
Docs updates for DIAG/Gauss-Seidel
Salvatore Filippone 9 years ago
parent 667e84ebed
commit 8e5f7fa452

@ -169,14 +169,25 @@ can be logically divided into four groups, i.e. parameters defining
A list of the parameters that can be set, along with their allowed and A list of the parameters that can be set, along with their allowed and
default values, is given in Tables&nbsp;<A HREF="#tab:p_type">2</A>-<A HREF="#tab:p_coarse">5</A>. default values, is given in Tables&nbsp;<A HREF="#tab:p_type">2</A>-<A HREF="#tab:p_coarse">5</A>.
For a detailed description of the meaning of the parameters, please For a detailed description of the meaning of the parameters, please
refer to Section&nbsp;<A HREF="node11.html#sec:background">4</A>. The smoother and solver objects are arranged in a hierarchical manner; refer to Section&nbsp;<A HREF="node11.html#sec:background">4</A>.
The smoother and solver objects are arranged in a hierarchical manner;
when specifying a smoother object, its parameters including the when specifying a smoother object, its parameters including the
contained solver are set to default values, and when a solver contained solver are set to default values, and when a solver
object is specified its defaults are also set, overriding in both object is specified its defaults are also set, overriding in both
cases any previous settings even if explicitly specified. Therefore if cases any previous settings even if explicitly specified. Therefore if
the user sets a new smoother, and wishes to use a solver the user sets a new smoother, and wishes to use a solver
different from the default one, the call to set the solver must come different from the default one, the call to set the solver must come
<I>after</I> the call to set the smoother. Completely new smoother and/or solver class derived from the <I>after</I> the call to set the smoother.
The combination of a Jacobi smoother with a Diagonal Scaling local
solver is equivalent to the strategy called Point Jacobi in the
literature; similarly, having a Jacobi smoother with a Gauss-Seidel
local solver is equivalent to a ``hybrid Gauss-Seidel'' solver.
Completely new smoother and/or solver class derived from the
base objects in the library may be used without recompiling the base objects in the library may be used without recompiling the
library itself. Once the new smoother/solver class has been library itself. Once the new smoother/solver class has been
developed, the user can declare a variable of that new type in the developed, the user can declare a variable of that new type in the

@ -3317,7 +3317,7 @@ endstream
endobj endobj
426 0 obj 426 0 obj
<< <<
/Length 4105 /Length 4784
>> >>
stream stream
0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G
@ -3348,11 +3348,11 @@ BT
0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG
[(5)]TJ [(5)]TJ
0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G
[(.)-432(F)83(or)-296(a)-296(detailed)-296(description)-296(of)-296(the)-296(meaning)-296(of)-296(the)-296(parameters,)-304(please)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(refer)-470(to)-469(Section)]TJ [(.)-432(F)83(or)-296(a)-296(detailed)-296(description)-296(of)-296(the)-296(meaning)-296(of)-296(the)-296(parameters,)-304(please)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(refer)-333(to)-334(Section)]TJ
0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG
[-470(4)]TJ [-333(4)]TJ
0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G
[(.)-853(The)-470(smo)-27(other)-470(and)-470(solv)28(er)-469(ob)-56(jects)-470(are)-469(arranged)-470(in)-469(a)-470(hierarc)28(hical)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(manner;)-519(when)-457(sp)-28(ecifying)-457(a)-457(smo)-28(other)-457(ob)-55(ject,)-488(its)-457(parameters)-457(including)-457(the)-457(con)27(tained)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(solv)28(er)-277(are)-277(set)-277(to)-277(default)-277(v)56(alues,)-288(and)-277(when)-277(a)-277(solv)28(er)-277(ob)-55(ject)-277(is)-277(sp)-28(eci\014ed)-277(its)-277(defaults)-277(ar)1(e)-277(also)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td [(set,)-300(o)28(v)28(erriding)-291(in)-292(b)-28(oth)-291(cases)-291(an)27(y)-291(previous)-291(settings)-292(ev)28(en)-291(if)-292(explicitly)-291(sp)-28(eci\014ed.)-430(Therefore)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(if)-383(the)-383(user)-383(sets)-383(a)-382(new)-383(smo)-28(other,)-395(and)-383(wishes)-383(to)-383(use)-383(a)-383(solv)28(er)-383(di\013eren)28(t)-383(from)-383(the)-383(default)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(one,)-307(the)-300(call)-300(to)-300(set)-300(the)-300(solv)28(er)-300(m)27(ust)-300(come)]TJ/F18 10.9091 Tf 193.685 0 Td [(after)]TJ/F15 10.9091 Tf 26.611 0 Td [(the)-300(call)-300(to)-300(set)-300(the)-300(smo)-28(other.)-433(Com)-1(p)1(le)-1(t)1(e)-1(ly)]TJ -220.296 -13.549 Td [(new)-354(smo)-27(other)-354(and/or)-353(solv)27(er)-353(class)-354(deriv)28(ed)-353(from)-354(the)-354(b)1(as)-1(e)-353(ob)-56(jects)-353(in)-354(the)-353(library)-354(ma)28(y)-353(b)-28(e)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(used)-419(without)-419(recompiling)-419(the)-420(librar)1(y)-420(itself.)-702(Once)-419(the)-419(new)-419(smo)-28(other/solv)28(er)-420(class)-419(has)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td [(b)-28(een)-422(dev)28(elop)-28(ed,)-444(the)-423(u)1(s)-1(er)-422(can)-422(declare)-422(a)-422(v)55(ariable)-422(of)-422(that)-422(new)-422(t)27(yp)-27(e)-423(in)-422(the)-422(application,)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(and)-358(pass)-358(th)1(at)-358(v)55(ariable)-357(to)-358(the)]TJ/F44 10.9091 Tf 143.268 0 Td [(p%set\050solver,info\051)]TJ/F15 10.9091 Tf 106.993 0 Td [(call;)-370(the)-358(new)-358(solv)28(er)-358(ob)-55(ject)-358(is)-358(then)]TJ -250.261 -13.549 Td [(dynamically)-333(included)-333(in)-334(the)-333(preconditioner)-333(structure.)]TJ 16.936 -13.549 Td [(The)]TJ/F44 10.9091 Tf 24.161 0 Td [(what,val)]TJ/F15 10.9091 Tf 51.19 0 Td [(pairs)-492(des)-1(crib)-27(ed)-493(here)-492(are)-493(those)-492(of)-493(the)-492(prede\014ned)-493(smo)-27(other/solv)27(er)]TJ -92.287 -13.549 Td [(ob)-55(jec)-1(ts;)-333(newly)-333(dev)28(elop)-28(ed)-333(s)-1(olv)28(ers)-333(ma)28(y)-334(de\014ne)-333(new)-333(pairs)-334(according)-333(to)-333(their)-333(nee)-1(d)1(s)-1(.)]TJ [(.)]TJ 16.936 -13.549 Td [(The)-285(smo)-28(other)-284(and)-285(solv)28(er)-285(ob)-56(jects)-284(are)-285(arranged)-285(in)-284(a)-285(hierarc)28(hical)-285(manner;)-301(when)-285(sp)-28(eci-)]TJ -16.936 -13.549 Td [(fying)-280(a)-281(smo)-27(other)-281(ob)-55(ject,)-291(its)-281(par)1(am)-1(eters)-280(including)-280(the)-280(c)-1(on)28(tained)-280(solv)28(er)-281(are)-280(set)-280(to)-281(default)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td [(v)56(alues,)-317(and)-313(when)-312(a)-313(solv)28(er)-313(ob)-55(ject)-313(is)-312(sp)-28(eci\014ed)-313(its)-312(defaults)-313(are)-312(also)-313(set,)-317(o)28(v)28(erriding)-313(in)-312(b)-28(oth)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(cases)-333(an)28(y)-334(p)1(revious)-334(settings)-333(ev)28(en)-333(if)-333(explicitly)-333(sp)-28(eci\014ed.)-444(Therefore)-333(if)-333(the)-333(user)-334(sets)-333(a)-333(new)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(smo)-28(other,)-351(and)-348(wishes)-347(to)-348(use)-347(a)-348(solv)28(er)-348(di\013eren)28(t)-348(from)-347(the)-348(default)-347(one,)-352(the)-347(call)-348(to)-348(set)-347(the)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(solv)28(er)-334(m)28(ust)-333(come)]TJ/F18 10.9091 Tf 85.909 0 Td [(after)]TJ/F15 10.9091 Tf 26.974 0 Td [(the)-333(call)-334(to)-333(set)-333(the)-334(smo)-28(other.)]TJ -95.947 -13.549 Td [(The)-287(com)27(b)1(ination)-288(of)-287(a)-287(Jacobi)-287(smo)-28(other)-287(with)-287(a)-287(Diagonal)-287(Scaling)-287(lo)-28(cal)-287(solv)27(er)-287(is)-287(equiv-)]TJ -16.936 -13.55 Td [(alen)28(t)-420(to)-420(the)-419(s)-1(tr)1(ate)-1(gy)-419(called)-420(P)28(oin)28(t)-420(Jacobi)-420(in)-420(the)-419(literature;)-463(similarly)83(,)-441(ha)28(ving)-420(a)-420(Jacobi)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(smo)-28(other)-494(with)-495(a)-495(Gauss-Seidel)-494(lo)-28(cal)-495(solv)28(er)-495(is)-495(equ)1(iv)55(alen)28(t)-495(to)-494(a)-495(\134h)28(ybrid)-495(Gauss-Seidel")]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(solv)28(er.)]TJ 16.936 -13.549 Td [(Completely)-255(new)-256(smo)-28(other)-255(and/or)-255(solv)28(er)-256(class)-255(deriv)28(ed)-256(from)-255(the)-255(base)-256(ob)-55(jects)-256(in)-255(the)-255(li-)]TJ -16.936 -13.549 Td [(brary)-246(ma)27(y)-246(b)-28(e)-246(use)-1(d)-246(without)-246(rec)-1(omp)1(iling)-247(the)-246(library)-247(itself.)-415(Once)-247(the)-246(new)-247(smo)-28(other/solv)28(er)]TJ 0 -13.55 Td [(class)-318(has)-317(b)-28(een)-317(dev)27(elop)-27(ed,)-321(the)-317(user)-318(can)-317(declare)-318(a)-317(v)55(ariable)-317(of)-318(that)-317(new)-318(t)28(yp)-28(e)-317(in)-318(th)1(e)-318(appli-)]TJ 0 -13.549 Td [(cation,)-366(and)-360(pass)-360(t)1(hat)-360(v)55(ari)1(able)-360(to)-360(the)]TJ/F44 10.9091 Tf 179.508 0 Td [(p%set\050solver,info\051)]TJ/F15 10.9091 Tf 107.013 0 Td [(call;)-373(the)-360(n)1(e)-1(w)-359(solv)28(er)-360(ob)-56(ject)]TJ -286.521 -13.549 Td [(is)-333(then)-334(dynamically)-333(included)-333(in)-333(the)-334(precondition)1(e)-1(r)-333(structure.)]TJ 16.936 -13.549 Td [(The)]TJ/F44 10.9091 Tf 24.161 0 Td [(what,val)]TJ/F15 10.9091 Tf 51.19 0 Td [(pairs)-492(des)-1(crib)-27(ed)-493(here)-492(are)-493(those)-492(of)-493(the)-492(prede\014ned)-493(smo)-27(other/solv)27(er)]TJ -92.287 -13.549 Td [(ob)-55(jec)-1(ts;)-333(newly)-333(dev)28(elop)-28(ed)-333(s)-1(olv)28(ers)-333(ma)28(y)-334(de\014ne)-333(new)-333(pairs)-334(according)-333(to)-333(their)-333(nee)-1(d)1(s)-1(.)]TJ
0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G
0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G
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/Title (MultiLevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package based on PSBLAS, V. 2.0) /Subject (MultiLevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package) /Keywords (Parallel Numerical Software, Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioners, Sparse Iterative Solvers, PSBLAS, MPI) /Creator (pdfLaTeX) /Producer ($Id: userguide.tex 2008-04-08 Pasqua D'Ambra, Daniela di Serafino, Salvatore Filippone$) /Author()/Title()/Subject()/Creator(LaTeX with hyperref package)/Producer(pdfTeX-1.40.15)/Keywords() /Title (MultiLevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package based on PSBLAS, V. 2.0) /Subject (MultiLevel Domain Decomposition Parallel Preconditioners Package) /Keywords (Parallel Numerical Software, Algebraic Multilevel Preconditioners, Sparse Iterative Solvers, PSBLAS, MPI) /Creator (pdfLaTeX) /Producer ($Id: userguide.tex 2008-04-08 Pasqua D'Ambra, Daniela di Serafino, Salvatore Filippone$) /Author()/Title()/Subject()/Creator(LaTeX with hyperref package)/Producer(pdfTeX-1.40.15)/Keywords()
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@ -9009,19 +9009,19 @@ endobj
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/Length 2935 /Length 2935
>> >>
stream stream
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endstream endstream
endobj endobj
startxref startxref
559959 560638

@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ A list of the parameters that can be set, along with their allowed and
default values, is given in Tables~\ref{tab:p_type}-\ref{tab:p_coarse}. default values, is given in Tables~\ref{tab:p_type}-\ref{tab:p_coarse}.
For a detailed description of the meaning of the parameters, please For a detailed description of the meaning of the parameters, please
refer to Section~\ref{sec:background}. refer to Section~\ref{sec:background}.
% %
The smoother and solver objects are arranged in a hierarchical manner; The smoother and solver objects are arranged in a hierarchical manner;
when specifying a smoother object, its parameters including the when specifying a smoother object, its parameters including the
@ -166,6 +167,13 @@ the user sets a new smoother, and wishes to use a solver
different from the default one, the call to set the solver must come different from the default one, the call to set the solver must come
\emph{after} the call to set the smoother. \emph{after} the call to set the smoother.
% %
The combination of a Jacobi smoother with a Diagonal Scaling local
solver is equivalent to the strategy called Point Jacobi in the
literature; similarly, having a Jacobi smoother with a Gauss-Seidel
local solver is equivalent to a ``hybrid Gauss-Seidel'' solver.
Completely new smoother and/or solver class derived from the Completely new smoother and/or solver class derived from the
base objects in the library may be used without recompiling the base objects in the library may be used without recompiling the
library itself. Once the new smoother/solver class has been library itself. Once the new smoother/solver class has been
