pasquadambra 4 years ago
parent 7b552ce0ba
commit f66238218d

@ -104,9 +104,6 @@ In order to build AMG4PSBLAS, the first step is to use the \verb|configure| scri
in the main directory to generate the necessary makefile.
%\textbf{Sono necessarie le parentesi intorno a s?}
As a minimal example consider the following:

@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ therefore, setting the solver after the layout may change the layout.
Similarly, setting the layout after the solver may change the solver.
More precisely, UMFPACK and SuperLU require the coarsest-level
matrix to be replicated, while SuperLU\_Dist and KRM requires it to be distributed.
matrix to be replicated, while SuperLU\_Dist and KRM require it to be distributed.
In these cases, setting the coarsest-level solver implies that
the layout is redefined according to the solver, ovverriding any
previous settings. MUMPS, point-Jacobi,
@ -396,6 +396,7 @@ the parameter \texttt{ilev}.} \\
& \fortinline|'MUMPS'| \par \fortinline|'UMF'| \par
\fortinline|'SLU'| \par \fortinline|'SLUDIST'| \par
\fortinline|'JACOBI'| \par \fortinline|'GS'| \par \fortinline|'BJAC'| \par \fortinline|'KRM'|
\fortinline|'L1-JACOBI'| \par \fortinline|'L1-BJAC'| \par \fortinline|'L1-FBGS'|
& See~Note.
& Solver used at the coarsest level: sequential
LU from MUMPS, UMFPACK, or SuperLU
@ -504,6 +505,7 @@ level (continued).\label{tab:p_coarse_1}}
\fortinline|'BJAC_STOPTOL'| & \fortinline|real(kind_parameter)| & Any real\par $<1$ & 0 & Tolerance for the stopping criterion on the residual. \\ \hline
\fortinline|'KRM_METHOD'| & \fortinline|character(len=*)| & \fortinline|'CG'| \par \fortinline|'FCG'| \par \fortinline|'CGS'| \par \fortinline|'CGR'| \par \fortinline|'BICG'| \par \fortinline|'BICGSTAB'| \par \fortinline|'BICGSTABL'| \par \fortinline|'RGMRES'| & \fortinline|'FCG'| & A string that defines the iterative method to be
used when employing a Krylov method \fortinline|'KRM'| as a coarse solver. \texttt{CG} the Conjugate Gradient method;
\texttt{FCG} the Flexible Conjugate Gradient method;
\texttt{CGS} the Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method;
\texttt{GCR} the Generalized Conjugate Residual method;
\texttt{FCG} the Flexible Conjugate Gradient method;
