@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ module mld_d_prec_type
type mld_d_base_solver_type
type mld_d_base_solver_type
procedure, pass(sv) :: dump => d_base_solver_dmp
procedure, pass(sv) :: build => d_base_solver_bld
procedure, pass(sv) :: build => d_base_solver_bld
procedure, pass(sv) :: apply => d_base_solver_apply
procedure, pass(sv) :: apply => d_base_solver_apply
procedure, pass(sv) :: free => d_base_solver_free
procedure, pass(sv) :: free => d_base_solver_free
@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ module mld_d_prec_type
type mld_d_base_smoother_type
type mld_d_base_smoother_type
class(mld_d_base_solver_type), allocatable :: sv
class(mld_d_base_solver_type), allocatable :: sv
procedure, pass(sm) :: dump => d_base_smoother_dmp
procedure, pass(sm) :: build => d_base_smoother_bld
procedure, pass(sm) :: build => d_base_smoother_bld
procedure, pass(sm) :: apply => d_base_smoother_apply
procedure, pass(sm) :: apply => d_base_smoother_apply
procedure, pass(sm) :: free => d_base_smoother_free
procedure, pass(sm) :: free => d_base_smoother_free
@ -221,6 +223,7 @@ module mld_d_prec_type
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: base_desc => null()
type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: base_desc => null()
type(psb_dlinmap_type) :: map
type(psb_dlinmap_type) :: map
procedure, pass(lv) :: dump => d_base_onelev_dump
procedure, pass(lv) :: seti => d_base_onelev_seti
procedure, pass(lv) :: seti => d_base_onelev_seti
procedure, pass(lv) :: setr => d_base_onelev_setr
procedure, pass(lv) :: setr => d_base_onelev_setr
procedure, pass(lv) :: setc => d_base_onelev_setc
procedure, pass(lv) :: setc => d_base_onelev_setc
@ -233,18 +236,21 @@ module mld_d_prec_type
procedure, pass(prec) :: d_apply2v => mld_d_apply2v
procedure, pass(prec) :: d_apply2v => mld_d_apply2v
procedure, pass(prec) :: d_apply1v => mld_d_apply1v
procedure, pass(prec) :: d_apply1v => mld_d_apply1v
procedure, pass(prec) :: dump => mld_d_dump
end type mld_dprec_type
end type mld_dprec_type
private :: d_base_solver_bld, d_base_solver_apply, &
private :: d_base_solver_bld, d_base_solver_apply, &
& d_base_solver_free, d_base_solver_seti, &
& d_base_solver_free, d_base_solver_seti, &
& d_base_solver_setc, d_base_solver_setr, &
& d_base_solver_setc, d_base_solver_setr, &
& d_base_solver_descr, d_base_solver_sizeof, &
& d_base_solver_descr, d_base_solver_sizeof, &
& d_base_solver_default, &
& d_base_solver_default, d_base_solver_dmp, &
& d_base_smoother_bld, d_base_smoother_apply, &
& d_base_smoother_bld, d_base_smoother_apply, &
& d_base_smoother_free, d_base_smoother_seti, &
& d_base_smoother_free, d_base_smoother_seti, &
& d_base_smoother_setc, d_base_smoother_setr,&
& d_base_smoother_setc, d_base_smoother_setr,&
& d_base_smoother_descr, d_base_smoother_sizeof, &
& d_base_smoother_descr, d_base_smoother_sizeof, &
& d_base_smoother_default
& d_base_smoother_default, d_base_smoother_dmp, &
& d_base_onelev_dump, d_base_onelev_seti, &
& d_base_onelev_setr, d_base_onelev_setc
@ -1405,5 +1411,224 @@ contains
end subroutine d_base_onelev_setr
end subroutine d_base_onelev_setr
subroutine mld_d_dump(prec,info,istart,iend,prefix,head,ac,smoother,solver)
use psb_sparse_mod
implicit none
class(mld_dprec_type), intent(in) :: prec
integer, intent(out) :: info
integer, intent(in), optional :: istart, iend
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix, head
logical, optional, intent(in) :: smoother, solver,ac
integer :: i, j, il1, iln, lname, lev
integer :: icontxt,iam, np
character(len=80) :: prefix_
character(len=120) :: fname ! len should be at least 20 more than
! len of prefix_
info = 0
iln = size(prec%precv)
if (present(istart)) then
il1 = max(1,istart)
il1 = 2
end if
if (present(iend)) then
iln = min(iln, iend)
end if
do lev=il1, iln
call prec%precv(lev)%dump(lev,info,prefix=prefix,head=head,&
& ac=ac,smoother=smoother,solver=solver)
end do
end subroutine mld_d_dump
subroutine d_base_onelev_dump(lv,level,info,prefix,head,ac,smoother,solver)
use psb_sparse_mod
implicit none
class(mld_donelev_type), intent(in) :: lv
integer, intent(in) :: level
integer, intent(out) :: info
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix, head
logical, optional, intent(in) :: ac, smoother, solver
integer :: i, j, il1, iln, lname, lev
integer :: icontxt,iam, np
character(len=80) :: prefix_
character(len=120) :: fname ! len should be at least 20 more than
logical :: ac_
! len of prefix_
info = 0
if (present(prefix)) then
prefix_ = trim(prefix(1:min(len(prefix),len(prefix_))))
prefix_ = "dump_lev_d"
end if
if (associated(lv%base_desc)) then
icontxt = psb_cd_get_context(lv%base_desc)
call psb_info(icontxt,iam,np)
icontxt = -1
iam = -1
end if
if (present(ac)) then
ac_ = ac
ac_ = .false.
end if
lname = len_trim(prefix_)
fname = trim(prefix_)
write(fname(lname+1:lname+5),'(a,i3.3)') '_p',iam
lname = lname + 5
if (level >= 2) then
write(0,*) 'Filename ',fname
if (ac_) call lv%ac%print(fname,head=head)
end if
if (allocated(lv%sm)) &
& call lv%sm%dump(icontxt,level,info,smoother=smoother,solver=solver)
end subroutine d_base_onelev_dump
subroutine d_base_smoother_dmp(sm,ictxt,level,info,prefix,head,smoother,solver)
use psb_sparse_mod
implicit none
class(mld_d_base_smoother_type), intent(in) :: sm
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt,level
integer, intent(out) :: info
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix, head
logical, optional, intent(in) :: smoother, solver
integer :: i, j, il1, iln, lname, lev
integer :: icontxt,iam, np
character(len=80) :: prefix_
character(len=120) :: fname ! len should be at least 20 more than
logical :: smoother_
! len of prefix_
info = 0
if (present(prefix)) then
prefix_ = trim(prefix(1:min(len(prefix),len(prefix_))))
prefix_ = "dump_smth_d"
end if
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
if (present(smoother)) then
smoother_ = smoother
smoother_ = .false.
end if
lname = len_trim(prefix_)
fname = trim(prefix_)
write(fname(lname+1:lname+5),'(a,i3.3)') '_p',iam
lname = lname + 5
! At base level do nothing for the smoother
if (allocated(sm%sv)) &
& call sm%sv%dump(ictxt,level,info,solver=solver)
end subroutine d_base_smoother_dmp
subroutine d_base_solver_dmp(sv,ictxt,level,info,prefix,head,solver)
use psb_sparse_mod
implicit none
class(mld_d_base_solver_type), intent(in) :: sv
integer, intent(in) :: ictxt,level
integer, intent(out) :: info
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix, head
logical, optional, intent(in) :: solver
integer :: i, j, il1, iln, lname, lev
integer :: icontxt,iam, np
character(len=80) :: prefix_
character(len=120) :: fname ! len should be at least 20 more than
logical :: solver_
! len of prefix_
info = 0
if (present(prefix)) then
prefix_ = trim(prefix(1:min(len(prefix),len(prefix_))))
prefix_ = "dump_slv_d"
end if
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
if (present(solver)) then
solver_ = solver
solver_ = .false.
end if
lname = len_trim(prefix_)
fname = trim(prefix_)
write(fname(lname+1:lname+5),'(a,i3.3)') '_p',iam
lname = lname + 5
! At base level do nothing for the solver
end subroutine d_base_solver_dmp
!!$ subroutine mld_d_precdump_fact(prec,info,istart,iend,prefix,head)
!!$ use psb_base_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ type(mld_dprec_type), intent(in) :: prec
!!$ integer, intent(out) :: info
!!$ integer, intent(in), optional :: istart, iend
!!$ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix,head
!!$ integer :: i, j, il1, iln, lname, lev
!!$ integer :: icontxt,iam, np
!!$ character(len=80) :: prefix_
!!$ character(len=120) :: fname ! len should be at least 20 more than
!!$ ! len of prefix_
!!$ info = 0
!!$ if (.not.mld_is_asb(prec)) then
!!$ info = -1
!!$ write(psb_err_unit,*) 'Trying to dump a non-built preconditioner'
!!$ return
!!$ end if
!!$ il1 = 1
!!$ iln = size(prec%precv)
!!$ if (present(istart)) then
!!$ il1 = max(1,istart)
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(iend)) then
!!$ iln = min(iln, iend)
!!$ end if
!!$ if (present(prefix)) then
!!$ prefix_ = trim(prefix(1:min(len(prefix),len(prefix_))))
!!$ else
!!$ prefix_ = "dump_fact_d"
!!$ end if
!!$ icontxt = psb_cd_get_context(prec%precv(1)%prec%desc_data)
!!$ call psb_info(icontxt,iam,np)
!!$ lname = len_trim(prefix_)
!!$ fname = trim(prefix_)
!!$ write(fname(lname+1:lname+5),'(a,i3.3)') '_p',iam
!!$ lname = lname + 5
!!$ do lev=il1, iln
!!$ write(fname(lname+1:),'(a,i3.3,a)')'_l',lev,'_lower.mtx'
!!$ if (psb_is_asb(prec%precv(lev)%prec%av(mld_l_pr_))) &
!!$ & call psb_csprt(fname,prec%precv(lev)%prec%av(mld_l_pr_),head=head)
!!$ write(fname(lname+1:),'(a,i3.3,a)')'_l',lev,'_diag.mtx'
!!$ if (allocated(prec%precv(lev)%prec%d)) &
!!$ & call psb_geprt(fname,prec%precv(lev)%prec%d,head=head)
!!$ write(fname(lname+1:),'(a,i3.3,a)')'_l',lev,'_upper.mtx'
!!$ if (psb_is_asb(prec%precv(lev)%prec%av(mld_u_pr_))) &
!!$ & call psb_csprt(fname,prec%precv(lev)%prec%av(mld_u_pr_),head=head)
!!$ end do
!!$ end subroutine mld_d_precdump_fact
end module mld_d_prec_type
end module mld_d_prec_type