\fortinline|'BJAC_STOP'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| \par\fortinline|'TRUE'| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| & Select whether to use a stopping criterion for the Block-Jacobi method used as a coarse solver. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_STOP'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| \par\fortinline|'TRUE'| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| & Select whether to use a stopping criterion for the Block-Jacobi method used as a coarse solver. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_TRACE'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| \par\fortinline|'TRUE'| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| & Select whether to print a trace for the calculated residual for the Block-Jacobi method used as a coarse solver. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_TRACE'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| \par\fortinline|'TRUE'| &\fortinline|'FALSE'| & Select whether to print a trace for the calculated residual for the Block-Jacobi method used as a coarse solver. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_ITRACE'| &\fortinline|integer| & Any integer $>0$& -1 & Number of iterations after which a trace is to be printed. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_ITRACE'| &\fortinline|integer| & Any integer\par$>0$& -1 & Number of iterations after which a trace is to be printed. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_RESCHECK'|&\fortinline|integer| & Any integer $>0$& -1 & Number of iterations after which a residual is to be calculated. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_RESCHECK'|&\fortinline|integer| & Any integer\par$>0$& -1 & Number of iterations after which a residual is to be calculated. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_STOPTOL'| &\fortinline|real(kind_parameter)| & Any real $<1$& 0 & Tolerance for the stopping criterion on the residual. \\\hline
\fortinline|'BJAC_STOPTOL'| &\fortinline|real(kind_parameter)| & Any real\par$<1$& 0 & Tolerance for the stopping criterion on the residual. \\\hline
\fortinline|'KRM_METHOD'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| &\fortinline|'CG'| \par\fortinline|'FCG'| \par\fortinline|'CGS'| \par\fortinline|'CGR'| \par\fortinline|'BICG'| \par\fortinline|'BICGSTAB'| \par\fortinline|'BICGSTABL'| \par\fortinline|'RGMRES'| &\fortinline|'FCG'| & A string that defines the iterative method to be
\fortinline|'KRM_METHOD'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| &\fortinline|'CG'| \par\fortinline|'FCG'| \par\fortinline|'CGS'| \par\fortinline|'CGR'| \par\fortinline|'BICG'| \par\fortinline|'BICGSTAB'| \par\fortinline|'BICGSTABL'| \par\fortinline|'RGMRES'| &\fortinline|'FCG'| & A string that defines the iterative method to be
used. \texttt{CG} the Conjugate Gradient method;
used. \texttt{CG} the Conjugate Gradient method;
\texttt{CGS} the Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method;
\texttt{CGS} the Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method;
\texttt{BICGSTAB} the Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method;
\texttt{BICGSTAB} the Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method;
\texttt{BICGSTABL} the Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method with restarting;
\texttt{BICGSTABL} the Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method with restarting;
\texttt{RGMRES} the Generalized Minimal Residual method with restarting. Refer to the PSBLAS guide~\cite{PSBLASGUIDE} for further information. \\\hline
\texttt{RGMRES} the Generalized Minimal Residual method with restarting. Refer to the PSBLAS guide~\cite{PSBLASGUIDE} for further information. \\\hline
\fortinline|'KRM_KPREC'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| & Table~\ref{tab:precinit}&\fortinline|'BJAC'| & The one-level preconditioners from the Table~\ref{tab:precinit} can be used for the coarse Krylov solver.\\\hline
\fortinline|'KRM_KPREC'| &\fortinline|character(len=*)| & Table~\ref{tab:precinit}&\fortinline|'BJAC'| & The one-level preconditioners from the Table~\ref{tab:precinit} can be used for the coarse Krylov solver.\\\hline%