@ -287,127 +287,6 @@ subroutine mld_d_hierarchy_bld(a,desc_a,p,info,amold,vmold,imold)
p % precv ( 1 ) % base_a = > a
p % precv ( 1 ) % base_desc = > desc_a
newsz = 0
if ( . false . ) then
old_array_build_loop : do i = 2 , iszv
! Check on the iprcparm contents : they should be the same
! on all processes .
call psb_bcast ( ictxt , p % precv ( i ) % parms )
! Sanity checks on the parameters
if ( i < iszv ) then
! A replicated matrix only makes sense at the coarsest level
call mld_check_def ( p % precv ( i ) % parms % coarse_mat , 'Coarse matrix' , &
& mld_distr_mat_ , is_distr_ml_coarse_mat )
end if
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_outer_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , &
& 'Calling mlprcbld at level ' , i
! Build the mapping between levels i - 1 and i and the matrix
! at level i
if ( info == psb_success_ ) call mld_coarse_bld ( p % precv ( i - 1 ) % base_a , &
& p % precv ( i - 1 ) % base_desc , p % precv ( i ) , info )
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
call psb_errpush ( psb_err_internal_error_ , name , &
& a_err = 'Init upper level preconditioner' )
go to 9999
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_outer_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , &
& 'Return from ' , i , ' call to mlprcbld ' , info
iaggsize = sum ( p % precv ( i ) % map % naggr )
if ( iaggsize < = casize ) then
newsz = i
end if
if ( i > 2 ) then
sizeratio = iaggsize
sizeratio = sum ( p % precv ( i - 1 ) % map % naggr ) / sizeratio
if ( sizeratio < mnaggratio ) then
if ( sizeratio > 1 ) then
newsz = i
! We are not gaining
newsz = newsz - 1
end if
end if
if ( all ( p % precv ( i ) % map % naggr == p % precv ( i - 1 ) % map % naggr ) ) then
newsz = i - 1
if ( me == 0 ) then
write ( debug_unit , * ) trim ( name ) , &
& ': Warning: aggregates from level ' , &
& newsz
write ( debug_unit , * ) trim ( name ) , &
& ': to level ' , &
& iszv , ' coincide.'
write ( debug_unit , * ) trim ( name ) , &
& ': Number of levels actually used :' , newsz
write ( debug_unit , * )
end if
end if
end if
call psb_bcast ( ictxt , newsz )
if ( newsz > 0 ) exit old_array_build_loop
end do old_array_build_loop
if ( newsz > 0 ) then
! We exited early from the build loop , need to fix
! the size .
allocate ( tprecv ( newsz ) , stat = info )
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
call psb_errpush ( psb_err_from_subroutine_ , name , &
& a_err = 'prec reallocation' )
go to 9999
do i = 1 , newsz - 1
call p % precv ( i ) % move_alloc ( tprecv ( i ) , info )
end do
call p % precv ( iszv ) % move_alloc ( tprecv ( newsz ) , info )
do i = newsz + 1 , iszv
call p % precv ( i ) % free ( info )
end do
call move_alloc ( tprecv , p % precv )
! Ignore errors from transfer
info = psb_success_
! Restart
iszv = newsz
! Fix the pointers , but the level 1 should
! be already OK
do i = 2 , iszv - 1
p % precv ( i ) % base_a = > p % precv ( i ) % ac
p % precv ( i ) % base_desc = > p % precv ( i ) % desc_ac
p % precv ( i ) % map % p_desc_X = > p % precv ( i - 1 ) % base_desc
p % precv ( i ) % map % p_desc_Y = > p % precv ( i ) % base_desc
end do
i = iszv
if ( info == psb_success_ ) call mld_coarse_bld ( p % precv ( i - 1 ) % base_a , &
& p % precv ( i - 1 ) % base_desc , p % precv ( i ) , info )
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
call psb_errpush ( psb_err_from_subroutine_ , name , a_err = 'coarse rebuild' )
go to 9999
end if
array_build_loop : do i = 2 , iszv
! Check on the iprcparm contents : they should be the same
@ -489,7 +368,7 @@ subroutine mld_d_hierarchy_bld(a,desc_a,p,info,amold,vmold,imold)
if ( newsz > 0 ) &
& call p % precv ( i ) % parms % get_coarse ( p % precv ( iszv ) % parms )
if ( info == psb_success_ ) call mld_ aggr mat_asb( p % precv ( i ) , &
if ( info == psb_success_ ) call mld_ lev_ mat_asb( p % precv ( i ) , &
& p % precv ( i - 1 ) % base_a , p % precv ( i - 1 ) % base_desc , &
& ilaggr , nlaggr , op_prol , info )
@ -534,7 +413,7 @@ subroutine mld_d_hierarchy_bld(a,desc_a,p,info,amold,vmold,imold)
p % precv ( i ) % map % p_desc_Y = > p % precv ( i ) % base_desc
end do
end if
end if
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
call psb_errpush ( psb_err_internal_error_ , name , &