You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import Lean
import GameServer.Utils
import GameServer.EnvExtensions
open Lean Meta
set_option autoImplicit false
/-! ## Easy metadata -/
section metadata
open Lean Meta Elab Command Term
/-- Create a game with the given identifier as name. -/
elab "Game" n:str : command => do
2 years ago
let name := n.getString
setCurGameId name
if (← getGame? name).isNone then
insertGame name {name}
/-- Create a World -/
elab "World" n:str : command => do
let name := n.getString
setCurWorldId name
if ¬ (← getCurGame).worlds.nodes.contains name then
addWorld {name}
/-- Define the current level number. -/
2 years ago
elab "Level" level:num : command => do
let level := level.getNat
setCurLevelIdx level
addLevel {index := level}
2 years ago
/-- Define the title of the current game/world/level. -/
elab "Title" t:str : command => do
2 years ago
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with title := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with title := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with title := t.getString}
2 years ago
/-- Define the introduction of the current game/world/level. -/
elab "Introduction" t:str : command => do
2 years ago
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with introduction := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with introduction := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with introduction := t.getString}
/-- Define the statement of the current level. -/
2 years ago
elab "Statement" statementName:ident ? descr:str ? sig:declSig val:declVal : command => do
let lvlIdx ← getCurLevelIdx
2 years ago
let declName : Name := (← getCurGame).name ++ (← getCurWorld).name ++ ("level" ++ toString lvlIdx : String)
elabCommand (← `(theorem $(mkIdent declName) $sig $val))
2 years ago
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with goal := sig}
2 years ago
-- TODO: Do something with the lemma name.
2 years ago
/-- Define the conclusion of the current game or current level if some
building a level. -/
elab "Conclusion" t:str : command => do
2 years ago
match ← getCurLayer with
| .Level => modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with conclusion := t.getString}
| .World => modifyCurWorld fun world => pure {world with conclusion := t.getString}
| .Game => modifyCurGame fun game => pure {game with conclusion := t.getString}
2 years ago
-- /-- Print current game for debugging purposes. -/
-- elab "PrintCurGame" : command => do
-- logInfo (toJson (← getCurGame))
/-- Print current level for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintCurLevel" : command => do
2 years ago
logInfo (repr (← getCurLevel))
2 years ago
#check Syntax.SepArray
2 years ago
-- /-- Print levels for debugging purposes. -/
elab "PrintLevels" : command => do
2 years ago
logInfo $ repr $ (← getCurWorld).levels.toArray
2 years ago
def Parser.path := Parser.sepBy1Indent Parser.ident "→"
elab "Path" s:Parser.path : command => do
let mut last : Option Name := none
for stx in s.raw.getArgs.getEvenElems do
let some l := last
| do
last := some stx.getId
modifyCurGame fun game =>
pure {game with worlds := {game.worlds with edges := game.worlds.edges.push (l, stx.getId)}}
last := some stx.getId
end metadata
/-! ## Messages -/
open Lean Meta Elab Command Term
declare_syntax_cat mydecl
syntax "(" ident ":" term ")" : mydecl
def getIdent : TSyntax `mydecl → Ident
| `(mydecl| ($n:ident : $_t:term)) => n
| _ => default
def getType : TSyntax `mydecl → Term
| `(mydecl| ($_n:ident : $t:term)) => t
| _ => default
/-- From a term `s` and a list of pairs `(i, t) ; Ident × Term`, create the syntax
where `s` is preceded with universal quantifiers `∀ i : t`. -/
2 years ago
def mkGoalSyntax (s : Term) : List (Ident × Term) → MacroM Term
| (n, t)::tail => do return (← `(∀ $n : $t, $(← mkGoalSyntax s tail)))
| [] => return s
/-- Declare a message. This version doesn't prevent the unused linter variable from running. -/
local elab "Message'" decls:mydecl* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:str : command => do
let g ← liftMacroM $ mkGoalSyntax goal ( (λ decl => (getIdent decl, getType decl))).toList
let g ← liftTermElabM do (return ← elabTermAndSynthesize g none)
2 years ago
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with messages := level.messages.push {
goal := g,
intros := decls.size,
message := msg.getString }}
/-- Declare a message in reaction to a given tactic state in the current level. -/
macro "Message" decls:mydecl* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:str : command => do
`(set_option linter.unusedVariables false in Message' $decls* : $goal => $msg)
2 years ago
/-- Declare a hint in reaction to a given tactic state in the current level. -/
macro "Hint" decls:mydecl* ":" goal:term "=>" msg:str : command => do
`(set_option linter.unusedVariables false in Message' $decls* : $goal => $msg)
-- TODO: implement me?
/-! ## Tactics -/
/-- Declare a documentation entry for some tactic.
Expect an identifier and then a string literal. -/
2 years ago
elab "TacticDoc" name:ident content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (tacticDocExt.addEntry · {
2 years ago
name := name.getId,
content := content.getString })
2 years ago
/-- Declare a set of tactic documentation entries.
Expect an identifier used as the set name then `:=` and a
space separated list of identifiers.
elab "TacticSet" name:ident ":=" args:ident* : command => do
let docs := tacticDocExt.getState (← getEnv)
let mut entries : Array TacticDocEntry := #[]
for arg in args do
let name := arg.getId
match docs.find? (·.name = name) with
| some doc => entries := entries.push doc
| none => throwError "Documentation for tactic {name} wasn't found."
modifyEnv (tacticSetExt.addEntry · {
2 years ago
name := name.getId,
tactics := entries })
instance : Quote TacticDocEntry `term :=
⟨λ entry => Syntax.mkCApp `` #[quote, quote entry.content]⟩
2 years ago
/-- Declare the list of tactics that will be displayed in the current level.
Expects a space separated list of identifiers that refer to either a tactic doc
entry or a tactic doc set. -/
elab "Tactics" args:ident* : command => do
let env ← getEnv
let docs := tacticDocExt.getState env
let sets := tacticSetExt.getState env
let mut tactics : Array TacticDocEntry := #[]
for arg in args do
let name := arg.getId
match docs.find? (·.name = name) with
| some entry => tactics := tactics.push entry
| none => match sets.find? (·.name = name) with
| some entry => tactics := tactics ++ entry.tactics
| none => throwError "Tactic doc or tactic set {name} wasn't found."
2 years ago
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with tactics := tactics}
/-! ## Lemmas -/
/-- Declare a documentation entry for some lemma.
Expect two identifiers and then a string literal. The first identifier is meant
as the real name of the lemma while the second is the displayed name. Currently
the real name isn't used. -/
2 years ago
elab "LemmaDoc" name:ident "as" userName:ident "in" category:str content:str : command =>
modifyEnv (lemmaDocExt.addEntry · {
2 years ago
name := name.getId,
userName := userName.getId,
category := category.getString,
content := content.getString })
2 years ago
/-- Declare a set of lemma documentation entries.
Expect an identifier used as the set name then `:=` and a
space separated list of identifiers. -/
elab "LemmaSet" name:ident ":" title:str ":=" args:ident* : command => do
let docs := lemmaDocExt.getState (← getEnv)
let mut entries : Array LemmaDocEntry := #[]
for arg in args do
let name := arg.getId
match docs.find? (·.userName = name) with
| some doc => entries := entries.push doc
| none => throwError "Lemma doc {name} wasn't found."
modifyEnv (lemmaSetExt.addEntry · {
name := name.getId,
title := title.getString,
lemmas := entries })
instance : Quote LemmaDocEntry `term :=
⟨λ entry => Syntax.mkCApp `` #[quote, quote entry.userName, quote entry.category, quote entry.content]⟩
2 years ago
/-- Declare the list of lemmas that will be displayed in the current level.
Expects a space separated list of identifiers that refer to either a lemma doc
entry or a lemma doc set. -/
elab "Lemmas" args:ident* : command => do
let env ← getEnv
let docs := lemmaDocExt.getState env
let sets := lemmaSetExt.getState env
let mut lemmas : Array LemmaDocEntry := #[]
for arg in args do
let name := arg.getId
match docs.find? (·.userName = name) with
| some entry => lemmas := lemmas.push entry
| none => match sets.find? (·.name = name) with
| some entry => lemmas := lemmas ++ entry.lemmas
| none => throwError "Lemma doc or lemma set {name} wasn't found."
2 years ago
modifyCurLevel fun level => pure {level with lemmas := lemmas}