@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#include "MatchBoxPC.h"
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// ***********************************************************************
// MatchboxP: A C++ library for approximate weighted matching
@ -167,25 +169,40 @@ void dalgoDistEdgeApproxDomEdgesLinearSearchMesgBndlSmallMateC(
if (myRank == 0) cout<<"\n("<<myRank<<")About to compute Ghost Vertices..."; fflush(stdout);
* OMP Ghost2LocalInitialization
* The cycle analyzes all the edges and when finds a ghost edge
* puts it in the Ghost2LocalMap.
* A critical region is needed when inserting data in the map.
* Despite the critical region it is still productive to
* parallelize this for because the critical region is exeuted
* only when a ghost edge is found and ghost edges are a minority.
double Ghost2LocalInitialization = MPI_Wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for private(insertMe) firstprivate(StartIndex, EndIndex) default(shared)
for ( i=0; i<NLEdge; i++ ) { //O(m) - Each edge stored twice
insertMe = verLocInd[i];
//cout<<"InsertMe on Process "<<myRank<<" is: "<<insertMe<<endl;
if ( (insertMe < StartIndex) || (insertMe > EndIndex) ) { //Find a ghost
#pragma omp critical
storedAlready = Ghost2LocalMap.find(insertMe);
if (storedAlready != Ghost2LocalMap.end()) { //Has already been added
//cout<<"Process "<<myRank<<" found: "<<storedAlready->first<<" - "<<storedAlready->second<<endl;
Counter[storedAlready->second]++; //Increment the counter
} else { //Insert an entry for the ghost:
//cout<<"Process "<<myRank<<" * New insert: Key="<<insertMe<< " : Value="<<numGhostVertices<<endl;
Ghost2LocalMap[insertMe] = numGhostVertices; //Add a map entry
Counter.push_back(1); //Initialize the counter
numGhostVertices++; //Increment the number of ghost vertices
} //End of else()
} //End of if ( (insertMe < StartIndex) || (insertMe > EndIndex) )
} //End of for(ghost vertices)
@ -243,19 +260,37 @@ void dalgoDistEdgeApproxDomEdgesLinearSearchMesgBndlSmallMateC(
* OMP verGhostIndInitialization
* In this cycle the verGhostInd is initialized
* with the datas related to ghost edges.
* The check to see if a node is a ghost node is
* executed in paralle and when a ghost node
* is found a critical region is started.
* Despite the critical region it's still useful to
* parallelize the for cause the ghost nodes
* are a minority hence the critical region is executed
* few times.
double verGhostIndInitialization = MPI_Wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for private(insertMe, k, adj1, adj2) firstprivate(StartIndex, EndIndex) default(shared)
for ( v=0; v < NLVer; v++ ) {
adj1 = verLocPtr[v]; //Vertex Pointer
adj2 = verLocPtr[v+1];
for( k = adj1; k < adj2; k++ ) {
w = verLocInd[k]; //Get the adjacent vertex
if ( (w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex) ) { //Find a ghost
#pragma omp critical
insertMe = verGhostPtr[Ghost2LocalMap[w]] + tempCounter[Ghost2LocalMap[w]]; //Where to insert
verGhostInd[insertMe] = v + StartIndex; //Add the adjacency
tempCounter[Ghost2LocalMap[w]]++; //Increment the counter
} //End of if((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex))
} //End of for(k)
} //End of for (v)