extract NNG
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
import GameServer.Commands
import NNG.Levels.Tutorial
import NNG.Levels.Addition
import NNG.Levels.Multiplication
import NNG.Levels.Power
import NNG.Levels.Function
import NNG.Levels.Proposition
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition
import NNG.Levels.AdvAddition
import NNG.Levels.AdvMultiplication
--import NNG.Levels.Inequality
Game "NNG"
Title "Natural Number Game"
# Natural Number Game
##### version 3.0.1
Welcome to the natural number game -- a game which shows the power of induction.
In this game, you get own version of the natural numbers, in an interactive
theorem prover called Lean. Your version of the natural numbers satisfies something called
the principle of mathematical induction, and a couple of other things too (Peano's axioms).
Unfortunately, nobody has proved any theorems about these
natural numbers yet! For example, addition will be defined for you,
but nobody has proved that `x + y = y + x` yet. This is your job. You're going to
prove mathematical theorems using the Lean theorem prover. In other words, you're going to solve
levels in a computer game.
You're going to prove these theorems using *tactics*. The introductory world, Tutorial World,
will take you through some of these tactics. During your proofs, the assistant shows your
\"goal\" (i.e. what you're supposed to be proving) and keeps track of the state of your proof.
Click on the blue \"Tutorial World\" to start your journey!
## Save progress
The game stores your progress locally in your browser storage.
If you delete it, your progress will be lost!
(usually the *website data* gets deleted together with cookies.)
## Credits
* **Original Lean3-version:** Kevin Buzzard, Mohammad Pedramfar
* **Content adaptation**: Jon Eugster
* **Game Engine:** Alexander Bentkamp, Jon Eugster, Patrick Massot
## Resources
* The [Lean Zulip chat](https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/) forum
* [Original Lean3 version](https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game/)
* [A textbook-style (lean4) version of the NN-game](https://lovettsoftware.com/NaturalNumbers/TutorialWorld/Level1.lean.html)
Path Tutorial → Addition → Function → Proposition → AdvProposition → AdvAddition → AdvMultiplication
Path Addition → Multiplication → AdvMultiplication -- → Inequality
Path Multiplication → Power
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Levels.AdvMultiplication.Level_1
import NNG.Levels.AdvMultiplication.Level_2
import NNG.Levels.AdvMultiplication.Level_3
import NNG.Levels.AdvMultiplication.Level_4
Game "NNG"
World "AdvMultiplication"
Title "Advanced Multiplication World"
Welcome to Advanced Multiplication World! Before attempting this
world you should have completed seven other worlds, including
Multiplication World and Advanced Addition World. There are four
levels in this world.
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_1
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_2
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_3
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_4
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_5
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_6
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_7
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_8
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_9
import NNG.Levels.AdvProposition.Level_10
Game "NNG"
World "AdvProposition"
Title "Advanced Proposition World"
In this world we will learn five key tactics needed to solve all the
levels of the Natural Number Game, namely `constructor`, `rcases`, `left`, `right`, and `exfalso`.
These, and `use` (which we'll get to in Inequality World) are all the
tactics you will need to beat all the levels of the game.
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "AdvProposition"
Level 1
Title "the `split` tactic"
open MyNat
The logical symbol `∧` means \"and\". If $P$ and $Q$ are propositions, then
$P\\land Q$ is the proposition \"$P$ and $Q$\".
"If $P$ and $Q$ are true, then $P\\land Q$ is true."
(P Q : Prop) (p : P) (q : Q) : P ∧ Q := by
Hint "If your *goal* is `P ∧ Q` then
you can make progress with the `constructor` tactic, which turns one goal `P ∧ Q`
into two goals, namely `P` and `Q`."
Hint "Now you have two goals. The first one is `P`, which you can proof now. The
second one is `Q` and you see it in the queue \"Other Goals\". You will have to prove it afterwards."
Hint (hidden := true) "This first goal can be proved with `exact p`."
exact p
-- Hint "Observe that now the first goal has been proved, so it disappears and you continue
-- proving the second goal."
-- Hint (hidden := true) "Like the first goal, this is a case for `exact`."
-- -- TODO: It looks like these hints get shown above as well, but weirdly the hints from
-- -- above to not get shown here.
exact q
NewTactic constructor
NewDefinition And
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "AdvProposition"
Level 2
Title "the `rcases` tactic"
open MyNat
If `P ∧ Q` is in the goal, then we can make progress with `constructor`.
But what if `P ∧ Q` is a hypothesis? In this case, the `rcases` tactic will enable
us to extract proofs of `P` and `Q` from this hypothesis.
Statement -- and_symm
"If $P$ and $Q$ are true/false statements, then $P\\land Q\\implies Q\\land P$. "
(P Q : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P := by
Hint "The lemma below asks us to prove `P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P`, that is,
symmetry of the \"and\" relation. The obvious first move is
intro h
because the goal is an implication and this tactic is guaranteed
to make progress."
intro h
Hint "Now `{h} : P ∧ Q` is a hypothesis, and
rcases {h} with ⟨p, q⟩
will change `{h}`, the proof of `P ∧ Q`, into two proofs `p : P`
and `q : Q`.
You can write `⟨p, q⟩` with `\\<>` or `\\<` and `\\>`. Note that `rcases h` by itself will just
automatically name the new assumptions."
rcases h with ⟨p, q⟩
Hint "Now a combination of `constructor` and `exact` will get you home."
exact q
exact p
NewTactic rcases
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "AdvProposition"
Level 3
Title "and_trans"
open MyNat
Here is another exercise to `rcases` and `constructor`.
Statement --and_trans
"If $P$, $Q$ and $R$ are true/false statements, then $P\\land Q$ and
$Q\\land R$ together imply $P\\land R$."
(P Q R : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ R → P ∧ R := by
Hint "Here's a trick:
Your first steps would probably be
intro h
rcases h with ⟨p, q⟩
i.e. introducing a new assumption and then immediately take it appart.
In that case you could do that in a single step:
intro ⟨p, q⟩
intro hpq
rcases hpq with ⟨p, q⟩
intro hqr
rcases hqr with ⟨q', r⟩
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "AdvProposition"
Level 4
Title ""
open MyNat
The mathematical statement $P\\iff Q$ is equivalent to $(P\\implies Q)\\land(Q\\implies P)$. The `rcases`
and `constructor` tactics work on hypotheses and goals (respectively) of the form `P ↔ Q`. If you need
to write an `↔` arrow you can do so by typing `\\iff`, but you shouldn't need to.
Statement --iff_trans
"If $P$, $Q$ and $R$ are true/false statements, then
$P\\iff Q$ and $Q\\iff R$ together imply $P\\iff R$."
(P Q R : Prop) : (P ↔ Q) → (Q ↔ R) → (P ↔ R) := by
Hint "Similar to \"and\", you can use `intro` and `rcases` to add the `P ↔ Q` to your
assumptions and split it into its constituent parts."
intro hpq
intro hqr
Hint "Now you want to use `rcases {hpq} with ⟨pq, qp⟩`."
rcases hpq with ⟨hpq, hqp⟩
rcases hqr with ⟨hqr, hrq⟩
intro ⟨pq, qp⟩
intro ⟨qr, rq⟩
Hint "If you want to prove an iff-statement, you can use `constructor` to split it
into its two implications."
· intro p
apply qr
apply pq
exact p
· intro r
apply qp
apply rq
exact r
NewDefinition Iff
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "AdvProposition"
Level 5
Title "Easter eggs."
open MyNat
Let's try this again. Try proving it in other ways. (Note that `rcases` is temporarily disabled.)
### A trick.
Instead of using `rcases` on `h : P ↔ Q` you can just access the proofs of `P → Q` and `Q → P`
directly with `h.1` and `h.2`. So you can solve this level with
intro hpq hqr
intro p
apply hqr.1
### Another trick
Instead of using `rcases` on `h : P ↔ Q`, you can just `rw [h]`, and this will change all `P`s to `Q`s
in the goal. You can use this to create a much shorter proof. Note that
this is an argument for *not* running the `rcases` tactic on an iff statement;
you cannot rewrite one-way implications, but you can rewrite two-way implications.
-- ### Another trick
-- `cc` works on this sort of goal too.
Statement --iff_trans
"If $P$, $Q$ and $R$ are true/false statements, then `P ↔ Q` and `Q ↔ R` together imply `P ↔ R`.
(P Q R : Prop) : (P ↔ Q) → (Q ↔ R) → (P ↔ R) := by
intro hpq hqr
Hint "Make a choice and continue either with `constructor` or `rw`.
* if you use `constructor`, you will use `{hqr}.1, {hqr}.2, …` later.
* if you use `rw`, you can replace all `P`s with `Q`s using `rw [{hpq}]`"
rw [hpq]
exact hqr
rw [hqr]
Hint "Now `rfl` can close this goal.
TODO: Note that the current modification of `rfl` is too weak to prove this. For now, you can
use `simp` instead (which calls the \"real\" `rfl` internally)."
intro p
Hint "Now you can directly `apply {hqr}.1`"
apply hqr.1
apply hpq.1
intro r
apply hpq.2
apply hqr.2
DisabledTactic rcases
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "AdvProposition"
Level 9
Title "`exfalso` and proof by contradiction. "
open MyNat
It's certainly true that $P\\land(\\lnot P)\\implies Q$ for any propositions $P$
and $Q$, because the left hand side of the implication is false. But how do
we prove that `False` implies any proposition $Q$? A cheap way of doing it in
Lean is using the `exfalso` tactic, which changes any goal at all to `False`.
You might think this is a step backwards, but if you have a hypothesis `h : ¬ P`
then after `rw not_iff_imp_false at h,` you can `apply h,` to make progress.
Try solving this level without using `cc` or `tauto`, but using `exfalso` instead.
Statement --contra
"If $P$ and $Q$ are true/false statements, then
$$(P\\land(\\lnot P))\\implies Q.$$"
(P Q : Prop) : (P ∧ ¬ P) → Q := by
Hint "Start as usual with `intro ⟨p, np⟩`."
-- TODO: This hint needs to be strict
-- Hint "Not so quick! Now you just threw everything away."
intro h
Hint "You should also call `rcases` on your assumption `{h}`."
rcases h with ⟨p, np ⟩
-- TODO: This hint should before the last `exact p` step again.
Hint "Now you can call `exfalso` to throw away your goal `Q`. It will be replaced with `False` and
which means you will have to prove a contradiction."
-- TODO: Would `contradiction` not be more useful to introduce than `exfalso`?
Hint "Recall that `{np} : ¬ P` means `np : P → False`, which means you can simply `apply {np}` now.
You can also first call `rw [Not] at {np}` to make this step more explicit."
rw [Not] at np
apply np
exact p
-- TODO: `contradiction`?
NewTactic exfalso
-- DisabledTactic cc
LemmaTab "Prop"
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
-- TODO: Cannot import level from different world.
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 1
Title "the `exact` tactic"
open MyNat
## A new kind of goal.
All through addition world, our goals have been theorems,
and it was our job to find the proofs.
**The levels in function world aren't theorems**. This is the only world where
the levels aren't theorems in fact. In function world the object of a level
is to create an element of the set in the goal. The goal will look like `Goal: X`
with $X$ a set and you get rid of the goal by constructing an element of $X$.
I don't know if you noticed this, but you finished
essentially every goal of Addition World (and Multiplication World and Power World,
if you played them) with `rfl`.
This tactic is no use to us here.
We are going to have to learn a new way of solving goals – the `exact` tactic.
## The `exact` tactic
If you can explicitly see how to make an element of your goal set,
i.e. you have a formula for it, then you can just write `exact <formula>`
and this will close the goal.
"If $P$ is true, and $P\\implies Q$ is also true, then $Q$ is true."
(P Q : Prop) (p : P) (h : P → Q) : Q := by
"In this situation, we have sets $P$ and $Q$ (but Lean calls them types),
and an element $p$ of $P$ (written `p : P`
but meaning $p\\in P$). We also have a function $h$ from $P$ to $Q$,
and our goal is to construct an
element of the set $Q$. It's clear what to do *mathematically* to solve
this goal -- we can
make an element of $Q$ by applying the function $h$ to
the element $p$. But how to do it in Lean? There are at least two ways
to explain this idea to Lean,
and here we will learn about one of them, namely the method which
uses the `exact` tactic.
Concretely, `h p` is an element of type `Q`, so you can use `exact h p` to use it.
Note that while in mathematics you might write $h(p)$, in Lean you always avoid brackets
for function application: `h p`. Brackets are only used for grouping elements, for
example for repeated funciton application, you could write `g (h p)`.
Hint (hidden := true) "
**Important note**: Note that `exact h P,` won't work (with a capital $P$);
this is a common error I see from beginners.
$P$ is not an element of $P$, it's $p$ that is an element of $P$.
So try `exact h p`.
exact h p
NewTactic exact simp
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 3
Title "the have tactic"
open MyNat
Say you have a whole bunch of sets and functions between them,
and your goal is to build a certain element of a certain set.
If it helps, you can build intermediate elements of other sets
along the way, using the `have` command. `have` is the Lean analogue
of saying \"let's define an element $q\\in Q$ by...\" in the middle of a calculation.
It is often not logically necessary, but on the other hand
it is very convenient, for example it can save on notation, or
it can break proofs or calculations up into smaller steps.
In the level below, we have an element of $P$ and we want an element
of $U$; during the proof we will make several intermediate elements
of some of the other sets involved. The diagram of sets and
functions looks like this pictorially:
P @>{h}>> Q @>{i}>> R \\\\
@. @VV{j}V \\\\
S @>>{k}> T @>>{l}> U
and so it's clear how to make the element of $U$ from the element of $P$.
"Given an element of $P$ we can define an element of $U$."
(P Q R S T U: Type) (p : P) (h : P → Q) (i : Q → R) (j : Q → T) (k : S → T) (l : T → U) :
U := by
Hint "Indeed, we could solve this level in one move by typing
exact l (j (h p))
But let us instead stroll more lazily through the level.
We can start by using the `have` tactic to make an element of $Q$:
have q := h p
exact l (j (h p))
have q := h p
Hint "
and now we note that $j(q)$ is an element of $T$
have t : T := j q
(notice how we can explicitly tell Lean
what set we thought $t$ was in, with that `: T` thing before the `:=`.
This is optional unless Lean can not figure it out by itself.)
have t : T := j q
Hint "
Now we could even define $u$ to be $l(t)$:
have u : U := l t
have u : U := l t
Hint "…and then finish the level with `exact u`."
exact u
NewTactic «have»
If you solved the level using `have`, then you might have observed
that before the final step the context got quite messy by all the intermediate
variables we introduced. You can click \"Toggle Editor\" and then move the cursor
around to see the proof you created.
The context was already bad enough to start with, and we added three more
terms to it. In level 4 we will learn about the `apply` tactic
which solves the level using another technique, without leaving
so much junk behind.
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 4
Title "the `apply` tactic"
open MyNat
"Let's do the same level again:
P @>{h}>> Q @>{i}>> R \\\\
@. @VV{j}V \\\\
S @>>{k}> T @>>{l}> U
We are given $p \\in P$ and our goal is to find an element of $U$, or
in other words to find a path through the maze that links $P$ to $U$.
In level 3 we solved this by using `have`s to move forward, from $P$
to $Q$ to $T$ to $U$. Using the `apply` tactic we can instead construct
the path backwards, moving from $U$ to $T$ to $Q$ to $P$.
"Given an element of $P$ we can define an element of $U$."
(P Q R S T U: Type)
(p : P)
(h : P → Q)
(i : Q → R)
(j : Q → T)
(k : S → T)
(l : T → U) : U :=
Hint "Our goal is to construct an element of the set $U$. But $l:T\\to U$ is
a function, so it would suffice to construct an element of $T$. Tell
Lean this by starting the proof below with
apply l
apply l
Hint "Notice that our assumptions don't change but *the goal changes*
from `U` to `T`.
Keep `apply`ing functions until your goal is `P`, and try not
to get lost!"
apply k
Hint "Looks like you got lost. \"Undo\" the last step."
apply j
apply h
Hint " Now solve this goal
with `exact p`. Note: you will need to learn the difference between
`exact p` (which works) and `exact P` (which doesn't, because $P$ is
not an element of $P$)."
exact p
NewTactic apply
DisabledTactic «have»
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 5
Title "P → (Q → P)"
open MyNat
In this level, our goal is to construct a function, like in level 2.
P → (Q → P)
So $P$ and $Q$ are sets, and our goal is to construct a function
which takes an element of $P$ and outputs a function from $Q$ to $P$.
We don't know anything at all about the sets $P$ and $Q$, so initially
this seems like a bit of a tall order. But let's give it a go.
"We define an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(P,\\operatorname{Hom}(Q,P))$."
(P Q : Type) : P → (Q → P) := by
Hint "Our goal is `P → X` for some set $X=\\operatorname\{Hom}(Q,P)$, and if our
goal is to construct a function then we almost always want to use the
`intro` tactic from level 2, Lean's version of \"let $p\\in P$ be arbitrary.\"
So let's start with
intro p
intro p
Hint "
We now have an arbitrary element $p\\in P$ and we are supposed to be constructing
a function $Q\to P$. Well, how about the constant function, which
sends everything to $p$?
This will work. So let $q\\in Q$ be arbitrary:
intro q
intro q
Hint "and then let's output `p`.
exact p
exact p
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 6
Title "(P → (Q → R)) → ((P → Q) → (P → R))"
open MyNat
You can solve this level completely just using `intro`, `apply` and `exact`,
but if you want to argue forwards instead of backwards then don't forget
that you can do things like
have j : Q → R := f p
if `f : P → (Q → R)` and `p : P`. Remember the trick with the colon in `have`:
we could just write `have j := f p,` but this way we can be sure that `j` is
what we actually expect it to be.
"Whatever the sets $P$ and $Q$ and $R$ are, we
make an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\operatorname{Hom}(P,\\operatorname{Hom}(Q,R)),
(P Q R : Type) : (P → (Q → R)) → ((P → Q) → (P → R)) := by
Hint "I recommend that you start with `intro f` rather than `intro p`
because even though the goal starts `P → _`, the brackets mean that
the goal is not a function from `P` to anything, it's a function from
`P → (Q → R)` to something. In fact you can save time by starting
with `intro f h p`, which introduces three variables at once, although you'd
better then look at your tactic state to check that you called all those new
terms sensible things. "
intro f
intro h
intro p
Hint "
If you try `have j : {Q} → {R} := {f} {p}`
now then you can `apply j`.
Alternatively you can `apply ({f} {p})` directly.
What happens if you just try `apply {f}`?
-- TODO: This hint needs strictness to make sense
-- Branch
-- apply f
-- Hint "Can you figure out what just happened? This is a little
-- `apply` easter egg. Why is it mathematically valid?"
-- Hint (hidden := true) "Note that there are two goals now, first you need to
-- provide an element in ${P}$ which you did not provide before."
have j : Q → R := f p
apply j
Hint (hidden := true) "Is there something you could apply? something of the form
`_ → Q`?"
apply h
exact p
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 7
Title "(P → Q) → ((Q → F) → (P → F))"
open MyNat
Have you noticed that, in stark contrast to earlier worlds,
we are not amassing a large collection of useful theorems?
We really are just constructing abstract levels with sets and
functions, and then solving them and never using the results
ever again. Here's another one, which should hopefully be
very easy for you now. Advanced mathematician viewers will
know it as contravariance of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\cdot,F)$
"Whatever the sets $P$ and $Q$ and $F$ are, we
make an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\operatorname{Hom}(P,Q),
(P Q F : Type) : (P → Q) → ((Q → F) → (P → F)) := by
intro f
intro h
intro p
apply h
apply f
exact p
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 8
Title "(P → Q) → ((Q → empty) → (P → empty))"
open MyNat
Level 8 is the same as level 7, except we have replaced the
set $F$ with the empty set $\\emptyset$. The same proof will work (after all, our
previous proof worked for all sets, and the empty set is a set).
"Whatever the sets $P$ and $Q$ are, we
make an element of $\\operatorname{Hom}(\\operatorname{Hom}(P,Q),
(P Q : Type) : (P → Q) → ((Q → Empty) → (P → Empty)) := by
Hint (hidden := true) "Maybe start again with `intro`."
intros f h p
Hint "
Note that now your job is to construct an element of the empty set!
This on the face of it seems hard, but what is going on is that
our hypotheses (we have an element of $P$, and functions $P\\to Q$
and $Q\\to\\emptyset$) are themselves contradictory, so
I guess we are doing some kind of proof by contradiction at this point? However,
if your next line is
apply {h}
then all of a sudden the goal
seems like it might be possible again. If this is confusing, note
that the proof of the previous world worked for all sets $F$, so in particular
it worked for the empty set, you just probably weren't really thinking about
this case explicitly beforehand. [Technical note to constructivists: I know
that we are not doing a proof by contradiction. But how else do you explain
to a classical mathematician that their goal is to prove something false
and this is OK because their hypotheses don't add up?]
apply h
apply f
exact p
Conclusion ""
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
Game "NNG"
World "Function"
Level 9
Title ""
open MyNat
I asked around on Zulip and apparently there is not a tactic for this, perhaps because
this level is rather artificial. In world 6 we will see a variant of this example
which can be solved by a tactic. It would be an interesting project to make a tactic
which could solve this sort of level in Lean.
You can of course work both forwards and backwards, or you could crack and draw a picture.
"Given a bunch of functions, we can define another one."
(A B C D E F G H I J K L : Type)
(f1 : A → B) (f2 : B → E) (f3 : E → D) (f4 : D → A) (f5 : E → F)
(f6 : F → C) (f7 : B → C) (f8 : F → G) (f9 : G → J) (f10 : I → J)
(f11 : J → I) (f12 : I → H) (f13 : E → H) (f14 : H → K) (f15 : I → L) : A → L := by
Hint "In any case, start with `intro a`!"
intro a
Hint "Now use a combination of `have` and `apply`."
apply f15
apply f11
apply f9
apply f8
apply f5
apply f2
apply f1
exact a
That's the end of Function World! Next it's Proposition world, and the tactics you've learnt in Function World are enough
to solve all nine levels! In fact, the levels in Proposition world might look strangely familiar$\\ldots$.
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_1
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_2
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_3
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_4
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_5
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_6
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_7
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_8
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_9
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_10
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_11
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_12
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_13
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_14
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_15
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_16
-- import NNG.Levels.Inequality.Level_17
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Title "Inequality World"
A new import, giving us a new definition. If `a` and `b` are naturals,
`a ≤ b` is *defined* to mean
`∃ (c : mynat), b = a + c`
The upside-down E means \"there exists\". So in words, $a\\le b$
if and only if there exists a natural $c$ such that $b=a+c$.
If you really want to change an `a ≤ b` to `∃ c, b = a + c` then
you can do so with `rw le_iff_exists_add`:
le_iff_exists_add (a b : mynat) :
a ≤ b ↔ ∃ (c : mynat), b = a + c
But because `a ≤ b` is *defined as* `∃ (c : mynat), b = a + c`, you
do not need to `rw le_iff_exists_add`, you can just pretend when you see `a ≤ b`
that it says `∃ (c : mynat), b = a + c`. You will see a concrete
example of this below.
A new construction like `∃` means that we need to learn how to manipulate it.
There are two situations. Firstly we need to know how to solve a goal
of the form `⊢ ∃ c, ...`, and secondly we need to know how to use a hypothesis
of the form `∃ c, ...`.
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 10
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 11
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 12
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 13
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 14
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 15
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 16
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 17
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 4
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 5
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 6
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 7
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 8
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.LE
import Mathlib.Tactic.Use
Game "NNG"
World "Inequality"
Level 9
Title ""
open MyNat
: true := by
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_1
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_2
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_3
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_4
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_5
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_6
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_7
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_8
import NNG.Levels.Proposition.Level_9 -- `cc` is not ported
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Title "Proposition World"
A Proposition is a true/false statement, like `2 + 2 = 4` or `2 + 2 = 5`.
Just like we can have concrete sets in Lean like `mynat`, and abstract
sets called things like `X`, we can also have concrete propositions like
`2 + 2 = 5` and abstract propositions called things like `P`.
Mathematicians are very good at conflating a theorem with its proof.
They might say \"now use theorem 12 and we're done\". What they really
mean is \"now use the proof of theorem 12...\" (i.e. the fact that we proved
it already). Particularly problematic is the fact that mathematicians
use the word Proposition to mean \"a relatively straightforward statement
which is true\" and computer scientists use it to mean \"a statement of
arbitrary complexity, which might be true or false\". Computer scientists
are far more careful about distinguishing between a proposition and a proof.
For example: `x + 0 = x` is a proposition, and `add_zero x`
is its proof. The convention we'll use is capital letters for propositions
and small letters for proofs.
In this world you will see the local context in the following kind of state:
P : Prop
p : P
Here `P` is the true/false statement (the statement of proposition), and `p` is its proof.
It's like `P` being the set and `p` being the element. In fact computer scientists
sometimes think about the following analogy: propositions are like sets,
and their proofs are like their elements.
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 1
Title "the `exact` tactic"
open MyNat
What's going on in this world?
We're going to learn about manipulating propositions and proofs.
Fortunately, we don't need to learn a bunch of new tactics -- the
ones we just learnt (`exact`, `intro`, `have`, `apply`) will be perfect.
The levels in proposition world are \"back to normal\", we're proving
theorems, not constructing elements of sets. Or are we?
"If $P$ is true, and $P\\implies Q$ is also true, then $Q$ is true."
(P Q : Prop) (p : P) (h : P → Q) : Q := by
In this situation, we have true/false statements $P$ and $Q$,
a proof $p$ of $P$, and $h$ is the hypothesis that $P\\implies Q$.
Our goal is to construct a proof of $Q$. It's clear what to do
*mathematically* to solve this goal, $P$ is true and $P$ implies $Q$
so $Q$ is true. But how to do it in Lean?
Adopting a point of view wholly unfamiliar to many mathematicians,
Lean interprets the hypothesis $h$ as a function from proofs
of $P$ to proofs of $Q$, so the rather surprising approach
exact h p
works to close the goal.
Note that `exact h P` (with a capital P) won't work;
this is a common error I see from beginners. \"We're trying to solve `P`
so it's exactly `P`\". The goal states the *theorem*, your job is to
construct the *proof*. $P$ is not a proof of $P$, it's $p$ that is a proof of $P$.
In Lean, Propositions, like sets, are types, and proofs, like elements of sets, are terms.
exact h p
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 2
Title "intro"
open MyNat
Let's prove an implication. Let $P$ be a true/false statement,
and let's prove that $P\\implies P$. You can see that the goal of this level is
`P → P`. Constructing a term
of type `P → P` (which is what solving this goal *means*) in this
case amounts to proving that $P\\implies P$, and computer scientists
think of this as coming up with a function which sends proofs of $P$
to proofs of $P$.
To define an implication $P\\implies Q$ we need to choose an arbitrary
proof $p : P$ of $P$ and then, perhaps using $p$, construct a proof
of $Q$. The Lean way to say \"let's assume $P$ is true\" is `intro p`,
i.e., \"let's assume we have a proof of $P$\".
## Note for worriers.
Those of you who know
something about the subtle differences between truth and provability
discovered by Goedel -- these are not relevant here. Imagine we are
working in a fixed model of mathematics, and when I say \"proof\"
I actually mean \"truth in the model\", or \"proof in the metatheory\".
## Rule of thumb:
If your goal is to prove `P → Q` (i.e. that $P\\implies Q$)
then `intro p`, meaning \"assume $p$ is a proof of $P$\", will make progress.
"If $P$ is a proposition then $P\\implies P$."
{P : Prop} : P → P := by
Hint "
To solve this goal, you have to come up with a function from
`P` (thought of as the set of proofs of $P$!) to itself. Start with
intro p
intro p
Hint "
Our job now is to construct a proof of $P$. But ${p}$ is a proof of $P$.
`exact {p}`
will close the goal. Note that `exact P` will not work -- don't
confuse a true/false statement (which could be false!) with a proof.
We will stick with the convention of capital letters for propositions
and small letters for proofs.
exact p
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 3
Title "have"
open MyNat
Say you have a whole bunch of propositions and implications between them,
and your goal is to build a certain proof of a certain proposition.
If it helps, you can build intermediate proofs of other propositions
along the way, using the `have` command. `have q : Q := ...` is the Lean analogue
of saying \"We now see that we can prove $Q$, because...\"
in the middle of a proof.
It is often not logically necessary, but on the other hand
it is very convenient, for example it can save on notation, or
it can break proofs up into smaller steps.
In the level below, we have a proof of $P$ and we want a proof
of $U$; during the proof we will construct proofs of
of some of the other propositions involved. The diagram of
propositions and implications looks like this pictorially:
P @>{h}>> Q @>{i}>> R \\\\
@. @VV{j}V \\\\
S @>>{k}> T @>>{l}> U
and so it's clear how to deduce $U$ from $P$.
"In the maze of logical implications above, if $P$ is true then so is $U$."
(P Q R S T U: Prop) (p : P) (h : P → Q) (i : Q → R)
(j : Q → T) (k : S → T) (l : T → U) : U := by
Hint "Indeed, we could solve this level in one move by typing
exact l (j (h p))
But let us instead stroll more lazily through the level.
We can start by using the `have` tactic to make a proof of $Q$:
have q := h p
have q := h p
Hint "
and then we note that $j {q}$ is a proof of $T$:
have t : T := j {q}
have t := j q
Hint "
(note how we explicitly told Lean what proposition we thought ${t}$ was
a proof of, with that `: T` thing before the `:=`)
and we could even define $u$ to be $l {t}$:
have u : U := l {t}
have u := l t
Hint " and now finish the level with `exact {u}`."
exact u
DisabledTactic apply
If you solved the level using `have`, then click on the last line of your proof
(you do know you can move your cursor around with the arrow keys
and explore your proof, right?) and note that the local context at that point
is in something like the following mess:
P Q R S T U : Prop
p : P
h : P → Q
i : Q → R
j : Q → T
k : S → T
l : T → U
q : Q
t : T
u : U
Goal :
It was already bad enough to start with, and we added three more
terms to it. In level 4 we will learn about the `apply` tactic
which solves the level using another technique, without leaving
so much junk behind.
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 4
Title "apply"
open MyNat
Let's do the same level again:
P @>{h}>> Q @>{i}>> R \\\\
@. @VV{j}V \\\\
S @>>{k}> T @>>{l}> U
We are given a proof $p$ of $P$ and our goal is to find a proof of $U$, or
in other words to find a path through the maze that links $P$ to $U$.
In level 3 we solved this by using `have`s to move forward, from $P$
to $Q$ to $T$ to $U$. Using the `apply` tactic we can instead construct
the path backwards, moving from $U$ to $T$ to $Q$ to $P$.
"We can solve a maze."
(P Q R S T U: Prop) (p : P) (h : P → Q) (i : Q → R)
(j : Q → T) (k : S → T) (l : T → U) : U := by
Hint "Our goal is to prove $U$. But $l:T\\implies U$ is
an implication which we are assuming, so it would suffice to prove $T$.
Tell Lean this by starting the proof below with
apply l
apply l
Hint "Notice that our assumptions don't change but *the goal changes*
from `U` to `T`.
Keep `apply`ing implications until your goal is `P`, and try not
to get lost!"
apply k
Hint "Looks like you got lost. \"Undo\" the last step."
apply j
apply h
Hint "Now solve this goal
with `exact p`. Note: you will need to learn the difference between
`exact p` (which works) and `exact P` (which doesn't, because $P$ is
not a proof of $P$)."
exact p
DisabledTactic «have»
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 5
Title "P → (Q → P)"
open MyNat
In this level, our goal is to construct an implication, like in level 2.
P → (Q → P)
So $P$ and $Q$ are propositions, and our goal is to prove
that $P\\implies(Q\\implies P)$.
We don't know whether $P$, $Q$ are true or false, so initially
this seems like a bit of a tall order. But let's give it a go.
"For any propositions $P$ and $Q$, we always have
$P\\implies(Q\\implies P)$."
(P Q : Prop) : P → (Q → P) := by
Hint "Our goal is `P → X` for some true/false statement $X$, and if our
goal is to construct an implication then we almost always want to use the
`intro` tactic from level 2, Lean's version of \"assume $P$\", or more precisely
\"assume $p$ is a proof of $P$\". So let's start with
intro p
intro p
Hint "We now have a proof $p$ of $P$ and we are supposed to be constructing
a proof of $Q\\implies P$. So let's assume that $Q$ is true and try
and prove that $P$ is true. We assume $Q$ like this:
intro q
intro q
Hint "Now we have to prove $P$, but have a proof handy:
exact {p}
exact p
A mathematician would treat the proposition $P\\implies(Q\\implies P)$
as the same as the proposition $P\\land Q\\implies P$,
because to give a proof of either of these is just to give a method which takes
a proof of $P$ and a proof of $Q$, and returns a proof of $P$. Thinking of the
goal as $P\\land Q\\implies P$ we see why it is provable.
## Did you notice?
I wrote `P → (Q → P)` but Lean just writes `P → Q → P`. This is because
computer scientists adopt the convention that `→` is *right associative*,
which is a fancy way of saying \"when we write `P → Q → R`, we mean `P → (Q → R)`.
Mathematicians would never dream of writing something as ambiguous as
$P\\implies Q\\implies R$ (they are not really interested in proving abstract
propositions, they would rather work with concrete ones such as Fermat's Last Theorem),
so they do not have a convention for where the brackets go. It's important to
remember Lean's convention though, or else you will get confused. If your goal
is `P → Q → R` then you need to know whether `intro h` will create `h : P` or `h : P → Q`.
Make sure you understand which one.
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 6
Title "(P → (Q → R)) → ((P → Q) → (P → R))"
open MyNat
You can solve this level completely just using `intro`, `apply` and `exact`,
but if you want to argue forwards instead of backwards then don't forget
that you can do things like `have j : Q → R := f p` if `f : P → (Q → R)`
and `p : P`.
"If $P$ and $Q$ and $R$ are true/false statements, then
(P\\implies(Q\\implies R))\\implies((P\\implies Q)\\implies(P\\implies R)).
(P Q R : Prop) : (P → (Q → R)) → ((P → Q) → (P → R)) := by
Hint "I recommend that you start with `intro f` rather than `intro p`
because even though the goal starts `P → ...`, the brackets mean that
the goal is not the statement that `P` implies anything, it's the statement that
$P\\implies (Q\\implies R)$ implies something. In fact you can save time by starting
with `intro f h p`, which introduces three variables at once, although you'd
better then look at your tactic state to check that you called all those new
terms sensible things. "
intro f
intro h
intro p
Hint "
If you try `have j : {Q} → {R} := {f} {p}`
now then you can `apply j`.
Alternatively you can `apply ({f} {p})` directly.
What happens if you just try `apply {f}`?
-- TODO: This hint needs strictness to make sense
-- Branch
-- apply f
-- Hint "Can you figure out what just happened? This is a little
-- `apply` easter egg. Why is it mathematically valid?"
-- Hint (hidden := true) "Note that there are two goals now, first you need to
-- provide an element in ${P}$ which you did not provide before."
have j : Q → R := f p
apply j
Hint (hidden := true) "Is there something you could apply? something of the form
`_ → Q`?"
apply h
exact p
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 7
Title "(P → Q) → ((Q → R) → (P → R))"
open MyNat
Introduction ""
"From $P\\implies Q$ and $Q\\implies R$ we can deduce $P\\implies R$."
(P Q R : Prop) : (P → Q) → ((Q → R) → (P → R)) := by
Hint (hidden := true)"If you start with `intro hpq` and then `intro hqr`
the dust will clear a bit."
intro hpq
Hint (hidden := true) "Now try `intro hqr`."
intro hqr
Hint "So this level is really about showing transitivity of $\\implies$,
if you like that sort of language."
intro p
apply hqr
apply hpq
exact p
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
import NNG.Metadata
import NNG.MyNat.Addition
Game "NNG"
World "Proposition"
Level 8
Title "(P → Q) → (¬ Q → ¬ P)"
open MyNat
There is a false proposition `False`, with no proof. It is
easy to check that $\\lnot Q$ is equivalent to $Q\\implies {\\tt False}$.
In lean, this is true *by definition*, so you can view and treat `¬A` as an implication
`A → False`.
"If $P$ and $Q$ are propositions, and $P\\implies Q$, then
$\\lnot Q\\implies \\lnot P$. "
(P Q : Prop) : (P → Q) → (¬ Q → ¬ P) := by
Hint "However, if you would like to *see* `¬ Q` as `Q → False` because it makes you help
understanding, you can call
repeat rw [Not]
to get rid of the two occurences of `¬`. (`Not` is the name of `¬`)
I'm sure you can take it from there."
repeat rw [Not]
Hint "Note that this did not actually change anything internally. Once you're done, you
could delete the `rw [Not]` and your proof would still work."
intro f
intro h
intro p
-- TODO: It is somewhat cumbersome to have these hints several times.
-- defeq option in hints would help
Hint "Now you have to prove `False`. I guess that means you must be proving something by
contradiction. Or are you?"
Hint (hidden := true) "If you `apply {h}` the `False` magically dissappears again. Can you make
mathematical sense of these two steps?"
apply h
apply f
exact p
intro f
intro h
Hint "Note that `¬ P` should be read as `P → False`, so you can directly call `intro p` on it, even
though it might not look like an implication."
intro p
Hint "Now you have to prove `False`. I guess that means you must be proving something by
contradiction. Or are you?"
Hint "If you're stuck, you could do `rw [Not] at {h}`. Maybe that helps."
rw [Not] at h
Hint "If you `apply {h}` the `False` magically dissappears again. Can you make
mathematical sense of these two steps?"
apply h
apply f
exact p
-- TODO: It this the right place? `repeat` is also introduced in `Multiplication World` so it might be
-- nice to introduce it earlier on the `Function world`-branch.
NewTactic «repeat»
NewDefinition False Not
Conclusion "If you used `rw [Not]` or `rw [Not] at h` anywhere, go through your proof in
the \"Editor Mode\" and delete them all. Observe that your proof still works."
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