Salvatore Filippone 17 years ago
parent 3c469513c2
commit 891944834f

@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
! Subroutine: mld_das_bld
! Version: real
! This routine builds the Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioner.
! If the preconditioner is the block-Jacobi one, the routine makes only a copy of
! the descriptor of the original matrix and then proceeds to call mld_fact_bld
! for LU or incomplete LU factorization of the diagonal blocks of the
! This routine builds Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioners. If the AS
! preconditioner is actually the block-Jacobi one, the routine makes only a
! copy of the descriptor of the original matrix and then calls mld_fact_bld
! to perform an LU or ILU factorization of the diagonal blocks of the
! distributed matrix.

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
! The routine is used by mld_dmlprec_aply, to apply the multilevel preconditioners,
! or directly by mld_dprec_aply, to apply the basic one-level preconditioners (diagonal,
! block-Jacobi or additive Schwarz), or to have no preconditioning.
! block-Jacobi or additive Schwarz). It also manages the case of no preconditioning.
! Arguments:

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
! Details on the base preconditioner to be built are stored in the iprcparm
! field of the preconditioner data structure (for a description of this
! structure see mld_prec_type.f90).
! data structure see mld_prec_type.f90).
! Arguments:

@ -39,24 +39,27 @@
! Subroutine: mld_dfact_bld
! Version: real
! This routine computes an LU or incomplete LU factorization of the diagonal blocks
! of a distributed matrix, according to the value of p%iprcparm(iprcparm(sub_solve_),
! set by the user through mld_dprecinit or mld_dprecset.
! It may also split the matrix into its block-diagonal and
! off block-diagonal parts, for the future application of multiple
! block-Jacobi sweeps.
! This routine computes an LU or incomplete LU (ILU) factorization of the diagonal
! blocks of a distributed matrix, according to the value of
! p%iprcparm(iprcparm(sub_solve_), set by the user through
! mld_dprecinit or mld_dprecset.
! It may also compute an LU factorization of a distributed matrix, or split
! a distributed matrix into its block-diagonal and off block-diagonal parts,
! for the future application of multiple block-Jacobi sweeps.
! This routine is used by mld_as_bld, to build a 'base' block-Jacobi or
! Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioner at any level of a multilevel preconditioner,
! or a block-Jacobi or LU or ILU solver at the coarsest level of a multilevel
! preconditioner. For the Additive Schwarz, it is called from mld_as_bld,
! which prepares the overlap descriptor and retrieves the remote rows into blck.
! preconditioner. For the AS preconditioners, the diagonal blocks to be factorized
! are stored into the sparse matrix data structures a and blck, and blck contains
! the remote rows needed to build the extended local matrix as required by the
! AS preconditioner.
! More precisely, the routine performs one of the following tasks:
! 1. LU or ILU factorization of the diagonal blocks of the distributed matrix
! for the construction of a block-Jacobi or AS preconditioners
! (allowed at any level);
! (allowed at any level of a multilevel preconditioner);
! 2. setup of block-Jacobi sweeps to compute an approximate solution of a
! linear system

@ -39,10 +39,11 @@
! Subroutine: mld_dilu_bld
! Version: real
! This routine computes an incomplete LU (ILU) factorization of the diagonal blocks
! of a distributed matrix. This factorization is used to build
! the 'base preconditioner' (block-Jacobi preconditioner/solver, Additive Schwarz
! This routine computes an incomplete LU (ILU) factorization of the diagonal
! blocks of a distributed matrix. This factorization is used to build the
! 'base preconditioner' (block-Jacobi preconditioner/solver, Additive Schwarz
! preconditioner) corresponding to a certain level of a multilevel preconditioner.
! The following factorizations are available:
! - ILU(k), i.e. ILU factorization with fill-in level k,
! - MILU(k), i.e. modified ILU factorization with fill-in level k,

@ -92,9 +92,9 @@
! outside the diagonal block, for block-Jacobi
! sweeps.
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_ac_) - The local part of the matrix A(ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_) - The smoother prolongator.
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_) - The smoothed prolongator.
! It maps vectors (ilev) ---> (ilev-1).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_t_) - The smoother prolongator transpose.
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_t_) - The smoothed prolongator transpose.
! It maps vectors (ilev-1) ---> (ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%d - real(kind(1.d0)), dimension(:), allocatable.
! The diagonal entries of the U factor in the ILU
@ -209,13 +209,14 @@ subroutine mld_dmlprec_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
call psb_errpush(4001,name,a_err='mld_no_ml_ in mlprc_aply?')
goto 9999
! Additive multilevel
call add_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans_,work,info)
! Multiplicative multilevel (multiplicative among the levels, additive inside
! each level)
@ -239,7 +240,6 @@ subroutine mld_dmlprec_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
goto 9999
end select
select case (trans_)
@ -288,17 +288,21 @@ contains
! Subroutine: add_ml_aply
! Version: real
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is an additive multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner
! associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is additive both through the levels and inside each
! level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -312,19 +316,51 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in an additive
! way (additive through the levels and additive on the same level).
! For details on the additive multilevel Schwarz preconditioner see
! the Algorithm 3.1.1 in the book:
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! For details on the additive multilevel Schwarz preconditioner see the
! Algorithm 3.1.1 in the book:
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. ! Apply the base preconditioner at level 1.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(1).
! X(1) = Xest
! Y(1) = (K(1)^(-1))*X(1)
! 2. DO ilev=2,nlev
! ! Transfer X(ilev-1) to the next coarser level.
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_)*X(ilev-1)
! ! Apply the base preconditioner at the current level.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(ilev).
! Y(ilev) = (K(ilev)^(-1))*X(ilev)
! 3. DO ilev=nlev-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level.
! Y(ilev) = AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! 4. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
subroutine add_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_dbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -366,6 +402,7 @@ contains
call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
@ -382,7 +419,6 @@ contains
mlprec_wrk(1)%x2l(:) = x(:)
mlprec_wrk(1)%y2l(:) = dzero
call mld_baseprec_aply(alpha,baseprecv(1),x,beta,y,&
& baseprecv(1)%base_desc,trans,work,info)
if (info /=0) then
@ -392,8 +428,7 @@ contains
! STEP 2
! For each level except the finest one ...
! For each level except the finest one ...
do ilev = 2, nlev
n_row = psb_cd_get_local_rows(baseprecv(ilev-1)%base_desc)
@ -464,8 +499,7 @@ contains
! STEP 3
! For each level except the finest one ...
! For each level except the finest one ...
do ilev =nlev,2,-1
@ -530,17 +564,21 @@ contains
! Subroutine: mlt_pre_ml_aply
! Version: real
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is a hybrid multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner
! associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is hybrid in the sense that it is multiplicative through the
! levels and additive inside a level; pre-smoothing only is applied at each level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -555,19 +593,58 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in a hybrid way
! (multiplicative through the levels and additive on the same level)
! and pre-smoothing.
! For details on pre-smoothed hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz preconditioner,
! see the Algorithm 3.2.1 in the book:
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For details on the pre-smoothed hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz
! preconditioner, see the Algorithm 3.2.1 in the book:
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. X(1) = Xext
! 2. ! Apply the base preconditioner at the finest level.
! Y(1) = (K(1)^(-1))*X(1)
! 3. ! Compute the residual at the finest level.
! TX(1) = X(1) - A(1)*Y(1)
! 4. DO ilev=2, nlev
! ! Transfer the residual to the current (coarser) level.
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_)*TX(ilev-1)
! ! Apply the base preconditioner at the current level.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(ilev).
! Y(ilev) = (K(ilev)^(-1))*X(ilev)
! ! Compute the residual at the current level (except at
! ! the coarsest level).
! IF (ilev < nlev)
! TX(ilev) = (X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 5. DO ilev=nlev-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! 6. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
subroutine mlt_pre_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_dbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -610,7 +687,6 @@ contains
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
@ -806,17 +882,21 @@ contains
! Subroutine: mlt_post_ml_aply
! Version: real
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is a hybrid multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner
! associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is hybrid in the sense that it is multiplicative through the
! levels and additive inside a level; post-smoothing only is applied at each level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -831,18 +911,49 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in a hybrid way
! (multiplicative through the levels and additive on the same level)
! and post-smoothing.
! For details on hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz preconditioners, see
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below.
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. X(1) = Xext
! 2. DO ilev=2, nlev
! ! Transfer X(ilev-1) to the next coarser level.
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_)*X(ilev-1)
! 3.! Apply the preconditioner at the coarsest level.
! Y(nlev) = (K(nlev)^(-1))*X(nlev)
! 4. DO ilev=nlev-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level.
! Y(ilev) = AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! ! Compute the residual at the current level and apply to it the
! ! base preconditioner. The sum over the subdomains is carried out
! ! in the application of K(ilev).
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + (K(ilev)^(-1))*(X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 5. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
subroutine mlt_post_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_dbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -884,6 +995,7 @@ contains
call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
@ -1102,17 +1214,23 @@ contains
! Subroutine: mlt_twoside_ml_aply
! Version: real
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is a symmetrized hybrid multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz)
! preconditioner associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array
! baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is hybrid in the sense that it is multiplicative through
! the levels and additive inside a level; it is symmetrized since pre-smoothing
! and post-smoothing are applied at each level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -1127,20 +1245,60 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in a symmetrized hybrid way
! (multiplicative through the levels and additive on the same level, with pre and
! post-smoothing).
! For details on the symmetrized hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz
! preconditioners, see the Algorithm 3.2.2 of the book:
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! preconditioner, see the Algorithm 3.2.2 of the book:
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below.
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. X(1) = Xext
! 2. ! Apply the base peconditioner at the finest level
! Y(1) = (K(1)^(-1))*X(1)
! 3. ! Compute the residual at the finest level
! TX(1) = X(1) - A(1)*Y(1)
! 4. DO ilev=2, nlev
! ! Transfer the residual to the current (coarser) level
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t)*TX(ilev-1)
! ! Apply the base preconditioner at the current level.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(ilev)
! Y(ilev) = (K(ilev)^(-1))*X(ilev)
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! ! Compute the residual at the current level
! TX(ilev) = (X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 5. DO ilev=NLEV-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! ! Compute the residual at the current level and apply to it the
! ! base preconditioner. The sum over the subdomains is carried out
! ! in the application of K(ilev)
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + (K(ilev)**(-1))*(X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 6. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
subroutine mlt_twoside_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_dbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -1182,6 +1340,7 @@ contains
call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
! Copy the input vector X

@ -45,11 +45,12 @@
! where
! - K is a suitable matrix, as specified below,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of the
! argument trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! Depending on K, alpha, beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! Depending on K, alpha and beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! - see the arguments below), the above computation may correspond to one of
! the following tasks:
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
! or a block-Jacobi or LU or ILU solver at the coarsest level of a multilevel
! preconditioner.
! Tasks 1, 3 and 4 are selected when prec%iprcparm(smooth_sweeps_) = 1,
! Tasks 1, 3 and 4 may be selected when prec%iprcparm(smooth_sweeps_) = 1,
! while task 2 is selected when prec%iprcparm(smooth_sweeps_) > 1. Furthermore
! Tasks 1, 2 and 3 may be performed when the matrix A is
! distributed among the processes (prec%iprcparm(mld_coarse_mat_) = mld_distr_mat_),

@ -45,33 +45,36 @@
! where
! - K is a factored matrix, as specified below,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of the
! argument trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! Depending on K, alpha, beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! Depending on K, alpha and beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! - see the arguments below), the above computation may correspond to one of
! the following tasks:
! 1. Solution of a linear system with sparse factors LU generated by means
! of an incomplete factorization approximating
! 1. approximate solution of a linear system
! A*Y = X,
! In this case the factors of A are either distributed (in which case
! they are also block-diagonal) or replicated.
! 2. Solution of a linear system with sparse factors LU generated by means
! of a complete factorization
! by using the L and U factors computed with an ILU (incomplete LU) factorization
! of A. In this case K = L*U ~ A, alpha = 1 and beta = 0. The factors L and U
! (and the matrix A) are either distributed and block-diagonal or replicated.
! 2. Solution of a linear system
! A*Y = X,
! computed with the aid of an auxiliary sparse package such as
! b. SuperLU
! c. SuperLU_Dist
! In cases a. and b. the matrix A and its factors are either distributed
! and block diagonal or replicated; in case c. the matrix A and its
! factors are distributed.
! by using the L and U factors computed with a LU factorization of A. In this
! case K = L*U = A, alpha = 1 and beta = 0. The LU factorization is performed
! by one of the following auxiliary pakages:
! b. SuperLU,
! c. SuperLU_Dist.
! In the cases a. and b., the factors L and U (and the matrix A) are either
! distributed and block diagonal) or replicated; in the case c., L, U (and A)
! are distributed.
! This routine is used by mld_dsub_aply, to apply a 'base' block-Jacobi or
! Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioner at any level of a multilevel preconditioner,
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
! The scalar alpha.
! prec - type(mld_dbaseprec_type), input.
! The 'base preconditioner' data structure containing the local
! part of the preconditioner or solver.
! part of the L and U factors of the matrix A.
! x - real(kind(0.d0)), dimension(:), input.
! The local part of the vector X.
! beta - real(kind(0.d0)), input.

@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ module mld_prec_type
! av(mld_ap_nd_) - The entries of the local part of A(ilev) outside
! the diagonal block, for block-Jacobi sweeps.
! av(mld_ac_) - The local part of the matrix A(ilev).
! av(mld_sm_pr_) - The smoother prolongator.
! av(mld_sm_pr_) - The smoothed prolongator.
! It maps vectors (ilev) ---> (ilev-1).
! av(mld_sm_pr_t_) - The smoother prolongator transpose.
! av(mld_sm_pr_t_) - The smoothed prolongator transpose.
! It maps vectors (ilev-1) ---> (ilev).
! Shouldn't we keep just one of the last two items and handle the transpose
! in the Sparse BLAS? Maybe.

@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
! Subroutine: mld_zas_bld
! Version: complex
! This routine builds the Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioner.
! If the preconditioner is the block-Jacobi one, the routine makes only a copy of
! the descriptor of the original matrix and then proceeds to call mld_fact_bld
! for LU or incomplete LU factorization of the diagonal blocks of the
! This routine builds Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioners. If the AS
! preconditioner is actually the block-Jacobi one, the routine makes only a
! copy of the descriptor of the original matrix and then calls mld_fact_bld
! to perform an LU or ILU factorization of the diagonal blocks of the
! distributed matrix.

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
! The routine is used by mld_dmlprec_aply, to apply the multilevel preconditioners,
! or directly by mld_dprec_aply, to apply the basic one-level preconditioners (diagonal,
! block-Jacobi or additive Schwarz), or to have no preconditioning.
! block-Jacobi or additive Schwarz). It also manages the case of no preconditioning.
! Arguments:

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
! Details on the base preconditioner to be built are stored in the iprcparm
! field of the preconditioner data structure (for a description of this
! structure see mld_prec_type.f90).
! data structure see mld_prec_type.f90).
! Arguments:

@ -39,24 +39,27 @@
! Subroutine: mld_zfact_bld
! Version: complex
! This routine computes an LU or incomplete LU factorization of the diagonal blocks
! of a distributed matrix, according to the value of p%iprcparm(iprcparm(sub_solve_),
! set by the user through mld_dprecinit or mld_dprecset.
! It may also split the matrix into its block-diagonal and
! off block-diagonal parts, for the future application of multiple
! block-Jacobi sweeps.
! This routine computes an LU or incomplete LU (ILU) factorization of the diagonal
! blocks of a distributed matrix, according to the value of
! p%iprcparm(iprcparm(sub_solve_), set by the user through
! mld_dprecinit or mld_dprecset.
! It may also compute an LU factorization of a distributed matrix, or split
! a distributed matrix into its block-diagonal and off block-diagonal parts,
! for the future application of multiple block-Jacobi sweeps.
! This routine is used by mld_as_bld, to build a 'base' block-Jacobi or
! Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioner at any level of a multilevel preconditioner,
! or a block-Jacobi or LU or ILU solver at the coarsest level of a multilevel
! preconditioner. For the Additive Schwarz, it is called from mld_as_bld,
! which prepares the overlap descriptor and retrieves the remote rows into blck.
! preconditioner. For the AS preconditioners, the diagonal blocks to be factorized
! are stored into the sparse matrix data structures a and blck, and blck contains
! the remote rows needed to build the extended local matrix as required by the
! AS preconditioner.
! More precisely, the routine performs one of the following tasks:
! 1. LU or ILU factorization of the diagonal blocks of the distributed matrix
! for the construction of a block-Jacobi or AS preconditioners
! (allowed at any level);
! (allowed at any level of a multilevel preconditioner);
! 2. setup of block-Jacobi sweeps to compute an approximate solution of a
! linear system

@ -39,10 +39,11 @@
! Subroutine: mld_zilu_bld
! Version: complex
! This routine computes an incomplete LU (ILU) factorization of the diagonal blocks
! of a distributed matrix. This factorization is used to build
! the 'base preconditioner' (block-Jacobi preconditioner/solver, Additive Schwarz
! This routine computes an incomplete LU (ILU) factorization of the diagonal
! blocks of a distributed matrix. This factorization is used to build the
! 'base preconditioner' (block-Jacobi preconditioner/solver, Additive Schwarz
! preconditioner) corresponding to a certain level of a multilevel preconditioner.
! The following factorizations are available:
! - ILU(k), i.e. ILU factorization with fill-in level k,
! - MILU(k), i.e. modified ILU factorization with fill-in level k,

@ -83,19 +83,19 @@
! baseprecv(ilev)%av - type(psb_zspmat_type), dimension(:), allocatable(:).
! The sparse matrices needed to apply the preconditioner
! at level ilev.
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_l_pr_) - The L factor of the ILU factorization of the
! local diagonal block of A(ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_u_pr_) - The U factor of the ILU factorization of the
! local diagonal block of A(ilev), except its
! diagonal entries (stored in baseprecv(ilev)%d).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_ap_nd_) - The entries of the local part of A(ilev)
! outside the diagonal block, for block-Jacobi
! sweeps.
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_ac_) - The local part of the matrix A(ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_) - The smoother prolongator.
! It maps vectors (ilev) ---> (ilev-1).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_t_) - The smoother prolongator transpose.
! It maps vectors (ilev-1) ---> (ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_l_pr_) - The L factor of the ILU factorization of the
! local diagonal block of A(ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_u_pr_) - The U factor of the ILU factorization of the
! local diagonal block of A(ilev), except its
! diagonal entries (stored in baseprecv(ilev)%d).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_ap_nd_) - The entries of the local part of A(ilev)
! outside the diagonal block, for block-Jacobi
! sweeps.
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_ac_) - The local part of the matrix A(ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_) - The smoothed prolongator.
! It maps vectors (ilev) ---> (ilev-1).
! baseprecv(ilev)%av(mld_sm_pr_t_) - The smoothed prolongator transpose.
! It maps vectors (ilev-1) ---> (ilev).
! baseprecv(ilev)%d - complex(kind(1.d0)), dimension(:), allocatable.
! The diagonal entries of the U factor in the ILU
! factorization of A(ilev).
@ -209,13 +209,14 @@ subroutine mld_zmlprec_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
call psb_errpush(4001,name,a_err='mld_no_ml_ in mlprc_aply?')
goto 9999
! Additive multilevel
call add_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans_,work,info)
! Multiplicative multilevel (multiplicative among the levels, additive inside
! each level)
@ -239,7 +240,6 @@ subroutine mld_zmlprec_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
goto 9999
end select
select case (trans_)
@ -289,17 +289,21 @@ contains
! Subroutine: add_ml_aply
! Version: complex
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is an additive multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner
! associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its (conjugate) transpose, according to
! the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is additive both through the levels and inside each
! level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -313,18 +317,51 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in an additive
! way (additive through the levels and additive on the same level).
! For details on the additive multilevel Schwarz preconditioner see
! the Algorithm 3.1.1 in the book:
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! For details on the additive multilevel Schwarz preconditioner see the
! Algorithm 3.1.1 in the book:
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. ! Apply the base preconditioner at level 1.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(1).
! X(1) = Xest
! Y(1) = (K(1)^(-1))*X(1)
! 2. DO ilev=2,nlev
! ! Transfer X(ilev-1) to the next coarser level.
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_)*X(ilev-1)
! ! Apply the base preconditioner at the current level.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(ilev).
! Y(ilev) = (K(ilev)^(-1))*X(ilev)
! 3. DO ilev=nlev-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level.
! Y(ilev) = AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! 4. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
subroutine add_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_zbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -366,6 +403,7 @@ contains
call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
@ -392,8 +430,7 @@ contains
! STEP 2
! For each level except the finest one ...
! For each level except the finest one ...
do ilev = 2, nlev
n_row = psb_cd_get_local_rows(baseprecv(ilev-1)%base_desc)
@ -464,8 +501,7 @@ contains
! STEP 3
! For each level except the finest one ...
! For each level except the finest one ...
do ilev =nlev,2,-1
@ -531,17 +567,21 @@ contains
! Subroutine: mlt_pre_ml_aply
! Version: complex
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is a hybrid multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner
! associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its (conjugate) transpose, according to
! the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is hybrid in the sense that it is multiplicative through the
! levels and additive inside a level; pre-smoothing only is applied at each level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -556,19 +596,58 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in a hybrid way
! (multiplicative through the levels and additive on the same level)
! and pre-smoothing.
! For details on pre-smoothed hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz preconditioner,
! see the Algorithm 3.2.1 in the book:
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For details on the pre-smoothed hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz
! preconditioner, see the Algorithm 3.2.1 in the book:
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. X(1) = Xext
! 2. ! Apply the base preconditioner at the finest level.
! Y(1) = (K(1)^(-1))*X(1)
! 3. ! Compute the residual at the finest level.
! TX(1) = X(1) - A(1)*Y(1)
! 4. DO ilev=2, nlev
! ! Transfer the residual to the current (coarser) level.
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_)*TX(ilev-1)
! ! Apply the base preconditioner at the current level.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(ilev).
! Y(ilev) = (K(ilev)^(-1))*X(ilev)
! ! Compute the residual at the current level (except at
! ! the coarsest level).
! IF (ilev < nlev)
! TX(ilev) = (X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 5. DO ilev=nlev-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! 6. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
subroutine mlt_pre_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_zbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -611,7 +690,6 @@ contains
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
@ -807,18 +885,22 @@ contains
! Subroutine: mlt_post_ml_aply
! Version: complex
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is a hybrid multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner
! associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its (conjugate) transpose, according to
! the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is hybrid in the sense that it is multiplicative through the
! levels and additive inside a level; post-smoothing only is applied at each level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -833,18 +915,49 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in a hybrid way
! (multiplicative through the levels and additive on the same level)
! and post-smoothing.
! For details on hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz preconditioners, see
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below.
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. X(1) = Xext
! 2. DO ilev=2, nlev
! ! Transfer X(ilev-1) to the next coarser level.
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_)*X(ilev-1)
! 3.! Apply the preconditioner at the coarsest level.
! Y(nlev) = (K(nlev)^(-1))*X(nlev)
! 4. DO ilev=nlev-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level.
! Y(ilev) = AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! ! Compute the residual at the current level and apply to it the
! ! base preconditioner. The sum over the subdomains is carried out
! ! in the application of K(ilev).
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + (K(ilev)^(-1))*(X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 5. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
subroutine mlt_post_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_zbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -886,6 +999,7 @@ contains
call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
@ -1103,18 +1217,24 @@ contains
! Subroutine: mlt_twoside_ml_aply
! Version: complex
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Note: internal subroutine of mld_dmlprec_aply.
! This routine computes
! Y = beta*Y + alpha*op(M^(-1))*X,
! where
! - M is a multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz) preconditioner associated
! to a certain matrix A and stored in the array baseprecv,
! - M is a symmetrized hybrid multilevel domain decomposition (Schwarz)
! preconditioner associated to a certain matrix A and stored in the array
! baseprecv,
! - op(M^(-1)) is M^(-1) or its (conjugate) transpose, according to
! the value of trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! The preconditioner M is hybrid in the sense that it is multiplicative through
! the levels and additive inside a level; it is symmetrized since pre-smoothing
! and post-smoothing are applied at each level.
! For each level we have as many submatrices as processes (except for the coarsest
! level where we might have a replicated index space) and each process takes care
! of one submatrix.
@ -1129,20 +1249,60 @@ contains
! The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e.
! level 1 is the finest level and A(1) is the matrix A.
! This routine applies the multilevel preconditioner in a symmetrized hybrid way
! (multiplicative through the levels and additive on the same level, with pre and
! post-smoothing).
! For details on the symmetrized hybrid multiplicative multilevel Schwarz
! preconditioners, see the Algorithm 3.2.2 of the book:
! - B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! preconditioner, see the Algorithm 3.2.2 of the book:
! B.F. Smith, P.E. Bjorstad & W.D. Gropp,
! Domain decomposition: parallel multilevel methods for elliptic partial
! differential equations, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
! For a description of the arguments see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! A sketch of the algorithm implemented in this routine is provided below.
! (AV(ilev; sm_pr_) denotes the smoothed prolongator from level ilev to
! level ilev-1, while AV(ilev; sm_pr_t_) denotes its transpose, i.e. the
! corresponding restriction operator from level ilev-1 to level ilev).
! 1. X(1) = Xext
! 2. ! Apply the base peconditioner at the finest level
! Y(1) = (K(1)^(-1))*X(1)
! 3. ! Compute the residual at the finest level
! TX(1) = X(1) - A(1)*Y(1)
! 4. DO ilev=2, nlev
! ! Transfer the residual to the current (coarser) level
! X(ilev) = AV(ilev; sm_pr_t)*TX(ilev-1)
! ! Apply the base preconditioner at the current level.
! ! The sum over the subdomains is carried out in the
! ! application of K(ilev)
! Y(ilev) = (K(ilev)^(-1))*X(ilev)
! For a detailed description of the arguments, see mld_dmlprec_aply.
! ! Compute the residual at the current level
! TX(ilev) = (X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 5. DO ilev=NLEV-1,1,-1
! ! Transfer Y(ilev+1) to the next finer level
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + AV(ilev+1; sm_pr_)*Y(ilev+1)
! ! Compute the residual at the current level and apply to it the
! ! base preconditioner. The sum over the subdomains is carried out
! ! in the application of K(ilev)
! Y(ilev) = Y(ilev) + (K(ilev)**(-1))*(X(ilev)-A(ilev)*Y(ilev))
! 6. Yext = beta*Yext + alpha*Y(1)
subroutine mlt_twoside_ml_aply(alpha,baseprecv,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,work,info)
implicit none
! Arguments
type(psb_desc_type),intent(in) :: desc_data
type(mld_zbaseprc_type), intent(in) :: baseprecv(:)
@ -1184,6 +1344,7 @@ contains
call psb_errpush(4010,name,a_err='Allocate')
goto 9999
end if
! STEP 1
! Copy the input vector X
@ -1261,7 +1422,6 @@ contains
mlprec_wrk(ilev)%tx(:) = zzero
mlprec_wrk(ilev)%ty(:) = zzero
if (ismth /= mld_no_smooth_) then
! Apply the smoothed prolongator transpose

@ -45,11 +45,12 @@
! where
! - K is a suitable matrix, as specified below,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of the
! argument trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! Depending on K, alpha, beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! Depending on K, alpha and beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! - see the arguments below), the above computation may correspond to one of
! the following tasks:
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
! or a block-Jacobi or LU or ILU solver at the coarsest level of a multilevel
! preconditioner.
! Tasks 1, 3 and 4 are selected when prec%iprcparm(smooth_sweeps_) = 1,
! Tasks 1, 3 and 4 may be selected when prec%iprcparm(smooth_sweeps_) = 1,
! while task 2 is selected when prec%iprcparm(smooth_sweeps_) > 1. Furthermore
! Tasks 1, 2 and 3 may be performed when the matrix A is
! distributed among the processes (prec%iprcparm(mld_coarse_mat_) = mld_distr_mat_),

@ -45,33 +45,36 @@
! where
! - K is a factored matrix, as specified below,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of trans,
! - op(K^(-1)) is K^(-1) or its transpose, according to the value of the
! argument trans,
! - X and Y are vectors,
! - alpha and beta are scalars.
! Depending on K, alpha, beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! Depending on K, alpha and beta (and on the communication descriptor desc_data
! - see the arguments below), the above computation may correspond to one of
! the following tasks:
! 1. Solution of a linear system with sparse factors LU generated by means
! of an incomplete factorization approximating
! 1. approximate solution of a linear system
! A*Y = X,
! In this case the factors of A are either distributed (in which case
! they are also block-diagonal) or replicated.
! 2. Solution of a linear system with sparse factors LU generated by means
! of a complete factorization
! by using the L and U factors computed with an ILU (incomplete LU) factorization
! of A. In this case K = L*U ~ A, alpha = 1 and beta = 0. The factors L and U
! (and the matrix A) are either distributed and block-diagonal or replicated.
! 2. Solution of a linear system
! A*Y = X,
! computed with the aid of an auxiliary sparse package such as
! b. SuperLU
! c. SuperLU_Dist
! In cases a. and b. the matrix A and its factors are either distributed
! and block diagonal or replicated; in case c. the matrix A and its
! factors are distributed.
! by using the L and U factors computed with a LU factorization of A. In this
! case K = L*U = A, alpha = 1 and beta = 0. The LU factorization is performed
! by one of the following auxiliary pakages:
! b. SuperLU,
! c. SuperLU_Dist.
! In the cases a. and b., the factors L and U (and the matrix A) are either
! distributed and block diagonal) or replicated; in the case c., L, U (and A)
! are distributed.
! This routine is used by mld_dsub_aply, to apply a 'base' block-Jacobi or
! Additive Schwarz (AS) preconditioner at any level of a multilevel preconditioner,
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@
! The scalar alpha.
! prec - type(mld_zbaseprec_type), input.
! The 'base preconditioner' data structure containing the local
! part of the preconditioner or solver.
! part of the L and U factors of the matrix A.
! x - complex(kind(0.d0)), dimension(:), input.
! The local part of the vector X.
! beta - complex(kind(0.d0)), input.
