@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ module mld_c_prec_type
procedure, pass(prec) :: csetr => mld_ccprecsetr
procedure, pass(prec) :: csetr => mld_ccprecsetr
generic, public :: set => seti, setc, setr, &
generic, public :: set => seti, setc, setr, &
& cseti, csetc, csetr, setsm, setsv
& cseti, csetc, csetr, setsm, setsv
procedure, pass(prec) :: get_smoother => mld_c_get_smootherp
procedure, pass(prec) :: get_solver => mld_c_get_solverp
end type mld_cprec_type
end type mld_cprec_type
private :: mld_c_dump, mld_c_get_compl, mld_c_cmp_compl,&
private :: mld_c_dump, mld_c_get_compl, mld_c_cmp_compl,&
@ -249,6 +251,58 @@ module mld_c_prec_type
end interface
end interface
! Function returning a pointer to the smoother
function mld_c_get_smootherp(prec,ilev) result(val)
implicit none
class(mld_cprec_type), target, intent(in) :: prec
integer(psb_ipk_), optional :: ilev
class(mld_c_base_smoother_type), pointer :: val
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ilev_
val => null()
if (present(ilev)) then
ilev_ = ilev
! What is a good default?
ilev_ = 1
end if
if (allocated(prec%precv)) then
if ((1<=ilev_).and.(ilev_<=size(prec%precv))) then
if (allocated(prec%precv(ilev_)%sm)) then
val => prec%precv(ilev_)%sm
end if
end if
end if
end function mld_c_get_smootherp
! Function returning a pointer to the solver
function mld_c_get_solverp(prec,ilev) result(val)
implicit none
class(mld_cprec_type), target, intent(in) :: prec
integer(psb_ipk_), optional :: ilev
class(mld_c_base_solver_type), pointer :: val
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ilev_
val => null()
if (present(ilev)) then
ilev_ = ilev
! What is a good default?
ilev_ = 1
end if
if (allocated(prec%precv)) then
if ((1<=ilev_).and.(ilev_<=size(prec%precv))) then
if (allocated(prec%precv(ilev_)%sm)) then
if (allocated(prec%precv(ilev_)%sm%sv)) then
val => prec%precv(ilev_)%sm%sv
end if
end if
end if
end if
end function mld_c_get_solverp
! Function returning the size of the mld_prec_type data structure
! Function returning the size of the mld_prec_type data structure
! in bytes or in number of nonzeros of the operator(s) involved.
! in bytes or in number of nonzeros of the operator(s) involved.