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import GameServer.Structures
This file is a modified copy of `Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal`.
Note that the structures have been moved to `Structures.lean`, but most of the
functions here must be duplicated from `Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal` in order
to use the duplicated structures.
namespace GameServer
open Lean Lean.Widget Lean.Server
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoalCore`
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoalCore.pretty]
def InteractiveGoalCore.pretty (g : InteractiveGoalCore) (userName? : Option String)
(goalPrefix : String) : Format := do
let indent := 2 -- Use option
let mut ret := match userName? with
| some userName => f!"case {userName}"
| none => Format.nil
for hyp in g.hyps do
ret := addLine ret
let names := hyp.names
|>.filter (· != toString Name.anonymous)
|> " ".intercalate
match names with
| "" =>
ret := ret ++ f!":{Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ hyp.type.stripTags)}"
| _ =>
match hyp.val? with
| some val =>
ret := ret ++ f!"{names} : {hyp.type.stripTags} :={Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ val.stripTags)}"
| none =>
ret := ret ++ f!"{names} :{Format.nest indent (Format.line ++ hyp.type.stripTags)}"
ret := addLine ret
ret ++ f!"{goalPrefix}{Format.nest indent g.type.stripTags}"
addLine (fmt : Format) : Format :=
if fmt.isNil then fmt else fmt ++ Format.line
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoal`
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal.pretty]
def InteractiveGoal.pretty (g : InteractiveGoal) : Format :=
g.toInteractiveGoalCore.pretty g.userName? g.goalPrefix
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveTermGoal`
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveTermGoal.pretty]
def InteractiveTermGoal.pretty (g : InteractiveTermGoal) : Format :=
g.toInteractiveGoalCore.pretty none "⊢ "
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoal`
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoals]
structure InteractiveGoals where
goals : Array InteractiveGoal
deriving RpcEncodable
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveGoals`
-- @[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoals.append]
def InteractiveGoals.append (l r : InteractiveGoals) : InteractiveGoals where
goals := l.goals ++ r.goals
instance : Append InteractiveGoals := ⟨InteractiveGoals.append⟩
instance : EmptyCollection InteractiveGoals := ⟨{goals := #[]}⟩
open Meta in
-- duplicated with custom `InteractiveHypothesisBundle` and therefore added `isAssumption?`
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.addInteractiveHypothesisBundle]
def addInteractiveHypothesisBundle (hyps : Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle)
(ids : Array (String × FVarId)) (type : Expr) (value? : Option Expr := none) :
MetaM (Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle) := do
if ids.size == 0 then
throwError "Can only add a nonzero number of ids as an InteractiveHypothesisBundle."
let fvarIds := Prod.snd
let names := Prod.fst
return hyps.push {
type := (← ppExprTagged type)
val? := (← value?.mapM ppExprTagged)
isInstance? := if (← isClass? type).isSome then true else none
isType? := if (← instantiateMVars type).isSort then true else none
-- Added:
isAssumption? := if (← inferType type).isProp then true else none
open Meta in
variable [MonadControlT MetaM n] [Monad n] [MonadError n] [MonadOptions n] [MonadMCtx n] in
def withGoalCtx (goal : MVarId) (action : LocalContext → MetavarDecl → n α) : n α := do
let mctx ← getMCtx
let some mvarDecl := mctx.findDecl? goal
| throwError "unknown goal {}"
let lctx := mvarDecl.lctx |>' {options := (← getOptions)}
withLCtx lctx mvarDecl.localInstances (action lctx mvarDecl)
open Meta in
-- Duplicated from `Lean.Widget.goalToInteractive` with custom structures
@[inherit_doc Lean.Widget.goalToInteractive]
def goalToInteractive (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM InteractiveGoal := do
let ppAuxDecls := pp.auxDecls.get (← getOptions)
let ppImplDetailHyps := pp.implementationDetailHyps.get (← getOptions)
let showLetValues := pp.showLetValues.get (← getOptions)
withGoalCtx mvarId fun lctx mvarDecl => do
let pushPending (ids : Array (String × FVarId)) (type? : Option Expr) (hyps : Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle)
: MetaM (Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle) :=
if ids.isEmpty then
pure hyps
match type? with
| none => pure hyps
| some type => addInteractiveHypothesisBundle hyps ids type
let mut varNames : Array (String × FVarId) := #[]
let mut prevType? : Option Expr := none
let mut hyps : Array InteractiveHypothesisBundle := #[]
for localDecl in lctx do
if !ppAuxDecls && localDecl.isAuxDecl || !ppImplDetailHyps && localDecl.isImplementationDetail then
match localDecl with
| LocalDecl.cdecl _index fvarId varName type _ _ =>
let varName := toString varName
let type ← instantiateMVars type
if prevType? == none || prevType? == some type then
varNames := varNames.push (varName, fvarId)
hyps ← pushPending varNames prevType? hyps
varNames := #[(varName, fvarId)]
prevType? := some type
| LocalDecl.ldecl _index fvarId varName type val _ _ => do
let varName := toString varName
hyps ← pushPending varNames prevType? hyps
let type ← instantiateMVars type
let val? ← if showLetValues then pure (some (← instantiateMVars val)) else pure none
hyps ← addInteractiveHypothesisBundle hyps #[(varName, fvarId)] type val?
varNames := #[]
prevType? := none
hyps ← pushPending varNames prevType? hyps
let goalTp ← instantiateMVars mvarDecl.type
let goalFmt ← ppExprTagged goalTp
let userName? := match mvarDecl.userName with
| Name.anonymous => none
| name => some <| toString name.eraseMacroScopes
return {
type := goalFmt
ctx := ⟨←⟩
goalPrefix := getGoalPrefix mvarDecl
end GameServer