \]
%% or
%% \[ \frac{\|r_i\|}{\|b\|_2} < eps \]
%% according to the value passed through the istop argument (see later).
%% \syntax{call psb\_gmres}{a,prec,b,x,eps,desc\_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,istop}
%% \begin{description}
%% \item[\bf On Entry]
%% \item[a] the local portion of global sparse matrix
%% $A$. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \spdata.
%% \item[prec] The data structure containing the preconditioner.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \precdata.
%% \item[b] The RHS vector. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[x] The initial guess. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[eps] The stopping tolerance. \\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a real number.
%% \item[desc\_a] contains data structures for communications.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a structured data of type \descdata.
%% \item[itmax] The maximum number of iterations to perform.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Default: $itmax = 1000$.\\
%% Specified as: an integer variable $itmax \ge 1$.
%% \item[itrace] If $>0$ print out an informational message about
%% convergence every $itrace$ iterations.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[irst] An integer specifying the restart iteration.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[istop] An integer specifying the stopping criterion.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% \item[\bf On Return]
%% \item[x] The computed solution. \\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required}\\
%% Specified as: a rank one array.
%% \item[iter] The number of iterations performed.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: an integer variable.
%% \item[err] The error estimate on exit.\\
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Returned as: a real number.
%% \item[info] Error code.\\
%% Scope: {\bf local} \\
%% Type: {\bf required} \\
%% An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
%% \end{description}
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\section{Preconditioner routines}
% \section{Preconditioners}
The MLD2P4 library contains the implementation of many preconditioning
techniques. The preconditioners may be applied as normal ``base''
preconditioners; alternatively multiple ``base'' preconditioners may
be combined in a multilevel framework.
The base (one-level) preconditioners include:
\item Diagonal Scaling
\item Block Jacobi
\item Additive Schwarz, Restricted Additive Schwarz and
Additive Schwarz with Harmonic extensions;
The Jacobi and Additive Schwarz preconditioners can make use of the
following solvers:
\item Level-$p$ Incomplete LU factorization ($ILU(p)$);
\item Threshold Incomplete LU factorization ($ILU(\tau,p)$);
\item Complete LU factorization by means of the following optional
external packages:
\item UMFPACK;
\item SuperLU;
\item SuperLU\_Dist.
The supporting data type and subroutine interfaces are defined in the
module \verb|mld_prec_mod|; the module also overrides the variables
and tyep definitions of \verb|psb_prec_mod| so as to function as a
drop-in replacement for the PSBLAS methods. Thus if the user does not
wish to employ the additional MLD2P4 capabitlities, it is possible to
migrate an existing PSBLAS program without any source code
modifications, only a recompilation is needed.
%% We also provide a companion package of multi-level Additive
%% Schwarz preconditioners called MD2P4; this is actually a family of
%% preconditioners since there is the possibility to choose between
%% many variants, and is currently in an experimental stateIts
%% documentation is planned to appear after stabilization of the
%% package, which will characterize release 2.1 of our library.
\subroutine{mld\_precinit}{Initialize a preconditioner}
\syntax{call mld\_precinit}{prec, ptype, info}
\syntax*{call mld\_precinit}{prec, ptype, info, nlev}
\item[Type:] Asynchronous.
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[ptype] the type of preconditioner.
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a character string, see usage notes.
\item[nlev] Number of levels in a multilevel precondtioner.
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer value, see usage notes.
%% \item[rs]
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Specified as: a long precision real number.
\item[\bf On Exit]
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a preconditioner data structure \precdata.
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf out}.\\
Error code: if no error, 0 is returned.
\subsection*{Usage Notes}
%% The PSBLAS 2.0 contains a number of preconditioners, ranging from a
%% simple diagonal scaling to 2-level domain decomposition. These
%% preconditioners may use the SuperLU or the UMFPACK software, if
%% installed; see~\cite{SUPERLU,UMFPACK}.
Legal inputs to this subroutine are interpreted depending on the
$ptype$ string as follows\footnote{The string is case-insensitive}:
\item[NONE] No preconditioning, i.e. the preconditioner is just a copy
\item[DIAG] Diagonal scaling; each entry of the input vector is
multiplied by the reciprocal of the sum of the absolute values of
the coefficients in the corresponding row of matrix $A$;
\item[BJAC] Precondition by a factorization of the
block-diagonal of matrix $A$, where block boundaries are determined
by the data allocation boundaries for each process; requires no
\item[AS] Additive Schwarz; default is to apply the Restricted
Additive Schwarz variant, with an $ILU(0)$ factorization
\item[ML] Multilevel preconditioner.
\subroutine{mld\_precset}{Set preconditioner features}
\syntax{call mld\_precset}{prec, what, val, info, ilev}
\item[Type:] Asynchronous.
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[prec] the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: an already initialized precondtioner data structure \precdata\\
\item[what] The feature to be set. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: an integer constants. Symbolic names are available in
the library module, see usage notes for legal values.
\item[val] The value to set the chosen feature to. \\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: an integer, double precision or character variable.
Symbolic names for some choices are available in the library module,
see usage notes for legal values.
\item[ilev] The level of a multilevel preconditioner to which the
feature choice should apply.\\
Scope: {\bf global} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Specified as: an integer value, see usage notes.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[prec] the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a precondtioner data structure \precdata\\
\item[info] Error code.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Intent: {\bf out}.\\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
\subsection*{Usage Notes}
Legal inputs to this subroutine are interpreted depending on the value
of \verb|what| input as follows
\subroutine{mld\_precbld}{Builds a preconditioner}
\syntax{call mld\_precbld}{a, desc\_a, prec, info}
\item[Type:] Synchronous.
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[a] the system sparse matrix.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}, target.\\
Specified as: a sparse matrix data structure \spdata.
\item[prec] the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: an already initialized precondtioner data structure \precdata\\
\item[desc\_a] the problem communication descriptor.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}, target.\\
Specified as: a communication descriptor data structure \descdata.
%% \item[upd]
%% Scope: {\bf global} \\
%% Type: {\bf optional}\\
%% Intent: {\bf in}.\\
%% Specified as: a character.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[prec] the preconditioner.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a precondtioner data structure \precdata\\
\item[info] Error code.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Intent: {\bf out}.\\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
\subroutine{mld\_precaply}{Preconditioner application routine}
\syntax{call mld\_precaply}{prec,x,y,desc\_a,info,trans,work}
\syntax*{call mld\_precaply}{prec,x,desc\_a,info,trans}
\item[Type:] Synchronous.
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[prec] the preconditioner.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a preconditioner data structure \precdata.
\item[x] the source vector.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a double precision array.
\item[desc\_a] the problem communication descriptor.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a communication data structure \descdata.
Scope: {\bf } \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a character.
\item[work] an optional work space
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf optional}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a double precision array.
\item[\bf On Return]
\item[y] the destination vector.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf inout}.\\
Specified as: a double precision array.
\item[info] Error code.\\
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required} \\
Intent: {\bf out}.\\
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
\subroutine{mld\_prec\_descr}{Prints a description of current preconditioner}
\syntax{call mld\_prec\_descr}{prec}
\item[Type:] Asynchronous.
\item[\bf On Entry]
\item[prec] the preconditioner.
Scope: {\bf local} \\
Type: {\bf required}\\
Intent: {\bf in}.\\
Specified as: a preconditioner data structure \precdata.
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{\Huge\bfseries MLD2P4-1.0 User's guide
\hfill\emph{\Large A reference guide for the MultiLevel Domain
Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package based on Parallel Sparse BLAS}
by Salvatore Filippone\\
Alfredo Buttari} \\
University of Rome ``Tor Vergata'' \\[3ex]
{\bfseries Daniela di Serafino }\\
Second University of Naples\\[3ex]
{\bfseries Pasqua D'Ambra}\\
ICAR-CNR, Naples\\[3ex]
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/Title ( MultiLevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package
based on PSBLAS V. 1.0)
/Subject ( MultiLevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners
/Keywords (Computer Science Linear Algebra Fluid Dynamics Parallel Linux MPI PSBLAS Iterative Solvers Preconditioners)
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\newcommand{\precdata}{\hyperlink{precdata}{{\tt mld\_prec\_type}}}
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\pagenumbering{roman} % Roman numbering
\setcounter{page}{1} % Abstract start on page ii
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%% A.~Buttari, P.~D'Ambra, D.~di Serafino and S.~Filippone,
%% {\em Extending PSBLAS to Build Parallel Schwarz Preconditioners},
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%% X.~C.~Cai and Y.~Saad,
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%% %
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%% X.C.~Cai and M.~Sarkis,
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%% SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 21(2), pp.~792--797, 1999.
%% \bibitem{CAI_WIDLUND}
%% X.C.~Cai and O.~B.~Widlund,
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%% T.~Chan and T.~Mathew,
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%% P.~D'Ambra, D.~di Serafino and S.~Filippone,
%% On the Development of PSBLAS-based Parallel Two-level Schwarz Preconditioners,
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%% T.A.~Davis,
%% {\em Algorithm 832: UMFPACK - an Unsymmetric-pattern Multifrontal
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%% (See also {\tt})
%% %
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%% J.W.~Demmel, S.C.~Eisenstat, J.R.~Gilbert, X.S.~Li and J.W.H.~Liu,
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