import GameServer.RpcHandlers
open Lean
structure GameServerState :=
(env : Lean.Environment)
(game : Name)
(gameDir : String)
(inventory : Array String)
(difficulty : Nat)
abbrev GameServerM := StateT GameServerState Server.Watchdog.ServerM
instance : MonadEnv GameServerM := {
getEnv := do return (← get).env
modifyEnv := fun f => do
let s ← get
set {s with env := f s.env}
namespace Game
open Server
open Watchdog
open Lsp
open JsonRpc
open IO
structure DidOpenLevelParams where
uri : String
gameDir : String
levelModule : Name
tactics : Array InventoryTile
lemmas : Array InventoryTile
definitions : Array InventoryTile
inventory : Array String
Check for tactics/theorems that are not unlocked.
0: no check
1: give warnings
2: give errors
difficulty : Nat
/-- The name of the theorem to be proven in this level. -/
statementName : Name
deriving ToJson, FromJson
structure SetInventoryParams where
inventory : Array String
difficulty : Nat
deriving ToJson, FromJson
def handleDidOpenLevel (params : Json) : GameServerM Unit := do
let p ← parseParams _ params
let m := p.textDocument
-- Execute the regular handling of the `didOpen` event
handleDidOpen p
let fw ← findFileWorker! m.uri
-- let s ← get
let c ← read
let some lvl ← GameServer.getLevelByFileName? c.initParams ((System.Uri.fileUriToPath? m.uri).getD m.uri |>.toString)
| do
c.hLog.putStr s!"Level not found: {m.uri} {c.initParams.rootUri?}"
-- Send an extra notification to the file worker to inform it about the level data
let s ← get
fw.stdin.writeLspNotification {
method := "$/game/didOpenLevel"
param := {
uri := m.uri
gameDir := s.gameDir
levelModule := lvl.module
tactics := lvl.tactics.tiles
lemmas := lvl.lemmas.tiles
definitions := lvl.definitions.tiles
inventory := s.inventory
difficulty := s.difficulty
statementName := lvl.statementName
: DidOpenLevelParams
partial def handleServerEvent (ev : ServerEvent) : GameServerM Bool := do
match ev with
| ServerEvent.clientMsg msg =>
match msg with
| Message.notification "$/game/setInventory" params =>
let p := (← parseParams SetInventoryParams (toJson params))
let s ← get
set {s with inventory := p.inventory, difficulty := p.difficulty}
let st ← read
let workers ← st.fileWorkersRef.get
for (_, fw) in workers do
fw.stdin.writeLspMessage msg
return true
| _ => return false
| _ => return false
end Game